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wingedshoespublishing A publishing company whose founder, Neven Paar, wrote "The Magus," and "Serpent Rising."

"Hermes is the intermediary between the Gods and humans. He can move swiftly between the world of man and the world of t...

"Hermes is the intermediary between the Gods and humans. He can move swiftly between the world of man and the world of the Gods. The wings on his helmet and sandals give him great speed and the ability to fly. As he moves freely between the worlds, he also guides the Souls of the dead to the Underworld and the afterlife in the Greek and Roman traditions. Hermes is likened to the Archangel Raphael from The Holy Bible, the Archetype of the Air Element. Raphael is also pictured as carrying the Caduceus staff since it represents healing and the Astral Light. It is no coincidence that Hermes corresponds with the Air Element since the speed of thought represents his power. Thought is the only thing that can travel between the Inner Worlds, and it is as fast as Hermes. One can even argue that Hermes can travel at the speed of Light, which is why thoughts can often see into the past and future through a process we refer to as clairvoyance. In the Qabalah, Hermes/Mercury is attributed to Hod—the Sephira related to the mind, and logic and reason. As the two snakes intertwine a staff, they cross each other at five points, terminating with their heads facing each other and looking at the crowned disc at the top of the staff. The Caduceus of Hermes represents the Kundalini energy in man and the process of awakening, as this energy rises up the spine and coalesces in the centre of the brain. The two snakes of the Caduceus are Ida, the feminine current, and Pingala, the masculine current. Ida and Pingala represent duality and opposites found in nature." -Excerpt from "The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn" by Neven Paar
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(From Part I-The Qabalah)

Excerpt from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar, a 650-page 7"x10" textbook subtitled "The World's...

Excerpt from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar, a 650-page 7"x10" textbook subtitled "The World's Most Comprehensive Body of Work on Human Energy Potential."
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(From Part X-Kundalini Damage Control)
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"Sahasrara is at the top, centre of the head and acts as a portal through which White Light is brought into the energy s...

"Sahasrara is at the top, centre of the head and acts as a portal through which White Light is brought into the energy system. This Light is filtered through the Chakras below. However, if some of the Lotus petals remain unopened due to blockages in the primary Chakras and Nadis, the flow of the Kundalini becomes obstructed, resulting in mental and emotional problems (Figure 154). Therefore, the Kundalini needs an unobstructed flow from Muladhara, through Sahasrara, and beyond to the Transpersonal Chakras above. You can alleviate psychological issues with the use of Spiritual practices, like Ceremonial Magick, which cleanse and remove blockages in the Chakras and Nadis. The reason why Ceremonial Magick is the most potent Spiritual practice that I have come across is that it most effectively allows you to invoke the energies of each of the Five Elements to tune their corresponding Chakras. In turn, the Nadis that connect with the Chakras are purified, including Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna, whose flow is optimised. If any blockages at the initial Kundalini rising hampered the energy reaching and opening the Sahasrara Lotus completely, you would also eliminate these blockages. Once out of the system, the Kundalini will naturally rise again to finish the job by unifying Shiva and Shakti at the Crown Chakra, Sahasrara." -Excerpt from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar
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(From Part VII-Post Kundalini Awakening)
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Excerpt and images from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar, a 650-page 7"x10" textbook subtitled "...

Excerpt and images from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar, a 650-page 7"x10" textbook subtitled "The World's Most Comprehensive Body of Work on Human Energy Potential."
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(From Part V-Seven Chakras and Healing Modalities)
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"Enoch is one of the Biblical patriarchs and the subject of many Jewish and Christian writings. He is the great-grandfat...

