Achieving Goals with Alan Goff - Coach Al

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Achieving Goals with Alan Goff - Coach Al I dramatically improve the businesses and lives of entrepreneurial people.

If your price isn't your life, you are for sale. If you're a truth teller, your price has to be your life.

If your price isn't your life, you are for sale. If you're a truth teller, your price has to be your life.

My business is to ADD VALUE & HELP.  So... If you have a small/medium-sized business and want to ask me questions please...

My business is to ADD VALUE & HELP. So... If you have a small/medium-sized business and want to ask me questions please go ahead. I don't have all the answers, but ask in the comments and I'll be happy to help how I can.


All too often people quit when the going gets tough - often when just one more step would have carried them triumphantly to victory.

I'm doing some Market Research and need your help. Would you please consider answering a couple questions ❓Thank you.1.)...

I'm doing some Market Research and need your help. Would you please consider answering a couple questions ❓Thank you.

1.) What are the top issues/challenges you struggle with in your business?

2.) As a business owner/entrepreneur, what frustrates/troubles you most & "keeps you up at night"?

👉 Please comment 👇🙏

Need a speaker 🗣 for your next event, or know someone who does? Send me a message! I give a 25% commission 💲 if you refe...

Need a speaker 🗣 for your next event, or know someone who does? Send me a message! I give a 25% commission 💲 if you refer me for an event I get booked for. 👍


People don't have business problems, they have life problems that reflect in the business.

People try to solve business problems with business tactics believing it's the only way it works. No amount of business tactic will solve a personal issue appearing in your business. Solve it in your/their personal life and it disappears from your business.

As a leader to leaders, my business is to ADD VALUE & HELP.  So... If you have a small/medium-sized business and want to...

As a leader to leaders, my business is to ADD VALUE & HELP. So... If you have a small/medium-sized business and want to ask me questions please go ahead. I don't have all the answers, but ask in the comments and I'll be happy to help how I can.

With me as your coach, your battle is my battle.👉 WE FIGHT TOGETHER.👈

With me as your coach, your battle is my battle.

In the chaos of change, do you know where you're going? Do you have a plan for what you’re doing? Are you getting the re...

In the chaos of change, do you know where you're going? Do you have a plan for what you’re doing? Are you getting the results you thought you’d get? If not, what are you going to do about it?

It's easy to lose sight of the big picture with so many short-term problems in the way. Stay long-term focused and tune ...

It's easy to lose sight of the big picture with so many short-term problems in the way. Stay long-term focused and tune out the short-term noise - because that's all it is.


You Don't Have A Money Problem!

Your bank account may say otherwise, but think about this...

If you made the same amount of money you are making in a year and made it in a month, would you still have a money problem?

What if you made the same amount you make in a year and made it in a day? Or an hour?

Would you still have a money problem?

Probably not.

Your problem is not the amount of money you make, but the speed at which you make it.

Success favors speed and wealth has a need for speed.



During various stages of life I've been relationally stuck, emotionally stuck, professionally stuck... you name it stuck.

What do you do when you're stuck? First, you need to realize and acknowledge you're going NOWHERE. And it's time to do something about it.

The very fact you are stuck means YOU NEED HELP! So ask for it.

LESSON: When you're stuck, DON'T try to get out by yourself. It's usually useless and futile. If you do get unstuck by yourself, it usually takes much longer, uses much more energy and resources, and makes a bigger mess than if you had good help.

REMEMBER: It's not only important what you learn, but who you learn it from.


You must focus on intention over distractions to discover your true identity.

Your true identity is what allows you to do all the things you are capable of doing, but aren't yet doing.

It allows you to become MORE than you are right now.

You have the capacity to DO more, and to HAVE more, but first you must BECOME more.

"How do I do that?" you ask.
I'm so glad you asked.

By being intentional.

Intentionality requires discipline, focus, and resolve.

However, we live in a world full of DISTRACTIONS that constantly fight for your attention.

To become more, we must learn to focus more on our Intentions than all the distractions.

Become Intentional. 💪👊👍💣💥🎯💯%


Years ago, I learned a valuable lesson about problems. I had too many of them! Every problem my organization encountered ended up on my desk. It didn’t matter what the problem was; it came to me.

I wanted nothing more than to help but I was in a catch-22. For me to serve my people best, I couldn’t get bogged down with the color of the copy paper we ordered or with the price of office supplies.

I had to focus on the problems that only I could - and I should - solve.

So, I instituted a new policy: all problems should be solved at the lowest level possible.

I empowered the other leaders on my team to solve the problems that came to them as best they knew how. If they couldn’t decide what to do, they could come to me, but they had to bring three possible solutions (one of which included their involvement!).

I can’t even begin to tell you how well this approach worked. The number of problems that hit my desk was cut in half. And when my team did bring me problems, they also brought me solutions.

What I learned from this is, often our problems aren’t our problems; it’s our approach to problems that trip us up.

How are YOU approaching problems? Are you leading through the challenge with solutions in mind? And, how can you change your perspective?

