Dear mamas,
I want you to know it does get better. 🩷
I remember being early in my motherhood journey and thinking, will I ever feel like myself again? Will I ever feel better? Will I ever sleep again? And honestly, a lot of people told me it doesn’t get better, that things just change (which made me want to cry lol).
Well I appreciated their honesty and I know they meant well, I have to disagree. Now that I’m further along and my kids are getting a little older, I truly feel like things have gotten so much easier and I think it’s sad we don’t encourage moms a little more, because they really need the support.
Sure, as our babies grow we experience new challenges and new phases in life. And I can already tell that as my kids get older, the emotional and mental aspect of parenting is getting harder. But they’re sleeping, they can communicate with me, they can play with each other and their friends, and they can walk on their own.
I know everyone’s experience of parenthood looks a little different, but if you’re a mama in the trenches I want you to know there is light at the end of the tunnel. You will start to love and accept the new version of you, you will sleep again, they will sleep again, and you’ll become really damn good at this whole parent thing. 🩷🩷
All my mamas out there, tell me about your experience! Did you find the baby years harder or easier?! There’s no right or wrong answer, every experience is valid. 🙏🏻