First Hand Films

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First Hand Films World Sales, Production and Distribution in Switzerland: Relevance, Authenticity, Entertainment We believe in AUTHENTICITY, RELEVANCE and ENTERTAINMENT.

Our tailor-made production, distribution, marketing and promotion efforts match each story and make sure they get seen in all media of the world. Und für die Schweizer Kinos nur das Beste aus aller Welt! .ch! We get to work when the good stories bring us into universes we never knew existed, when they take us through hell and back, when they walk rainbows with us, and when we learn

something about our complex and beautiful world, hoping, smiling, curious. When all emotions convey a statement, a political one, a human one, the filmmakers very own one. When there is authenticity in the story and fantasy in the images. And when we come back to reality and find a world that will never look the same again. Accessible & passionate one-offs, features, series, slots, theme nights, transmedia. More than 300 constantly renewed hand-picked titles from all over the world. The hard facts Since 1998, Esther van Messel runs FHF in Zurich and Berlin for international distribution and production of documentaries, series, fiction films and transmedia. FHF acts as executive producer for selected projects and has worked with all major platforms, broadcasters and distributors around the world. By now, all First Hand Films have been seen by hundreds of millions of people. and
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FRAUEN EROBERN DAS KUNSTBUSINESS von Sarah Rathgeb produziert von Esther van Messel wird diesen Samstag um 22:00 Uhr zum...

FRAUEN EROBERN DAS KUNSTBUSINESS von Sarah Rathgeb produziert von Esther van Messel wird diesen Samstag um 22:00 Uhr zum ersten Mal auf 3sat ausgestrahlt!

Frauen übernehmen die Kontrolle über Perspektive, Macht und Geld in der Kunstbranche.

Vor nicht allzu langer Zeit wurde der Kunstbetrieb von Männern dominiert: Sie machten Kunst, stellten sie aus und kauften sie. Die Kunst der Frauen war meist unsichtbar. Dies ändert sich nun langsam und Frauen in der Kunst wird endlich nicht nur als Akt an der Wand Beachtung geschenkt. Sie nahmen die Dinge selbst in die Hand und wurden Galeristinnen, Kuratorinnen und Unternehmerinnen.

SRF Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen Yasmin Afschar Karma International Andreja Hribernik Muzeum Susch / Art Stations Foundation CH Lou Masduraud Manon Wertenbroek Caroline Wloka Jonathan Hug Gerfried Guggi Kim Howland Claudia Linzer Hannes Gill

Madame – das ist Caroline. Die alte Dame, macht sofort klar, dass sich hinter der koketten Frisur und den bourgeoisen Ma...

Madame – das ist Caroline. Die alte Dame, macht sofort klar, dass sich hinter der koketten Frisur und den bourgeoisen Manieren mehr als nur ein starker Charakter verbirgt.

MADAME von Stéphane Riethauser

Im Mittelpunkt des Films steht die Beziehung zu ihrem Enkel Stéphane Riethauser, dem Filmemacher. Madame ist ein doppeltes Selbstporträt, in dem sich die Matriarchin und ihr homos*xueller Enkel sich einander anvertrauen. �Mit Aufrichtigkeit und Humor dekonstruiert der Film tiefgründig und mit subversiver Kraft Geschlechterklischees und zeichnet mit bezaubernden Archivbildern eine Familiensaga aus der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft nach.

Alle Streaming Möglichkeiten findest du hier:

We're proud to announce our new collaboration with Atmo Stockholm and present:THE CHILDREN OF CAMP ASHRAF by Sara Moein ...

We're proud to announce our new collaboration with Atmo Stockholm and present:


Parwin and Amir grew up in a military camp. As toddlers they were sent away by their parents who wanted to focus on fighting the Mulla-regime of Iran. 30 years later they are still hoping to reunite with their mothers. Will they ever succeed?
An untold scandal involving around a thousand children world wide, addressing the most urgent issues of our time: exile, identity, radicalization and our inability to see the needs of vulnerable children.

Le Monde just published their longest long read ever about the MEK's use of child soldiers. Amir is one of three interviewees (they'll soon publish it in English, too):

Come meet Daniel in Sheffield DocFest and don't miss out on LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL - AL HAYA HELWA by Mohamed H Jabaly and OUR LAND, OUR FREEDOM by Zippy Kimundu & Meena Nanji.

