
TheHeisler Welcome to page, where tears, laughter and fun will be shared by Heisler's family togethe


I learned to enjoy things with happiness. I learned to make memories and treasure it. I choose to love and not to hate. I choose to smile regardless. I choose to live simple and contented. I learned to give all the glory to Abba Father. After all, life is short, tomorrow is full of uncertainties. 🏕👭🧑‍🤝‍🧑👨‍👩‍👦👫

Young people, it’s wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. But remember that you must give an account to God for everything you do. So refuse to worry, and keep your body healthy.

Ecclesiastes 11:9‭-‬10a NLT


It was a great time party with our fellow "Kababayan". Though we missed our families back home, the Filipino bond and get-together would not surely be missed. We thank God for the opportunity He gave us. It was a wonderful time indeed. ❤🎁🎈

December 31, 2021 at 8:30 amIt's the last date and time of the year! As I flipped this last date of the year, it reminds...

December 31, 2021 at 8:30 am

It's the last date and time of the year! As I flipped this last date of the year, it reminds me of the great and saddened things when I looked back 2021. I learned my flesh is not in control of my every situations. As I experienced all the joys, happiness, trials, sorrow, tribulations, I learned to rely to Abba Father even more as I kept on praying for the protection of my families in the Philippines, US, and Canada. To build the foundation of my faith as solid as steel, and as a solid as rock and high as a mountain, to trust even more to Him even if I don't understand the situations, to love the people around me, to humble myself and take away the pride, and to use me according to God's purpose not my own will, 2022 is about to come and as I welcome the another gift of year that Abba Father instilled for me. I welcome the new season of my life and to step on even the glorious days of Him.

Another year that Abba Father in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ and thru Holy Spirit prepared for me. I welcome 2022 with new beginning and another season to step on His glory. ❤🙏


The Paw Park ❤🐕❤

Since we moved here in Unity it continues to amaze me the simplicity and wonderful things around including this dog park, our fur babies Gizmo and Benji had a great time playing. It is their first time visiting the Unity Paw Park and they absolutely love it. Thank you! ❤

When God is the shepherd, it will be the best place to create memories. ❤Luke 10:5 AMPWhatever house you enter, first sa...

When God is the shepherd, it will be the best place to create memories. ❤

Luke 10:5 AMP

Whatever house you enter, first say, ‘Peace [that is, a blessing of well-being and prosperity, the favor of God] to this house.’

Little things like this is what our little man enjoys to do, especially his lovely funny faces! 😄 1 John 4:19We love, be...

Little things like this is what our little man enjoys to do, especially his lovely funny faces! 😄

1 John 4:19

We love, because He first loved us.

The only precious thing that I have is this little family. Sooner than we think this little man will grow to be a fine y...

The only precious thing that I have is this little family. Sooner than we think this little man will grow to be a fine young man and we get old. Every meals that we sat in each on our chairs are the memories that our Batitoy will looked back most especially the important time of the day to spend together as a family. I am very thankful to the Almighty God that I have this and I am much thankful that we have this little man that gives joy to our hearts. ❤

1 John 4:19

We love because he first loved us.

Got a chance to sat for a while and had our ice cream until later again. Almost a month since we relocate it's been busy...

Got a chance to sat for a while and had our ice cream until later again. Almost a month since we relocate it's been busy, unpacking, arranging, organizing, and others. We looked haggard exhausted in this pic 😴 but despite of all I am thankful I have this man beside me at all times. When God gave you a person to be with for the rest of your life everything is just perfect. I thank God for everything, it comes easy when both of you compromise and worked out the differences especially allowing God to be the Shepherd and center of your family. ❤

Colossians 2:18-20 AMP

Wives, be subject to your husbands [out of respect for their position as protector, and their accountability to God], as is proper and fitting in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives [with an affectionate, sympathetic, selfless love that always seeks the best for them] and do not be embittered or resentful toward them [because of the responsibilities of marriage]. Children, obey your parents [as God’s representatives] in all things, for this [attitude of respect and obedience] is well-pleasing to the Lord [and will bring you God’s promised blessings].

Behind of those cute smiles are the boxes that I need to sort out. I don't even  know where to start (lol kdding) It's g...

