FOLKLIFE Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from FOLKLIFE, Magazine, .

FOLKLIFE is a semi-annual slow living lifestyle magazine inspired by island folks who live close to the earth, with intention, and creativity, all with a goal to 'slow the folk down'.

Reading is a passport to countless adventures. This letter from Lauri Grossman in New York, is what making FOLKLIFE is a...

Reading is a passport to countless adventures. This letter from Lauri Grossman in New York, is what making FOLKLIFE is all about. 🥰

Receiving the first draft of the upcoming magazine design from Patrick is always an exciting time. I dive right in and i...

Receiving the first draft of the upcoming magazine design from Patrick is always an exciting time. I dive right in and it takes me about 30 minutes to go through all 128 pages and leave my comments. The reason it’s so quick is because I rely on the feeling it evokes when I instantly see it. Is that how I want to feel when I start reading the articles? Does that photo match that writing or mood? How do I feel after going through the first half? Perhaps we need a slight break after that article… so many little things to think about, and I like that I am good at it. Good at taking myself fully out of it and being the objective ‘every reader’ who is picking up this magazine or this Volume for the first time. For someone who doesn’t feel much, this process and magazine, are all about feeling. Love it. Can’t wait for you all to see this adventure Volume.

Sneak peek from the upcoming Adventure Volume. Words by Krystina Amato, design by

Preorder yours:

I have had the biggest rollercoaster week of my life. Okay, maybe not of my life but it’s been a lot.It started off supe...

I have had the biggest rollercoaster week of my life. Okay, maybe not of my life but it’s been a lot.

It started off super happy. Feeling caught up, with all content with the designer. Feeling great about getting all the little things done that I never have time to get to. It’s sunny. It’s summer. Events are happening. Getting over being sick. Enjoying sunny beaches and music with my daughter and friends. Loving my little tiny house front porch in the woods, where I work. Good times.

Then on Tuesday, I inquired with the Government of Canada grant body about why I havent heard about the grant application that I submitted last November, to help offset the sunk cost of creating FOLKLIFE (I get it every year). Now would be the time we’d have had approval, and It would have been about $35,000 for 2024.

Turns out that while all my files were in and marked ‘completed’ on their new portal application site (well before deadline—it takes a long time to do this application), it seems I didn’t hit the button ‘submit’.

Everything in their system completed and I DIDN’T HIT SUBMIT.
One button.

I am not one to make mistakes like this—actually . . . I never do. That’s why this situation is unreal to me. I even almost cried. Almost. I couldn’t let myself because I just wanted to fix it instead, but Im working on that, lol. And just last week we got the news that a local organization that also partners with us would be partnering significantly less as well. Whew. So I wrote out and designed an email appealing for funding help from readers. I didn’t send it. I tried to make sense of what this means for FOLKLIFE. Maybe this loss would really be the push I needed to strive to make this a really profitable business, which I’ve been having a hard time doing.

And if that wasn’t enough, the grant that I was going to apply for that is normally due September 15th, I found out an hour later was due this Friday. What?!?! So amidst grief, I put together a big new grant application with the help of many of you out there, and Im now ready to hit submit, thank gosh. All this amidst my kid getting sick again and having to stay home from daycare with me. Screen time, it was, sigh :(

And TODAY, the granters got back to me and said that there is another grant due next week that you can get if you dont get the one I messed up applying for. Say what?! So that means I might actually get the majority of the funding expected from the previous grant. So I am feeling so relieved and happy and hopeful now. Rollercoaster of emotions, say what?! Huge thanks to all you out there who listened to me grieve and who sent me the things I needed for the big project grant. I look forward to creating a business that doesn’t have to count on grants. One day…

Now, back to getting on top of life!

Photo by Stasia Garraway

These sorts of letters are payment enough. ❤️

These sorts of letters are payment enough. ❤️

Today is a big day! Only happens twice a year. A lot of things over here only happen for us twice a year, when we’re a s...

