Kelvin Chabogo MCS

Kelvin Chabogo MCS The official page of The Man of God, The Apostle of Love and Faith. We walk by Faith not by Sight


Life Goes on...



Canadian winter

Canadian winter

TRUSTING GOD IS NEVER EASY.Anybody telling you that trusting God is easy is lying to you! Trusting God is not easy at al...


Anybody telling you that trusting God is easy is lying to you! Trusting God is not easy at all! You need to employ patience as you trust God for a miracle!

You need to act on your faith and solely depend on God's grace to be able to receive your miracle.

Let me explain, Trusting God for a miracle is like trying to push through a sewing thread into a needle when you are 60 years old or above but without glasses! Certainly, it will cost you patience, Faith, and focus! The more focused and patient you are the more the thread could easily go through the eye of the needle, the more disoriented or impatient you are the more your hand will miss the eye of the needle!

But as you focus your eyes on the needle to the point that your eyes begin to look at each other like a Makengeza, eventually the thread will go through the eye of the needle and you will achieve what you were looking for!

Miracles demand focus, your heart/spirit has to focus towards the Spirit of God, you have to focus on that Word God gave you and stick with it! There will be noises in your head that tell you it cannot be down, there will be shaking just like your hands shake when the needle meets the thread; You will be shaken to uproot from the Word that carries your miracle but don't move! Remember, distractions are things you see when you take your eyes off the Promise!

Gaze to Jesus, who is the author and the finisher of your faith, look to Him unrelenting, and do not quit gazing at Jesus, Just like those of old who during Moses who were bitten by the snakes, their only remedy was to look at the bronze snake lifted by Moses! It is hard to trust that looking at bronze snakes will heal you from snake poison but if it is God who has said it, trust it no matter what, your obedience in trusting in His Word is what will bring you the Miracle!

Trusting God is not easy but the end result is sweeter than the hardest part of trusting God!

Trust the Lord!

My prayer for you this day and this week is that the Lord would set you up to reap the fullness of the blessing you have...

My prayer for you this day and this week is that the Lord would set you up to reap the fullness of the blessing you have been believing for.

Today As a Prophet sent to you by God, I pray that to would be the week when all the little miracles that need to take place in order for manifestation happen will just fall into place sweatlessly.

I declare that the lines will fall for you in pleasant places and God will raise up someone to help you and mentor you even as you go the next level. Your days of struggling and digging dry wells are over!!

I decree that from this day forward things will work in your hands because God will breathe fresh life and favour into everything that you do. Heaven is on your side today that's why things will be different this time.

Blessing you as always in Jesus Name.

Grace and Peace be with you.

UPCOMING EVANGELISM  AND DISCIPLESHIP CLASSES.These one week Seminary style Course is geared towards Encouraging and Mot...


These one week Seminary style Course is geared towards Encouraging and Motivating Churches towards Jesus' Commission to go out and reach the World.

After the classes, we will join your Church to go out for door to door Evangelism within yiur area.


VENUE: Mishomoroni Mombasa

COURSE: Evangelism

Date : 22nd to 26 January

Time: 3pm to 5pm.

CHARGES: Free (You only pay for the manual and Certificate from Canada)


VENUE: Tom Mboya School of Children with Celebral Pulsey Mombasa

COURSE: Discipleship

CHARGES: Free (You only pay for Manual and Certificates from Canada)

DATES: 19th to 29th February

TIME: 5pm to 8pm


VENUE: Deliverance Church Kambu

COURSE: Evangelsim

CHARGES: Free (You only pay for Manual and Certificates from Canada)

DATES: 25th to 29th March

TIME: 3pm to 6pm

If Interested or if you want us to come and train your Church Members

Contact Pastor Gladys Kiama on +254723950681


Be patient!

God bless you are Enjoy Your Weekend.Sit down and reflect on what God has done for you, think about God's Goodness how H...

God bless you are Enjoy Your Weekend.

Sit down and reflect on what God has done for you, think about God's Goodness how He has been Good to you before because If God has ever come through your life before He will do it again!

Get ready for a shift!Pack your bags because today the Lord is escorting you out of the Land of fear, shortage, stagnati...

Get ready for a shift!

Pack your bags because today the Lord is escorting you out of the Land of fear, shortage, stagnation, containment, not enough and missed opportunities!

Angels have been released to lift you to higher ground, make a way where there was no way and make sure that everything you touch turns to gold, This is your designated moment of favor, increase, promotion and prosperity!

Now you believe and receive that!

ONLINE PROGRAM.We have began offering Theological Courses to our online;The Online program is 100% pure Online, You take...


We have began offering Theological Courses to our online;

The Online program is 100% pure Online, You take the Course at your own sp*ed and where you are.

If you take two courses per month, You can earn your accelerated Diploma in one year, if you take one Course per month then you can complete your Diploma in two years.