Behind of those cute smiles are the boxes that I need to sort out. I don't even know where to start (lol kdding) It's gonna be a long days for me. I supposed to upload the update of our moving but I am only using data (I tried many times but failed). Today is the schedule of our internet connection, fingers crossed 🤞indeed, it's not easy to move especially of you are alone sorting all the stuff plus a toddler that is all over the place 😆Having said that, I could not be thankful enough for all the things that God bestow us. I always feel grateful. This would not happened if it's not because of Abba Father. Glory be to God! ☝🙏❤

My body changed, my features changed, my path changed, my focus changed, my priorities changed, and my life changed. A l...

My body changed, my features changed, my path changed, my focus changed, my priorities changed, and my life changed. A lot of things to go on the list. Regardless, I won't change the day I found I have you. I am happy that I am your Mama. Cheers to all Mama! Happy Mother's Day to us! ❤


God’s provision we are moving! A tour of our humble condo townhouse / Part 2 🏠

A tour of our humble condo townhouse complex where our journey started. When God takes care of everything He will provide and lead. In December of 2017 was the year we transferred here from the apartment, in 2018 we got married, and in 2019 we got our little guy. When I look at the whole picture it is God’s will and timing that we’ve come this so far and we can't wait for what lies ahead of us. To God be the glory forever and ever.


God’s provision we are moving! / Part 1 🏠

We are back! This time with different content. 😁 I wanted to do a video log so I tried to at least talk this time! Pardon me for my accent and grammar! 😅

Subscribe to my youtube too! TheHeisler 😊


New life, new adventure! Vlog coming soon! ❤️


It’s like a blink of an eye and MyBatitoy will turn two in a few months. I don’t know where the time go, but it just went so fast, while watching this I got emotional. ❤️👦🏻❤️

Ecclesiastes‬ ‭1:14-15‬ ‭NIV‬‬“I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a ch...

Ecclesiastes‬ ‭1:14-15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

“I have seen all the things that are done under the sun; all of them are meaningless, a chasing after the wind. What is crooked cannot be straightened; what is lacking cannot be counted.”


It is my natal day and I am blessed ❤️

There is nothing too much to show here, it is only the three of us and my hubby just bought a 10 dollar worth of coffee cake. This morning when I woke up Adam asked if I wanted cake and I said ”it doesn't matter”, and then I followed up ”well if you will buy grab a mocha or coffee cake” lol (just want something new) so he bought me this. The best and special thing for me is to be with these two I am beyond grateful and blessed. I thank my Abba Father for another year and for giving me a reason to live with my little family.❤️🎁🎉🎂

Us a year ago, MyBatitoy is now 16 mos. old. I remember those sleepiness nights and crazy days dealing his GERD (Gastroe...

Us a year ago, MyBatitoy is now 16 mos. old. I remember those sleepiness nights and crazy days dealing his GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease) Those 1:00 to 5:00 in the morning and couple of times we ended up in the hospital because of the screaming, crying, and sometimes vomiting that our Batitoy has gone through. Adam who woke few times in the middle of the night just to drove around the block so our Batitoy can sleep. If your baby has a GERD expect few months from the birth of the baby will be rough coz you need to deal it, doctors will usually advise stating baby’s will outgrow of it and will be fine when reach certain months. I recall that I had a melt down with severe attack that I ended up in the hospital too, doctor prescribed me a pill for depression ( I decided to throw it out because I know God is my healer and sure He did, no issues at all after I throw it.) These pictures marked his 4 month old when our Batitoy outgrew his GERD. I don’t know how we did it, but I know one thing for sure. Abba Father is our strength without Him it is very impossible to overcome those challenges.

Psalms‬ ‭27:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬
“The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?”



Jonah with his Advent Calendar ❤️

Nothing beats home. After long training weeks, we are finally in our humble place. I am just so happy to be with these boys, plus exciting presents came for Jonah thank you Uncle Mike, Aunt Laurie, cousins Ezra and Asher for the wonderful gifts. JJ loves it and is very excited to open all of them. I can't take out my happiness seeing MyBatitoy who is looking forward to unlocking this each day. Jonah is blessed to have Uncle, Aunt, cousins like you guys. ❤️

Our source and our strength. When you are not used to be apart with your loved one but you left no choice. Our Batitoy i...

