AnarCoin Collective

AnarCoin Collective Anarcoin Collective is a AnArK Tokencollectivity that will revolutionize government with blockchain technology.

Fund Dedicated in developping and Anarco-Collectivist Ecosystem.

Oortunité d’  en or avec l’  2.0 le AnArKi token sur sokana a maintensnt 3 pools de   a   élevés…Assures toi d’attirer m...

Oortunité d’ en or avec l’ 2.0 le AnArKi token sur sokana a maintensnt 3 pools de a élevés…

Assures toi d’attirer mon attention quand tu auras du temos pour les pools un peu. Je viens denvcreer 2 autres et de les calibrer comme il faut avec mon ami cody ai 🤖 qui m’a tout calculé et expliqué… le but etait de fair chuter le prix pour diminuer le de 12M a 13k$ pour que sa soit plus realisable et stteignable wue 12 millions de $!!! Et de creer different nuveau et range de prix pour les differents styles de petits iu gros… et comme psar magie, quand je les si calibré vlan l’ (% d’interets) est apparu et s’est calculé faque la c’est le meilleur temps parce que j’en ai vendu un peu et vu que la liquidité est tres basse a 300$, ca a cree une tres grosse chandelle rouge qui descend de beaucoup, le prix est donc a son plus bas comme cest la et ca me surprendrais qu’il descende ben ben plus, j’ai la premiere que j’ai ouvert qui tire dessus par en haut encore… faque tu vas pouvour profiter grandement des . Je sais que je t’avais proposé 100$ mais si tu montes ca a 159 us 🇺🇸 ou , ca fait 3 chiffres rond pour separer entre les trous positions… et c’est plus payant car c’est a . Plus que t’en met plus que t’en gagne a chaque segonde… c’est toi qui decide mais maintenant je ne suis plus dans le neant ou insquiet de comment tout a ete calculé et calibré et les APRs marchent… hier yen avait pas yétait a 0% mais au moins yavait la qui garantissait quand même 159.%… comme c’est la ils sont a: 113, 131 et 218% de tres bons taux au debut profites en… faque appeles si jevrepond pas a ton message, j’ai le serveur de la communauté et notre groupe telegram qui sonne tout le temps faque ca se peut que je te manque mais pas si tu appelles…
Groupe Télégrame:

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Page web officielle:

This is a video   for   providers to follow in order to get the 50%   in initial   and get the amount of   Needed for th...

This is a video for providers to follow in order to get the 50% in initial and get the amount of Needed for the Pool fir free… Liquidity providing comes with administrative roles with special permissions granting more influencial power and moderation possibilities. You get to run the place… Here on group and on Server… 30 minutes video that explains a lot of how liquidity providing works and does ti the etc… Watch this if youre messed up but it just takes you through the set of found in the Liquidity Provider Channel ticket booth…

AnarCoin 2.0 pair liquidity providing opportunity on Raydium👑Invest in liquidity! 🎃EarlyBirds Halloween Special !,,! Get vvThose IÙdle tokens working on Pa...

Liquidity Providers instructions and AnArKi Airdrop instructions:Liquidity Providers channel.                           ...

Liquidity Providers instructions and AnArKi Airdrop instructions:
Liquidity Providers channel.

Discord is great for playing games and chilling with friends, or even building a worldwide community. Customize your own space to talk, play, and hang out.

New AnArKi/USDT Paire       161.06% APR now  Halloween Special !,,! Faith in     AnarCoin 2.0 on   we   the AnArKi neede...

New AnArKi/USDT Paire 161.06% APR now
Halloween Special !,,! Faith in AnarCoin 2.0 on we the AnArKi needed in order to in Providing to 50% off…

the register now link is this one: for instructions on Erly Birds Airdrops

An on-chain order book AMM powering the evolution of DeFi

Short Link to Liquidity Pool on

Short Link to Liquidity Pool on

An on-chain order book AMM powering the evolution of DeFi


Rejoignez mon serveur Discord Crypte et bercail pour une revolution crypto personnelle, l’Anarcrypt Eco SubSystem sur La future AnarChaine, plateforme sociale et outils nécessaires pour nous gouverner -nous même! Auto-gestion Auto-Suffisance Autracie et le pouvoir au peuple, et la monnaie avec!! De là mon future parti politique : Parti Du KüDetH’Ã qui se présentera aux élections auto-financé tout simplement prendre et remettre le pouvoir au peuple !,,! Petit Rêve Utopique Révolutionnaire qui Germinale ici Bas! L’AnarCoin Collective, est la Communauté derière l’Anarco Plan-T! Les Valkyries Anarco-Collectives et intervenants pioniers champions de la course portant le drapeau en MÀ-Ra-Thonds—>Mohawk! Crypte infestée de Vomit et de Punks en Ka-Ti-Mi-Nie! Organisés, éveillés, instruits et Remarkables !,,!Résistant et Occupant Crypto-CapitalanD and what governance and authority should really be… L’Anarki Token roule maintenant… Une Locomotive de plus sur le grand Dragon Dont nous sommes Légion, l’Anarco-Train de Libéraux-Scions!