I would love to help you develop problem-solving power in your leadership. Will you let me?


Are you a buyer?

I love to buy things... nice things. Care to venture a guess on what the best thing I ever bought was?

I bought back my time.

Time is infinitely more valuable than money.


Because once you use your time, it's gone. You can't make more time. I learned it was worth any amount of money to figure out how to stop trading my time for money and buy back my life.

If I could give you one piece of advice in life, it would be to figure this out as soon as possible, so you can have as much time to spend with those you love doing what you love, because another day is never a guarantee.


Wealth is measured more in time than money.

Unless one doesn't manage or invest money well, most money problems are really only the result of making money too slowly.

The way to build wealth faster is to ask...

"How can I speed up the rate at which I earn revenue?"

"How can I make what I made in a year, in a month?"

"How can I make what I made in a month, in a week?"

'How can I make what I made in a week, in a day?"

And the only way to do that is...

Stop getting ready to get ready. Stop preparing to prepare.

Decide to do it NOW.

Commit to the result before you know the path.


I love that laws don’t play favorites. Whether it’s the Law of Gravity, the Law of Physics, the Laws that govern flight or buoyancy, the Law of Compensation, the Laws of Leadership, the Laws of Teamwork, the Laws of Growth… or any other of the countless laws that exist in the universe…. they treat us all the same.

It doesn’t matter if you are male or female, tall or short, wide or thin, rich or poor, educated or ignorant, the level of your socioeconomic status, your background, heritage upbringing or beliefs… or the color your skin… we all face negative consequences if we violate a law – even due to ignorance of the law.

The first Law of Growth – ‘The Law of Intentionality’ decrees that “Growth Doesn’t Just Happen”. Working hard doesn’t guarantee success. And hope isn’t a strategy. Thanks to the Law of Polarity, we know that everything has an equal opposite. Therefore, if you’re not growing, you’re going backwards.

Do you have an intentional plan for growth?

I heard a story awhile back about some friends who went swimming in a river. It was spring, and the glacier runoff had m...

I heard a story awhile back about some friends who went swimming in a river. It was spring, and the glacier runoff had made the river pretty dangerous. Nonetheless one of the guys jumped in, got caught in the current, and was taken to the dangerous part of the rapids. One of his friends on the shore was a lifeguard, and all the other friends looked at him to do something. He just stood there, though, not moving, just staring at his friend. The others began to panic and yell at him and tell him to go save his friend! Still nothing. They looked out into the river and saw their friend struggling desperately.

In an instant, though, the struggle stopped. He could no longer fight and began to drown. When that happened, the lifeguard jumped in and with a few swift strokes rescued the friend and brought him to shore. With the adrenaline wearing off, the group yelled at the lifeguard, “Why didn’t you jump in earlier? He could’ve died!”

He calmly looked at them and said, “I had to wait until he fully gave up. Unless he stopped fighting, he would have dragged me under and drowned me with him. But the minute he gave up, I could save him.”

Are you about ready to give up and surrender? Good. As your coach, I can help you. Isn't it time you quit struggling ?


We've all heard the myth, “People love to buy, but they hate to be sold." And yes, I believe it is a myth.

I believe people love to buy AND love to be sold. But they only love to be sold by someone who understands what selling really is.

Understand this…

Selling is not convincing.
Selling is persuading.
Persuasion is when I help you make a decision you already desire to make for your own reasons. Convincing is when I get you to make a decision I desire you to make for my reasons.

Stop convincing and start persuading and you will find people LOVE it when you sell them things.

Tell me below if you agree or disagree that people love to be sold and why? ⬇️⬇️⬇️


Jeremy Bentham, the English jurist, social reformer, and philosopher once said, "The rarest of all human qualities is consistency."

Is it, though?

Because from where I'm sitting, people are remarkably consistent. Sure, for the overwhelming majority, they're consistent in habits that detract from their businesses and quality of life, but regardless, they're bloody consistent.

I understand the point Mr. Bentham was seeking to make, but his famous line would be more accurate if it said, "The rarest of all human qualities is consistency in activity which improves results".

To challenge Mr. Bentham's perspective, people are remarkably consistent in avoiding what needs to be done to call forth the greater success they aspire to. The truth is, people of this ilk - and they are the overwhelming majority - are far more attached to their current conditions and circumstances than they know.


As a Results Consultant and Success Strategist, I'll work with you to achieve whatever it is you define as success for yourself and your business.

Unlike a counselor or therapist who work with the troubled past, I give you tools, and show you how to use those tools, to achieve your personal, professional, and business best... NOW... and long into the future.

I'll push you through implementation so you realize 100% R.O.I. of the knowledge and processes you need to go further, farther, faster.

I'll identify blind spots, some serious enough to be career-crashers and business-breakers, and help identify behaviors that limit effectiveness... and uncover your untapped potential.

I'll do that for you if you let me work with you. The question is, will you let me?


Most entrepreneurs do business exactly the same way most entrepreneurs do business... so they struggle, or achieve mediocrity at best.