Linda Batata Eliane Ferreira Mama Cash Muiraquitã Filmes KriStine Ann Skaret Sarah Winge-Sorensen Stray Dogs Norway


POOR EUROPE by Mirella Pappalardo

119 million people in Europe lived under the breadline in 2017. How could this happen? The reality of deprived children, unemployed young adults, and indigent workers spreads all around the European Union. What does Europe do for them? Visiting young unemployed people in Ireland, Italy and Portugal, this film investigates beyond the social and economic aspects and outlines how this situation impacts the politics.

Watch with Docuseek2 and here:

DOCDAYS Productions

PRIDEMONTH GEWINNSPIEL!!!  🌈🌈🌈Wir verlosen zusammen mit FLAMINGO  5 Vouchers für den Film SOMETHING YOU SAID LAST NIGHT....


Wir verlosen zusammen mit FLAMINGO 5 Vouchers für den Film SOMETHING YOU SAID LAST NIGHT.

Kommentiere diesen Beitrag bis am 12.06 23:59 Uhr und nehme Teil am Gewinnspiel.

Hier erhältlich:

Ren, angehende Schriftstellerin Mitte zwanzig, begleitet ihre herzliche Mutter Mona, ihren wortkargen aber liebevollen Vater Guido, sowie ihre jüngere Schwester Siena bei einem Strandurlaub in einer Feriensiedlung. Während sich Ren in der Ferienanlage zurechtfindet, ringt sie mit der liebevollen, aber überschwänglichen Zuneigung ihrer Eltern und versucht, das Verlangen nach Unabhängigkeit mit der elterlichen Fürsorge in Einklang zu bringen. Dabei möchte die junge Trans-Frau nicht als Last empfunden werden, denn innerlich ringt sie mit dem Geheimnis ihrer Entlassung und der Tatsache, dass sie nach den Ferien auf die Unterstützung ihrer Familie angewiesen sein wird. DU BIST DU Regenbogenfamilien Familles arc-en-ciel Famiglie arcobaleno Prosa Film Rhea Plangg



NOKIA MOBILE by Arto Koskinen

Once upon a time there was a large Finnish company that manufactured the world’s best and most innovative mobile phones. This film tells the rise and fall of Nokia and the Finnish mobile phone industry from the point of view of the basic engineers who made the miracle happen and then faced the destruction.

Watch the film with Docuseek2 , Madman Films and here:

Illume Jouko Aaltonen

Happy First Hand Films Birthday 🎈26 years of making people laugh, cry, fall in love, and (l)earn something with our cour...

Happy First Hand Films Birthday 🎈26 years of making people laugh, cry, fall in love, and (l)earn something with our courageous and powerful films! Thanks to all the in the along the way, passionate filmmakers, partners and the best crew in the world!


What happens to a mother of eight when she finds out that the admired rabbi, teacher of her three sons, has been s*xually abusing all of them for years?


When the boys reveal themselves to us we realize the magnitude of horror they suffered. We follow them on the difficult journey leading up to the end of the trial. In this community, people shy away from cameras. Here, they give their testimony as it never has been seen or recorded before.

Watch the film with Docuseek2, ChaiFlicks and here:

Welcome to the world, dear Mutong ❤️ Our dearest Shan Guo has been on an maternity leave and just sent us these precious...

Welcome to the world, dear Mutong ❤️

Our dearest Shan Guo has been on an maternity leave and just sent us these precious pictures of newly born Mutong and his now older brother Muyang next to him that we all want to share with you in these dark times. The news these past days have beyond horrifying and we're struggling to publish our prepared content of the films we're so proud of to represent to keep fighting for justice and equality for all.

Mutong, you're a shining light and a blessing and Shan, you're a stunning powerhouse to have brought this miracle to us. Thank you and welcome to the First Hand Films Family!


Das Abenteuer von fünf Senioren, die sich auf ein intensives Training ihres Geistes einlassen.

Kinohit “Omegäng” der wunderschöne Vorgängerfilm aus dem Tessin "Kühe auf dem Dach", jetzt erhältlich als DVD. Exlibris:...

Kinohit “Omegäng” der wunderschöne Vorgängerfilm aus dem Tessin "Kühe auf dem Dach", jetzt erhältlich als DVD.




