Radio Bomoto Fm

Radio Bomoto Fm La Radio Bomoto c'est pour vous informer en temps réel les évènements et l'actualité du monde.


The deep blue.

A Galapagos sea lion chases a large school of Salema fish off Isabela Island, Ecuador.

Photograph by Enric Sala, National Geographic Image Collection.


Le phénomène de la dédollarisation gagne du terrain à travers le monde alors que de plus en plus de pays cherchent à réduire leur dépendance au dollar américain


La Terre est souvent présentée comme une rare oasis dans l'Univers, réunissant les conditions propices à la vie telle que nous la connaissons. Mais la vie aurait très bien pu se développer sur une autre planète.


C’est la confirmation chiffrée, si jamais il en fallait encore une, que le Kremlin se prépare à une guerre longue en Ukraine. Le budget 2024 qui sera présenté vendredi 29 septembre devant le Parlement russe prévoit une hausse inédite des dépenses militaires, faisant passer ce poste du budg...


Les frontières de notre Système solaire regorgent de mystères et d'astres inconnus gravitant à plusieurs milliards de kilomètres de la Terre. Mais une équipe de chercheurs basée au Japon pourrait...


Des chercheurs ont utilisé des modélisations informatiques pour prédire la formation du prochain supercontinent, nommé Amasia.


Japan’s iSpace HAKUTO-R lander captured this stunning photo in orbit around our Moon while a solar eclipse was occurring on Earth last week. You can see the Moon’s dark shadow passing above Australia as a dark smudge.


Neptune was discovered on this day in 1846, and astronomers have not stopped studying it ever since! 🔭

One of its recently revealed secrets is the origin of some mysterious spots in its atmosphere, thanks to observations with ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT).

More info ➡️

📷 ESO/P. Irwin et al.


Des impacts d'astéroïdes sur la Lune survenus il y a des millions d'années coïncident avec certains des plus grands impacts terrestres


Plusieurs milliers de personnes ont manifesté vendredi au Burkina Faso en soutien au régime militaire, appelant à l'adoption d'une nouvelle Constitution, et scandant des slogans hostiles à la France, un an après l'arrivée au pouvoir par un coup d'Etat du capitaine Ibrahim Traoré.


La ShadowCam de la NASA offre aux scientifiques un aperçu des régions lunaire qui ne sont jamais éclairées par le Soleil. Ce qu'il s'y cache pourrait contribuer grandement à lancer la prochaine ère d'exploration spatiale.


Des chercheurs ont découvert quelque chose de nouveau et d'inhabituel à propos du célèbre astéroïde Phaethon.


Un palais résidentiel maya, vieux de 1500 ans, a été découvert dans la zone archéologique de Kabah dans la péninsule du Yucatán au Mexique.


PSR B1951+32 is a pulsar within the CTB 80 supernova remnant. It is located at a distance of 8,150 light-years in the constellation of Cygnus.

CTB 80 was initially identified as a radio source in 1958. In 1974, astronomers suggested that CTB 80 is a supernova remnant, due to its structure and strong polarisation.

PSR B1951+32 was first identified as a point-like radio source in 1987. In addition, a year later, radio pulses were discovered, with a period of 39.5 seconds.

Based on data analysis from CTB 80, its dynamic age is estimated at around 10,000 years. Moreover, observations indicate the pulsar moves with a speed of 240 km/sec. In the vicinity of the pulsar, astronomers observed emission lines from ionised hydrogen. A bow shock was formed by the relativistic winds from the pulsar as it encountered material behind the radiative shock of the remnant.

Image: Composite optical image of PSR B1951+32 and pulsar wind nebula, taken with small amateur telescopes. It was created using broadband filters (RGB), together with narrow band filters that are focused on the emission of ionised oxygen ([O III]), ionised hydrogen (Hα), and ionised sulphur ([S II]). The bow shock is formed as the pulsar moves away from the explosion centre of the remnant.

Image Credit: William Ostling, Tim Schaeffer, Palmito


Le Kenya, la Tanzanie et l’Ouganda accueilleront la Coupe d’Afrique des Nations en 2027, a annoncé la Confédération africaine de football mercredi 27 septembre. Le trio avait pourtant de sérieux compétiteurs,…


The Pinwheel Galaxy (also known as Messier 101, NGC 5457, Arp 26, and UGC 8981) is a spiral galaxy located at a distance of around 21 million light-years in the constellation of Ursa Major. It was discovered on the 27th of March, 1781, by Pierre Mechain.

The Pinwheel Galaxy is a large face-on galaxy with a diameter of 170,000 light-years (the Milky Way has a diameter of 100,000 - 120,000 light years). Its physical characteristics are comparable with the Great Andromeda Galaxy. The mass of its disk has been estimated at 100 billion solar masses, and the mass of its bulge is around 3 billion solar masses. Finally, the number of stars in the Pinwheel has been estimated at one trillion.

The viewing angle of the Pinwheel allows detailed observations. Numerous H II regions have been detected in the Pinwheel (i.e., 1264), where many are very bright and large. H II regions are associated with massive, hot, young stars, which ionise their immediate environment, hence the bluish appearance. In addition, H II regions are also associated with enormous clouds of molecular gas, which are the source of gas that leads to the formation of new stars.

Due to interaction with its nearby companion companions, the Pinwheel appears asymmetrical. Due to interaction, star formation has been triggered in the galaxy. As an effect of this, it is no surprise that four supernovae have been detected in the Pinwheel. These are known as SN 1901A (unknown type), SN 1951H (type II), SN 1970G (type II-L), and SN 2001fe (type Ia).

Through X-ray observations, an ultra-luminous X-ray source was detected in the Pinwheel. This is known as ULX-1, and in 2005, an optical counterpart was detected, suggesting that this is an X-ray binary. The main component of the binary is a black hole with a mass of 20-30 solar masses. This mass measurement deviates from what is expected according to theoretical models. To a further surprise, the black hole consumes material at a higher rate than the theory suggests.

Image: Composite image of the Pinwheel Galaxy. It was created using data from the Hubble Space Telescope, the 3.6-metre Canadian French Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), and the 0.9-metre telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory.

Image Credit: NASA, ESA, CFHT, and NOAO. Acknowledgement - K. K***z (GSFC), F.Bresolin (U. Hawaii), J.Trauger (JPL), J.Mould (NOAO), Y.-H.Chu (U. Illinois)


The Cocoon Nebula (also known as IC 5146, Barnard 168, and Sh2-125) is an emission and reflection nebula located at a distance of 2,500 light-years in the constellation of Cygnus. From its distance, astronomers estimated the Cocoon is around 15 light-years across. It was discovered on the 28th of July 1894 by Max Wolf.

The Cocoon is an area of active star formation. From X-ray and infrared observations, astronomers have identified hundreds of young stellar objects. The latter are present in both the emission nebula and the dark molecular cloud. The last mentioned forms a tail-like structure. One of the most massive stars in the region is BD+46 3474, a B1-type star with a mass of 14 solar masses. Another eye-catching star is BD+46 3471, an intermediate-mass Herbig Ae/Be star (2-8 solar masses). This means it has a spectrum with strong emission lines.

Image: Composite optical image of the Cocoon Nebula taken with a small amateur telescope. It was created using broadband filters (RGB), together with a narrow band filter focused on the emission of ionised hydrogen (Hα, red).

Image Credit: Kevin Morefield & Curtistsai


Tonight is the last supermoon of the year 🌕
It's also a Harvest Moon, which only happens once every four years ➡️


And there wasn't even a tyre mark on the lawn 😔
'Marcia' has been at Forde Abbey for 23 years.


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