Amy Abella Constantino

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  • Amy Abella Constantino

Amy Abella Constantino I enjoy listening to music, see the nature, and providing support to others.

CLOTHE yourselves with the new self created in God's image, in the way of uprightness and holiness that belong to the tr...

CLOTHE yourselves with the new self created in God's image, in the way of uprightness and holiness that belong to the truth.
-Eph 4:24

You Are a New Creation

REFLECTION. "Know thyself." To be made in God's image is to reflect that all-powerful image to all those around you.

At the deepest level you are holy, within the holiness of God.

PRAYER.🙏 Father, You are my maker and I am Your Child. Help me to know my purpose and destiny.

Thank you Lord for letting me attend, its been a while, Another Bi weekly zoom meeting in our Online Busines🎉🎉🎉Thank you...

Thank you Lord for letting me attend, its been a while, Another Bi weekly zoom meeting in our Online Busines🎉🎉🎉

Thank you to all the leaders/coaches for sharing and for all your support to make us all successful in this business.. Amazing people in this community to be involved and part of, always looking forward.

Thank you Online Business🙏

I KEEP the Lord always before me, for with Him at my right hand I will never fall. Therefore, my heart is glad and my so...

I KEEP the Lord always before me, for with Him at my right hand I will never fall. Therefore, my heart is glad and my soul rejoices.
Ps 16:8-9

Say Yes to Your Own Happiness

REFLECTION. The willingness to receive the gift of God's love and joy is a necessary prelude to happiness both in this world and forever in the next.

Be your own best friend.

🙏PRAYER. Dear God, teach me how to avoid being my own worst enemy. Teach me self-love.

O Father, thank You for helping and healing me.You're my rescuer. I lift my hands and shout Your praise right now. PRAISE YOUR NAME!🙏🙏🙏

Thank you father God 🙏🙏🙏❤️

Thank you father God 🙏🙏🙏❤️

Its been a while, missing the things i want to do, cooking, so on and getting there, recovery step by step thanks be to ...

Its been a while, missing the things i want to do, cooking, so on and getting there, recovery step by step thanks be to God ❤️🙏

YOU are precious in my sight.                                    -Isa 43:4                 You Are One of a KindREFLECTI...

YOU are precious in my sight.
-Isa 43:4

You Are One of a Kind

REFLECTION. God sees you as His unique creation. Your body is a wonderful, integrated composition of organs and systems.

You have been given many gifts and talents.

Your personality and your good intentions are wonderful to behold. You have so much to be grateful for.

PRAYER. 🙏 Thank You, Lord, for loving me as though I am Your only child.

BE ON guard against false prophets. • • • By their fruits you will know them.                                 -Mt 7:15, ...

BE ON guard against false prophets. • • • By their fruits you will know them.
-Mt 7:15, 16

Don't Be a Fool on This Day

REFLECTION. A Chinese garden is an artistic arrangement of stone and tiny pools sprinkled with lovely flowers.

Our life is like a garden when we sprinkle it with small acts of kind-ness.

Only a fool destroys his own garden with acts of meanness.

PRAYER. 🙏 Dear God, make me an instrument of Your love.

EASTER SUNDAYWE have placed our hope in the living God.                                 -1 Tim 4:10Cherish the Promise o...


WE have placed our hope in the living God.
-1 Tim 4:10

Cherish the Promise of Salvation

REFLECTION. Every Easter, "we celebrate the greatest and most shining feast" (St. John Chrysostom). But this celebration is not merely an annual event.

"We are an Easter people and alleluia is our song," (St. Augustine). The whole Christian life is about joyful expectation.

"For God so loved the worthat he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."
-John 3:16

PRAYER. 🙏 Dear God, fill me with the joy that comes from the knowledge of Your love.

🙏Thank You for coming to carth to save mel The world is full of such darkness and evil-but You showed us light and love.
I won't forget
Your sacrifice for me.

🙏Holy Spirit, Teach me how to be spiritually and emotionally happy.

HOLY SATURDAY BECAUSE of the Preparation Day of the Jews, they laid Jesus in a new tomb in which no one had yet been lai...


BECAUSE of the Preparation Day of the Jews, they laid Jesus in a new tomb in which no one had yet been laid.