Zwischen Ziegen, Kühen und Alpen wird Fabiano (38) Vater. Doch die Idylle trügt: Er ist bemüht den Alpkäse so herzustellen wie das seine Aussteiger-Eltern im Tessiner Onserone-Tal in den 70er machten. Neben Schulden nagen auch noch Schuldgefühle an ihm. Im Vorjahr verunfallte ein mazedonischer Schwarzarbeiter tödlich. Seitdem lässt sein Tod Fabiano nicht mehr los. Wie können er und seine Freundin Eva unter so schwierigen Umständen ein gemeinsames Leben mit ihrem Nachwuchs aufbauen?

SWISS FILMS Prosa Film Aldo Gugolz

We are pitching the new Hanna Nobis  film SONGS OF SISTERHOOD produced by our very own Esther van Messel  at Festival de...

We are pitching the new Hanna Nobis film SONGS OF SISTERHOOD produced by our very own Esther van Messel at Festival de Cannes in the Swiss Showcase Presentation this Sunday. Come and say hi!

Lu and friends survive a pandemic, a war in the neighbor country, and a climate crisis in the midst of Poland’s conservative and oppressive norms. All they want is a future. As they fight for a better world, they pay a price for their success. Dealing with physical violence, mental breakdowns and a general lack of support from the parents’ generation, unconditional loyalty becomes vital. Can they survive the present? Can their love?

SWISS FILMS Visions du Réel

Last screening in Switzerland of LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL - AL HAYA HELWA by Mohamed Jabaly  at Kino Cameo  in Winterthur next ...

Last screening in Switzerland of LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL - AL HAYA HELWA by Mohamed Jabaly at Kino Cameo in Winterthur next Tuesday!

Palestinian filmmaker Mohamed Jabaly insists on telling stories from his hometown Gaza sharing his own experiences and perspectives, not accepting the boundaries imposed by international politics and rigid bureaucracy. Stuck in the cold and dark arctic of Northern Norway, only able to connect to his family online, he manages to activate his own creativity and the support from his friends to keep up his motto LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL.

Get your tickets here:

We are unfathomably still calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire and freedom and justice for all! Join the screenings, invite friends & family, speak up and be kind to yourselves. If you wish to support the director's family and friends in Gaza, you can do so here:

Sarah Winge-Sorensen Stray Dogs Norway Palestine Film Institute Esther van Messel


"Nei, ich glaube s'Hochdütsch wird ussterbe be üs. Mundart wird bliebe und Englisch nebedranne, han eg sgfüu.", meint Pedro Lenz im neuen Kinohit "Omegäng" von Aldo Gugolz.

Weiterhin in vielen Kinos in der Schweiz zu sehen.

SWISS FILMS Prosa Film Franz und Hohler. Olten gratuliert zum Achtzigsten Big Zis Christoph Landolt Solothurner Filmtage - Journées de Soleure - Giornate di Soletta Kinok St. Gallen Bourbaki Kino/Bar Kino REX Bern Riffraff/Houdini Zuger Kinos Cinema4me Kinotheater Madlen Schweizerisches Idiotikon Innerschweizer Filmpreis Kino Freier Film Aarau kult.kino Filmpodium Biel/Bienne Kino Capitol Brig ODEON BRUGG Kino Chur Kulturplatz Davos Kino Orient Cinema Luna Kultur Marabu Gelterkinden Kinotheater Madlen Kino Wildenmann Kino Meiringen Kino Roxy, Romanshorn QTOPIA kino+bar KinoCity Uzwil SchlossCinema Wädenswil Kino Cameo


Ein Film über die die Suche nach Höhenflügen und die Schwerkraft der Realität.

Follow us - Ab 30. Mai im Kino

SWISS FILMS Prosa Film Leo Saint-Thomas Collin Siegfried Gilles Tschudi Julian Köbler Heini Hophan Susanne Odermatt Philipp Langenegger Maik Epple Philippe Schuler Raquel Forster Tanja Gutmann Puneh Ganji Raffa's Plastic Life Swiss Action Stunts Thomas Wawro Nara Vog Mentor Bajrami Luca Hanni


Two Argentinian teenagers free themselves from the shadows of their past after the abuse and in the wake of heinous acts of violence that interrupted their childhoods. They’re strong and beautiful and not broken - a rich poetic journey through coming of age.