To join an Anarco-collective crypto project called the AnarCrypt Eco Sub System... Destined to revolutionize how people run and use politics. The utopic dream is what makes it fun to create design support and build then run the system from bottom up! Breifly explained... We offer you and early start Opportunity Tu Hop in The AnarcTrain And Contribute by becoming our foundation element and people, the Early Birds... Three Little Birds On my Doorstep... Become Liquidity Providers under the AnarCoin on the Solana BlockChain and decentralised DEX Exchange, Vaults for your investment.A ideas of forking Solana into sustaining the blockchain environment underlying the AnarCrypy Eco nSub System... Germinal Subvert city! Witch won and Witch consists of an environment with a social platform designed nnot to spopil your fun discovering how this revolution has been runnin' for a while already in Anarco-punk land and Oblivion! So ill just say that it would nhave the necessairy to trun the state from the bottom up. Anarco-collectivisme: power to the people... Blockchains smart contracts allow teachin, paying, surveing, consulting, especially voting! stuff that make prime ministers deputes president vice Juans also very useless in command! and easaily corrupted! Often feed on envelopes coming from the death star!... Putting the power in the hands of ALL, makes it hard the pull a 51% hack of social corruption and manipulative lkobbyist financing bad selfish and greedy capitalist projects that end up in the hands of 1%! Blockchain is extremely social and anarchic the opposite od democracy where a minority dictate on a majority. with this communication plaform sky's not the limit trust me ideas are realisable! Utopia the say!mMy eye I say! Becfome Dont Beleive... I we build it they will come! Etc Ect Ect... The fun of fooling around with weeds like crypto, is that it grows so participation, support, learning, teaching, learnig effort, contagious propaganda olf ntruth and nsense, LightBrigners etc can all be rewarded our wiggeling worm wiggles when you fool around with it and more it wiggle the more fish make a even more wiggely and tasty looking... Like germinative and subversive action or a sub culture an underdog concient of the powere he realy has of becoming free collaboration is one key = communication tools and blockchain security of decentralised and public data, and open source technology for all to learn and play: The ungovernable forces of Chaos our next anarchainn governance Token. Etc Etc The sky again bla bla this is never ending and universal! Anarchy and Peace: Equality and ALF! oh... And Just T.I.E & D.I.Y....


Anarcrypt Eco SubSystem is the home of AnarCoin or AnarK Token on Solana Blockchain. It is destined to take the power | 57 membres


‎Voici une invitation à suivre la chaîne Anarcoin Collective sur WhatsApp :

And here we go, Hey Ho! Lets go !,,! AnarCrypt Eco SubSyStem and AnarChain Environment is here!AnArk Token is no more......

And here we go, Hey Ho! Lets go !,,! AnarCrypt Eco SubSyStem and AnarChain Environment is here!AnArk Token is no more... The Anarco-genesis continues...
The story of B. We have radium liquidity pools and farm ecosystems waiting for liquidity providers and investors for support and collective action in our crypto Revolution.AnarCoin Collective, our community welcomes you to participate in the creation of a blockchain environment destined to facilitate self-management and self-sufficiency. Our social medial platform built to facilitate communication, organisation, learning, teaching, information, surveys, anarchist propaganda, etc...
Whatever is needed to run the state from bottom up (smart contract votes regularly) witch means Power to the People. We don't need a state to govern us we can do it our selves to command and conquer! Because, "I want to Conquer the world... " -Bad Religion Just kidding AHAHAHA!!!
Just An Anarco-Collectivist Utopique Dream and Vision of Freedom and Unity...
"If the kids are united!They will never be divided!" -Sham 69
In Order to support and contribute to our effort in changing the world for a Better place, you are more tha bWelcomed to invest in Providing liquidity tou our Raydium Liquidity pools creating passive income staking the AnarCoin 2.0, The AnArKi Token on Solana Blockchain.Here is the token address Just in case you nhave a hard time finding your way: mntHxFGwcodW3R3ovBfqu13VSdmagfTc3tZQRWJpSVoto add liquidity and support the AnarCoin Collective Action!
Total AnarCoin 2.0 supply: 13 000 000 666 mint revoked, Freez authority Disabled Tokens are waiting! The Anark-Tran in Riding and Off to Oblivion... Disciples of Chaos! Floor Price: 0.0001 Usdt per AnArKi Token and Rising at every Contribution. A new Trading pair is AvAilable for Trading and more Pairs Incoming (USDC, Sol, Ray...) Sky's not The Limit, Become! Don't Belewive... If we Build it they Will Come !,,! Shall we nStart continuing what is and shall ever Be! Anarchy and Peace for Equality! Hey Ho! Lets Go!
Her is they Rydium Link:

telegram Groupe:
Community Server the AnarCrypt:
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gatta figure out whoe to give bvalue to this coin nits interest baring at 6.66% but raydium pools are incompatible with inerest baring bsoalana programjm 2022 token extension


6 Arcand
Victoriaville, QC


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