We offer the following Courses as seen on the poster.

To get you started, whatsapp us on +1604-949-3876

It is the Holy Spirit who gives you power to pray and make intercession. Make Him your best friend and see your prayer l...

It is the Holy Spirit who gives you power to pray and make intercession. Make Him your best friend and see your prayer life change....

My prayer for you today is that the Lord would put an end to all delays in your life. As a servant of God I pray in Jesu...

My prayer for you today is that the Lord would put an end to all delays in your life. As a servant of God I pray in Jesus Name that starting this week, you will enter a season where even before a word is on your tongue, God will send you help from Heaven.

I declare that today Heaven will move on your behalf suddenly and quickly in every area where you feel like your life has been on hold and things have been derailed, sabotaged or postponed. Every barrier shall be lifted and the Lord will enlarge the path of your feet under you.

I decree that this day, God will take you out of every tight spot and bring you into your spacious place. Your leaf will not wither today and whatsoever you do shall prosper because this is your moment.

Blessing you as always in Jesus Name.

Grace and peace be with you.



Let me lead you to Christ right now,

Call us on +1-6049493876. (You can call through whatsapp)

Call us and we will be more than Happy to lead you to Christ.

NEVER FEAR TO BE PUT TO SHAME!If you are truly a Christian then you would know  from time to time you will go through Mo...


If you are truly a Christian then you would know from time to time you will go through Moments of shame and embarrassment, this is normal for all who are truly born-again Christians

Infact, The time when you actually go through shame is a great time to build your spiritual and emotional stamina.

I will never forget years back when one day was called in front of the Church so that people could give towards my Food, clothing, and fees! In such situations, You kind of feel embarrassed and feel like you want to hide from people! But that's definitely pride!

Feeling embarrassed is a dimension or another face of pride. Why was I embarrassed yet it's true I neither had food nor fees? My Pride wanted me to pretend all was OK but behind the scenes, all was not OK, the feeling of embarrassment was actually pride trying to paint me as being OK and not needing help from people who could help me!

This is what is happening to so many people today; they go through tough times beyond despair but pride keeps them from even requesting prayers, Pride makes them bitter to the point that they think everybody is out to laugh at their problems! You know pride has many faces and one of the many faces of pride is an inferiority complex. 95% of pride is normally displayed when people go through problems!

However, Never be too proud that you cannot ask the Church to Pray for you! That's Dangerous! Refusing to ask or request for prayers during difficult times is a sign that your Priodemeter is full!

Well, I went through a Lack of food, lack of clothes, and Lack of fees, I was down if you know what down is!

But here is the truth,

When God says He will never put us to shame He does not mean you will never go through embarrassing moments, No! Jesus was put to shame publicly, the Disciples were put to shame publicly and many other Christians have been put to shame publicly! What God meant was that;

He will turn the shame into a testimony, He will turn your ashes into beauty, that even when you go through embarrassing seasons and people laugh at you, You will come out victorious!

Think of Daniel, in the Lions Den, That was an extreme form of embarrassment for Daniel, the situation was so humiliating for Daniel who had been an over-the-top government official, For him getting thrown in the Lion's den was so embarrassing! Nevertheless, God came through and turned the entire situation into a humongous testimony!

All your embarrassing and humiliating Seasons and moments will certainly turn you into a star, Your scars will turn you into that person that God can boast about and say to satan:

Allow yourself to be embarrassed, Allow people to talk about you, against you, and betray you! All People to rebel against you, if an associate betrays you and walks away with your Church Members bless them! These same people will see your Moment of Glory and will come to seek for you!

In conclusion, Let me encourage you to kill that face of pride called:

"Feeling embarrassed or feeling Ashamed"

True Christians never feel ashamed when they go through Embarrassing or shameful moments for they know Jesus is always with them!

Hebrews 13:5

Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” NKJV.


Downtown Vancouver By Night. Beautiful City.




Based on the experience have had on cross-cultural missions, I'm starting a school of missions for young people who would love to travel for missions.

The school is a hybrid (partly online partly physical class). Students will learn the following courses

1. Evangelism.

2. Church History.

3. Ecclesiology (Doctrine of Church).

4. Pastoral Theology.

5. Missiology.

6 Basic Doctrines (systematic Theology).

Students will go to three major missions

1. Within Kenya.

2. Within East Africa (Tanzania, Ethiopia, or Uganda).

3. Within Africa: Mostly South Africa.

The school of mission is designed to challenge young people to think internationally when it comes to mission.


The entire program costs 450$ (tuition only).

You will also cater for all travel Expanses in Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa.

Budget 1500$ the entire program including travelling expenses.


