Raven Lacerte on elainealec_ founder of @cultivatingsafespaces
#Naqsmist #ElaineAlec #CultivatingSafeSpaces
"We're not calling each other out, we're calling each other in" #16days #moosehidecampaign #16daysofactivism #endgenderbasedviolence
Dr. Robin Starr Zapetahholah Minthorn on Relational Learning
Michael Yellow Bird. #indigenouspeoplesday
All day I'll be sharing clips for #indigenouspeoplesday starting with Dr. Michael Yellow Bird.
#blackpsychologist #africancenteredpsychology #sharecropping #africancenteredhealing
Episode 176: Religion, Spirituality, and Mental Health
In Episode 176, Ben speaks with Dr. Janise Parker, an Associate Professor of School Psychology at the William and Mary School of Education. In the first half of this episode, Dr. Parker discusses her work supporting early-career women of color in school mental health fields. The second half of the conversation discusses her pioneering research on the effects of religion and spirituality on the mental health of Black teens and young adults.
Dr. Janise Parker
Articles Referenced
Haskins, N. H., White, S., Johnson, L., Parker, J., Pignato, L., & Chester, C. (2024). Finding Homeplace: A Grounded Theory of a Womanist Affinity Group Intervention for Black Women. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 49(1), 65–82. https://doi.org/10.1080/01933922.2024.2345060
Parker, J. S., Haskins, N., Coleman-Chatman, T., Duru, C., Ramirez, D., Chae, N., … Nortey, A. (2023). Dismantling the Imposter Syndrome: A Case Study of Early Career Women of Color in School Mental Health Fields. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 49(1), 3–24. https://doi.org/10.1080/01933922.2023.2281670
Parker, J., Haskins, N., Chae, N., Fulmore, K., & Nortey, A. N. (2023). Development of an Interdisciplinary Support Program for Early Career Women of Color in School-Based Mental Health Fields. School Psychology Review, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1080/2372966X.2023.2291008
Parker, J. S., Williams, B., & Mauney, A. (2022). Exploring Black adolescents’ perceptions of God during COVID-19: God images as a source of wellness. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 25(10), 974–990. https://doi.org/10.1080/13674676.2022.2148641
Parker, J. S., Purvis, L., & Williams, B. (2023). Religious/Spiritual Struggles and Mental Health Among Black Adolescents and Emerging Adults: A Meta-synthesis. Journal of Black Psychology, 49(2), 153-199. https://doi.org/10.1177/00957984221136800
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