Ah the memories. My Dad was a loyal IBM customer. We started our PC journey with a PCjr, which I loved.. but Dad did not. So we went to a PC, then XT, then AT, stuck with the 4 color Crap Graphics Adapter all the way. My dad got a T5100 like this one for portable use eventually which I dabbled with - there was something cool and otherworldly about the red gas plasma screen. One day, months down the road, whilst messing about with a mouse driver, I loaded it, and noticed a little 'EGA Connected' message. Stunned.. I grabbed the cable from our AT's monitor, which was actually a 5154 Enhanced unit. Plugged it in, switched to it and.. voila! 16 colors again! Never used the AT after that. It actually prodded my Dad into upgrading to a VGA machine later because he was getting fed up with having both computers effectively tied up, since the AT had no monitor to work with. This unit came from ebay for cheap.. its overall not in bad shape except the missing cover under the screen. The hard drive is a Conner peripherals 42mb IDE unit that seems to be suffering from spindle stiction.. I have to kinda shake it a bit to get it to spin up.. but once it does.. it works nicely! In honor of our long lost T5100 I've got Police Quest going here.. which was the first game I played after I discovered my amazing new 16 color capability.