1. The program takes six months and student only meet 3 times when going for missions.

2. Student meet Five days a month online to study the courses.

2. Student meet for prayers and preparation for the missions.

If you have interest in Missions and opportunities to work with other missionaries organization, this is your opportunity!

If you have interest in Serving the Lord or even getting hired in Christian organizations overseas, this is your program!


Those who finish Level one and get the certification can enrol in Level two where they will do missions in

1. South America.

2. North America.

3 Asia.

4. Europe.

What about visas?

You will be trained by the best, the certification you get will open so many international doors for you!

My prayer for you this new year 2024 is that the Lord would move supernaturally in the area of your finances; I pray tha...

My prayer for you this new year 2024 is that the Lord would move supernaturally in the area of your finances; I pray that this will be the year when God starts a revolution in your finances that won't stop until you have more than enough to meet every need and be generous at all times regardless of what the need maybe.

As a prophet sent to speak into your life this year, I declare that you will never be broke another day in your life because our God will open the windows of Heaven over your life in an unprecedented way. Your days of cutting down your dreams because of shortage and lack are over with forever.

I decree that like Joseph's brothers, you will constantly find treasure hidden in your accounts even though you won't know who put it there. Yes, I am talking about miracle money and supernatural increase that shall come your way sweatlessly. The struggling ends starting right now in Jesus Name.

Blessing you as always in Jesus Name.

Grace and Peace be with you.

Happy new Year!

Grace Be With You!It shall be well! Embed or fix your plans in God plan, allow your plans to be overshadowed by God's pl...

Grace Be With You!

It shall be well! Embed or fix your plans in God plan, allow your plans to be overshadowed by God's plan and you shall see success in all that you have planned!

Happy And Blessed 2024 to you and your Family!2024 is the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

Happy And Blessed 2024 to you and your Family!

2024 is the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ!

The Word of the as pertaining 2024.In 2024, As You take care of God's Business, God will take care of your own Business!...

The Word of the as pertaining 2024.

In 2024, As You take care of God's Business, God will take care of your own Business!

Do not be deceived, Things will not improve for the world, more challenges will be coming for the world but, for the people who know their God, Challenges are the only way up!

Therefore, Challenge yourself to be a man and a woman who Loves God, provoke yourself to be a worshiper of God, challenge yourself to be a soul winner and a Discipler because as you get seriously involved in God's work, You will not feel the heat in the world! The Challenges of the world would just be a walkover for you!

And as the world looks at you, as the world notices the difference in you, as the world realizes the glory of God in you, they will come to you for refuge! They will come to you and ask you:

"Show us the secret to your success"

And your answer will be:

"Love the Lord with all your Heart Your Mind and your strength"

When the Lukewarm and the Lazy Christian notices the Glory of God in you, they run to you and ask:

"Show us the secret of your success "

And your answer shall be:

" There is no secret rather than what has already been revealed by God, Serve the Lord by winning Souls and discipling them, for He who refreshes others shall himself be refreshed by the Lord"

Therefore, 2024 shall be the Year of the Lord! Those who shall align themselves to God's program of saving the world shall see God in all their businesses but those who shall forsake the Work of the Lord to follow their dealings, shall face the challenges designed for the World by the god of this world Says the Spirit of the Lord God!

Even so, Come Lord Jesus!

Psalms 65:11-13
You crown the year with Your goodness, And Your paths drip with abundance. They drop on the pastures of the wilderness, And the little hills rejoice on every side. The pastures are clothed with flocks; The valleys also are covered with grain; They shout for joy, they also sing. (NKJV)

Genesis 1:1In the begining God created the Heavens and the Earth!In 2024, let all your ideas, your ambitions and resolut...

Genesis 1:1

In the begining God created the Heavens and the Earth!

In 2024, let all your ideas, your ambitions and resolutions that will create the kind of life you desire begin with God!

Don't start with resolutions start with God, let God create that Idea in you, Let God Lead you to the direction He wants you to take and at the end of 2024, you will look back and say

"It is the doing of the Lord and it is Marvelous in our eyes"

2024 is the year of our Lord, Therefore fo all your endeavors God's ways and you will get God's kind of results!


49th Parallel North aka 0 Avenue.

Roughly 2,030 kilometres of the Canada–United States border was designated to follow the 49th parallel from British Columbia to Manitoba on the Canada side, and from Washington to Minnesota on the U.S. side. Driving on the 49th Parallel North is great because you get to drive on straight road that divides the two country.

Notice there is no wall here, However, there are Border patrol and cameras all over the 0 Avenue

The US Canada border is certainly the longest borderline in world


Whenever We Drive in The US, We have never felt like a foregners, we feel the same way feel when in Canada.

Americans are very welcoming especially to Canadians, This is also true for Americans who visit Canada.

Downtown Seattle Washington USA

Downtown Seattle Washington USA








The Plan of God for your life


Vancouver, BC


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