I'm about to go against the grain of some Instagram advice that you've likely heard many times.
⚡️Specifically, if you are a beauty, fashion or lifestyle brand.⚡️
If you have heard that your Instagram grid layout isn't important, I'm about to bring you a news flash. ➡️ YEARS of experience working with these brands has proven that this advice is not only WRONG, in most instances, but potentially devastating to your brand image and business sales.
💡 It shouldn't be news to anyone that your brand's design is an integral part of your marketing strategy, and it doesn't 🪄MAGICALLY🪄 stop being important on your social pages.
Yes, your customer may indeed find you from an ad, or one random post that the algorithm has chosen to show them but studies show that an interested buyer will likely visit your grid to learn more.
🚨 For some businesses, this can be a big problem if your page feels muddled, and doesn't speak to your customers.
In every other instance, you likely RELY on your aesthetic branding as a part of your customer experience, and you must treat your grid like your social pamphlet. The design, the information provided and the overall messaging are elements that build trust and need to be presented with your 🪩 visual identity 🪩 in mind.
You need to have:
1️⃣ A bold and recognizable style
2️⃣ The comfort of consistency
3️⃣ Customer-focused messaging
4️⃣ Brand values that align with your audience
5️⃣ A built-in marketing funnel
📣 In today's world of saturated markets and ever-churning content, your visual representation can make or break your customer's experience. Don't let your branding efforts go to waste at a pivotal time of your audience's journey.
👀 What do you think, is branding an important part of your brand? Have you carried your branding efforts through to your Instagram and social pages?