Today is a big day! Only happens twice a year. A lot of things over here only happen for us twice a year, when we’re a semi-annual publication…

Today is the day all of the content for the next Volume has been sent to Patrick to put together into something beautiful. As usual, it’s a lot of wrangling for months and months, and lots of last-minute wrangling too. So many photographers and photoshoots, so many writers, and editors. So many niggly bits, and we strive to have it as complete as possible when sending to design. This Volume will have you on the edge of your seat with all the storms our subjects endure—so many adventures, so little time. I’m especially excited about the Adventure Volume because I crave adventure constantly. I know there are those of you out there who feel the opposite. Who read the last page of books and stories so that the anxiety of not knowing what happens doesn’t eat you up. So interesting!

Any way, we’re excited for you to get to be armchair adventurers with this Volume. Perhaps it will spur you on your own adventures, much like reading Into the Wild, or Wild, or listening to Real Survival Stories podcast has done for me.

Subscribe now, so you’re the first to get it!
📸 .terhart

Did you know that advertising your business in FOLKLIFE’S timeless pages will elevate your brand to a BIG level? If you’...

Did you know that advertising your business in FOLKLIFE’S timeless pages will elevate your brand to a BIG level? If you’re ready for that for your own business, let us know. Our readers love our ads as much as they love our content.

Your ad partnership includes:
~One full page photo ad featuring you and your businesses with a well-crafted write-up in FOLKLIFE
~6+month shelf life, plus never-ending coffee table life (all the content is timeless, so all of our editions are still in many stores - unless sold out)
~Placement on shelves in 250+ stores worldwide including Canada, USA, and UK (and ever growing)
~Front line placement in places such as Whole Foods, BC Ferries, Chapters/Indigo, Books a Million, Barnes & Noble, Walmart, London Drugs, and other chains
~Placement in dozens of local, fabulous retailers in BC and Alberta (and ever growing)
~In front of the eyes of cultured folks who appreciate and purchase from those who live or strive to live close to the earth, with intention, and creativity
~A chance to be a part of a team of FOLKLIFERS. Our supporters/advertisers are part of our family, and we think you’ll think it’s worth it.

That’s A LOT of eyes on your brand. Our readers are true fans who pour over every page. We want to chat about your brand + FOLKLIFE.

Email [email protected] for our media kit.

PS this photo is an ad from . If you haven’t checked them out, you should.

This is the sort of note we get at least once a day. Just recieved a minute ago. Convince you to give FOLKLIFE a read?“I...

This is the sort of note we get at least once a day. Just recieved a minute ago. Convince you to give FOLKLIFE a read?

“I’m going through all the past volumes of FOLKLIFE and am falling in love with it all over again. I have so many things on my list but I just can’t stop reading. It’s like binging on Netflix but sooo much better. I keep saying just one more story and then I say it again. You have created something so special with FOLKLIFE. It’s so much more than slowing down, it’s taking to time to embrace it and breath it all in…then you can Slow the FOLK Down.”

Get your own copy here:


Yesterday, we did an hour consult with Janine Vangool of . Hers is a magazine we reference often when we think about whe...

Yesterday, we did an hour consult with Janine Vangool of . Hers is a magazine we reference often when we think about where we want to go with FOLKLIFE. UPPERCASE is a beautiful design magazine out of Calgary Alberta, is 15 years old, and is uber successful, with 8000-ish subscribers, plus books and weekly newsletters and a small membership, etc. It comes across as though Janine has ten hands with all they do there at UPPERCASE, and it’s just her (while homeschooling her son). It’s incredible.

When we look at her journey, it’s clear that we can probably figure out getting there, too—hence the consult. It was great to chat with someone who is knowledgeable at business and knowledgeable in the magazine publishing industry (which is so comparatively niche to other businesses).

We’re at this moment in FOLKLIFE’s journey where we need to make some big decisions, and Janine really helped with us coming to terms with those: Where to put our focus, why to start paying myself, where to distribute, etc. Some of the decisions are scary to make, but we’re excited. Thanks to Janine, and stay tuned!

“…After the cold and impersonal process of finalizing our legal separation, I found out what little value my contributio...

