Founded by singer/songwriter Jack Strano in 2017. Co-Executive Producer & Co-host, Author, Performer, Shar Rednour. Safe Space & Inclusion Policy:
TransTation Radio is a safe space for all self identifying LGBTQQIA2+ people and all self identifying non-binary, genderq***r, gender fluid, and/or trans people to the front. BIPOC LGBTQQIA2+ people at the front. TransTation Radio is also inclusive of
q***r women of colour, older q***r folx, and differently abled q***r folx. In order to enable us to come together and celebrate ourselves and our art and music and community, there are a few ground rules to ensure that everyone feels as welcome and comfortable and included as possible at all times. If you feel unsafe at any point, or witness any problematic behaviour, please let the Admins know. We must agree that no one records or takes any screenshots or pictures of any video sessions as this is a serious infringement of confidentiality policy. Age limit- Participants must be at least 18 years old. Introduce yourself- If you are comfortable using your preferred name please do
A pronoun is how you refer to someone, for example using she or they. Please ask people what their pronouns are if you are meeting them for the first time. Use their correct pronouns, even if the words are unfamiliar to you. If you make a mistake and refer to someone with the wrong pronoun, apologise and move on. Assumptions
Don’t make assumptions about someone’s identity and think about the ways that people from minority groups may be impacted in different ways by the issues you discuss. Be aware that your experiences as a trans, non-binary, and/or genderq***r person are not necessarily the same as everybody else in the room/space. Be aware of any position and privileges you may bring regarding for example your race, your class, your gender identity, your ability or your age. Try not to make generalising statements such as 'All women hate X'. Oppressive Behaviour
Racism, sexism, classism, homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, ableism, fatphobia, ageism or discrimination on basis of ethnicity, immigration status, or religious, cultural, and/or spiritual beliefs, or any other kind of oppressive behaviour is unacceptable and will be challenged. Please do not use slurs that are not yours to use. Please give a choice for people to interact without having to talk if they don’t want to. If they are neurodivergent, do not tell people off if they want to talk or move when everybody else is seating quietly and give space to people to go at their own pace. Sexual Harassment
There is a zero tolerance policy to sexual harassment. This means no unwanted touching, including hugs, so please make sure you have consent before engaging in any physical contact with someone. Virtually this means do not engage in inappropriate or illegal behaviour via words and/or images. This also means no wolf whistling or catcalling, and no inappropriate sexual comments or sexually based jokes, songs or taunts. Accessible Language
Try to use clear, uncomplicated language and to avoid any acronyms and in-jokes. If you mention a theory or person, please give a brief description of who they are, no matter how well known you believe they are. Content Warnings
Give people a heads up if you are going to discuss something that others might find upsetting. Sometimes upsetting things happen and we need to be able talk about how we deal with them as a community. It’s important to have a space where we feel able to do this, and we hope that this event will provide that. However, not everyone is able to talk about everything all the time, so let people know if you are going to talk about something potentially upsetting like trauma or domestic abuse. During breaks and other less formal settings, you can also do this informally by asking ‘is it okay if I talk about X thing?’
Space to Speak
Please be aware that it is difficult for those belonging to marginalised groups or minority groups to participate in discussions both online and in person. Do not talk over people and try to gauge whether it is appropriate for you to speak on certain topics. Try to give less confident and quieter people a chance to speak. Privacy and Confidentiality
We will ask everybody to respect the fact that not everybody is “out” everywhere outside of this space so if you use social media, please do not share any contact information or identifiable information of other people without their explicit consent. Social Media
Everything in this safer space policy also extends to social media, including Twitter and Facebook, so keep that in mind when using social media today.