In dance, mime, theater and the circus, they express through their bodies what only their imagination, their unique perspective and their unshakable resilience can reveal.

Watch this award-winning film with Filmin, AVA Library, Women Make Movies and here:

Andreas Mendritzki Aonan Yang GreenGround

The Illusion of Abundance by Erika Gonzalez Ramirez & Matthieu Lietaert on ARTE  until the end of the month: https://www...

The Illusion of Abundance by Erika Gonzalez Ramirez & Matthieu Lietaert on ARTE until the end of the month:

Three women share a common goal: Carolina, Bertha Zuniga and Maxima are leading today's fight against modern conquistadors. Whereas governments and corporations, trapped in a global race towards unlimited growth, need to get the cheapest raw materials, these three women tell us a story of tireless courage: how to keep fighting to protect nature when your life is at risk? When police repression, corporate harassment, injuries or even death threats are part of your daily routine?

We're proud to present OUR LAND, OUR FREEDOM by Meena Nanji & Zippy Kimundu at DocsBarcelona A Kenyan woman's search for...

We're proud to present OUR LAND, OUR FREEDOM by Meena Nanji & Zippy Kimundu at DocsBarcelona

A Kenyan woman's search for her father's remains becomes an investigation into British colonial atrocities including concentration camps and land theft that left hundreds of thousands Kenyans destitute. As her mission expands, she transforms into a powerful advocate championing justice and land resettlement for those dispossessed.

Come meet Shiran Shmerling at the festival and enjoy the screening:

Eliane Ferreira Mama Cash

Andreas und Daniel sind beste Freunde und stürzen sich gemeinsam in einen Strudel aus waghalsigen Stunts und Drogen, wäh...

Andreas und Daniel sind beste Freunde und stürzen sich gemeinsam in einen Strudel aus waghalsigen Stunts und Drogen, während Daniel seinem Traum hinterherjagt, ein berühmter Influencer zu werden. Doch ihr Streben nach dem ultimativen "Thrill" führt zu einem tragischen Zwischenfall, der ihre Freundschaft und ihr Leben auf den Kopf stellt. Erst als Andreas erkennt, dass sie die Grenze überschritten haben, wird ihm bewusst, dass es fast zu spät ist.

Follow us - Ab 30. Mai im Kino

SWISS FILMS Prosa Film Leo Saint-Thomas Collin Siegfried Gilles Tschudi Ladina von Frisching Julian Köbler Heini Hophan Susanne Odermatt Philipp Langenegger Bigna Körner Maik Epple Sarah Baumgartner Sophia Becker Stefanie Alder Philippe Schuler Raquel ForsterManuela Wenger Tanja Gutmann Puneh Ganji Raffa's Plastic Life Andrea Ruh Woodtli Swiss Action Stunts Effi Stokvis Thomas Wawro Nara Vog Mentor Bajrami Luca Hänni

Contrasting cultures on faith and personal identity: Danish confirmation students and Japanese Buddhists who reflect upo...

Contrasting cultures on faith and personal identity: Danish confirmation students and Japanese Buddhists who reflect upon being members of the sect behind a terrorist attack in Tokyo, in a philosophical film about religious faith.

FAITH by Jens Loftager

Two widely different images of religious faith create a contrasting and thought-provoking totality. The Danish priest Karsten plays music to his confirmation pupils and leads them into philosophical reflections to help them trust in who they are; three Japanese Buddhists, who never had that opportunity are thinking back on their lost youth as members of the religious group Aum which committed a terrorist attack in Tokyo in 1995.
Across different stages of life and cultures, 'Faith' explores how religious faith can both make us fit for life and able to understand ourselves better, but also push us to make extreme choices, which we will later regret and find difficult to live with.
The film is the last part of Loftager's trilogy, which started with 'Words' (1994) and continued with 'War' (2003).

Watch FAITH now with Docuseek2 and here:
sto ltMikkel Stolt

We're proud to be presenting these First Hand Films now at Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival 🍁 DEVI b...

We're proud to be presenting these First Hand Films now at Hot Docs Canadian International Documentary Festival 🍁

DEVI by Subina Shrestha *** BRAND NEW ACQUISITION***
Nepal's Civil War ended in 2006, but not for Devi; rebel warrior, mother and s*xual violence survivor. As those in power try to erase r**e from the history of the war, Devi has to battle her own demons before she can begin to build a movement to fight for justice.

