Our Mission:
Hook & Ladder is a magazine dedicated to providing useful information and support to help better connect members of the fire service in Atlantic Canada. The full-colour, high gloss, 38-page, quarterly publication will focus on the issues and concerns of firefighters in Atlantic Canada. Our Commitment:
We promise to provide a balanced publication that looks at all sides of the issues
facing the fire service, and to cover the concerns and events that are important to you and your department. WHO WE ARE:
Stephen Chisholm and Theresa Blackburn of Woodstock, New Brunswick, are not just life partners, they also have a lifelong commitment to the fire service. Stephen has been a volunteer since becoming a junior firefighter at the age of 12 in Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia. Stephen has also volunteered in three provinces and currently serves on the Woodstock Volunteer Fire Department. When he's not at the fire station, Stephen works as an electrician and can be found running wire and making sure the lights are on at various construction sites around Carleton County. Theresa practically grew up at the fire hall in Lakeside, Nova Scotia. Her father, Doug, served that department for 42 years as both a volunteer and paid firefighter. Theresa currently serves with a group of dedicated women on the Woodstock Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary. Active in her community, Theresa is a councillor with the Town of Woodstock and a CTV Community Correspondent. After more than two decades as a journalist, Theresa taught journalism, communications and law at NBCC Woodstock for nine years. In 2011, she and Stephen launched the regional magazine, agelessNB, which serves the Saint John River Valley in Western New Brunswick. Stephen and Theresa have made magazine publishing their full-time jobs. Theresa and Stephen have three beautiful children (Kristen, James and Kathryn) who have decided not to follow in their parents fire service footsteps.