"Enoch is one of the Biblical patriarchs and the subject of many Jewish and Christian writings. He is the great-grandfather of Noah and is considered the author of the Book of Enoch. The first part of this book describes the Watchers, whereas the second part describes Enoch's visits to Heaven in the form of travels, visions, dreams, and revelations. The Holy Bible says that Enoch lived for 365 years before being "taken" by God. Genesis 5:24 says, "And Enoch walked with God: and he was not, for God took him." Many Christians interpret this as Enoch entering Heaven alive and ceasing to exist in physical form, which is impossible since one can only do this after the physical body perishes. The Ancient Astronaut theorists who believe that the Watchers were Extraterrestrials believe that Enoch was taken off-Planet by them. Whichever interpretation is closer to the truth is open to debate. Still, if Enoch actually lived for 365 years as the scriptures say (and we take this meaning literally), then there is a strong possibility that he was of Extraterrestrial origin himself. These theories are unorthodox, but they are worth examining since Enoch is clothed in more mystery and interpretation than any other prominent figure in The Holy Bible. Moreover, there are a lot of credible scholars who make Extraterrestrial associations with his story.(CONTINUED IN COMMENTS) -Excerpt from "The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn" by Neven Paar
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(From Part VII-Enochian Magick)

"The first Chakra, Muladhara, is located between the coccyx (tailbone) and the perineum. It is the lowest of the Seven M...

"The first Chakra, Muladhara, is located between the coccyx (tailbone) and the perineum. It is the lowest of the Seven Major Chakras and is related to the Element of Earth and Planet Saturn, the slowest-moving of the Seven Ancient Planets, relating to Karma and time-cycles. Muladhara is the centre of our physical energy and grounding. Its modus operandi is the security and survival of the physical body. Since Muladhara is related to the World of Matter, its energy is related to physical expression—all physical activities require Earth energy. The Kundalini lies coiled at the base of the spine, and it is inextricably connected with the Planet Earth through the energy lines in our legs, which connect to our Foot Chakras. Muladhara is also called the Root, Base, or Earth Chakra because it is the foundation as the lowest of the Seven Major Chakras. This Chakra's energy is most dense, vibrating at the lowest frequency of all the Chakras. In the Hermetic axiom of "As Above, So Below, Muladhara deals with the aspect of manifestation—the Below. Muladhara has four petals, or vortices, and is the colour red. Foods that correspond with Muladhara Chakra are root vegetables, red meat, red fruits, pepper, cayenne, and paprika. Challenges in this Chakra relate to the things we acquire in our material life and their quality. For example, do we have the right job, home, vehicle for transportation, life partner, friends, or lack stability and security in these areas? An open and active Root Chakra makes one confident, stable, and grounded. They have an easy time manifesting the life they desire and are balanced emotionally and mentally."-Excerpt from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar
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(From Part III-The Subtle Energy System)
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Table from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar, a 650-page textbook subtitled "The World's Most Com...

Table from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar, a 650-page textbook subtitled "The World's Most Comprehensive Body of Work on Human Energy Potential."
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(From "Appendix")
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"The Principle of Gender from The Kybalion states, "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine P...

"The Principle of Gender from The Kybalion states, "Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles, Gender manifests on all Planes." This Principle implies that every human being has a dual-energy dynamic, a masculine and feminine component—expressed through their Seven Major Chakras. Each of the Major Chakras is associated with masculine or feminine energy, representing the quality of their essence. Male (Yang) energies represent active, projective energy, while female (Yin) energies represent passive and receptive energy. These binary energies are a manifestation of Shiva and Shakti, the Divine Source of the Masculine and Feminine Principles. In scientific terms, male energy is comprised of protons, while female energy is composed of electrons. Similarly, as all Beings in the Universe have a masculine and feminine component (regardless of their Soul's gender), so do the Chakras. In other words, a Chakra is never wholly masculine or feminine but contains aspects of both. However, each of the Seven Chakras is dominant in one gender as they express either a positive or negative pole. The two gender poles define the Chakra's nature and function, which are reversed in the Chakric system of male and female Souls. I am distinguishing between gender Souls and bodies since it is not uncommon for a female Soul to be born in a male body in our modern-day society, and vice versa. Each Chakra between Sahasrara and Muladhara has a front and back portion that projects outwards. When the Chakra is working well, it casts further out, while when its energy is stagnant, its projection reaches a shorter distance. The Chakra stops its spinning when it is blocked, and its projection is closer to the body." -Excerpt from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar
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(From Part V-Seven Chakras and Healing Modalities)
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Excerpt and image from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar, a 650-page 7"x10" textbook subtitled "T...

