Cobra: Blurred Visions
While being determined to rule the world, Cobra has chosen not to protect the well being of its hired hands by neglecting to offer any sort of insurance. Simple things like going to the optometrist become expensive without proper coverage. #Cobra #theenemy #GIJoe #animation #animated #animator #animate #adobecharacteranimator #animatedfilms #shortfilms #comedy #comedyvideo #parody #shorts #retrocartoon
Slaboratory - Obtuse
Another jam session between two guitars on a psychedelic instrumental with a simple repeated melody. #guitar #guitars #duet #instrumental #ambient #ambientmusic #instrumentalmusic #psychedelic #psychedelicmusic
Keys to the Batmobile
Batman can’t remember where he left the keys to the Batmobile and cannot get to an important meeting. #Batman #alfred #darkknight #gotham #gothamcity #brucewayne #animator #animate #animated #animation #parody #DC #DCcomics #superheroes #comedy #comicbooks #comics #lostmykeys #batmobile #waynemanor
Some stormtroopers are hanging around an observation deck discussing their plans on their upcoming vacations. #starwars #stormtrooper #theempire #darkside #theforce #maythefourth #lucasarts #badguys #vacations #staycation #animation #animated #adobecharacteranimator #animate #animator #parody #comedy #galaxyfarfaraway
Slaboratory - Esophagus
Another instrumental duet with two guitars and some effects pedals to make things spacey#guitar #guitars #guitarist #music #soundtrack #soundtrackmusic #instrumental #moviemusic #kaleidoscope #spacey
Slaboratory - Bricolage
Another weekend jam in the books featuring the conga and guitar duet #guitar #duet #conga #music #ambientmusic #instrumental
Mario Bros and Link Hanmered
Link makes a visit to the mushroom kingdom to visit the brothers in order to get a very important to for around the house. #legendofzelda #mariobros #videogames #videogameparody #parody #animation #animated #animator #animate #nintendo#link #mario #luigi #NES #retrogames #comedy #hammers
Another little jam we had last weekend. Ambient easy listening with a guitar and conga. #guitar #conga #music
Cobra: The I in TEAM
Firefly and Storm Shadow can never reach an agreement on how to go about every mission. Each one has a different approach and they require Cobra Commander to mediate. #Cobra #cobracommander #Firefly #Stormshadow #theenemy #GIJoe #animation #animator #animatedvideo #animate #animated #adobecharacteranimator #comedy #parody #ninja #mission
Perconcussion #conga #percussion #beat #shorts
Slaboratory - Withershins
Scotty decided to come over and record with me this weekend and we jammed out a few tracks I’ll be uploading for you folks. Very simple and easy listening type ambient sounds on this duet with a conga and guitar. #guitar #conga #percussion #instrumental #instrumentalmusic #ambient #music #musician #drum #ambient #ambientmusic #guitarist
Joker calls Batman in his batcave to reconnect and let him know that he is appreciated as his long time adversary. #Batman #joker #prankcall #gotham #gothamcity #capedcrusader #darkknight #brucewayne #batcave #batphone #animation #animated #animator #parody #comedy #animatedvideo #adobecharacteranimator