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  成為別人眼中的「香香」女生!如何讓香味持久?NEST New York新系列!和大家分享一個讓人心情愉悅的香氛系列✨,來自NEST New York的香水。這個系列的設計靈感來自於自然的美麗和豐富的香氣,每款香水都帶有獨特的氣息🌷,能夠...

成為別人眼中的「香香」女生!如何讓香味持久?NEST New York新系列!

和大家分享一個讓人心情愉悅的香氛系列✨,來自NEST New York的香水。這個系列的設計靈感來自於自然的美麗和豐富的香氣,每款香水都帶有獨特的氣息🌷,能夠瞬間提升你的日常生活質感和魅力。💓

Here's a delightful fragrance collection to share with you✨, brought to you by NEST New York. Inspired by the beauty and rich aromas of nature, each perfume in this series carries a unique scent🌷 that instantly elevates your daily life with a touch of charm and elegance. 💓


夏季護膚指南面對夏季高溫和強烈的紫外線🌞,護膚成為每個人日常生活中不可忽視的重要部分。以下是一些實用的夏季護膚建議👍,幫助你在繁忙的日常中保持肌膚的健康與光彩✨。Facing the high temperatures and intens...



Facing the high temperatures and intense UV rays of summer 🌞, skincare becomes an essential part of everyone’s daily routine. Here are some practical summer skincare tips to help you maintain healthy and glowing skin amidst your busy daily life. 👍 ✨





Say Goodbye to Summer on the Beach | 8️⃣ Slimming & Tummy-Hiding Swimwear Styles You Must Have 👙🩱

SHEIN offers a variety of colors 🟥🟧🟨 to suit your mood and occasion. From classic black and white ⚫️⚪️ to bold neon hues and soft pastel shades, there’s something for everyone 🥰. Mix and match to create your own unique style, or opt for a monochrome look to showcase a minimalist and elegant vibe. 💖


繁忙都市中的一遍綠洲Away Cabins |沉浸式享受大自然🌳🌪️在繁忙的都市生活中,我們經常渴望一個能夠遠離喧囂、放鬆身心的地方。💆‍♀️Away Cabins 正是這樣一個理想的選擇,讓您在大自然中找到心靈的平靜,享受純粹的寧靜時光。...

繁忙都市中的一遍綠洲Away Cabins |沉浸式享受大自然🌳

🌪️在繁忙的都市生活中,我們經常渴望一個能夠遠離喧囂、放鬆身心的地方。💆‍♀️Away Cabins 正是這樣一個理想的選擇,讓您在大自然中找到心靈的平靜,享受純粹的寧靜時光。

🌪️In the hustle and bustle of urban life, we often yearn for a place where we can escape the noise and relax both body and mind. 💆‍♀️Away Cabins is the perfect choice, offering you the opportunity to find inner peace in nature and enjoy moments of pure tranquility.


2024父親節| 為不同喜好的爸爸準備精心挑選禮物+活動指南!父親節是一個表達感謝和愛意的特別日子😊。為了讓每位爸爸都能收到最適合他的禮物,我們精心準備了一些推薦🎁,無論他是品味高手或是blue Jays愛好者,都能找到心儀的選擇;還有不要...

2024父親節| 為不同喜好的爸爸準備精心挑選禮物+活動指南!

父親節是一個表達感謝和愛意的特別日子😊。為了讓每位爸爸都能收到最適合他的禮物,我們精心準備了一些推薦🎁,無論他是品味高手或是blue Jays愛好者,都能找到心儀的選擇;還有不要錯過父親節活動指南,帶爸爸外出走走吧!🌞

Father’s Day is a special day to express gratitude and love 😊. To ensure that every dad receives the perfect gift, we have carefully prepared some recommendations 🎁. Whether he’s a connoisseur or a Blue Jays enthusiast, there’s a delightful choice for everyone. And don’t miss the Father’s Day activity guide—take your dad out for a stroll! 🌞


吸收維生素D |做好防曬措施 正面感受陽光!隨著夏天的到來,陽光變得更加充足🌞,這也意味著我們有更多的機會吸收寶貴的維生素D。維生素D對於骨骼健康和免疫系統至關重要⭕️,同時也能提升我們的心情。然而,在享受陽光的同時,我們也不能忽視防曬的重...

吸收維生素D |做好防曬措施 正面感受陽光!