“…After the cold and impersonal process of finalizing our legal separation, I found out what little value my contributions as mother, housewife, support person, and behind-the-scenes business partner were worth on paper. The day I signed the agreement, I had three dollars in my personal account and a growing pile of legal fees. I cried as I signed what my lawyer told me was the best I could hope for. And just like that, on a rainy June morning, I undid the contract that I had signed 22 years earlier in that vintage cotton Laura Ashley dress I loved so much.

Four years later, I am still processing and grieving, but when I take a moment to look around, I am filled with gratitude for the life that I fought to create. My daughters and I have the privilege of living in a cottage in the forest on my parents’ property. We have created a beautiful garden together. I have built a studio for painting and photography sessions. I spend time alone in nature on long trail runs, stopping for skinny dips in the winter. I touch the dewy moss and watch maple leaves fall in slow motion, backlit by golden autumn sunsets. I indulge in my imagination and my passions and fill my days with creativity, joy, and gratitude for my autonomy. I am closer to being the strong, grounded, present mother I have always strived to be…”

Excerpted from FOLKLIFE Volume 9: “My COVID Divorce” written by Katherine Rachel Watt. Read more by ordering your own beautiful copy of The Love Volume of FOLKLIFE Magazine:


“Whether we choose to admit it or not, we resemble our parents in many ways. Both light and shadow. Coming to terms with...

“Whether we choose to admit it or not, we resemble our parents in many ways. Both light and shadow. Coming to terms with this was a major turning point in my own journey. Before I healed my mother-wound, I would look in the mirror and feel a pit in my stomach when I saw her features reflected back at me. I have her eyes and nose, and that terrified me. Not because I find my mother unattractive—she’s adorable. It was because looking at my own reflection reminded me so much of her, and I had yet to find forgiveness.
As I began to delve into my inner world through a lens of curiosity instead of shame and judgement, I found myself in medicine ceremonies that catapulted me into the depths of ancestral healing. In these spaces, I was forced to sit with my shame, my self-loathing, and all the beliefs that prevented me from experiencing a healthy sense of self.
I encountered the parts of my own mother that were hurt and traumatized and developed a sense of compassion for her. I let her off the hook for not showing up the way I needed her to, and claimed my own power to embody the love I was yearning for. I felt “father energy” in all the good men who showed up for me along the way, men who helped me without expectation of reciprocation. I found the mother within as well as the mother in the plants, the trees, the waters.
As I began to heal, I realized that my fight for independence was rooted in pain. My true healing work has been learning that I don’t have to do it all alone. To finally embrace that it’s okay to lean on others, to let love in, to be held in community. My story is part of who I am, but it doesn’t define me. My life lessons have guided me onto a path of service to others, and I no longer see the world through the lens of pain that I once did.
Today, I’m a mother to a beautiful little girl and a wife to an incredible man who is a fierce mirror for me. I’m so grateful that in this lifetime I’ve had the opportunity to meet my pain head on, and to clear the way for my daughter to know from the very beginning that she is perfect and whole in every way.”

Read more of ’s ‘Clearing the Way For Love’

Does anyone else find adventure in the simple things? The every day things? I find living to be anything but easy. To be...

Does anyone else find adventure in the simple things? The every day things? I find living to be anything but easy. To be a lot. To be hard, and not for the faint of heart. We have to learn so much, navigate so much, internal, external, all around. We keep ourselves safe or put ourselves out there and no matter which ways we choose to go, it’s unique for us, and we always need to figure it out. And that figuring out, or making it work for us, THAT is an adventure to me. Life is an adventure, even if it isn’t filled with world travel or bear attacks or having a kid or starting over or power outages. I love adventure, and crave adventure, and know not all do. Do you find adventure in the simple things? Do you love it, or tend to the quieter adventure of routine? What are those adventurous simple things, to you?


“Margaux yearned for structure and certainty, while Keven saw himself as a free bird. ‘I ended up flying everywhere and ...