Our New Life in Christ

REFLECTION. The readings in the Paschal Vigil carry us into the mysterious arena where human sin meets God's justice and mercy.

Holy Saturday, Jesus is buried in the tomb and descends into hell.

For these reasons, Holy Saturday is an ideal day to ponder the pondering heart of our Blessed Mother. There are several times in Sacred Scripture where we are told that Mother Mary pondered the mysteries of her Son’s life in her heart. She was one of the few who stood by Him in His agony and death. She stood before the Cross and prayerfully pondered His perfect sacrifice. The Blessed Mother held His dead body in her arms and pondered where His spirit had gone. And today she keeps vigil, pondering His imminent return to her.

So many people in this world walk in despair and confusion. So many have lost hope in the new life that awaits them. So many have their own form of interior death without allowing God to draw them into His Resurrection. So many people today need the hope that was so alive in the heart of our Blessed Mother that first Holy Saturday.

Ponder the reality of Holy Saturday in silence this day and allow the glorious heart of our Blessed Mother to inspire you and draw you more deeply into her life of faith, hope and love.

Dearest Mother Mary, on that first Holy Saturday, you kept vigil for your Son. You allowed the divine gift of hope to grow within you, and you allowed that hope to be your strength in the midst of the horror of the Cross. Pray for me that I may ponder your beautiful heart this day so that I, too, may be filled with hope as I endure the challenges of this earthly life. Give me a heart of joyful anticipation as I await the grace of new life our Lord so deeply desires to bestow upon me. Mother Mary, pray for me. Jesus, I do trust in You.

PRAYER. 🙏 Lord, as we await in silence, You have given Your precious life for the salvation of the world. You died a horrific death, poured out all Mercy from Your wounded Heart, and now You rest in peace in the tomb as the soldiers keep vigil. Lord, may I also keep vigil with You as You sleep.
Until outpouring of joy with which we will celebrate Your Resurrection, help me to prepare diligently.

MEN of Galilee, why are you standing there looking up into the sky?                                        -Acts 1:11Act...

MEN of Galilee, why are you standing there looking up into the sky?
-Acts 1:11

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

REFLECTION. Give God His due. Do not merely meditate on His words. Perform good deeds to give God praise and glory.
In that way, you will produce an abundance of good fruit.

If you say that actions speak louder than words, you mean that people's actions show their real attitudes, rather than what they say. This expression is sometimes used to advise a person to do something positive.

We have not been appointed to gaze on the Word of God without understanding, or in a frightened, astonished, or perplexed way, as did His disciples when the Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven. We now have a more-sure Word of prophecy which informs us of our unshakable hope in God's plans and purposes for our future.

We have not been appointed to gaze on the Word of God without understanding, or in a frightened, astonished, or perplexed way, as did His disciples when the Lord Jesus Christ ascended into heaven. We now have a more-sure Word of prophecy which informs us of our unshakable hope in God's plans and purposes for our future.

PRAYER. 🙏 Give me the grace, Lord, not only to hear Your Word but also to act on it.

UNLESS you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven.                          ...

UNLESS you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven.
-Mt 18:3

Many Are Called, But Few Are Chosen

REFLECTION. Sacred Scripture shows us the standard of good and evil.

We learn from experience that the values of this world are very different from God's standards.

To be chosen, a person must accept his or her calling, be grateful for it and move forward in serving God and His Son. However, being called is not enough to be a saint. We must respond to that calling (invitation). Positive action is required!

But as to the crux of your question — how can we be sure that we’re among those who will be saved? The answer is that we can never be certain. All we can do is trust in Christ’s teaching and make a decent effort to respond appropriately in faith and in conduct.

PRAYER. 🙏 Heavenly Father, deliver me from evil; help me to do Your Will in all circumstances.

BLESSED are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.                                             -Jn 20:29 ...

BLESSED are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe.
-Jn 20:29

Walk by Faith

REFLECTION. Nothing is more disappointing to the Lord than to see some people demanding visible signs in order for them to believe in the Gospel.

"Whoever believes has everlasting life" (Jn 6:47).

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. We are to rely completely on all that God has said in His Word. We do not make decisions by what we see or feel.

