Our Story
Welcome to The New Agora!
As many of our regular readers may know The New Agora has been in print for over seven years now. Truth must be told. Some stories need to see the light of day. Long ago the printed page served just such a purpose. In this day of mass media controlled awareness it remains a potentially vital however rarefied outlet for the voice of the People to be heard.
As more and more of us are waking up to our creative potential we are doing so with the feeling of encouraging true change in our hearts rather than simply repeating that which has gone before. In that spirit we are opening the door to offering the kind of information that will allow for a wider, more holistic and complete sense of our world and our Selves. Conscious cooperative creation is the solution to many of the challenges before us. Cooperation is the antidote to the disease called 'Corporation' currently afflicting humanity with its paradigm of homicidal selfishness.
Information without perspective tends to get lost. It is too easy to become overloaded with everything that gets thrown at us on a daily basis. Too easy to become confused with all the seemingly contradictory points literally aimed at us from questionable sources that obviously don't have our best interest at heart. Beware of the Pornographers of Fear.
Why we are who we are is surely more important than why something is the way it appears to be. Knowledge begins with the self, as the true power for change and transformation lays within each and every one of us. After all, what good is fuel without knowing how to drive? In the same vein, what good is the 'fuel' of new information without knowing where to go with it, or understanding what it is that drives us, not only on a internal level but to every level we might aspire.
We've all been 'taught' in one way or another how to be alive. Our beliefs, goals and perspectives did not arrive in a vacuum. We all became who we think we are through a process. That process is essential to understand if we are ever to create true transformations for ourselves and for our World. Nothing less than an evolution in consciousness can save us from the all too common Fear that continues to prey upon our global community and all the life therein.
The good news is that fear is actually quite weak. Certainly not as unconquerably strong as it has deceived us to believe. Once we become aware of its machinations, and more importantly, the challenging, yet oftentimes simple solutions available to each and every one of us, we can then continue to move towards fulfilling the dreams our hearts, unfettered and free, together in Love.
We invite you to help us open the blinders that have kept us all from seeing just how magnificent we really are, just how powerful we can be. We invite you to share your stories, your courage in action. We invite you to be brave and daring, to be truthful and caring, about the world in which we live, play, love and create together. We invite you to explore with us the possibilities of a truly open and public place of assembly, one where we have it in our power to remake how we relate to one another, how we do business together, how we can serve the All of Us leaving no one behind or without. Tell the world where you stand. Support this New Agora. Advertise with us if you feel we are on the same page. Most importantly: express yourself, your real self, your true Self. Why else be here now?
Please join all of us at www.newagora.ca on this journey of discovery and wonder.