Quick Path to Learn JavaScript. β¬οΈ
1. Beginner Level
- Understand the Basics: Learn syntax, variables, data types, and operators.
- Core Concepts: Master if/else, loops, functions, and arrays.
- DOM Manipulation: Select, modify, and manipulate HTML elements.
2.Intermediate Level
- ES6 Features: Use let, const, arrow functions, template literals, and destructuring.
- Advanced DOM: Event listeners, delegation, and form handling.
- Asynchronous JS: Understand callbacks, promises, and async/await.
3. Advanced Level
- Object-Oriented JS: Learn classes, constructors, and prototypal inheritance.
- JavaScript in the Browser: Work with local storage, session storage, and Fetch API.
- Frameworks: Start with React.js or Vue.js for advanced projects.
β’ Projects to Practice
β To-Do List: Build a task manager.
β Weather App: Use an API to fetch weather data.
β Simple Game: Create Tic-Tac-Toe or Rock-Paper-Scissors.
β’ Resources
- MDN JavaScript Guide
- http://JavaScript.info
- FreeCodeCamp JavaScript Course
Pro Tip: Practice daily and build projects to solidify your knowledge!