多倫多每年有眾多不同族裔及主題的電影節卻缺少一個由華人主辦的電影節。今年就是華裔電影愛好者期望已久的時刻﹐第一屆 “多倫多華人電影節” (Toronto Chinese Film Festival, 簡稱TCFF) 為世界各地的電影製作者提供一個嶄新的平台在多倫多這個多元族裔的城市展示高水準的作品。
經過多重的篩選﹐TCFF將本地及世界各地的優質電影作品展示給多倫多的觀眾﹐以及頒發多項獎項包括: 最佳電影﹐最佳導演﹐最佳男女主角﹐最佳攝影﹐最佳編劇及最佳剪接7大獎項。獎金及獎品非常豐富﹐為有意進入電影製作或演藝行業者及提供寶貴的機會。
各位電影製作這﹐若想你的作品在第一屆多倫多華人電影節的大螢幕出現給所有觀眾欣賞及接受專業影評的評審﹐ TCFF 現正開始
招募作品﹐詳情請在 www.ttcff.ca查詢。
In Toronto every year, a variety of cultural themed film festivals is hosted, however, there has not yet been one organized by the Chinese community. For movie fans, the “Toronto Chinese Film Festival” (TCFF) is the beginning of a long-awaited moment. The TCFF is a new Toronto based platform dedicated to showcase a high standard of film production from around the world. Several awards will be presented at the TCFF, including: Best Picture, Best Short Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Cinematography, Best Screenplay, Best Music Direction, Best Special Effects, as well as Best Editing Awards. For artists who want to showcase their work, this is an excellent opportunity, as TCFF will be offering prizes and bonuses valued over ten thousand dollars. From the beginning of August 2011 until early January 2012, TCFF will organize a series of film related events, including major acting recruitment, press conferences, premieres and more. If you want your work to be shown in the first year of Toronto Chinese Film Festival, sign up now at www.ttcff.ca.