“Margaux yearned for structure and certainty, while Keven saw himself as a free bird. ‘I ended up flying everywhere and smashing into windows,’ he says. Since attempts at communication could quickly devolve into a lover’s battlefield, they sought a more effective way to express their feelings and began pouring their emotions into their creative interests. On the good days, they made bright, romantic art. On the bad ones, they made brooding, melancholic art. On angry, explosive days, they avoided each other, then reconvened when things simmered down and made even more art. Art was their therapy and their release. It became their language. ‘I learned how to communicate without words,’ Margaux says.

Somewhere in the process, they found a productive, healthy middle ground. ‘Over time, we learned to let some part of us go,’ Keven says. In his case, that meant incorporating an element of structure into his life and working towards shared goals. As a result, the couple began expanding their photography into a form of livelihood.

Meanwhile, Margaux became more adept at handling and accepting the things in life that she couldn’t control. For the first time in her life, she was willing to face her fear of fire. With Keven’s guidance, she held a fire prop for the first time, gradually learning to manipulate it, until one fine day she began to create with it. And as she became more comfortable with the art of fire dancing, Margaux began to understand one of fire’s greatest secrets: those who insist on controlling it get burned.”

Excerpted from “The Forge and Flame of Love” by of
📸 Trung Giang

I’m very excited for today. It is the first day of the market on Gabriola Island. The market is the best place. It is fi...

I’m very excited for today. It is the first day of the market on Gabriola Island. The market is the best place. It is filled with community and connection and art—the generous spirit of all those folks who’ve spent their time in their studios or kitchens or gardens, to bring to us something beautiful. A card, a mug, a loaf of bread, a bag of lettuce, a necklace, a soothing lotion, a lavendar wreath, a pie.

I woke to light rain on the roof just above my head, having slept in from two late nights, worrying for the vendors that the rain would get them down. I hope it doesn’t, and that they all feel a massive success today. As I arrived back to my new home last night at 11:30pm, there in the bakery across the road was the fabulous couple running around—lights shining out of their beautiful bakery and into the stark darkness. 9pm is midnight on Gabriola, so 11:30pm would be early morning. The things we do to make life worth living for ourselves, and for others. Have you thanked your local maker recently? See you at the market.

📸 of .wonders

Life has been one big sh*tshow for the past month. Partly my doing and partly not. The my doing part is that I’m a worka...

Life has been one big sh*tshow for the past month. Partly my doing and partly not. The my doing part is that I’m a workaholic and the whole ‘slow the folk down’ thing is more inspirational for me than anything. I tend to say yes to everything and know I can handle it, even if it all seems to be falling at the same time. I hear all the professionals saying they’ve stopped saying yes to everything, and how good that feels. I use my ‘yes’ nature to drown out my existential angst, and I hope to take it a bit easier at some point.

But then there’s random life stuff that falls at the same time. And I’m talking big life things that you don’t really plan on. Sigh.

Unfortunately with the weight of it all, I don’t really have any one to turn to, to help, because EVERYONE is busy (and I move so much that building those sorts of relationships is barely possible). My mom would have happily been there to help with Willow, but I don’t think like that—I feel so bad for her on the life she’s missing out on, that I can’t feel bad for myself for not having her in mine. That’s why the concept of living in community sounds amazing. A mommune or something like it, with people around who understand the plight of a million things with toddler in tow.

Any way, the sh*tshow peaked yesterday, and today is a new day, and willow and I are feeling much much better. This kind of burnout hasn’t happened for like 6 years (my Saturn Return), and as of today Im starting to think about saying yes to things again, whereas yesterday was a noooooo. Bahahahaha. You’d think I’d learn.

I hope this post wasn’t TMI. I feel like it can be important to share things like this, because life isn’t all peaches and cream and that’s okay.

We got a lovely letter in the mail yesterday that we’ll share in our stories. That helped a bit ❤️

How are you doing these days?


I'm doing my first presentation for FOLKLIFE next Thursday in Victoria at the PechaKucha Night Victoria. I'm excited! Ex...

