Rejoignez mon serveur Discord Crypte et bercail pour une revolution crypto personnelle, l’Anarcrypt Eco SubSystem sur La future AnarChaine, plateforme sociale et outils nécessaires pour nous gouverner -nous même! Auto-gestion Auto-Suffisance Autracie et le pouvoir au peuple, et la monnaie avec!! De là mon future parti politique : Parti Du KüDetH’Ã qui se présentera aux élections auto-financé tout simplement prendre et remettre le pouvoir au peuple !,,! Petit Rêve Utopique Révolutionnaire qui Germinale ici Bas! L’AnarCoin Collective, est la Communauté derière l’Anarco Plan-T! Les Valkyries Anarco-Collectives et intervenants pioniers champions de la course portant le drapeau en MÀ-Ra-Thonds—>Mohawk! Crypte infestée de Vomit et de Punks en Ka-Ti-Mi-Nie! Organisés, éveillés, instruits et Remarkables !,,!Résistant et Occupant Crypto-CapitalanD and what governance and authority should really be… https://discord.gg/GH3djWCQ7U L’Anarki Token roule maintenant… Une Locomotive de plus sur le grand Dragon Dont nous sommes Légion, l’Anarco-Train de Libéraux-Scions!
To join an Anarco-collective crypto project called the AnarCrypt Eco Sub System... Destined to revolutionize how people run and use politics. The utopic dream is what makes it fun to create design support and build then run the system from bottom up! Breifly explained... We offer you and early start Opportunity Tu Hop in The AnarcTrain And Contribute by becoming our foundation element and people, the Early Birds... Three Little Birds On my Doorstep... Become Liquidity Providers under the AnarCoin on the Solana BlockChain and Raydium.io decentralised DEX Exchange, Vaults for your investment.A ideas of forking Solana into sustaining the blockchain environment underlying the AnarCrypy Eco nSub System... Germinal Subvert city! Witch won and Witch consists of an environment with a social platform designed nnot to spopil your fun discovering how this revolution has been runnin' for a while already in Anarco-punk land and Oblivion! So ill just say that it would nhave the necessairy to trun the state from the bottom up. Anarco-collectivisme: power to the people... Blockchains smart contracts allow teachin, paying, surveing, consulting, especially voting! stuff that make prime ministers deputes president vice Juans also very useless in command! and easaily corrupted! Often feed on envelopes coming from the death star!... Putting the power in the hands of ALL, makes it hard the pull a 51% hack of social corruption and manipulative lkobbyist financing bad selfish and greedy capitalist projects that end up in the hands of 1%! Blockchain is extremely social and anarchic the opposite od democracy where a minority dictate on a majority. with this communication plaform sky's not the limit trust me ideas are realisable! Utopia the say!mMy eye I say! Becfome Dont Beleive... I we build it they will come! Etc Ect Ect... The fun of fooling around with weeds like crypto, is that it grows so participation, support, learning, teaching, learnig effort, contagious propaganda olf ntruth and nsense, LightBrigners etc can all be rewarded our wiggeling worm wiggles when you fool around with it and more it wiggle the more fish make a even more wiggely and tasty looking... Like germinative and subversive action or a sub culture an underdog concient of the powere he realy has of becoming free collaboration is one key = communication tools and blockchain security of decentralised and public data, and open source technology for all to learn and play: The ungovernable forces of Chaos our next anarchainn governance Token. Etc Etc The sky again bla bla this is never ending and universal! Anarchy and Peace: Equality and ALF! oh... And Just T.I.E & D.I.Y....
Anarcrypt Eco SubSystem is the home of AnarCoin or AnarK Token on Solana Blockchain. It is destined to take the power | 57 membres