A Throwback to Wonderstruck
This week marks Bob McDonald's 30th anniversary as host of Quirks & Quarks.
But before Quirks, McDonald hosted a CBC-TV children's science show called Wonderstruck. Here's a clip from 1991 that features an amazing piece of new tech.
5 tips for growing cannabis
5 tips for growing cannabis
Deep-diving ‘sea nomads‘ have evolved an internal scuba tank
Juno spacecraft pears inside Jupiter's stormy exterior
Wolf researchers gather data to inform Algonquin wolf recovery plan
The science of timing explains why you should avoid afternoon hospital visits
Quirks & Quarks - Why do men have beards?
What you happen if you sent a smartphone back in time?
Artists turn seismic readings of an ice sheet breaking up into...
Loons are being poisoned by ingesting lead fishing tackle.
Japan just became the first country to mine the ocean floor.
Plastic debris from Japanese tsunami gives marine life a trip ...
How the blind can use echolocation to ‘see.’
Explainer: North Korea’s nukes, missiles and nuclear winter.