We live by faith, not by sight. That is what God calls us to do. To grow in our faith walk is to do it by continually walking in God's grace and believing that His word is true.

It takes great faith to be a Christian, to believe that Jesus died on the cross to purchase eternal life for you. But the joy and peace from really knowing God in your life is so worth taking that step, for we live by faith and not by sight.

PRAYER.🙏 Lord, I believe. Let me walk by faith in spite of my tendency to be doubtful at

THE tax collector... would not even raise his eyes to heaven. Rather, he kept beating his breast as he said,“God, be mer...

THE tax collector... would not even raise his eyes to heaven. Rather, he kept beating his breast as he said,
“God, be merciful to me, a sinner."
Lk 18:13

Humility Is Sweet

REFLECTION. The Pharisees were proud and haughty. Jesus was angry with them. He ridiculed them repeatedly.

When the lowly tax collector thought himself to be unworthy, he stood afar off, beating his breast and saying, "Be merciful to me a sin-ner." Jesus rewarded him for his humility.

Humility is putting yourself lower than anyone else, to become as a servant to all people.

Christian humility is linked to self-abnegation, shame, and sin and may therefore not be to everyone’s taste. However, the ancient theologians can still help us to avoid arrogance and pretentiousness. They remind us that we are members of a species that is far from perfect and urge us to be mindful of the limited role we each have to play in the fate of humanity as a whole.

PRAYER. 🙏 Lord Jesus, help me to imitate the humility of the tax collector.

JESUS said, "Come to Me, all you who are weary, and overburdened, and I will give you rest."                         -Mt...

JESUS said, "Come to Me, all you who are weary, and overburdened, and I will give you rest."
-Mt 11:28

Rest in the Lord

REFLECTION. Try not to live inside your own head. Fear and self-pity are signs of a weak faith.

Jesus says, "Do not be afraid." If you can't manage to do that, come to the Lord quickly, and entrust yourself to His holy care.

He will do for you what you cannot do for yourself.

To rest in him. To let go of our burdens and to let him carry them. Rest is trust. Rest equals peace. Rest means quieting all our racing thoughts, worries, and concerns, and turning them over to God.

Resting in the Lord, depending fully on His provision and plan even while the world swirls around us in constant chaos.

PRAYER. 🙏 I need You, Lord, now more than ever.

💰BENEFITS OF STARTING AN ONLINEBUSINESS✅️You're able to work from home✅️No need to work at a 9-5 forever✅️You can earn P...


✅️You're able to work from home

✅️No need to work at a 9-5 forever

✅️You can earn PASSIVE INCOME while
focusing on other things

✅️You can outsource a lot

✅️You can have less hours of work and
it's on your own schedule

✅️You can automate and scale your

✅️There's no limit on what you can earn

WHOEVER loves God must alsolove his brother.                                   -1 Jn 4:21                Do No HarmREFLE...

WHOEVER loves God must also
love his brother.
-1 Jn 4:21

Do No Harm

REFLECTION. Pope St. John Paul II wrote: "To do harm, to promote violence and conflict in the name of religion is a terrible contradiction and an offense against God."

Do no harm. Be kind to your brethren.

Pray for the conversion of evildoers.

The true test of genuine love is revealed in the trials, conflicts, pain and suffering that we all go through at different times in our lives. If we come through the other side of these things with relationships intact, with mutual forgiveness, healing and peace, then we have loved one another the way that God loves us.

Even if a relationship did not remain intact, mutual forgiveness, healing and peace is still attainable. How we treat one another matters a great deal to Jesus. We can’t change the past, but from this point on, maybe we could work on treating one another with more love and respect in the coming year.

PRAYER. 🙏 Fill me, Lord, with Your Holy Spirit of 💗 💕 ❤️Love.

A TRUE friend is one at all times, and a brother is born to render help in time of need.                                ...

A TRUE friend is one at all times, and a brother is born to render help in time of need.
-Prov 17:17

Charity Begins at Home

REFLECTION. If you were in need for some rea-son, wouldn't you want someone to come to your assistance? Then go, and do likewise.

If you say charity begins at home, you mean that people should deal with the needs of people close to them before they think about helping others.

