Arts in Medicine
The Arts in Medicine program at the Walker Family Cancer Center offers fun and often unexpected activities for people who otherwise visit the cancer centre as patients.
Life with dementia
VIDEO: Geurt and Irma VandenDool talk about the love they have for each other -- and life with dementia. The couple founded VandenDool Jewellers in St. Catharines.
Twelve Mile Creek
The Brook Trout in Twelve Mile Creek are talking to us -- and we need to listen. They are not happy with the water -- it's too warm, muddy and polluted. And that tells us something about our overall environment.
Tomorrow's Voices
Tomorrow's Voices is a choir meant to give youth a voice. It's for kids who otherwise would not have the opportunity to be in a choir. It's about empowerment, friendships and the simple joy of singing. Tomorrow's Voices has its debut concert on Wednesday.
THE HEALING FOREST: Melissa Bollinger Seiling, a Welland social worker, is also a forest therapy guide. She takes people into the woods where they practice being more mindful.
NATURAL PLAY: North End Co-operative Preschool and other child care centres across Niagara have traded in their traditional slide-and-swing playgrounds for logs, rocks and other natural elements.
Chorus Niagara adult choir is now taking the stage for their 11th annual singathon at the Seaway Mall
Chorus Niagara's Children's Choir performing at Seaway Mall
Respite care for Alzheimer's Disease
ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE AND RESPITE: Angele Bell talks about caring for her husband, John, and the need to have a break in order to shop for groceries, run errands, or just have time to herself. She cares for him in their Welland home. The Alzheimer Society of Niagara, along with its provincial organization, is advocating for better respite care for families.
Saying goodbye to St. James
This Sunday marks the final service at St. James Anglican Church in Merritton. It is closing because there are not enough people to fill the seats every Sunday, or to do the community work it once did.
Young and living with Alzheimer's
Young Onset Alzheimer's: Earl Warren is 56 years old. He talks about what it's like to be young, and living with Alzheimer's Disease.
Bros 'Sometimes You Got To Be Sad' // NP Sessions
Brothers Ewan and Shamus Currie of the Sheepdogs bring their new project, BROS to the #NPSessions studio and perform 'Sometimes You Got To Be Sad' See more at