With the arrival of summer, the sunlight becomes more abundant 🌞, which means we have more opportunities to absorb valuable vitamin D. Vitamin D is crucial for bone health and the immune system ⭕️, and it also enhances our mood. However, while enjoying the sunshine, we must not overlook the importance of sun protection. 🌂


運動裝≠頹 |不失時尚的athleisure運動休閒風運動穿搭一不小心便會讓人感覺很頹,隨手一套棉衣棉褲去做運動🧦,而其實早在2010年出現的時尚關鍵詞「athleisure」,其實就是Athleisure = Athletic(運動)+ ...

運動裝≠頹 |不失時尚的athleisure運動休閒風

運動穿搭一不小心便會讓人感覺很頹,隨手一套棉衣棉褲去做運動🧦,而其實早在2010年出現的時尚關鍵詞「athleisure」,其實就是Athleisure = Athletic(運動)+ Leisure(休閒)🕶,這種融合街頭氣息的運動風格,能讓你穿去做運動,再直接上街購物吃飯!🍽😋

Wearing athletic outfits can easily give off a sloppy impression, like just throwing on a cotton shirt and pants for exercise🧦. However, the fashion keyword 'athleisure' that emerged in 2010 actually stands for Athleisure = Athletic + Leisure🕶. This fusion of sporty and street style allows you to go from working out to shopping and dining out seamlessly!🍽😋


生活提案:實現一種舒適的生活方式💼在現代繁忙的生活節奏中,以不同方式尋找一種舒適的生活方式💓,讓自己身心放鬆變得越來越重要。然而,真正的舒適並不僅僅是關於外在的物質,更多地是關乎內心的滿足和自我愛護🌷。💼 In the modern bus...



💼 In the modern busy pace of life, finding a comfortable lifestyle in different ways 💓 becomes increasingly important for relaxing both body and mind. However, true comfort isn’t just about external material things; it’s more about inner contentment and self-care 🌷


5月屬於各位母親的節日|媽媽會喜歡的實用禮物Top4 x 母親節多倫多好去處五月,是一個特別的月份,是一個屬於各位母親的節日🌷💓,還在煩惱買甚麼禮物嗎?我們嚴選了媽媽會喜歡的實用禮物Top4️⃣,助你找到一份特別的禮物來表達愛意和感激之情。...

5月屬於各位母親的節日|媽媽會喜歡的實用禮物Top4 x 母親節多倫多好去處


May is a special month, dedicated to all mothers 🌷💓. Still wondering what gift to get? We've curated the Top 4️⃣ practical gifts that moms will love, helping you find a special gift to express love and gratitude. 🥰

2024年地球月  #愛自己篇|綠色美容護髮程序隨著對環境和自然的關注日益增加⚠️,綠色美容程序正受到越來越多人的青睞。在2024年的地球月,讓我們一起來探索一些以環保為理念的護膚品牌♻️,它們致力於提供高品質的美容產品,同時尊重自然資源。...

2024年地球月 #愛自己篇|綠色美容護髮程序


As environmental and nature consciousness ⚠️ continues to rise, green beauty routines are gaining popularity among an increasing number of individuals. During Earth Month 2024, let's explore some eco-conscious skincare brands ♻️ that are committed to providing high-quality beauty products while respecting natural resources. 🌷


家居清潔法寶|踏入春季輕鬆大掃除誰說春季大掃除一定是一種負擔😁! 使用 Shark 的創新且省時的產品,幫助減輕精神負擔,擺脫深度清潔家居的壓力和體力負荷✨,讓您有時間出去享受春天🌷。Who says spring cleaning has...


誰說春季大掃除一定是一種負擔😁! 使用 Shark 的創新且省時的產品,幫助減輕精神負擔,擺脫深度清潔家居的壓力和體力負荷✨,讓您有時間出去享受春天🌷。

Who says spring cleaning has to be a burden? 😁 With Shark's innovative and time-saving products, you can alleviate mental strain, eliminate the stress and physical exertion of deep cleaning your home, and have more time to enjoy the spring outdoors. ✨ 🌷


讓男生瞬間心動  髮質才是最關鍵 |Oribe Gold Lust 系列革命性最新產品登場女性最吸引的時刻莫過於撥動頭髮時✨,展現出若隱若現的肩頸線條,以及如幼滑的髮絲。髮型和髮色固然重要⚠️,但最吸引眼球的必定是順滑有光澤的髮質,從今天起...

