Mobile Saturdays - FF7 1st Soldier (Part 06)
Welcome to the 1st stream of the year! As a mobile saturday, we be here playing some First Soldier in the Final Fantasy VII universe! Although, huge noob me totally forgot to charge my phone last year (don't blame me, it was New Year's Eve and I had a lot of things on my mind lol), but yeah, unfortunately I couldn't do my typical 2hrs mobile games, had to cut it short to 90mins. Although! I did manage to win a Victory in the game!! I was extremely lucky though, as I was fighting bot after bot after bot, a win is a win though am i right?
Throwback Thursdays - A Link Between Worlds (FINAL)
Here we are ladies and gentlemen, another epic conclusion this week! This time we are finishing up the sequel to A Link To The Past which is now A Link Between Worlds! Had to compelte two last remaining dungeons, then upgraded the Master Sword to the max, upgrade maybe another weapon slot, and get to the last boss, our friend once again Ganon! After game completion, I also ran a little challenge/trial that was offered and was able to complete them all just in time! This was a very fun game, strongly recommended if you like Zelda! It's short and sweet and not too difficult!
PS5 Wednesdays - God Of War (Part 01)
After the epic conclusion to TLOU2, how about we begin another epic adventure, along side Kratos and Atreus! Join me as the God of War restarts a new rampage all over an entire different realm this time. Just like TLOU2, this will be another New Game Plus, although this time for a game that I haven't played in over 3 years and with upgrades way more complicated... Specially the combos, I didn't remember a single one of them, and now I had so many already unlocked. Time to re-learn how to play the game.
Mobile Saturdays - Diablo Immortal (Part 03)
It's been quite a little while since I played Diablo Immortal, definitively over a month, but here we are! It's still the fact that the game is in Beta, and they confirmed that once out of it, they will reset every character back to Level 1 and we'll have to start over, so I'm not a fan of investing much time in it. The game is still pretty fun to play though, don't get me wrong, so that's why I am back on it. Got myself quite the nice upgrade, finished some quests and did a Rift (dungeon), which I actually forgot existed to be honest lol.
Mobile Saturdays - FF7 1st Soldier (Part 05)
After some PUBG, why not another Battle Royale, but this time, throw in some Materias, some Chocobos, and some Character Classes? Let's jump back into Final Fantasy VII: The First Soldier! I started off with a little solo match in order to get my rusty skills up to play, and then I had some Twitch viewers join in for a Squad! We participated in my very first Ranked game and guess what? Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!! Woohoo, that makes 2 victory royales in the same day from 2 games!
Throwback Thursdays - A Link Between Worlds (Part 03)
So what have we got here, let's see... We finished the Desert Palace, the Dark Palace, Turtle Rock, and the Ice Ruins! Rescued 4 out those, what are they again? Mages? Trapped in the pictures? Anyways, I also forgot you were supposed to be saving 100 baby Maiamais all over the world, so I got my first 20 saved, which allowed me to upgrade the Boomerang and the Bow for now. Oh, and Master Sword Level 2 acquired! Next episode might be the very last one already!
PS5 Wednesdays - The Last Of Us 2 (Part 06)
This might have been the most entertaining and hardcore stream of TLOU2 so far! Wow, the level of story-telling, the visuals, the gameplay, all so wonderful!! I finally finished up with Abby, and back to things with Ellie. A lot has happened so I don't want to spoil much if you are new to the game, but this episode has been pretty hardcore! Although I am reaching towards the end already unfortunately. The next episode will definitively be the Final episode! Stay tuned!
GamePass Tuesdays - State of Decay 2 - Update 28 (Part 02)
Alright so continuing on my second community in Dread difficulty, clearing plague hearts becoming a lot easier with grenades...but now I ran out of them! Been trying to grow my number of followers, although I unfortunately lost one due to an incredible unfortunate run into not one, but two juggernauts during what should have been a simple mission... Good thing it was a newer follower though. Eventually I got enough to move into the last base of the map. I also went out to try the Multiplayer wave events, and was I did not expect to actually complete one!
Switch Sundays - Breath Of The Wild (Part 02)
So the entire map of Hyrule is now discovered, I always feel like that is the first thing to do, and then you can actually start the game. Got a couple of shrines here and there while on the way. Got some new hearts and 1 stamina upgrade. I admit I was kinda wasting a bit of time while collecting seeds and shrines. I still had time to defeat the first beast and received Mipha's Grace!
Switch Sundays - Kirby Star Allies (Part 01)
Our first stream together in a while! What best day for family fun than Switch Sundays? Jumping back into Kirby Star Allies that I completed way back in 2018, but this time our youngest one is old enough to figure out some of the mechanics! I was surprised at only having 66% completed even though I finished the storyline, but just like Mario games, there's extra stuff to collect at each levels, so that what we did for the first world.
Mobile Saturdays - FF7 1st Soldier (Part 04)
Had to get an extra episode in my Mobile Saturdays! Didn't like the way we just got cut off last time. To switch it up a little, let's step back into a battle royale filled with magical powers and mystical creatures! This sure feels drastically different than PUBG after playing them back to back. Even the control and aiming schemes feel very different. Had to get used to it in the first few rounds but starting getting the hang of it. Got into some of my typical Top 10s by the end! And I had an amazing viewer joined me for my last round!
PC Fridays - WoW Shadowlands (Part 05)
So we finally reached the end-game content for WoW! It only took 5 days! Completed all of the Shadowlands Raids in LFR format... lots of clueless, mindless fighting going around for the time being, but eventually I will learn the fight mechanics lol. Also started doing Heroic Dungeons, and realized that is the next step to do in order to raise my iLVL, since it drops higher gear than the LFR raids. Although, I should still continue, probably, the questline for my covenant, even though I still do not understand what is going on...
Throwback Thursdays - A Link Between Worlds (Part 02)
Another fun little stream part of my Throwback Thursdays! So far so good, I'm confident I can stream a 3DS game without issue as long as it doesn't involve much touch. I finally cleared the initial 3 dungeons of your typical Zelda game, and it now threw me into the Dark World, known as Lorule (as opposed to Hyrule). Now it's back to clearing 8 new dungeons in order to fight the very last boss of the game. One has been cleared, once is in progress. To be continued next week!
PC Fridays - WoW Shadowlands (Part 04)
Alright alright alright, so we finished up the Bastion, Maldraxxus, and now Ardenweald! So we are now doing the Revendreth quest line, as we managed to reach about 70% of it, somehow it felt shorter than the other ones? Well i might have been rushing it too. Curiosity got the best of me so I still ran a couple of dungeons. Thinking back, if I probably just stuck to my quests, I might have completed the quest line by now! But still, too much questing drives me nut, I had to get a few dungeons to release the stress lol