Who or What is God? Why have we for generations felt called to understand or commune with something divine? How do we answer the questions that do not have answers?
These were some of the questions that we posed to our fellows for this volume and boy did they answer! Without further-a-do, TRAD presents the GOD volume!
Volume Lead: Rebecca Seward Langdon (@beccasl_)
The Lamp that Guides Our Feet by Brianna Fable (@briannafable)
Please remove Christianity from your Profile by Shae-Ashleigh Owen (@shae_owen)
Congolese Gospel, God and Me by Adele Lukasa (@uhhhdele)
Finding Your Way by Tine Ndhlovu (@_tiinee)
Dear God, The White Man Broke the Ten Commandments by Jaylah A. Hall (@thecre8torhouse_)
Finding A Middle Ground: The Fear and Misconceptions of Being Religious By Amani Omar (@its.amani.arts)
A Case for Hope by Ola Idris (@lalaidris_)
A Year of Doubt by Iqra Abid (@abid.iv)
Make sure to save this post to come back and look through which of the articles is fit for your morning read! Click the link in our bio if you're like us and want to read it RIGHT NOW!
In celebration of Black History Month and looking forward to our brilliant Black futures, here is a reminder of who we are here at TRAD!
✨TRAD is a grassroots educational organization.
✨We create African centered educational experiences and create learning tools for students, teachers, and community.
✨We publish TRAD Magazine (www.tradmag.ca), a publication for African ideas and collective memories.
🌍 We’re here to reclaim, rebuild and remember our peoples’ culture and traditions 🌍
Check out the volumes from season two out now on themes like MATHEMATICS, JUSTICE, PERSONAL HISTORY, RETURN and more. (Check out the guides 📖 on our page or head directly to our 🔗 in bio to read some dope takes!)
Keep an eye out for our upcoming volume out later this month, can you guess what is our next theme? (hint: 🛐)
#tradmagazine #blackstories #africanstories #blackeducation #blackpublication #cultureandtradition #justice
WATCH NOW: @trad_magazine and @nohacollective present “Made To Fall In Love” a short film capturing the essence of Afro-Caribbean people around the diaspora and their relationship with love.
What does your relationship with love look like?
Produced by NoHa Collective
Edited and Animated by Emanuel Ntwiga
Narrated by Zavia Forrest
Music Courtesy of Malaika Khadijaa
#madetofallinlove #blacklove #nohacollective #tradmag #blackhistorymonth #valentine #africandiaspora #blackfilmmakers #shortfilm
In this video from BBC's HARDTalks show, Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o talks about why English is not an African language and how important it is to cultivate relationships with African languages.
As @vanessahayford writes in her piece "Losing my Language " To Ngũgĩ, language is power. It is as much a tool for communication as it is a vessel for culture, and it is, as he plainly describes it, a “war zone”. Human history has shown us that forbidding a group of people from speaking their native tongues is a key to conquest.
What is one nugget you kept from this video or the article by Vanessa?
Dans cette vidéo de l’émission HARDTalks de la BBC, Ngảgḥ wa Thiong’o explique pourquoi l’anglais n’est pas une langue africaine et à quel point il est important de cultiver les relations avec les langues africaines.
Comme @vanessahayford l’écrit dans son article "Losing my Language " ToNġġ, la langue est le pouvoir. C’est autant un outil de communication qu’un navire de culture, et c’est, comme il le décrit clairement, une « zone de guerre ». L’histoire humaine nous a montré qu’interdire à un groupe de personnes de parler leur langue maternelle est un outil de conquête.
Quel aspect retiendrez-vous de cette vidéo ou de l’article par Vanessa?
#decolonizeyourmind #NgũgĩwaThiong’o #ngugiwathiongo #decolonizedminds #hardtalks #nativetongue #gikuyu #bantu #kenyan #kikuyu #swahili #comparativeliterature #theperfectnine #languagehierarchy
This moving quote is from @oxnxo_ "I have heard many things about you".
Wambui describes the feeling of being trapped in a situation difficult to get out of.