Excerpt and image from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar, a 650-page 7"x10" textbook subtitled "The World's Most Comprehensive Body of Work on Human Energy Potential."
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(From Part VIII-Kundalini and Lucid Dreams)
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"Besides the two physical eyes, there are five additional Spiritual eyes in our heads that give us expanded awareness wh...

"Besides the two physical eyes, there are five additional Spiritual eyes in our heads that give us expanded awareness when our consciousness is heightened. The Third Eye, or Mind's Eye, is located slightly above and between the eyebrows. It serves as an energy portal that allows us to intuit the energetic form of the objects in our Third Dimension. The Third Eye gives us insight into the Unknown as our window into the Astral World. The actual location of Ajna Chakra, though, is in the centre of the brain, in the Third Ventricle area, as will be discussed in a later chapter. The psychic eyes described below have auxiliary functions to the Mind's Eye. They serve as energy portals, each with specific powers that, when awakened, give us expanded awareness and understanding since they are distinct components of Ajna Chakra as a whole. The Fourth Eye is right above the Third Eye, and it allows us to comprehend the relationships between people while promoting belief in the Creator. It is the higher sense of what the left physical eye perceives as it enables us to understand the Source of Creation. The Fourth Eye is the builder of faith. The Fifth Eye is right in the middle of the forehead, and it aids in our understanding of Universal truths and ideals. Through it, we receive concepts of the workings of Universal Laws that govern reality. It allows us to see the larger picture of life and our place within it. The Fifth Eye activates the higher mind and our creative thinking. It also allows us to view our past lives." -Excerpt from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar
(From Part III-The Subtle Energy System)
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"Every human being has a Higher Genius, otherwise known as the Holy Guardian Angel, or Higher Self. This is the Spiritua...

"Every human being has a Higher Genius, otherwise known as the Holy Guardian Angel, or Higher Self. This is the Spiritual part of you that is of God-the Creator. Although beyond duality, your Higher Self aligns with the polarity of your Soul. As such, you can refer to it as a he or she, whatever gender your Soul is. The primary purpose of the Kundalini awakening is to create a link between your consciousness and your Holy Guardian Angel. Then you will become a channel for their wisdom for the duration of your life here on Earth. And quite possibly beyond. Your Holy Guardian Angel resides in Sahasrara Chakra. Whenever you raise your consciousness to its level, your Higher Self is present. By connecting with it, your consciousness feels as if it has grown wings, transforming you into an Angelic presence while this link is maintained. You are still yourself, but a higher part of you that resonates with the vibration of the Divine Light of the Creator. Most people have moments throughout the day when they connect with their Holy Guardian Angel, usually when in an inspired or creative state of mind. Then there are those moments when the Holy Guardian Angel briefly touches us with its energy, giving us Divine insight into a subject in the form of an epiphany. However, these moments are usually short-lived since the Ego always begins to question the experience, severing the connection with the Higher Self. As a result, the individual drops down from Sahasrara into a lower Chakra of one of the Four Elements."-Excerpt and image (under copyright) from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar
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(From Part VII-Post-Kundalini Awakening)
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Excerpt from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar, a 650-page 7"x10" textbook subtitled "The World's...

Excerpt from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar, a 650-page 7"x10" textbook subtitled "The World's Most Comprehensive Body of Work on Human Energy Potential."
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(From Part IX-Kundalini-Love, Sexuality, and Willpower)
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"According to many Spiritual schools of thought, other than the Major and Minor Chakras, there are also Transpersonal Ch...

"According to many Spiritual schools of thought, other than the Major and Minor Chakras, there are also Transpersonal Chakras. These are Chakras outside of the Light Body that the human being is connected to energetically. Transpersonal means that they transcend the realms of the incarnated personality. Also, in Chakric science, they add the second, crucial piece of the puzzle, next to the Major and Minor Chakras, in understanding our energetic makeup. The primary purpose of the Transpersonal Chakras is to connect the physical body and the Major and Minor Chakras to other people, Ethereal Beings and other sources of Divine and higher energies. Most Spiritual schools of thought say there are five Transpersonal Chakras, although this number may vary. It is also common to see many Chakric systems use only the two opposite Transpersonal Chakras, the Soul Star and the Earth Star. The Transpersonal Chakras exist along the Hara Line, which is an energetic column that contains the seven primary Chakras. When we extend this energetic column upwards and downwards, past the seven primary Chakras, we encounter various Transpersonal Chakras above Sahasrara and one below Muladhara called the Earth Star Chakra. The Transpersonal Chakras hold the keys to the Spiritual development and understanding of the dynamics of Creation. Through the Chakras above Sahasrara, we can connect with the more subtle vibrations in the Cosmos. In The Magus, I have referred to these higher vibratory states of consciousness as the Divine Planes of existence." -Excerpt from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium by Neven Paar
(From Part III-The Subtle Energy System)
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Excerpt and images from "The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn" by Neven Paar, a 590-page 7"x10" textbook that is "A ...