讓男生瞬間心動 髮質才是最關鍵 |Oribe Gold Lust 系列革命性最新產品登場


One of the most captivating moments for women is when they run through their hair✨, showcasing the alluring lines of their shoulders and neck, as well as the silky smooth strands of hair. While hairstyle and hair color are undoubtedly important⚠️, what truly catches the eye is the sleek and lustrous hair texture. Start taking good care of your hair today and capture his heart! 💕


2024年地球月  #服裝篇|年度主題:地球與塑膠🌏世界地球日全球組織者 EARTHDAY.ORG 宣布 2024 年世界地球日的全球主題是“地球vs塑料”。除了日常生活習慣外,我們的購物習慣也可以對環境產生影響。👛🛒🛍🌎The globa...

2024年地球月 #服裝篇|年度主題:地球與塑膠

🌏世界地球日全球組織者 EARTHDAY.ORG 宣布 2024 年世界地球日的全球主題是“地球vs塑料”。除了日常生活習慣外,我們的購物習慣也可以對環境產生影響。👛🛒🛍

🌎The global organizer of Earth Day, EARTHDAY.ORG, has announced that the global theme for World Earth Day 2024 is "Earth vs. Plastic." In addition to our daily habits, our shopping practices also have the potential to impact the environment. 👛🛒🛍


Avène最新產品Cleanance A.H.A Exfoliating Serum|從根本性對抗粉刺瑕疵, 打破痘痘、粉刺惡性循環!痘痘、痘印和粉刺等皮膚瑕疵問題,常常讓人覺得無法擺脫 ❤️‍🩹,好像是一個永無止境的挑戰。然而,只要使用適...

Avène最新產品Cleanance A.H.A Exfoliating Serum|從根本性對抗粉刺瑕疵, 打破痘痘、粉刺惡性循環!

痘痘、痘印和粉刺等皮膚瑕疵問題,常常讓人覺得無法擺脫 ❤️‍🩹,好像是一個永無止境的挑戰。然而,只要使用適合的產品,就能有效解決這些問題!🌟

Skin imperfections such as acne, acne scars, and blackheads often feel like an endless challenge to overcome❤️‍🩹. However, with the right products, these issues can be effectively addressed.🌟


2024年春季穿搭靈感!刺繡、印花及簡約必備單品!不知不覺到了夏令時間🕐,陽光溫暖地灑在大地上,終於可以脫下厚重的羽絨或其他保暖的衣物,為自己換上新裝同時保持個人的穿搭風格😎,為大家送上Sézane、RW&CO.以及WonderBra 這三...


不知不覺到了夏令時間🕐,陽光溫暖地灑在大地上,終於可以脫下厚重的羽絨或其他保暖的衣物,為自己換上新裝同時保持個人的穿搭風格😎,為大家送上Sézane、RW&CO.以及WonderBra 這三個品牌的春季服飾吧,不但擁有明亮的色彩和舒適的質地,絕對是新一季的必備單品!🥰

Unconsciously, daylight saving time has arrived 🕐, with warm sunlight sprinkled on the earth. Finally, it's time to shed off the heavy down jackets or other warm clothes, and switch to new outfits while maintaining personal style 😎. Let's introduce the spring clothing from three brands - Sézane, RW&CO., and WonderBra. With bright colors and comfortable fabrics, they are definitely must-have items for the new season! 🥰


🧚‍♀️探索完美肌膚之道:Sulwhasoo The Ultimate S CremeSulwhasoo的The Ultimate S Creme,美麗而簡潔的瓶子⚪️,藴含保濕而抗衰老成分,融合了經過 1️⃣5️⃣ 道提取和濃縮的珍貴人參...

🧚‍♀️探索完美肌膚之道:Sulwhasoo The Ultimate S Creme

Sulwhasoo的The Ultimate S Creme,美麗而簡潔的瓶子⚪️,藴含保濕而抗衰老成分,融合了經過 1️⃣5️⃣ 道提取和濃縮的珍貴人參漿果,專為追求完美膚質的您而設計,幫助肌膚重獲青春。🌟

Sulwhasoo's The Ultimate S Creme features a beautiful and sleek bottle ⚪️, containing moisturizing and anti-aging ingredients. It combines the precious ginseng berries, extracted and concentrated through 1️⃣5️⃣ meticulous processes, designed specifically for those seeking perfect skin quality, helping the skin regain its youthful radiance. 🌟


即將邁入三月,意味著冬天即將過去,春天也快要來了。隨著天氣逐漸回暖,皮膚問題也開始蠢蠢欲動!最近如果皮膚感到乾燥、紅腫,甚至出現脫屑、起痘痘的情況,那就是皮膚正在發出警訊!belif 明星水炸彈系列可有效解救缺水的情況,讓肌膚擁有持久的水潤...

