
Brandidly A boutique communications firm delivering big marketing solutions for small businesses and start-ups.

New client alert! Give the Layo Centre a follow (especially the ladies!).

New client alert! Give the Layo Centre a follow (especially the ladies!).

Hi! We're The Layo Centre (formerly The Winnipeg Women’s Health & Contraception Clinic). We're a comprehensive clinic for medical care relating to women's health issues located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. . 👋

We're a leading expert site in the provision of the most effective methods for contraception, long-acting reversible contraceptives (specifically intrauterine devices and the subdermal implant, Nexplanon®), and menopause. We are also the go-to place for difficult insertions and removals.

Our clinic offers a range of advice and services relating to women’s reproductive health. We provide our patients with all of the information, support, and care they need in order to make informed choices regarding their health.

SPONSOR RECOGNITION HACK!�Why am I posting a photo of myself looking like I was caught in a hurricane (that hair!) with ...

�Why am I posting a photo of myself looking like I was caught in a hurricane (that hair!) with the whitest legs ever known to man on display? BECAUSE I’M SHARING WISDOM.

So you’re hosting an event. A golf tournament, hockey tournament, or gala. You have a bunch of lovely companies that have sponsored the event and infused your event with some great cashola. FABULOUS. But don’t think for one second that they’re doing it purely out of the goodness of their hearts.

Yes it’s a good cause, and yes you can throw one hell of an event, but ultimately they want to align their brand with yours. They want everyone to see that they sponsored your event because they are good people who care deeply about *INSERT CAUSE HERE*. So, GIVE THE PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT!

Instead of tossing their logo up on your social media feeds like you don’t really care, get creative with it. Align their branding with the fun of the event, cause, or whatever.

This square that I’m holding in the previously mentioned horrendous photo, is a piece of plain white coroplast. Total investment, about $5. Run around your event and have your attendees, staff, volunteers, program participants, or vendors hold the sign. Have your talented graphic designer photoshop your sponsor logos onto it after the event and voila, you have a fabulous way to recognize your sponsors after your event!

PLUS, the dreaded algorithms will like it because there’s an actual human face in the photo and it’s not just a boring designed image (the algorithm likes faces).


Ps. Use a real graphic designer. Don’t just slap it on like I did and your logo won’t look wonky like mine does. KTHXBYEFORREAL.

If you haven’t eaten at Lee's Restaurant you need to run, not walk. These folks make the best breakfast in the city.Lee’...

If you haven’t eaten at Lee's Restaurant you need to run, not walk. These folks make the best breakfast in the city.

Lee’s Restaurant, formerly Lee’s on DeVries, needed a new name and a new look. This incredible little eatery wanted to come out of COVID strong and build on some fabulous momentum that the restaurant has built over the past few years. They needed a look that was modern but still approachable and fun. Serious but a bit whimsical.

It was an absolute pleasure to watch the FABULOUS Jaclyn St. Vincent bring their new brand to life (right in time for us to also help them hit the top three poutines in Winnipeg for La Poutine Week)!

I’m totes biased but I think a ball was hit out of the park on this one.


I'm a feminist who was raised by feminists. By badass women who refused to be shushed. Who refused to be made small. My ...

I'm a feminist who was raised by feminists. By badass women who refused to be shushed. Who refused to be made small.

My mother and aunties fought the fight for equality for women. My grandmothers did too. And now while we fight and raise the next generation to do the same it's important for the men out there, the wonderful supportive men and the turds alike, to know that we will never stop coming. We will never stop fighting for equality. We will band together (ALL WOMEN - cis, trans, black, white, gay, straight) and we will never stop fighting.

I'm proud to run a business that is almost 100% female. Not because men aren't talented, but because it's time that women are able to support and encourage our own.

You can keep us out of your squash clubs and your country clubs, and your god-knows-what-else but women WILL have a voice. And that voice is only going to get louder.

Here’s a picture of me and my dogs at Christmas. Why? Because I desperately need to ask Casey Nolin Photography for new ...

