Shout out to Jaclyn Reinhart & Crew on a rock solid rehearsal last night! Had a great seat here in the control room and we got a few more signatures on the E2L wall. Welcome to the Jam Fam Jaclyn! If anyone is looking for jam space we still have a few spots left but they won't last long. Contact us today to learn more or visit #supportlocalmusic #supportlocalbusiness #supporteachother
I don't often hop on camera but tonight I'm doing it just for you guys! In no way is this tour a substitute for the real thing. There are some serious creative vibes in this place, but I thought I'd take a minute to share something a with a bit more scope than pictures. If you haven't booked a tour yet, there's never been a better time. We are filling up fast!
Locked and loaded for our first band rehearsal at the loft tonight! 🤘🏻 LETS GOOO!! #supportlocal #saintjohnnb #localmusicmatters
Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes at a real professional recording studio? Would you like exclusive access to regular behind the scenes content, music, and live streams from our local music community right here in Saint John? Just head over to our website @, click on contribute from our menu bar, and become a contributor today! Not only will you be helping us to provide a much needed service for local musicians but you’re sure to enjoy all the behind the scenes antics, performances, and updates from our brand new facility. The E2L Loft.
In addition to offering affordable, membership based services within the Loft, as of October 1, 2021 we will be reopening our Pro Shop showroom within The E2L Loft. By offering rehearsal, recording, live streaming and affordable retail sales under one roof the E2L Loft will be able to serve musicians of all skill levels regardless of technical abilities or financial limitations. We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the amazing support over the years and especially the last 18 months as we have continued to adapt to the changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic.
See you at The E2L Loft!