I'm doing my first presentation for FOLKLIFE next Thursday in Victoria at the PechaKucha Night Victoria. I'm excited! Excited to meet all the fabulous entrepreneurs and creatives, excited for a city trip, and not so excited to stand up in front of a bunch of people, BUT, it will be easier than a normal presentation as it's based on 20 photos. And you know we have a ton of amazing photos! '20 images x 20 seconds each, from a variety of creative people, drinking, thinking and talking. All in one evening.' Get your tickets here, before they sell out!

Tea and Treats From the Wild: A book release evening with Mikaela Cannon, author of newly-released 'Foraging as a Way of...

Tea and Treats From the Wild: A book release evening with Mikaela Cannon, author of newly-released 'Foraging as a Way of Life', published by New Society Publishers (as well as FOLKLIFE article ‘A Forager’s Field Notes’). We are very excited to announce this fun outdoor evening on beautiful Gabriola Island on Tuesday May 28, 6-8pm.

This event will include an intro to foraging, a detailed study of three plants, treats and tea made from foraged plants, a Q&A, music, and mingling.

Get your ticket by transferring $15 to [email protected]. See you there (Commons Timberframe).

“Foraging for food, medicine, and useful materials is as ancient as human existence. Until relatively recently, we had no grocery stores, no industrial agriculture, and no heavily modified foods. To be closely connected to the land, to observe other life forms moving through the woods, feels to me like being truly present and alive. I’ll notice that a mule deer has nibbled here on a tiger lily as I go by, that there is fresh black bear s**t over there, that young red squirrels are chasing one another in the Douglas fir treetops. I am but one of the beings out here, relying on this forest, calling it home.

Every foraging expedition is different. As the seasons progress, different plants come into their prime. It is never monotonous, never dull. To forage safely, I need a bit of expertise. I need to be able to differentiate an edible leaf from a poisonous one, for example. Is the leaf edge serrated or entire? Is the leaf coated with velvety fuzz or is it glossy? Does it have parallel or netlike veins? Observing in this way puts me in a relaxed state of mind that’s linked to an acute awareness.” ~Mikaela Cannon

📸 .of.indra

Maybe we should be offended that people say they think they’re not going to like one of the Volumes because of the theme...

Maybe we should be offended that people say they think they’re not going to like one of the Volumes because of the theme (mother/love/etc), or even the whole topic of the magazine (living more…folkier…), but it’s actually the best thing ever to hear from people who aren’t interested or ‘for’ a topic and end up LOVING it. Here are some things we’ve started hearing already for the Love Volume:

I love this magazine so’s so wonderful. If you need me, I’ll be out in this glorious sunshine reading and munching.

Absolutely fabulous (again). Made my heart cry and soar and wish to move back to the magic. Bravo

The Love Volume is Terrific. I am very touched by the stories in Volume 9, 2024. Especially the account of the love between Dirk and Mary Ann. And all they shared.

Wow, just wow on this last issue of FOLKLIFE. Emotionally I was all over the map, some articles brought tears to eyes, others left goosebumps, but most of all I felt gratitude for for all the heartfelt windows they gave us into the lives of those beautiful souls.

Read nearly all of volume 9 on the plane…WOW. Tried not to tear-stain this one since I’m gifting it but that was a challenge ! Love love love it

Later I read the piece by Ruth Emeroe in Issue 9 of Folklife magazine, and was reminded that all the joy I needed was fully present and fulfilling, simply by beholding that magnificent magnolia. So much can be held and gathered in a moment even as it passes. Thank you Ruth for your marvelous soulful writing which brought my thoughts back to that magnolia and to gratitude for everything I already have. I think this is really what is at the heart of this magazine in general, as well as the people who inhabit it. Gathering a multitude within the moment, letting it go, and still keeping it. ❤️


Well folks, we made it. We’re officially on our way to Vancouver for the  market. Exciting times, as 2024 is the year to...