即將邁入三月,意味著冬天即將過去,春天也快要來了。隨著天氣逐漸回暖,皮膚問題也開始蠢蠢欲動!最近如果皮膚感到乾燥、紅腫,甚至出現脫屑、起痘痘的情況,那就是皮膚正在發出警訊!belif 明星水炸彈系列可有效解救缺水的情況,讓肌膚擁有持久的水潤感和活力!💦✨

As March is fast approaching, it means that winter is coming to an end and spring is on its way! With the weather gradually warming up, skin issues are also beginning to emerge! If your skin has been feeling dry, inflamed, or even experiencing flakiness and acne lately, it's a sign that your skin is sounding the alarm! belif's star Aqua Bomb Series can effectively rescue dehydrated skin, giving it long-lasting hydration and vitality!💦✨

在寒冷的冬天,一邊泡著熱水澡,一邊敷上Fenty Skin的櫻桃煥膚修護面膜,特有的巴巴多斯櫻桃香味和紅色的果凍質地,毛孔吸收了滿滿的養分,緊張的生活壓力也可以紓緩一下!🍒✨In the cold winter, while soaking...

在寒冷的冬天,一邊泡著熱水澡,一邊敷上Fenty Skin的櫻桃煥膚修護面膜,特有的巴巴多斯櫻桃香味和紅色的果凍質地,毛孔吸收了滿滿的養分,緊張的生活壓力也可以紓緩一下!🍒✨

In the cold winter, while soaking in a hot bath, applying Fenty Skin's Blah 2 Bright Face Mask provides a unique experience. With its distinctive Barbados cherry scent and red jelly texture, pores absorb a wealth of nutrients, offering a moment of relief from life's pressures!🍒✨

過年就是要吃吃吃!農曆新年不論您打算去朋友家過年還是邀請朋友來您家,準備一些美味的小食絕對能讓團聚的時刻更加美好與難忘。Fancy Cocktail Nuts 以創新和口味豐富而聞名,精心挑選的食材,如馬可那杏仁、瓦倫西亞杏仁等,搭配各種美...


Fancy Cocktail Nuts 以創新和口味豐富而聞名,精心挑選的食材,如馬可那杏仁、瓦倫西亞杏仁等,搭配各種美味的調味料,製作出一系列令人垂涎的堅果小食,非常適合與家人和朋友一起分享!🥳❤️

Eating is a must during the Lunar New Year! Whether you plan to celebrate at a friend's house or invite friends over to your place, preparing some delicious snacks can definitely make the gathering more enjoyable and memorable.

Fancy Cocktail Nuts is renowned for its innovation and rich flavors, carefully selecting ingredients such as Marcona almonds, Valencia almonds, and various delicious seasonings to create a series of mouthwatering nut snacks. They are perfect for sharing with family and friends!🥳❤️

迎接龍年的到來,Sulwhasoo雪花秀推出龍年限量版潤燥再生精華,融合了傳統韓方智慧和最先進的生物科技,能夠賦予肌膚彈性和修護作用,限量版特別添加的祥龍圖案,象徵吉祥和好運,送禮自用兩相宜!🐉✨Get ready for the Year...


Get ready for the Year of the Dragon with Sulwhasoo's limited edition First Care Activating Serum!🐉 Blending traditional Korean herbal wisdom with the latest in biotech, it gives your skin that bounce and repair it needs. Plus, the special dragon design brings all the good vibes and luck your way. Perfect for gifting or treating yourself!✨

再過兩週就是農曆新年,頂級髮妝品牌 ORIBE 推出限定版春節禮盒 🎁 華麗花卉與生龍活虎交相輝映,象徵龍年的吉祥與繁榮 🐉✨ 是您送禮的最佳選擇!Lunar New Year is coming in two weeks! ORIBE i...

再過兩週就是農曆新年,頂級髮妝品牌 ORIBE 推出限定版春節禮盒 🎁 華麗花卉與生龍活虎交相輝映,象徵龍年的吉祥與繁榮 🐉✨ 是您送禮的最佳選擇!

