🤔Are you looking to amplify your brand, product, or service?😎🔥
Hellllloo Small biz owners & Content Creators (photos, videos, podcast,ebooks, course creators, Amazon FBA) 😎
If you have a personal brand, product, or service you're passionate about promoting / marketing to the world, shoot me a message, telling me the kind of work you do!
I'd love to share creative ways we can help each other's business' grow 🔥😊❤️
It's 5:30am & I can't sleep.
🔥Warning Passionate Rant Inbound❤️
I've spent the last 12 hours on a film set gripping
(basically a person who shapes light via diffusion...I'll give further details in another video if you're interested)
and I realize I need to at least touch on the idea of passion in the face of exhausting work.
This life is full of f**k ups, there's no better time then now to start sharing them with levity.
Being Both
How do think about your identity?
I made this short documentary about being biracial 10 years ago to help capture my thoughts on this personal issue.
To the best of my awareness, the social constructs to generalize racial identity & compartmentalize still remains the same.
I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments.
A Shot Of Jazz
The process of appreciating my creative work has been mind-boggling slow but I'm grateful to every day that I continue to share my inspired work with all of you.
Sending you my jazzed up energy through this promo I spontaneously shot & edited over the course of a weekend while I was in Hong Kong
What Does Family Mean To You?
Exhausted by the toxicity from those in your crew?
Eschew their view, gumshoe
No one will ever fully understand the hardships you go through
Stay creative.
Start anew.
"Some people die at 25 and aren't buried until 75" - Benjamin Franklin
1 of primary things studying film, personal development gurus, & entrepreneurs for more than a decade has cemented in my mind is the value of sharing your process to delivering results.
Because the mind criticizes our life's daily journey far quicker than it celebrates it.
It's a conscious effort for me to consciously celebrate success cause my mind at default will point out all the errors & failures.
I can't tell you the number of times I hear friends say
"You know, for every success, there are hundreds of others that have failed".
"I am motivated by all the doubt & criticism"
Think about your thoughts like a movie, if you were to watch a poorly made movie that didn't appreciate, sound, lighting, camera movement, actors, music, how much could you appreciate the movie, and yet that's how we seem to reinforce our ideas of ourselves. We'll cut ourselves down for all our failures without celebrating all the nuances of our success
To make matters worse,
Through friends, the academic system & mass media, we are made glaringly aware of how naive we sound if we over-sell our success.
"So, how are you successful?"
Did you get straight As in school? 4.0 gpa. Are you making 6 figures? Are you the CEO of a company?
No one likes being told something is successful without hard external evidence, which is where the root of the problem lies. Success becomes something you strive to prove before we ever allow ourselves to accept it internally & due to the lack of acceptance we burn out on the hamster wheel of unworthiness.
Which is why it's vital to note down & own your present process, acknowledging not only the failures but the successes as well, because if we don't,
then we are doomed to die far before we are buried.
This is one of the foundational ideas that has made me launch this site.
I hope reading this helps encourage you to start sharing your process behind your passion