Pipeline Online Podcast Ep. 3 Chad Eggerman on Wind
Chad Eggerman is a Saskatoon lawyer who focuses on energy. Procido LLP is the firm he founded.
Tune in at 1 p.m. CST Monday, Feb. 10, for Episode 3 of the Pipeline Online Podcast. Chad Eggerman, a Saskatoon energy lawyer, will be joining us. The focus will be on #wind power generation.
Pipeline Online Podcast Ep. 2 - Jeremy Harrison, on coal
Saskatchewan Minister of Crown Investments Corp. & SaskPower Jeremy Harrison speaks about how Saskatchewan is looking to rejuvenate coal-fired power generation instead of abandoning it in 2030
Saskatchewan Crown Investments Corp Minister Jeremy Harrison joins the Pipeline Online Podcast to discuss how Saskatchewan is now looking to rejuvenate coal-fired power generation, instead of abandoning it in 2030. Live on X, LinkedIn and Facebook at 1 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 24
Pipeline Online Podcast Ep. 1: Eric Cline on royalties
The inaugural guest will be former Sask Min. of Finance, as well as Min. of Industry and Resources Eric Cline. We will discuss his book Squandered: Canada's Potash Legacy. Should royalties ever be changed, not just for potash, but oil and other commodities?
The PipelineOnline.ca Podcast launches Jan. 20, with Brian Zinchuk and Bronwyn Eyre as co-hosts. The inaugural guest will be former Saskatchewan Minister of Finance, as well as Minister of Industry and Resources Eric Cline re his book Squandered: Canada's Potash Legacy, and dig deep into royalties. Should they ever be changed, not just for potash, but oil and other commodities?
Zero wind, zero power at Bekevar
Live from Bekevar Wind Facility where there is again no wind
Saskatchewan Throne Speech Ignores Energy
The Monday Throne Speech talks a lot about health and education, but doesn't mention energy oil, or a whole lot of other things.