Excerpt and images from "The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn" by Neven Paar, a 590-page 7"x10" textbook that is "A Complete System of Magick that Bridges Eastern Spirituality and the Western Mysteries."
DEFINITIVE VERSION, OUT NOW!!! Click the link in bio to order your copy. 🔮
(From Part I-The Qabalah)

"I saved the sense of sight for last because the upgrade received is the most amazing in my experience. Once the inner L...

"I saved the sense of sight for last because the upgrade received is the most amazing in my experience. Once the inner Light is awakened through the Kundalini energy, it reshapes everything one sees and perceives visually, giving it a complete makeover. Moreover, the outside world appears like it is inside your head, being projected onto a movie screen before your eyes (Figure 3). I like to use the analogy of the progression of video game technology to explain this visual phenomenon since it is the only reference point that I can come up with that people can relate to. If you have ever played the early generation of video games (like I did since I grew up in the 90s), remember how the game world was drastically upgraded as we went from the PlayStation 2 to the PlayStation 3 console? The graphics became sharper, crisper, more refined. Now imagine what would happen if you went straight from the Playstation 2 to the Playstation 5 console while playing the same game. The characters and environments of your game are the same, but the radical digital makeover brings the game to life in a whole new way. To specify, however, this visual perception upgrade is least common in Kundalini awakened individuals, but it is the most significant "wow" factor that I have experienced in my awakening process. As such, my account serves as a testament to its reality. In fact, it is so rare that out of dozens of Kundalini awakened individuals I have spoken to about their "upgrades," only one or two had this particular one."
-Excerpt from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar
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(From Part I-Kundalini Awakening)
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"According to Yoga and Ayurveda, the human energy system is comprised of five Subtle Bodies or "sheaths," called the Kos...

"According to Yoga and Ayurveda, the human energy system is comprised of five Subtle Bodies or "sheaths," called the Koshas, which cover and hide our essential nature—Atman, the Universal Self (Soul). The Koshas are essentially the gateways to the Soul. They account for the different dimensions and vibratory states of consciousness that humans partake of. The Koshas relate to the Five Elements (Tattvas) and the Seven Major Chakras, with the highest Kosha (Anandamaya) encompassing the three Spirit Chakras. (The image is an abstract schematic of the Five Koshas, not their actual depiction in the Aura.) The Koshas are synonymous with the Subtle Bodies of the inner Cosmic Planes of the Western Mystery Tradition. However, instead of seven, there are five layers of the Aura in the Yogic system, which are interconnected, constantly interacting with one another. The Koshas emanate in sequence, starting with the densest, with each subsequent layer being more subtle and higher in vibration than the one that came before it. The first layer or sheath is called Annamaya Kosha, and it relates to the conscious mind and the physical body. Built up by the food we eat, Annamaya Kosha corresponds with the first Chakra, Muladhara, and the Earth Element (Prithivi Tattwa). The second sheath is Pranamaya Kosha; the vital energy body made up of Life energy. Pranamaya Kosha, as the name says, deals with the Prana in the body; hence it can be termed our Pranic Body, which is absorbed through the breath, food, and the Universal Life Force that surrounds us, permeating our Aura. It flows through the intricate system of Nadis in the body, of which it is said there are Seventy-Two Thousand...)" -Excerpt from Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar
(From Part VI-The Science of Yoga/with Ayurveda)

Excerpt and image from "The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn" by Neven Paar, a 590-page 7"x10" textbook that is "A C...

