A brand new transmission bundle that will@change your f*** LIFE
It will take you from “one day” to TODAY🧲🫦
The best part is … It’s already DONE
Open receptive aligned
It’s your time to expand your container in an easeful way to collapse time - quantum leap & have your BIG VISION manifest NOW 🫦🫦🫦
We’re not about rushing in my world - but we ARE about having the goodness HERE and NOW 🔐
Dm me to claim
$111 today only
Transmission Bundle of audios delivered directly to you in telegram 🗣️
See you in my DMs 💌😘
#newparadigm #lifebydesign #manifestation #bigvision
Take a big inhale, now exhale 😌
& Do it 😎
There’s a way to do it with LOVE and EASE and JOY.
This is the way we move. Me & my clients.
We know WHY we are doing what we’re doing.
We know WHY we take action and WHY and WHEN to lean back & surrender.
We have clear minds, regulated nervous systems & open receptive bodies because of this.
Easeful. Peaceful. Happy. Successful.
I have an $11 Clarity & Ease Transmission that will support You in this powerful energy.
I have an end of year / new beginning / HOLIDAY BUNDLE that has allll the vibes of closing out 2024 with power & welcoming 2025 with ease.
I have a $99 4 day training allll about Momentum & most importantly CASHING IN the results of your stacked momentum 😉
I have 3 spaces open for 1:1 sessions before this year is out. Current price $777 for a 90min deep dive.
Lastly, I have a ONE WEEK 1:1 container high proximity - high level - for the one who is ready to BLAST into their highest timeline NOW so they can simply enjoy the holidays while naturalizing effortless results they dream of & feel at peace, joyful & excited in their body 😌
It’s time to live as the truth of who you are, which is DIVINITY 👁️
Dm me 💗
xx Haley
#lifebydesign #unf**kwithable #personalgrowth #clarity #makethemove #completetasks #clearyourmind
Send your thoughts, feelings and intentions out through your roots to the rest of the world & beyond - connected to ALL that is within the Dimension of Openness.
A clip from my interview with @officially.rory on the @mitchellreportunleashedpod Thank you for having me, and for a wonderful conversation.
For the full episode head to @mitchellreportunleashedpod 🎙️
#oneness #dimensionofopenness #newparadigm
You will want to hear this 💫
Breathe in. Breathe out. Receive.
Quantum healing ♾️ quantum leaping
1 session with me is 10 years of therapy (and beyond 👁️)
An instant remembering and encoding of who you TRULY ARE.
Riffing here on that ^
Some recent vibes I’m on - for infinite freedom and a life by design.
+ some breathing and encoding toward the end.
$11 - energy clear & activation @ link in bio or Dm
$33 UNF**KWITHABLE - buy my book on Amazon
Nov 18 Art of Receiving Retreat - SOLD OUT
1:1 containers - OPEN & customizable - prices range from $555-$4999 / month.
Dm for details.
There is NO separation 🌎
Wake up to the truth of who you ARE.
SEE the illusions of US vs THEM and come BACK to oneness.
Don’t get lost in the dramas and chaos.
Remember your innate divinity.
Nothing has power over you.
You are empowered because you ARE.
You are alive and well.
CHANNEL your energy into love, oneness, truth and connection.
Drop the stories of division and turn the volume down on anything outside of You.
Come back to your anchor.
Breathe. BE in the truth of who you ARE.
Veils are thinning now.
For many of us the veils are completely gone - we are living in full truth of who we are and we are not getting sucked into the collective dramas - but rather honing in on individuation to oneness - filling up on LOVE and TRUTH from within and SHARING that light in the world.
KNOW that you have the sovereignty to lovingly STEP AWAY from anything that does not feel like LOVE.
TURN OFF the noise of illusions and separation.
And come HOME to who you truly are - who we ALL truly are 🌎
Keep breathing. Keep coming home to yourself.
And make the bold and courageous choice not to get wrapped up in the illusions of group think, woke robotic assimilation, division, prejudice, hatred and judgement.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
It’s safe and good to choose to dial inward on your life and dial down the volume of the rest.
Fill yourself up with LOVE - live and breathe that LOVE - then spread the truth of who you are with the collective.
A planet of harmony, oneness and PEACE begins with your ability to come back to your Center and empower yourself - you have that power. You ARE the source.
There is no US Vs THEM - and there are no sides.
There is a paradigm that exists far beyond those limited illusions - I welcome you and invite you to step into the new paradigm 👁️
xx Haley
Love You
🤍 #awakening #oneness #collectiveconsciousness
Mini Energy & Body Upgrade + Heart Math 🧬🫀
+ THE VORTEX telegram group
$333 going UP to $555 tomorrow.
$444 single sessions are SOLD OUT - Dm me for 1:1 sessions or containers - prices range from $555-$4999
Nov 18 Art of Receiving retreat is SOLD OUT
The ways to get inside this portal of power with me is 1:1 or inside the VORTEX group ⏳
You are worth it.
Don’t miss your moment 🤍
#quantumhealing #quantumleaping
The world is about to open UP for You
Opportunities are about to LAND for You
Dreams you’ve tucked away come into fruition now
Things are about to get LIGHTER for You
Your greatest happiness, successes, joys, loves, fulfillment and purpose is all unfolding now.
It’s about to get better
So now you can smile
You can let go a little
Get 1% more relaxed into who you ARE
You can surrender a bit into the flow of life
Trusting that it’s all adding up
It’s ALL happening for You now💫
xx Haley
#newparadigm #lifebydesign #personalgrowth #alchemy #manifestation #personaldevelopment #unf**kwithable #nervoussystemregulation #personaltransformation #slowliving #softlife #trusttheprocess #trustthejourney #trusttheuniverse #trustyourself #unfolding #divinetiming
Now that you Know…
That the world is opening UP for You
That opportunities are LANDING for You
That dreams are coming into fruition now
Your greatest happiness, successes, joys, loves, fulfillment and purpose are all unfolding now.
You’ve let go, You trust, Your happy.
You are grounded and confident in who you ARE
You surrender and hold the knowing, that it’s ALL happening for You now 💫
Knowing these words and registering them as familiar is one thing.
It’s time to take it deeper...To actually experience the ongoing and autopilot internal and external upgraded results.
Time to be so giddy, peaceful, successful and joyful in ALL that you are.
Time to LOCK IN this knowing...Integrate this way of BEING...Actually just LIVE this way...And of course, bask in the rewards.
Through various modalities - evidence based AND spiritually channeled...I will guide you into a sacred remembering of WHO THE F**K YOU ARE and UPGRADE you into your HIGHEST truth, path and life.
It is time to say YES to Your highest timeline, and take your mother f*** life back!
Time to explore the deep layers and high levels You KNOW you are here to experience in this one precious unrepeatable life on Earth.
It’s time to say F**K YES to...
~ 1:1 work with Me - A customized 1:1container based on YOUR unique lifestyle, desires, goals, needs and wants. Dm me to customize a 1:1 monthly container, or to book a 1:1 session.
Prepare for life as you know it to completely upgrade💎
~ Join me THIS THURSDAY IN PERSON (EEEK!) for my ~ Eclipse Activation Ceremony
This ceremony is all about divine femme & masc harmonization for EASEFUL receptivity - a pure unobstructed landing strip and OPENING to all your TRUE desires 💧
~ Trust your desire, and secure your space.
OCT 3RD DEETS & REGISTRATION @ link in my bio 💫
Time to live a life you can’t stop SMILING about 😌
This is how I live and how my clients live and trust me - It’s a F**KING VIBE💧
#newparadigm #lifeby