Here’s a picture of me and my dogs at Christmas. Why? Because I desperately need to ask Casey Nolin Photography for new headshots.

BUT, the point of the pic is inform the world (well the 200+ of you that follow along) that I’m back! After 10+ years of telling my clients to invest in social, imma try and take my own advice.

So, if you want the adventures of Linds and team whilst we work to support some FANTASTIC humans and businesses, follow along.

(Plus, I promise dog content.)

Happy Saturday ya’ll! Thanks for your love and support. 🖤

Rolling out a new logo and brand refresh for our friends over at @

Rolling out a new logo and brand refresh for our friends over at @

The cat’s out of the bag! If you check out our website or see our logo in the ice at the Manitoba Scotties, you’ll notice that things look a little different.

Since our street name changed, and ‘Lee’s on Maxwell King’ doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, we are now forever known as Lee’s Restaurant! Our new name and our new logo (above) and look will be rolling out over the coming weeks.

Thank you for your continuing support of our business. We can’t wait to begin this new chapter with all of you with us for the ride.

We’re excited to launch a new logo and brand refresh for our friends over at Lee's On DeVries! It’s been a pleasure to w...

We’re excited to launch a new logo and brand refresh for our friends over at Lee's On DeVries! It’s been a pleasure to work with these wonderful humans.

If you need an AMAZING breakfast, check this place out. ♥️

The cat’s out of the bag! If you check out our website or see our logo in the ice at the Manitoba Scotties, you’ll notice that things look a little different.

Since our street name changed, and ‘Lee’s on Maxwell King’ doesn’t quite have the same ring to it, we are now forever known as Lee’s Restaurant! Our new name and our new logo (above) and look will be rolling out over the coming weeks.

Thank you for your continuing support of our business. We can’t wait to begin this new chapter with all of you with us for the ride.

New website, who dis? 👀

New website, who dis? 👀

HI, WE’REBRANDIDLY! SAY HELLO! A full-service marketing and communications agency, dedicated to growing your small or medium sized business.PROUDLY LOCATED IN WINNIPEG, MANITOBA Our clients We would love to work with you! Small and medium sized businesses are what we do best. We’ll take your mar...

It’s always a pleasure to work with the lovely folks at Lee's On DeVries. EIGHT HUNDRED burgers sold in two weeks is a m...

It’s always a pleasure to work with the lovely folks at Lee's On DeVries. EIGHT HUNDRED burgers sold in two weeks is a major accomplishment.

We’re comin for you next year Le Burger Week!

Congrats to all the winners of Le Burger Week! We fell short of our top five goal but we couldn't be happier with our staff and support of our amazing customers. Our first burger week attempt was a huge success, and our team made more than 800 burgers
in two weeks!

Thank you to , , , , , , , and .

Having people from all over Winnipeg come visit our little restaurant in the legion makes us so proud and we cannot wait to do it again!

Oh, and if you really loved our burger (which we hear most of you did!) we have an awesome surprise for you spring 2022! Stay tuned…

I’m smiling under this mask. Why? Because it’s Brandidly’s FIRST birthday!A year ago I was terrified. I had just been la...

I’m smiling under this mask. Why? Because it’s Brandidly’s FIRST birthday!

A year ago I was terrified. I had just been laid off from a job I loved (Director of Marketing at a tech company), I was recovering from (minor) surgery, and once I started looking I had no job prospects that excited me.

I had always wanted to work for myself but I was terrified! What if I hated it? What if no one wanted to work with me? What if I wasn’t actually as good at the whole marketing thing as I thought I was?

But I did it anyway. I jumped off the cliff of self employment and I never looked back.

And man was it worth it. One whole year of self employment! One whole year of working with clients who make me happy! One whole year of pandemics, and quarantines, and murder hornets and my business is not only still standing, it’s GROWING!

Cheers to more maskless years ahead. I cannot wait to see all you beautiful humans in real life. Thank you all for supporting me on this wacky journey. I love ya.

When you have the opportunity to chat with media for a client you drop everything and get it done. Today’s chat for Mani...