Excerpt and image from "The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn" by Neven Paar, a 590-page 7"x10" textbook that is "A Complete System of Magick that Bridges Eastern Spirituality and the Western Mysteries."
DEFINITIVE VERSION, OUT NOW!!! Click the link in bio to order your copy. 🔮
(From Part VI-Hermetic Alchemy)

"The full and permanent Kundalini awakening has two distinct symptoms that become everlasting once the energy has locali...

"The full and permanent Kundalini awakening has two distinct symptoms that become everlasting once the energy has localized in the brain: the constant buzzing in the ears and the constant presence of Astral Light in the head (Figure 67). The latter transposes itself onto the physical reality, so the person sees Light in all things with their physical eyes. On the other hand, the vibration or inner hum inside the head results from the Kundalini energy residing in the brain permanently. In a partial awakening, the Kundalini rises up the spine but doesn't reach the top of the head. In most cases, it tries to blow open Ajna Chakra but, due to blockages or improper meditation methods employed, is unable to do so. As it cannot reach the brain entirely, it goes back down to coil itself three and a half times like a snake around Muladhara Chakra. Often, it drops back down to the Heart centre, Anahata Chakra, allowing the person to experience heart expansions and feel the nature of genuine empathy towards all living beings in the world." -Excerpt from "The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn" by Neven Paar
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(From "Appendix")
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Excerpt and image from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar, a 650-page 7"x10" textbook subtitled "T...

Excerpt and image from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium" by Neven Paar, a 650-page 7"x10" textbook subtitled "The World's Most Comprehensive Body of Work on Human Energy Potential."
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(From Part V-Seven Chakras and Healing Modalities)

"The Aura helps us interact with the world around us and relay information into our physical bodies. It extends around t...

"The Aura helps us interact with the world around us and relay information into our physical bodies. It extends around the physical body but also flows through it. The physical body is the Holographic projection of the individual consciousness powered by the Aura. I have already described the Aura layers in the human being, which correspond with the Seven Major Chakras and the Cosmic Planes of existence. Each of the layers in the Aura has its frequency of vibration and holds different forms of information. The following four Auric layers relate to the Transpersonal Chakras of the Earth Star, the Causal Chakra, the Soul Star, and the Stellar Gateway. They emanate sequentially past the first seven Auric layers. The Earth Star Chakra’s Auric layer projects out first after the Sahasrara Chakra layer, which serves to ground the whole Chakric system as it connects with the Etheric Body of the Lower Astral Plane. Next is the Causal Chakra’s Auric layer, which connects the Spiritual and Divine Planes. Then we have the Auric layer of the Soul Star, which allows us to access the lower Divine Planes, followed by the Stellar Gateway layer, representing the higher ones. Finally, Hara Chakra, a part of the Transpersonal Chakras model, does not have its own Auric layer but instead interpenetrates various aspects of the Aura since it is our primary Pranic centre. Each of the eleven Auric layers has a toroidal flow that is nested together to create the shape of a giant energy egg (Figure 17)." -Excerpt from "Serpent Rising: The Kundalini Compendium"
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(From Part III-The Subtle Energy System)
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"Once the Kundalini has risen to the top of the head to be permanently localized in the brain, the entire Tree of Life b...

"Once the Kundalini has risen to the top of the head to be permanently localized in the brain, the entire Tree of Life becomes fully activated. The highest Sephira is called Kether, the Crown, at the top of the Tree of Life. Kether corresponds with the seventh Chakra, Sahasrara. Both are called the "Crown," concerning their placement on top of the head. Kether relates to the Spiritual White Light that underlies all of physical existence. After a full Kundalini awakening, the Chakras (and Tree of Life Sephiroth) become permanently infused with Light energy, activating their states of consciousness within the individual. The Chakras become like light bulbs, which emit Light respective to how clean, pure, and in-tune they are. For example, if there is a lot of Karma in a particular Chakra, it emits a dim Light rather than a bright one. It is the solemn duty you owe to your Creator to cleanse your Chakras and remove negativity from each so that they can shine brightly, allowing you to align your consciousness with your Soul." -Excerpt from "The Magus: Kundalini and the Golden Dawn" by Neven Paar
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(From Part I-Kundalini Awakening)
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