Well folks, we made it. We’re officially on our way to Vancouver for the market. Exciting times, as 2024 is the year to get FOLKLIFE out into the ether! And by that, I guess we mean…Vancouver? :P

Join me, along with over 85 makers and creatives, at the Spring Market on Saturday, May 4 and Sunday, May 5 at the Maritime Labour Centre (near Victoria Dr + Powell St) in from 10-5pm. Enjoy the Mini Makers Market, food trucks, and of course, FREE limited edition swag bags. Tickets available online in advance + at the door.
Here is the link to purchase tickets: (kids 12 and under are free)


Happy May 1st. You should be done your taxes, I guess. Still wearing your raincoat, I guess. Keeping up with life, I gue...

Happy May 1st. You should be done your taxes, I guess. Still wearing your raincoat, I guess. Keeping up with life, I guess. Taking a breath, for sure. Receiving FOLKLIFE in the mail, for sure. Ordering that Mother’s Day present for a mom in your life, whether she’s yours or not, for sure. Taking a walk, for sure. Feeling gratitude, even though life is ka-razy, for sure. Whew, take a breath. So lovely to see you all receiving The Love Volume, on their way to your mailboxes (or there now). Enjoy! It’s this part that makes it allll worth it.

PS Thanks for all the love on our last post. It was a moment of weakness, and ya’ll are grand for being there.


I re-insured my run-down van so that I could move magazines around, and then move myself out of this beautiful waterfron...

I re-insured my run-down van so that I could move magazines around, and then move myself out of this beautiful waterfront home to a beautiful tiny house in the trees.

I switched my license plate off and couldn’t get it onto the rusty bolts so taped it to the van as best as I could in the thick of heavy rain. After my friends lovingly helped me with packaging up the hundreds of subscriber’s magazines, we boxed them, and I schlepped them into my van. I tried to figure out timing so that I could do all the things between all the things. Eventually, they made it off Gabriola yesterday, crowded into the overloaded schedule after a sweaty kickboxing session that I didn’t have time for, and me looking haggard and sweaty in the ‘big’ city to boot.

At the post office, they started by shipping off the ‘easy’ retail orders. When they looked at my stack of US orders, they grumbled and complained and said they pretty much couldnt do it and that I should be doing it myself at home because Canada Post changed the rules that now a magazine to the US is no longer lettermail, but a package. That means entering each one separately (and we had 50+), and they are $4 more dollars each. We decided to send them as lettermail and risk them getting sent back. Sometimes they go through, they said. And we all smiled as we watched them go.

Then I got dozens of lettertainer boxes and moved the 500 magazines from boxes in my van/parking lot to lettertainers, counting 12345678910111213141516, shutting the stupid lid, and slapping a sticker to the side. Stacking them back into my van for a different post office. It was in this moment, surrounded by magazines in various boxes with a million other jobs to do swirling around me, dirty and sweaty, that I wondered ‘why am I still doing this?’ I never think that because I love FOLKLIFE and I love making it. But when I think about how it’s all still a volunteer job and here I am being miserable in the midst of a crazy whirlwind of life schlepping boxes and magazines and containers and printouts and more, it occurred to me how ridiculous it all is. That I take this volunteer job, this passion project, so seriously. That I do all of these things to make it and get it out to you. And I will keep making FOLKLIFE. My name is Alina Cerminara, and I am a workaholic. And something’s gotta give.

Photo: Stephanie Artuso

Hey friends! We’re launching the next Volume of FOLKLIFE in style! This Saturday (27th) at 6pm will be a curry-themed lo...

Hey friends! We’re launching the next Volume of FOLKLIFE in style! This Saturday (27th) at 6pm will be a curry-themed long table potluck dinner (you’ll see why), including a live paint-in from , readings from the magazine, and music from DJ Emmett Scrimshaw, at the beautiful and waterfront Net Loft on the South End of Gabriola. If the weather is good, it will be outdoors, and if not, indoors. Families welcome! Dinner events by donation, and vegan/gf is recommended if possible. Please RSVP to attend by emailing [email protected]

PS The indigo dyeing workshop is full, but there is a beautiful writing workshop from 4:30-6pm before the dinner for $25. If interested, let us know!