When you have the opportunity to chat with media for a client you drop everything and get it done. Today’s chat for Manitoba Underdogs Rescue Inc. took place outside my car dealership while I waited for some repairs.

There were more than a few strange looks from customers but the interview was GREAT.

Thanks CTV Winnipeg. Always a pleasure!

Developing this campaign for the Deer Lodge Centre Foundation (with the wonderful Jaclyn St Vincent) has truly been a la...

Developing this campaign for the Deer Lodge Centre Foundation (with the wonderful Jaclyn St Vincent) has truly been a labour of love.

If you have capacity, please consider a donation of $75 to mark the 75th Anniversary of the end of WWII. The folks at Deer Lodge care for our veterans with such compassion and empathy, and it's the least we can do to thank these brave men and women for their sacrifice and victory. ❤️

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Say thank you to our Veterans with a $75 donation to the Deer Lodge Centre Foundation to mark the 75th Anniversary of the end of WWII.

Your generous gift will refurbish our dementia units, allowing us to continue to provide cutting edge care to the Veterans who gave us so much.


I got to spend some time with the wonderful Kahla Evans today on Global Winnipeg talking about The Community Shirt. It’s...

I got to spend some time with the wonderful Kahla Evans today on Global Winnipeg talking about The Community Shirt. It’s a passion project with a few fantastic friends of mine put together to support Winnipeg Harvest.

Order yours today at

Watch Local initiative raising money for Winnipeg Harvest Video Online, on

It's always a pleasure chatting with the team at Global Winnipeg but, when it's about something amazing like the Capital...

It's always a pleasure chatting with the team at Global Winnipeg but, when it's about something amazing like the Capital K Distillery sanitizer initiative to combat COVID-19, it's doubly great! Thanks of having me on to chat about this fantastic initiative that my wonderful client is spearheading.

Stay strong and stay healthy everyone!

Watch Capital K Distillery joins the fight against COVID-19 Video Online, on

Followers and likes are wonderful but don’t forget to curate an email list too!It’s not s*xy or glamorous, but an email ...

Followers and likes are wonderful but don’t forget to curate an email list too!

It’s not s*xy or glamorous, but an email list is something that you own forever - a VERY important thing when you’re building a business for the long term.

It’s not s*xy or glamorous, but an email list is something that you own forever - a VERY important thing when you’re building a business for the long term.


Times are scary for small businesses right now and I want to help. If anyone knows of a small business owner who needs help communicating closures or reduced hours to their customers right now please tell them to contact me. I’d be happy to help give them ideas, tips and tricks to communicating clearly and effectively, or strategies to utilize free of charge. Let’s all be kind to each other and we’ll get through this together. ❤️

Marketing tip: If you're struggling with social media content, blogging will go a LONG way. Why? because one blog post c...

Marketing tip: If you're struggling with social media content, blogging will go a LONG way. Why? because one blog post can be broken down into so many different posts!

Say you’re a makeup artist and you’re writing a blog that compares five different types of mascara.

Each one of the five types that you review can be posted to your facebook or instagram like a mini review (five posts right there).

You can also share the blog with a headline like “Heading to Sephora? Here are the mascara brands that I think you should buy and the ones that you should skip”.

Later on in the summer you can re-share it saying something like “Looking for mascara that won’t run in the heat? Check out my review of five major brands to keep you raccoon-eye free this season”.

You can also create graphics, statistics, and interesting facts that can be shared. A photo of you wearing a specific brand for example that just says “10 hours of wear and not a single smudge! Thank you insert-company-name-here!”.

When you can so easily share your thoughts on social media, why should your business still be blogging?https://www.hello...

When you can so easily share your thoughts on social media, why should your business still be blogging?

In the world of social media blogging help with content creation and lead conversion.

When I first met Jason Kang of Capital K Distillery he was ready to launch his first vodka (the first craft vodka ever p...

When I first met Jason Kang of Capital K Distillery he was ready to launch his first vodka (the first craft vodka ever produced for retail sale in Manitoba), and take advantage of a low-interest government loan that would boost his marketing budget from $0 $250k.