Lunar New Year is coming in two weeks! ORIBE is launching a limited edition Spring Festival gift box 🎁 featuring elegant blossoms & vibrant dragons 🐉✨ Perfect for gifting!

  |第八屆籌款活動支持 SickKids 基金會(加拿大多倫多病童醫院)SENTALER 與 SickKids 基金會攜手合作🤝,舉辦第八屆的慈善活動,今年更於多倫多瑞吉酒店的五星級Astor Ballroom舉行SENTALER 節日慶...

|第八屆籌款活動支持 SickKids 基金會(加拿大多倫多病童醫院)

SENTALER 與 SickKids 基金會攜手合作🤝,舉辦第八屆的慈善活動,今年更於多倫多瑞吉酒店的五星級Astor Ballroom舉行SENTALER 節日慶典“SANTALER in support of SickKids”!🥰

SENTALER collaborates with the SickKids Foundation🤝, hosting the 8th annual charity event. This year's celebration, "SANTALER in support of SickKids," takes place in the Astor Ballroom at the luxurious The St. Regis Toronto in Toronto!🥰


享譽盛名的法國廚房用品品牌Le Creuset | The Well實體店華麗開幕!Le Creuset是一個享譽盛名的法國廚房用品品牌✨,以其色彩豐富的鑄鐵鍋和陶瓷器皿而聞名。Le Creuset的產品以卓越的品質和經典的設計著稱,適用於...

享譽盛名的法國廚房用品品牌Le Creuset | The Well實體店華麗開幕!

Le Creuset是一個享譽盛名的法國廚房用品品牌✨,以其色彩豐富的鑄鐵鍋和陶瓷器皿而聞名。Le Creuset的產品以卓越的品質和經典的設計著稱,適用於烹飪、燉煮和烘烤各種美味的菜餚🍗🍖🍲。品牌堅持傳統工藝,並持續創新,成為廚房愛好者和專業廚師的首選之一👑,現在大家可以到Le Creuset多倫多的第3️⃣家分店實體店選購產品!

Le Creuset is a renowned French kitchenware brand✨, celebrated for its vibrant cast-iron cookware and ceramic dishes. Recognized for exceptional quality and timeless design, Le Creuset's products excel in cooking, stewing, and baking various delicious dishes🍗🍖🍲. The brand upholds traditional craftsmanship while continuously innovating, making it a top choice for kitchen enthusiasts and professional chefs alike👑. Now, you can explore and purchase Le Creuset products at their third physical store in Toronto!3️⃣


🎊INSERT節日大抽獎 x 送禮專家的必備清單第八欄: Belif 柔和親吻你肌膚節日送禮不踩雷系列精心呈獻第八欄,為您帶來Belif的溫柔親吻💋,讓肌膚沐浴在愛與護理中。Belif的專業護膚品牌,總是能為您的肌膚締造柔嫩、水潤的感受💦,...

🎊INSERT節日大抽獎 x 送禮專家的必備清單第八欄: Belif 柔和親吻你肌膚


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Introducing the carefully curated eighth column of our Holiday Gift Guide series, presenting Belif's gentle kiss 💋, enveloping your skin in love and care. Belif, a renowned skincare brand, consistently delivers a tender and hydrating experience for your skin 💦. Explore this gift list 📋 and infuse the warmth of Belif's magic into your expressions of love and care during this festive season~ ✨

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2. Repost our holiday lucky draw posts and tag us for extra chances to win!


* Lucky Draw is open to residents of Ontario only. Winners must pick up their prize at Richmond Hill, On. INSERT Magazine reserves all rights.

Happy holidays start with SENTALER!

Happy holidays start with SENTALER!

🎊INSERT節日大抽獎 x 送禮專家的必備清單第七欄: L’Occitane 內外夾備的holiday gift set☃️讓你在寒冷的冬季中繼續享受溫暖的呵護,我們向大家介紹的3️⃣款盒裝,不僅充滿高品質的護膚產品,盒子的設計也令人眼前...

🎊INSERT節日大抽獎 x 送禮專家的必備清單第七欄: L’Occitane 內外夾備的holiday gift set



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☃️Continue to experience warmth and care in the cold winter with the 3️⃣ exquisite boxed sets we introduce. Packed with high-quality skincare products, each box's design is also visually stunning, promising an eye-catching experience.✨


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2. Repost our holiday lucky draw posts and tag us for extra chances to win!

