Hello, hi! We're coming back in a weird way.
SE-006 coming soon.
*coughcough* So my audio guy and my video guy are workin' on some live gig sh*t...
Personality Crisis (Canada)
P.t. Bonham Gunshow Adnausium (from the Forbidden Dimension time loop series)
Virginia Dentata Thunderloop! (from the Forbidden Dimension time loop series)
Jacksonphibes Boomerangus!! (in his Tommy Bagley-form)
(from the Forbidden Dimension time loop series)
Creating a master cassette for The O Voids' "Data" collection. People still buy tapes, yeah?
se004 tzr
We are busy doing stuff on our end
Creatures For A While, a rehearsal snippet
Sorry for the sideways video. Wish y'all were here - at Bedside Studio
Ladies n' gentlemen - Jon Card.