Palestinian filmmaker Mohamed Jabaly insists on telling stories from his hometown Gaza sharing his own experiences and perspectives, not accepting the boundaries imposed by international politics and rigid bureaucracy. Stuck in the cold and dark arctic of Northern Norway, only able to connect to his family online, he manages to activate his own creativity and the support from his friends to keep up his motto LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL.

In a vitrine at the Africa Museum in Belgium stands the nkisi of Ne Kuko, far away from his Congolese home in the mountains of Boma. This mysterious power statue was looted from its community and has been on display and trapped behind glass for more than 100 years.

Come meet Shiran Shmerling at the Forum and the screenings!

Esther van Messel KriStine Ann Skaret Sarah Winge-Sorensen Stray Dogs Norway Janneke Doolaard DOXY FIXY European Film Promotion Devi Documentary Rosie Garthwaite Heejung Oh Mediadante FILM CREW NEPAL Seesaw Pictures

📣🇫🇷 We are pitching Hanna Nobis  new film SONGS OF SISTERHOOD at  Festival de Cannes  in the Swiss Showcase Presentation...

📣🇫🇷 We are pitching Hanna Nobis new film SONGS OF SISTERHOOD at Festival de Cannes in the Swiss Showcase Presentation. Come and say hi!

Lu and friends survive a pandemic, a war in the neighbor country, and a climate crisis in the midst of Poland’s conservative and oppressive norms. All they want is a future. As they fight for a better world, they pay a price for their success. Dealing with physical violence, mental breakdowns and a general lack of support from the parents’ generation, unconditional loyalty becomes vital. Can they survive the present? Can their love?

Esther van Messel SWISS FILMS Visions du Réel


Wir werfen einen faszinierenden Blick auf sprachliche Veränderungen, die einerseits nostalgisch stimmen, andererseits aber auch gesellschaftliche Sprengkraft haben. Sei Teil dieser mitreissenden Reise durch unsere vielfältige Sprachlandschaft!

Aldo Gugolz SWISS FILMS Prosa Film Franz und Hohler. Olten gratuliert zum Achtzigsten Big Zis Christoph Landolt Solothurner Filmtage - Journées de Soleure - Giornate di Soletta Kinok St-Gallen Bourbaki Kino/Bar Kino REX Bern Riffraff/Houdini Zuger Kinos Cinema4me Kino im Uferbau Kinotheater Madlen Idiotikon Innerschweizer Filmpreis


Intimate beliefs as told by practicing Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists from six countries.

FAITH LOVE DESIRE by Hilka Sinning & Heinz Greuling

Eros: divine gift or diabolical power? Throughout the ages all religions have striven to regiment people’s s*x lives and to steer them into orderly channels, to avoid excesses and reign in base impulses by means of divine commandments.

Watch the film with Docuseek2 and here:

Bildersturm Filmproduktion

💥 Nicht verpassen heute Premiere Omegäng im Kino Roxy Romanshorn mit Aldo Gugolz und nächste Woche in den Kinos Kino REX...

💥 Nicht verpassen heute Premiere Omegäng im Kino Roxy Romanshorn mit Aldo Gugolz und nächste Woche in den Kinos Kino REX Thun Zuger Kinos Cinema4me Kinotheater Madlen Kino Cameo Kino-Center Capitol Olten

Danke an Jean-Martin Büttner und Schweizerisches Idiotikon Innerschweizer Filmpreis Orell Füssli

Prosa Film SWISS FILMS Solothurner Filmtage - Journées de Soleure - Giornate di Soletta Schweizerisches Idiotikon

Kennen Sie den Ausdruck «einem den Schlitten nachziehen»? Oder «Sunntigshääs»? Der Dokumentarfilm «Omegäng» erzählt von unseren Dialekten. Und macht deutlich, auf wie verschiedene Weise die Menschen schön reden können.

Aldo Gugolz löst das Rätsel zu OMEGÄNG auf, gestern im Kino REX Bern heute Morgen am Radio als Morgengast

Aldo Gugolz löst das Rätsel zu OMEGÄNG auf, gestern im Kino REX Bern heute Morgen am Radio als Morgengast, heute Abend im Kino Riffraff/Houdini Zürich und es geht weiter so!