Our source and our strength. When you are not used to be apart with your loved one but you left no choice. Our Batitoy is the reason we breath and live. Just by watching this innocent smile we feel so blessed. I thank God for giving us this beautiful gift.❤️👦🏻❤️

Nehemiah 8:10b..the joy of the Lord is my strength.

Days like this is very hectic, working and at the same time taking care of loved ones is a new milestone for me. Am I ex...

Days like this is very hectic, working and at the same time taking care of loved ones is a new milestone for me. Am I excited that I am back on my field? Truly indeed, but what’s exciting most is taking care both at the same time. I learned to embrace challenges, I learned to find joy in the stormy days. In a chaotic world we lived in I learned to set back and let my Abba Father in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ and thru my comforter Holy Spirit to be the vessel of my life. He is my Good Shepherd and I am his sheep. I let my Master take over everything and I feel peace. I am reminded of a woman who has a noble character (Proverbs 31:10-31) and I really do to be like her. Prayer is my weapon, the Lord is my light and salvation and I will fear no one (Psalm 27:1a) I am on top of this, I got this. 🙏❤️

Proverbs‬ ‭31:25-30‬ ‭NIV

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

God just works in his amazing ways. Just posting this to share with you that this Bible was given to us by unknown perso...

God just works in his amazing ways. Just posting this to share with you that this Bible was given to us by unknown person. When we were ready for bed last night Adam thought to check the mailbox, usually he checked mails after his work or during daytime, so he quickly jumped off from the bed and went outside. When he enters the room he held this and said “ohh somebody left this infront of our door” to my surprised it is this Bible with attached letter (don’t get me wrong we have 2 bibles in the house). I wondered, who is this person that gives bible for free (when you check the back portion the price is $ 3 plus USD) but at the same time I felt excited and joy in my heart. It is then I realized that this is not by accident but God intentionally gave this (whoever left this bible God bless the person’s heart). I read the whole book of the Bible from cover to cover for the purpose that I am curious what is in the book of revelation (one day when I was in college my dear colleague shared to us about the book of revelation and it’s stated about the last days the rapture and how people who are left behind will mark the sign of the beast and it is scary, from there on it really instilled to my mind that I needed to read this book of revelation, and the result it is not only the book of revelation that I came to know of but I came across to know all the promises of Abba Father to us His pure love and His free gifts to us). At night, when everybody is sleeping I allocate time to spend the word of God and pray. But not really literally studying the word of God, along the run I noticed that when you spend time to know who God is He will reveal himself to you and the Holy Spirit will be your comforter and your guide. Now that we have this, now is the time to dwell the word of God, now is the time to study the word of God put highlight markers on the key prayers, now is the time to share who’s person is willing to lean their ears and now is the time to seek more the glory and presence of Abba Father. We are on the last days, the only path we can take is preparing ourselves by keeping our lamps on with enough oil so when the time bridegroom comes we surely are confident that we’ll enter the kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 25 1:13).

Matthew 7:7 NIV
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”

So we had a little tour of MyBatitoy’s first-time visit to Niagara Falls. Can't believe seeing it for the first time the...

So we had a little tour of MyBatitoy’s first-time visit to Niagara Falls. Can't believe seeing it for the first time the place which flocks thousands of tourists now it's dead because of the pandemic. But it was a nice family quality time for us. ❤️

All my videos are intended to provide an optimistic outlook to people. It doesn't matter what status quo you have in life but what important is to find real ...

My little family is my precious everyday gift, some are bad days but mostly good days. Each day is learning and whether ...

My little family is my precious everyday gift, some are bad days but mostly good days. Each day is learning and whether we are abundant or not we learned to value which significant is the most. Time goes by so fast and we don't know what tomorrow brings. My formula?.. the most precious gem that I am holding up is to have intimacy with Abba Father and the result is spectacular. ❤️👨‍👩‍👦❤️

John 7:38 NIV
“Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”


And finally it’s up lol, our quarantine camping vid is now up... took me a while (lot of things going on) but at least I...