Click the link in our bio to read the full article.
#blackwriter #blackwriters #blackpoet #blackpoets #blackauthors #blackauthor #blackartists #blackart
"Maybe zero does not just represent the absence of quantity anymore."
- @bojoseph in "zero is Political"
Did you know that in the binary system of math, 1+1 = 10 because zero takes on a different conceptualization? It can also be the middle of the number line, separating the positives from the negatives. Zero can be when we move from the realm of non-existence to existence.
In all its forms, zero ceases to be just any other number.
Read "Zero is Political" now through the link in our bio!
#zero #zerotoinfinity #infinity #mathmagic #mathskills #maths #mathematics #mathis
The story of zero is an interesting one. In this Mathematics volume, @bojosephh explores the political expression of this number/concept. Make sure to check it out through the link in our bio!
Here is a fascinating video to build on that idea by the Royal Institution (@ri_science )
Narrated by - Hannah Fry
Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and music. It originated from enslaved Africans in Brazil at the beginning of the 16th century.
On this episode of Arena, Rika Mpogazi @la.sappe explores the spaces in-between the kicks, flips, and maneuvers of capoeira and asks what happens when Black culture becomes mainstream.
ARENA is a @trad_magazine podcast produced by Alkebulan Pictures. It is distributed in partnership with @africans_in_sports and @amplifyafrica
#AmplifyAfrica #TradMagazine #Sports
In this conversation with @olivenwosu, she talked to @ms.hailley about the conflict of being back in their ancestral home and community and not fully being able to be their full queer selves.
You can check out Egungun through @tiff_net
#Torontofilmfestival #TorontoInternationalFilmFestival #TIFF #TIFF21 #blackfilms #blackdirectors #blackfilm #blackwriters #blackproducers #blackcreatives
In this ARENA episode, @kwasi_ap2 is joined by @odogwuibezimako as they explore what it means to truly be from a country?
Why did the torch lighting at this year's #Olympics2021 light a fire in us? As this "young woman with Japanese-red braided into her curly hair receives the Olympic flame and climbs towards the cauldron born to a Haitian father and Japanese mother in Japan"
Click here to listen and let us know what you thought of episode two: https://spoti.fi/3CIKuA0
- ARENA is a @trad_magazine podcast, hosted by @kwasi_ap2 and is produced by @ianketeku. It is distributed in partnership with @amplifyafrica -
L’épisode 2 d’Arena est sorti !
Dans cet épisode d’ARENA @kwasi_ap2 est rejoint par @odogwuibezimako et ils explorent quel est le vrai sens d’être originaire d’un pays?
Pourquoi l’éclairage du flambeau aux #Olympiques2021 a-t-il allumé un feu en nous cette année? Alors qu’une "jeune femme aux cheveux bouclés dans ses tresses rouge japonais reçoit la flamme olympique et grimpe vers le podium au Japon né d’un Père haïtien et d’une mère japonaise"
Cliquez le lien dans notre bio et faites-nous savoir ce que vous avez pensé de l’épisode 2! https://spoti.fi/3CIKuA0
- ARENA est un balado @trad_magazine, hébergé par @kwasi_ap2 et produit par @ianketeku. Il est distribué en partenariat avec @amplifyafrica -
Sports. Heritage. Legacy. Check out our new podcast Arena for everything Black in sports!
Sports. Héritage. Futur. Découvrez notre nouveau podcast Arena pour retrouver les liens entre notre communauté Noire et les sports!
#tokyoolympics #tokyo2020 #tokyo2020olympics #2020olympics #2021olympics #blackathletes
Have you ever thought of what the origins are of the music we listen to? Where Hip-Hop comes from, Reggae and Dancehall? @kabakapyramid offers insight into the vibrations of music in our interview. Click here to read: https://bit.ly/3rLHzAk
Tonight at 9 PM EST @iamdonisha will be hosting an IG live with the one and only @kabakapyramid. Be sure to tune in and register for free here: https://bit.ly/3qigK6A