* Lucky Draw is open to residents of Ontario only. Winners must pick up their prize at Richmond Hill, On. INSERT Magazine reserves all rights.

🎊INSERT節日大抽獎 x 送禮專家的必備清單第六欄: I LOVE WELLNESS、SKIN REPUBLIC及Rachel Couture 📜🌹選擇有品味的禮物,讓每一份心意都閃耀著節日的光彩,讓I LOVE WELLNESS、SK...

🎊INSERT節日大抽獎 x 送禮專家的必備清單第六欄: I LOVE WELLNESS、SKIN REPUBLIC及Rachel Couture 📜

🌹選擇有品味的禮物,讓每一份心意都閃耀著節日的光彩,讓I LOVE WELLNESS、SKIN REPUBLIC和Rachel Couture的禮物成為您心意的代言。送出美肌、健康和時尚的禮物🎁,為您的摯愛帶來溫馨祝福。💞

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* 幸運抽獎僅開放給安大略省居民。得獎者必須在安大略省列治文山領取獎品。 INSERT 雜誌保留所有權利。

🌹In this holiday gift guide series, we present the essential list in the fourth column, featuring I LOVE WELLNESS, SKINREPUBLIC, and Rachel Couture. These are the top choices of gift experts, bringing health, radiant skin, and fashion to you and your loved ones🎁. Make this holiday season more meaningful with thoughtful gifts!💞

How to participate:

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2. Repost our holiday lucky draw posts and tag us for extra chances to win!


* Lucky Draw is open to residents of Ontario only. Winners must pick up their prize at Richmond Hill, On. INSERT Magazine reserves all rights.

🎊INSERT節日大抽獎 x 送禮專家的必備清單第五欄: The SharkNinja Family ��1️⃣讓您的髮型更迷人: Shark® SpeedStyle™ For Straight & Wavy Hair SpeedStyle...

🎊INSERT節日大抽獎 x 送禮專家的必備清單第五欄: The SharkNinja Family �

�1️⃣讓您的髮型更迷人: Shark® SpeedStyle™ For Straight & Wavy Hair
SpeedStyle™ 僅重 1.69 磅,套裝包括三個不同可更換頭,專為直髮和波浪髮設計♥️,適合所有髮質,輕鬆打造迅速、流暢的時尚髮型,造型後手臂不再酸痛,讓您每天都能煥發自信風采!✨🌹

2️⃣Ninja Blast™ Portable Blender Denim Blue, 18 oz
時尚的手提式攪拌機,輕巧便攜,可透過 USB-C 充電,蓋子和容器不含 BPA,可用洗碗機清洗,簡單方便👏🏻,讓您隨時隨地都能享受新鮮美味的果汁、奶昔和健康飲品🥑🥦🥬🥒,為您的生活注入一份健康活力!🔋

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* 幸運抽獎僅開放給安大略省居民。得獎者必須在安大略省列治文山領取獎品。 INSERT 雜誌保留所有權利。

1️⃣ Enhance Your Hairstyle: Shark® SpeedStyle™ For Straight & Wavy Hair
SpeedStyle™ weighs only 1.69 pounds and comes with three interchangeable heads designed for straight and wavy hair♥️. Suitable for all hair types, it effortlessly creates quick, smooth, and fashionable hairstyles. Say goodbye to tired arms after styling, allowing you to radiate confidence every day!✨🌹

2️⃣ Ninja Blast™ Portable Blender Denim Blue, 18 oz
A stylish portable blender that is lightweight and USB-C rechargeable. The BPA-free lid and container are dishwasher-safe, making it simple and convenient for you to enjoy fresh and delicious juices, smoothies, and healthy drinks anytime, anywhere🥑🥦🥬🥒. Inject a dose of health and vitality into your life!🔋

How to participate:

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2️⃣Follow this account@insertmagazine
3️⃣Like this post

🌟If you want to increase your chances of winning, in addition to filling out the participation form, you can also:
1. Tag the person you want to celebrate the holiday with (1 comment = 1 entry, no limit)
2. Repost our holiday lucky draw posts and tag us for extra chances to win!


* Lucky Draw is open to residents of Ontario only. Winners must pick up their prize at Richmond Hill, On. INSERT Magazine reserves all rights.


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Richmond Hill, ON

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