Winning Faceoff #rocketleague #RL #facebook #facebookgaming #fbgaming #fbgamingcreator #Solos
Sometimes I know what i'm doing. Most the time I'm Lucky #rocketleague #RL #trios #facebook #facebookgaming #fb #fbgamingcreator
Double tapp!!! #rocketleague #RL #comp #duos #facebook #facebookgaming #fbgamingcreator #doubletap
Goal that got me to champ! #rocketleague #RL #duos #facebookgaming #facebook #fbgamingcreator
pinch this #rocketleague #RL #duos #facebook #facebookgaming #fbgamingcreator #pinch
The Power of Friendship! @Kd-ocracy #rocketleague #RL #duos #facebook #facebookgaming #fbgamingcreator
Getting the job done! #rocketleague #RL #facebook #facebookgaming #fbgaming #trio #competetive
So sure that that is doing in you don't even have to look !
When you pass to the opponent to put in the net!
I've received 100 reactions to my posts in the past 30 days. Thanks for your support. 🙏🤗🎉
Thank you everyone for the love !! I really appreciate your help !!
Clapping noobs ...or I'm the noob
Clapping noobs ...or I'm the noob
Clapping noobs ...or I'm the noob
Just messing around in hoops!
Totally meant to do that !
casual 2's and you have to do all the work yourself
The perfect pass!
That feeling you gen when you know you made the perfect pass ! In trios with Kd-Ocracy and Lucifer_ Effect !
walking though people
just me walking the ball into the net! NO STRESS!