Maybe one of your own family members is in need right now. Help the one who needs the most help; do it today.

The idea is that taking care of one's own family and responsibilities is the foundation for being able to help others.

PRAYER. 🙏 Lord, You love a cheerful giver; free me from selfish isolation.

JESUS said, "Come to Me, all you who are weary, and overburdened, and I will give you rest."                            ...

JESUS said, "Come to Me, all you who are weary, and overburdened, and I will give you rest."
-Mt 11:28

Rest in the Lord

REFLEcTION. Try not to live inside your own head. Fear and self-pity are signs of a weak faith.

Reprogram your mind to be joyful whenever you encounter difficulties in life.

Nothing is wasted to Almighty God the father.�
�“These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold” (1 Peter 1:7).

Jesus says, "Do not be afraid." If you can't manage to do that, come to the Lord quickly, and entrust yourself to His holy care. He will do for you what you cannot do for yourself.

Don’t let your emotions rule your life; bring them to God so He can help you address them. He is not disappointed or frustrated by your struggles, doubts or pain. He cares about you, and you can trust Him with those things.

The Holy Spirit will lead you to what you should do. Sometimes what you need to do is wait. Faithfully continue to seek the Lord, but wait on His timing. Wait on Him to act on your behalf. Wait on Him to do what you cannot do yourself.

PRAYER. 🙏 I need You, Lord, now more than ever.🙏🙏

I WAS hungry and you gave me something MAR. to eat; ... a stranger and you welcomed me.                                 ...

I WAS hungry and you gave me something MAR. to eat; ... a stranger and you welcomed me.
-Mt 25:35

Be a Good and Gracious Host

REFLECTIoN. This is an unsafe world, and we have to be careful. Nevertheless, the welcome mat should never disappear from your doorstep.

Be known for your kindness and grace.

May we uphold the fullness of God's grace, goodness, and goodwill.

Once you know that the stranger is not a threat, be gracious. If you do not feel safe, however, be cautious. Better safe than sorry.

PRAYER. 🙏 Jesus, I need You to guide me in discerning Your Will.


NOTHING] will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
-Rom 8:39

Tap into Your Higher Power

REFLECTION. Sometimes you may feel alone and abandoned. It doesn't matter because feelings are not facts. The Lord is closer than you know.

Learn to live by faith, and not by feelings. In that way you will rise above the misery of this life.

Our feelings change all the time—we can start our day with joy and happiness and before we even get to work—we feel angry about a phone call. If we let our feelings dictate our plans, we would never get anything completed.

PRAYER. 🙏 Dear God, be my strength and my joy, especially when I'm feeling blue.🙏🙏

DO NOT let your hearts be troubled; be not afraid.                                -Jn 14:27Faith Is the Conviction of Th...

DO NOT let your hearts be troubled; be not afraid.
-Jn 14:27

Faith Is the Conviction of Things Not Seen

REFLECTION. Here is a quote found carved into the wall of a N**i concentration camp:

"I believe in the sun even when it is not shin-ing.... I also believe in God even when He is silent."

PRAYER. 🙏 Lord, I believe; help me in my unbelief.

YOU will weep and mourn while the MAR. world rejoices. You will be sorrowful, but your grief will turn into joy.        ...

YOU will weep and mourn while the MAR. world rejoices. You will be sorrowful, but your grief will turn into joy.
-Jn 16:20

Pain and Sorrow Are Part of Life

REFLECTION. Without the experience of pain, you can never really know the full meaning of joYou can learn to smile at your pain if you see it as a prelude to endless joy.

PRAYER. 🙏 Remove the cup of pain from my lips, O Lord, and ready my soul for eternal happi-ness.

GOD is our refuge and our strength. ... Therefore, we will not be afraid.                                   -Ps 46:2-3Kn...

GOD is our refuge and our strength. ...
Therefore, we will not be afraid.
-Ps 46:2-3

Know That the Lord Is Your Protection

REFLECTION. Ask yourself: Why has my life lasted this long?
The answer is: because an invisible power sustains you.

But why weren't you taken years ago?

Because you still have a job to do that no one else can do. Have the courage to do your duty.