Because they model what creates struggle and mediocrity rather than modeling what creates entrepreneurial success.

If you're a business owner who’d like to generate more profits with less work, less hassle and fewer headaches; book a free, no obligation call with me to access strategies to make it happen.

I'll share how to get proven ideas working for you in your business straight away.

How? DM me and ask for it.


Do you hold onto your money long enough for it to get pregnant and have babies?
Let me explain.

Poor people believe the purpose of money is to pay bills.

Middle-class people think the purpose of money is to establish good credit to buy things they don't need and can't afford. They primarily use debt to keep up with the Joneses.

Rich people on the other hand believe the purpose of money is for one thing and one thing only...

To create more money!

I like the term "pregnant money". You want to hold on to your money long enough for it to get pregnant and have babies. I would like as much of my money as possible to be in the money maternity ward giving birth to new wealth. And I never want to spend the "mama" money only the "baby" money.

Here's the point: The real purpose of money is to reproduce.

When you understand and apply this one principle, it's a wrap.

If you are with me, comment below, "My Money Makes Money" ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Hi friends, I'm told the event link I posted yesterday isn't working. So... here's a direct link. 👇  👉Only 1 week away!👈...

Hi friends, I'm told the event link I posted yesterday isn't working. So... here's a direct link. 👇 👉Only 1 week away!👈 Register NOW!

Learn how to avoid the most common goal-setting mistakes that keep you and your business stuck & failing.


Money is God's incentive program.
What do I mean by that?

Well, God's ultimate desire for us is to BECOME what He created us to become.

But guess what?

We all have Desires to HAVE more. But God knew that in order to HAVE, we have to DO.

And in order to DO, we have to first BECOME.

Therefore in order to HAVE whatever it is... we have to Become the person who can do the thing.

If that isn't an incentive program, I don't know what is.

Comment Below, "Be, Do, Then Have" ⬇️⬇️⬇️


What’s been your story?

Up until now, what’s the story you’ve been telling yourself about who you are, about your potential, about why you have the results you have, and why you don’t have the results you want?

It’s often the story that paralyzes us. I talk to a lot of people. I mentor people who are at the top of their game, who are performing at peak levels, and still, they start by telling me about something bad going on in their life…

And I catch them, and I stop them as they get more into the details… Why? Because it's the story that keeps them stuck. Even when they’re doing well, they can still get stuck in a story.

It happens to every one of us. We all have a story. We have all formed beliefs in our mind as to why we have what we have, or don’t have what we desire. And we create a story from those beliefs.

We say, well, this means that. The reason I don’t have the house or the car or the vacation or the career is because… [fill in the blank].

…because I grew up poor and didn’t have the connections all the rich kids had.

…because I am scattered and disorganized, so I missed the deadline to apply.

…because my brother was sick and my parents focused all their attention on him, and I always felt like the outcast, and therefore I didn’t have the confidence to go after the promotion.

…because I am dumb and stupid – I’m just not a smart person (this was my story for the first half of my life).

…Fill in the blank...

There’s a story you have been telling yourself. And you have told it to yourself so often you do believe it to be true. That story represents the ‘facts’ of your life. But it is not the truth! Facts change – truth never changes.

The truth is, you are a co-creator, made in the likeness of God. You are a creative being, fully resourced to create whatever you desire. When you learn to reframe the story, it will set you free. You can then create the narrative that will support and serve you in the manifestation of your dreams.

So how do you do that? It’s a step-by-step process. It starts with identifying what is a ‘fact’ vs. what is truth. From there, you form an image of what you truly desire in your life. You then anchor that image, and you emotionalize it, and you bring it to life in your mind.

This is how it starts. And in each of these steps, there are specific things you do and specific ways you think. It’s a process, and I can show you the process.

If you want to discover this for yourself, so you can apply it over and over and over again, message me and we’ll schedule a complementary call together.

Let’s lift the fog.


So many people are on the financial struggle bus... but it's not their fault.

We've been fed lies that keep us broke as a joke and ready to choke.

➡️ Here is the deal. ⬇️

1st: Money is not evil... in fact it is not even neutral.

Money is inherently good!

How do I know, because the Bible says so.

2nd: Having money does not make you evil. Yes, there are evil people who have money, but they'd be evil with or without the money.

3rd: The phrase, "Money is the root of all evil" doesn't mean what you think it does. It means people will do all types of evil IF they love money enough.

Free yourself from these myths and get off the financial struggle bus.

Comment Below, "Money Is Good" ⬇️⬇️⬇️


Persistence, determination, resiliance, and tenacity are what keep us hammering away. I don’t know any entrepreneurs who have achieved any level of success without these traits. When you have a dream you can’t let go of, trust your instincts and pursue it with everything you've got.

This is what stepping into your calling and living on purpose is all about. 😃

This is what stepping into your calling and living on purpose is all about. 😃



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Achievement Guru

I work with people, and businesses, to achieve Remarkable Results!