And finally it’s up lol, our quarantine camping vid is now up... took me a while (lot of things going on) but at least I made it. Enjoy watching! ☺️ (excuse the pimples on my face 😁).

All my videos are intended to provide an optimistic outlook to people. It doesn't matter what status quo you have in life but what important is to find real ...

The most beautiful scenery I encountered. ❤️1 Corinthians 16:14 NIV“Do everything in love.”          ‭‭

The most beautiful scenery I encountered. ❤️

1 Corinthians 16:14 NIV
“Do everything in love.”



Please tell me if your son is like this at 1 year and a month. 😐

It was a blast weekend, we thought we won’t be able to make it because of the pandemic but in God’s guidance and perfect...

It was a blast weekend, we thought we won’t be able to make it because of the pandemic but in God’s guidance and perfect timing we were able to do our yearly camping and this time it’s different because we are not spending on the tent but with our old second homie trailer and we love it. We spent 4 nights and it was amazing plus it makes more special because it’s our little Batitoy first camping. MyBatitoy is really handful and just want to be all over the place nevertheless he enjoyed and loves it lol. These are one of the events that I want my little Batitoy to treasure it may not be a lot for some, but for me it’s everything...someday when he grow up he will look back on the beautiful days and time. ❤️ (Missing my family in the Philippines 💙) vid to follow ☺️

1 Samuel‬ ‭25:6‬ ‭NIV

“Say to him: ‘Long life to you! Good health to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours!”


MyBatitoy exploring and enjoying the Oshawa Farm Zoo. He’s lovin’ it. ❤️

MyBatitoy exploring and enjoying the Oshawa Farm Zoo. He’s lovin’ it. ❤️

All my videos are intended to provide an optimistic outlook to people. It doesn't matter what status quo you have in life but what important is to find real ...


MyBatitoy’s new technique to get on the couch 🤦🏻‍♀️

Went to the Oshawa Zoo Farm today but first, we’re trying to take pictures as much as we can till the time comes MyBatit...

Went to the Oshawa Zoo Farm today but first, we’re trying to take pictures as much as we can till the time comes MyBatitoy will have his own world 👨‍👩‍👦 (Vlog to follow 😊).

‭‭1 John‬ ‭4:19‬ ‭NIV‬
We love because he first loved us.


MyBatitoy reading time with Dada! ❤️

Seeing MyBatitoy growing up and conversing with his Mama every day is a giggle on my heart. ❤️‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭1:27‬ ‭NIV”I ...

Seeing MyBatitoy growing up and conversing with his Mama every day is a giggle on my heart. ❤️

‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭1:27‬ ‭NIV
”I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him.”

Our simple celebration of MyBatitoy's first birthday! ❤It's not much... but for us it was special. I always mentioned th...

Our simple celebration of MyBatitoy's first birthday! ❤

It's not much... but for us it was special. I always mentioned that time flies very quickly, and now he is one year old. I am just thankful to God for all the blessings He provided especially for keeping our little JJ healthy and happy. Our 🧒➡☝year. ❤

All my videos are intended to provide an optimistic outlook to people. It doesn't matter what status quo you have in life but what important is to find real ...


Here’s to fill out your day. From our jolly Batitoy! ❤️


Trying to capture the bug and I am tired of chasing this little guy! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Happy Anniversary Babe ❤️I didn't know that I need to cross the miles of ocean just to find you. Never in my wildest dre...

Happy Anniversary Babe ❤️

I didn't know that I need to cross the miles of ocean just to find you. Never in my wildest dreams that my partner in life would be from a different race, never! 😁 But now here we are with our little man. It's crazy...I never imagined that my life would be this. It’s life-changing and it changed to a new me. This is our new journey and I am looking forward to the laughter and joys with our little family. I always said that we don't hold the future, but I am always relying on everything to God and I know everything will be fine. 👩‍❤️‍👨

Thank you for my presence and I love my orchid.❤️

‭‭Mark‬ ‭10:8‬ ‭ASV‬‬
“and the two shall become one flesh: so that they are no more two, but one flesh.”


Oshawa, ON


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