PRAYER. 🙏 Lord, I know my life comes from You.
Help me to carry out my purpose.

Faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the conviction about things that cannot be seen.                         ...

Faith is the assurance of what we hope for and the conviction about things that cannot be seen.
-Heb 11:1

Skepticism Puts Out the Fire of Hope

In this passage, the writer demonstrates that godly faith is really ''Trust.'' What we have seen of God's nature and character should lead us to trust Him, and trust naturally leads to obedience

Reflection. The skeptic says “The world is in such a mess - what good is religion?” You can also say, “Lots of people are dirty - what value is soap?”

But neither religion nor soap can do any good if it is not used.

Prayer. Lord, increase my faith.🙏🙏🙏

Act justly and love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.                                 -Mic 6:8                The fi...

Act justly and love mercy, and walk humbly with your God.
-Mic 6:8

The first Virtue and the End
“Humilty” Is Truth

Reflection. “If you think going to church makes you a Christian, you probably also think that sitting in a garage will make you a car” (Garrison Keillor).

Face the facts, it takes love and humility to keep you from becoming an egotistical bore.

St Teresa of Avila, truth and justice are the two elements classical definition of “Humildad es andar en verdad” –”Humility is to walk in truth.
Truth facilitates seeing ourselves as we really are.
Justice leads us to act according to that perception.

James 4:6 tells us that “God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” Pride puts us in a place where we cut ourselves off from God's grace.

But humility puts us in a position of needing God and receiving grace from Him. Forgiveness of our sin is an act of grace.

Prayer. Lord, help me to face the truth about myself.🙏🙏🙏

Love bears all things, believe all things, hopes all things, endures all things.                       - 1 Cor 13:7 Stay...

Love bears all things, believe all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
- 1 Cor 13:7

Stay the Course

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.

My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus.

Reflection. An Irish Prayer: 🙏

May your neighbours respect you … Trouble neglect you…
The Angels protect you…
And heaven accept you…

Prayer. Dear Lord, above all, grant me the grace of final perseverance. 🙏

Do You not Know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit….. and that you are not your own?                       ...

Do You not Know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit….. and that you are not your own?
- 1 Cor 6:19

Respect Your Body As
a God-Given Gift

Reflection. Good athletes must strive to win, but in the process they must also respect their own bodies, minds, and spirits as a gifts from God.

In that way, they will treat themselves and their opponents with respect.

Prayer.🙏 Keep me from taking my health for granted, Lord…..

Congratulations and welcome our 43 Action Takers 🎉🤩🥳🎊🌟from different countries throughout the month of February 2024.Our...

Congratulations and welcome our 43 Action Takers 🎉🤩🥳🎊🌟from different countries throughout the month of February 2024.

Our Online Business 💻 is legit and here is a proof, people around the world are joining, and you can start too if you join our team and build it anywhere, anytime…😉👍

And no experience needed because trainings and mentorships are provided.

The Best Online Business 🌟🌟🌟

Thank you Holy God 🙏🥰.
Thank you Lord Jesus🙏🥰.
Thank you Holy Spirit🙏🥰.


Keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus who Himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”  -Acts 20:35  T...

Keep in mind the words of the Lord Jesus who Himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

-Acts 20:35

Take Care of Yourself

Reflection. First you must take care of yourself. Keep your mind free of toxic thinking.

Don’t put yourself down. Then think of others, and enjoy the blessings of being a cheerful giver.

To love yourself is to open your heart to the needs of others.

Prayer. Dear God, I know that generosity is a sign of gratitude; help me to be grateful everyday in everything 🙏🙏🙏.

LiVE WoRKsHoP!! How to have an Online Business as your Plan B income stream! You can do this online business ANYTIME & A...

LiVE WoRKsHoP!! How to have an Online Business as your Plan B income stream!

You can do this online business ANYTIME & ANYWHERE and no experience needed because trainings and mentorships are provided! Message me now to know how!

Be part of this amazing online business team.

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A business that you can do anytime and anywhere.

The Best Online Business 🌟🌟🌟

Thank you Holy God 🙏🥰.
Thank you Lord Jesus🙏🥰.
Thank you Holy Spirit🙏🥰.



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