Sei dabei bei einer Premiere von "Omegäng". Die Tour wird vom 16.04.2024 bis am 25.04.2024 dauern. Findet die Stadt in eurer Nähe.

SWISS FILMS Prosa Film Big Zis Christoph Landolt Solothurner Filmtage - Journées de Soleure - Giornate di Soletta Kino REX Bern Riffraff/Houdini Kino Cameo Premiere Omegäng im Kino Seehof Zug mit Aldo Gugolz Cinema4me Kinotheater Madlen Idiotikon Innerschweizer Filmpreis


Ein Film über die Suche nach Höhenflügen und die Schwerkraft der Realität

Follow us - Ab 30. Mai im Kino

Andreas und Daniel sind beste Freunde und stürzen sich gemeinsam in einen Strudel aus waghalsigen Stunts und Drogen, während Daniel seinem Traum hinterherjagt, ein berühmter Influencer zu werden. Doch ihr Streben nach dem ultimativen "Thrill" führt zu einem tragischen Zwischenfall, der ihre Freundschaft und ihr Leben auf den Kopf stellt. Erst als Andreas erkennt, dass sie die Grenze überschritten haben, wird ihm bewusst, dass es fast zu spät ist.

SWISS FILMS Prosa Film Leo Saint-Thomas Collin Siegfried Gilles Tschudi Ladina von Frisching Julian Köbler Heini Hophan Susanne Odermatt Philipp Langenegger Bigna Körner Maik Epple Sarah Baumgartner Sophia Becker Stefanie Alder Philippe Schuler Raquel Forster Manuela Wenger Tanja Gutmann Puneh Ganji Raffa's Plastic Life Andrea Ruh Woodtli Swiss Action Stunts Effi Stokvis Thomas Wawro Nara Vog Mentor Bajrami






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Company Profile

Our tailor-made production, distribution, marketing and promotion efforts match each story and make the stories seen in all media of the world. Online, and off, here, now, and everywhere. We get to work when the good stories bring us into universes we never knew existed, when they take us through hell and back, when they walk rainbows with us, and when we learn something about our complex and beautiful world, hoping, smiling, curious. When all emotions convey a statement, a political one, a human one, the filmmakers very own one. When there is authenticity in the story and fantasy in the images. And when we come back to reality and find a world that will never look the same again. Accessible & passionate one-offs, features, series, slots, theme nights, transmedia. More than 300 constantly renewed hand-picked titles from all over the world, for all the world. Diverse and inclusive. We work as international distributors & sales agents and executive producers, with access to talent, story tellers and architects, directors, producers, broadcasters and funding bodies. We find the partners and the finance and simply make things work. We deal with the entire production process as its ‘foreign ministers’ - and then we deliver. We handle commissioned programs, and facilitate co-productions anywhere. In Switzerland, we target theaters and their audiences since 2013 with fiction and docs alike: see! We work with ambitious and realistic projects worldwide, combining intelligence, practical knowledge and experience. We have sold hundreds of licenses, turned over more than ten million Euro, solved zillions of problems, and we remain autonomous. The hard facts Since 1998, Esther van Messel runs FHF in Zurich and Berlin for international distribution and production of documentaries, series, fiction films and transmedia. FHF acts as executive producer for selected projects and has worked with major broadcasters (like ABC, Arte, BBC, CH4, HBO, NHK, PBS, ZDF) and distributors (like Amazon, Salzgeber, Oscilloscope, Dogwoof, MUBI, iTunes) around the world. FHF is present at all major festivals around the year, with booths and stands at the main events such as the MIPs, La Rochelle, Sheffield, Amsterdam, Buenos Aires and Seoul. First Hand Films have competed in Cannes, Berlin, Venice, Rotterdam, Locarno, Pusan, Sundance, Tribeca, Toronto and many others. FHF’s very first pick-up went on to receive the OSCAR® for Best Documentary Feature. Since then, most First Hand Films have won awards: Cinema for Peace, Emmy, Prix Europa, many of all IDFA main awards, Biarritz, Banff, Grimme-Preis, Grierson, Grand Prix Nyon, many National Film Awards, European Film Awards, Silver Leopards, Golden Rose Montreux a.m.o.

By now, all First Hand Films have been seen by hundreds of millions of people. @FirstHandFilms on Twitter FirstHandFilms_Official on Instagram