He launched.

He immediately received a cease and desist letter telling him is original product line was in trademark breach.

The government cancelled the marketing loan program bouncing his marketing budget back to $0.

Wackiness ensued.

But here he is three years later competing against monster brands like Smirnoff with a shoestring budget, creativity, and a LOT of trust in my bonkers, but usually effective, ideas.

A HUGE shout-out to the Winnipeg Free Press for helping share the news about the latest happenings at Capital K Distillery. Exciting things are on the horizon and I'm so thrilled to be along for the ride.

When Capital K Distillery bottled its first batch of Tall Grass Vodka in December 2016, it became the first craft distillery in the province. In three years' time, the first batch of Tall Grass Whisky will be finished aging and Capital K will become the first Manitoba craft distillery to produce whi...

At the end of 2019 I realized that I was so busy helping people market their businesses that I had forgotten about mine....

At the end of 2019 I realized that I was so busy helping people market their businesses that I had forgotten about mine. I didn't even have a website published (BAD!). So today I threw something together so people can at least find us online.


New year's resolution: post on my OWN business social media accounts, not just my clients...Thank you so much to everyon...

New year's resolution: post on my OWN business social media accounts, not just my clients...

Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me in the past year. 2019 was an exciting one full of challenges, wins, and so much fun. I can't wait to see what 2020 has in store for me and this growing business.

Happy New Year all!

❤️ Lindsay

Thank you so much to our amazing clients and everyone who continues to support Brandidly on our journey. This Thanksgivi...

Thank you so much to our amazing clients and everyone who continues to support Brandidly on our journey. This Thanksgiving is particularly special because of you. ❤️

The word's out about a fantastic new event that we've been quietly working on. CURRENT Music Festival will be unlike any...

The word's out about a fantastic new event that we've been quietly working on. CURRENT Music Festival will be unlike anything Winnipeg has seen before and we can't wait!

CURRENT Music Festival will feature the best sips (cocktails), sounds (music), art (interactive), and eats (yum) that Winnipeg has to offer. With TeamEthero running the show (known for managing amazing events like Nuit Blanche, Table for 1200 more), chef Ben Kramer handling the food (Dandelion Eatery, RAW Almond alumni), and Michael Falk (Winnipeg International Jazz Festival) curating the music line up all at The Forks, you know this will be a weekend to remember.

First ad (ever!) for a great cause. Can’t wait to see the Brandidly name in print!

First ad (ever!) for a great cause. Can’t wait to see the Brandidly name in print!

Pre-order your 2020 MUR Puppy Love calendar, and receive a second for free*! Our calendars are currently being printed, and we can't wait to get them in stock. 100% of the proceeds from our calendars come right back to the rescue to help Underdogs in need. To get yours today, visit

Thanks to this year's main sponsors: Pembina Veterinary Hospital, Regent Avenue Veterinary Clinic, Rivers Animal Hospital, and Winnipeg Animal Emergency Hospital. And we can't forget our amazing monthly sponsors: Brandidly, Dakota Veterinary Hospital, GoGetter Moving and Odd Jobs, Head to Tail Pet Rehabilitation, Intent Planning Group Inc., J&J Spotless Cleaning, JML Roofing & Renovations, Scoopy Doo Canine Waste Removal Inc., Sightlines Photography, Sunova Credit Union Ltd, Top Dog Courier Inc, and Wooftopia Dog Training & Recreation Centre.

*free calendar will be added to the order once processed.

New, professional business cards have me feelin’ excited for what’s to come. Love how the design turned out on these bea...

New, professional business cards have me feelin’ excited for what’s to come. Love how the design turned out on these beauties!

Kudos to the The Forks for understanding a marketing opportunity when they see one! This “parking ticket” is a great way...

Kudos to the The Forks for understanding a marketing opportunity when they see one! This “parking ticket” is a great way to educate people on why they should pay parking fees (sorry!) while they further good will with their customers. A truly brilliant public relations move and an appreciated reminder to feed the meter.

(I promise I won’t forget next time!)





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