Today is the final day to get free shipping with purchase of the upcoming Love Volume, for that mother in your life! Use...

Today is the final day to get free shipping with purchase of the upcoming Love Volume, for that mother in your life! Use the code FOLKMOTHER and she’ll get to enjoy a gift of some inspiring, lovely, and thoughtful reading. Enjoy!


Anyone want to come help package FOLKLIFE on Gabriola this Sunday from 10am-2pm? :)

Anyone want to come help package FOLKLIFE on Gabriola this Sunday from 10am-2pm? :)

THIS. Abundance mindset can be hard, but it’s worth it. We love making art. We love working with artists. We love findin...

THIS. Abundance mindset can be hard, but it’s worth it. We love making art. We love working with artists. We love finding art in the every day/every person.


We’ve got you covered with the perfect thoughtful gift for that mother in your life. Give her the gift of some time alon...

We’ve got you covered with the perfect thoughtful gift for that mother in your life. Give her the gift of some time alone to quietly enjoy and be inspired by The Love Volume: 128 pages of thick beautiful earthy paper, filled with stories, recipes, photographs, poems, quotes, and more, that evoke a creative, intentional, and slowed down life. She deserves it, and giving feels oh-so-good. And only until April 21st, get FREE SHIPPING with the code FOLKMOTHER at the checkout. We got you.


One magazine: a whole lot of reading (and love), out April 2024. Shipping (within Canada): $5.99. ($13 USA, $22 International - cdn currency) IMPORTANT—Ensure your delivery info is correct. Orders not received as a result of a missing unit number, incorrect postal code, misspelling of Street, Aven...

“They call them the whiskey planks because they’re so fu***ng challenging you need a drink after!” the shipwright says, ...

“They call them the whiskey planks because they’re so fu***ng challenging you need a drink after!” the shipwright says, pleased with the success of his work. It takes knowledge, patience, and skill to steam red cedar planks and coax them into the perfect shape. Tony Grove has been honing this craft since his days apprenticing at a shipyard in Vancouver, but he didn’t always harbour this passion for boats.

“For me, it was a job. I was just doing my job, grinding away. I wanted to go to art school, actually,” he says. But after stumbling upon WoodenBoat magazine midway through his apprenticeship, he started seeing boats differently.

“It was a romantic vision and gradual appreciation for what that world is. When you see a boat finished with all its components, you put up the sails and then it’s pushing you along in the ocean, it’s quite a marvel—a beautiful thing. A functional piece of art.”

Sneak peek excerpt from Amanda Lemay's “From Galleys to Galleries” in the upcoming FOLKLIFE: the Love Volume. Pre-order your own copy now:

Overwhelmed = just do nothing.I am not the type of person to be overwhelmed. Have you heard of ‘Bird by Bird’? Well that...

Overwhelmed = just do nothing.

I am not the type of person to be overwhelmed. Have you heard of ‘Bird by Bird’? Well that’s me. Just one step at a time, focus, don’t think about it all at once, and don’t try to do it all at once. But there does come a point where no matter how much of a robot you are, it can be too much. So that was me an hour ago. Eleven BIG things upcoming with FOLKLIFE, and that’s just, well…FOLKLIFE.

I walked my dog and now I feel better.

What do you do when you get overwhelmed?

PS We are so excited about all those 11 things too! Magazine launches, events, merch, presentations, markets, membership, magazine making…. and they’re things YOU can be a part of or join us! Some of those things are the following. Message us for more info:

Pre-Order The upcoming Love Volume Now so you get it right away!
FOLKLIFE Founding Member Launch (sign up by April 24th)
FOLKLIFE Volume 9 Launch on Gabriola Island - April 27th
FOLKLIFE at Got Craft in Vancouver (Vancouver’s largest indie fair) May 4 and 5
FOLKLIFE presenting at PechaKucha VOL. 20 in Victoria BC, May 16th
Tea and Treats from the Wild - May 28th on Gabriola Island, BC
2nd annual STOKED: A Day of Professional Development for Small Business Owners - October 19th, on Salt Spring Island

📸 .garraway



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