Allez! Lisez la #bandedessinée "Le bain st denis" ecrit et ilustre par BOUM! Trouvez l'histoire parmi les pages de "#RuesdeMontreal". Je suis certain que le livre est-il disponible dans votre biblioteque local! Ceci il est un extrait de un video longue qui s'appelle "le pouvoir de la metamorphoses dans les vies des filles à Montréal", le quel vous trouverez sur YouTube, ou autrement, si vous etes courageux, lisez l'article original sur le site web de 😬
Ici un extraite dele livre « la société de spectacle » par Guy Debord. Un des ces livres difíciles a comprendre….
Bonjour!!! Je suis en trains de lire ma première BD québécoise!! Elle s’appelle « La petite Russie » écrit par Francis Desharnais et publie par Editions powpow Je l’as trouvé grâce à une amie qui j’ai connu pendant le Festival BD de Montréal (FBDM) et qui m’a dit que c’était une place pour commence à lire des BD québécoises. Ce n’est pas une aventure science fiction ainsi l’histoire explore une façon de vie alternative, avec tous ses difficultés et avantages. Je suis jusqu’à la moitié donc donne moi deux ou trois jours pour finir ma lecture😉 #bdquebecoise #bdqc #BD #coopérative #Abitibi #Guyenne #enfrançais #apprendrelefrançais #krizaliz #mtl #literarylife #canadianbookworm #bookishcanadians
I feel like a broken record every time I talk (or in this case, write) about Kristalina, but it matters, cause nobody knows it exists, and I want to change that. Why write all of this if nobody is here to read it?
So, here I am, writing after hours, about a short story I wrote 2 years ago while I was still studying at Concordia University. It is inspired by all the old victorian and even older literature that I had to read during my studies. Mainly, “Fantomina, Or love in a Maze” and “Paradise Lost”
Originally, the idea for Kristalina, was a fan fiction of “Dr. Strange meets the Flash”, but, let’s be real.
So, I decided to just write the story, the way I would like to read it. With fancy language and allegories and simils, and lots and lots of alliterations! I really enjoy reading and writing alliterations that sound really casual-like. It is an art form. Literature nerds won’t let me lie.
There were a lot of moments of “What would John Milton do, or how would Mary Shelley write this?” I was trying to write like the masters, whom I was studying. I fantasized about people talking about Kristalina in the same way they talk about Angela Carter. The only problem is that she, John Milton and Mary Shelly; didn’t have to compete with social media and Amazon and Netflix and Xbox, all at the same time!
So this might probably be it. Perhaps nobody will ever ready work, and it will take years for some Concordia phd student (I don’t know the right name, sorry…) finally discovers my old website, or an Alien archeologist discovers my old manuscripts stored in my hard drive or something, and then and only then, will somebody discover my works and catalogue me in an anthology of “21st century Canadian Literature” that is going to gather dust in a futuristic book store inside the meta-verse.
So yeah. Go read my work! And you’ll save me, from the annals of alien archeology, and 31st century academics.
#mtlauthor #montrealwriter #montrealauthor #
He de ser honesto, y decir que aun no se que pensar acerca de la historia; es cierto que los escritores mexicanos tienden a embellecer mucho sus textos, y a veces si te distraes tantito, pues ya valió.
Y tienes que volver a empezar el párrafo. Una y otra y vez.
Sí, al principio dije “ ay no, de seguro es de esos académicos, que escriben de manera super compleja y todo lo hacen enrollado, y usan palabras que nadie conoce y todo eso…” Pero no!
O sea, si escribe como un académico mexicano, pues porque lo es. Pero lo que logra hacer con el texto, es que el lector se sienta que esta escuchando una historia real. No porque tenga una caracterización que digas que “esto lo escribió un jornalero!” Si no, por todos los detalles pequeños que te hacen empatizar con el personaje, que a la vez, es el narrador.
Para lograr que una historia, o cualquier pieza de ficción, se sienta “real”, lo único que hace falta es meter elementos en la narrativa que hagan a uno pensar “esto le paso a alguien.” No necesariamente tuvo qué pasar de esa forma, pero de seguro, alguien pudo haber vivido esto. De seguro hay alguien allá afuera, que se atrevió a cruzar a los United, trabajó y se sintió fuera de lugar todo el tiempo, como la mayoría de los inmigrantes. De seguro hay alguien que vivió todo esto, o algo parecido, y que al final se topó con un acantilado.
En fin, solo escribo esto, para decirles que sí, voy a publicar la historia en el sitio web, me disculpo por haberme desaparecido por unos días, pero es difícil balancear la literatura y el trabajo que paga las cuentas.
#mtlauthor #autor #escritormexicano #autormexicano #literaturamexicana #vidaliteraria #literarylife #publishers #editorial #escritoreninstagram #inmigracion #immigration #
La historia se llama “Gorra al viento” y está escrita por Alejandro Estivill, a quien conocí en la isla de Montreal… (la cual es técnicamente territorio no cedido) Puedes leer la historia en el sitio w
El mundo de los luchadores es un mundo ajeno para mi. A pesar de ser mexicano, nunca me interesó el “pancracio” mexicano (me encanta esa palabra!), ademas, solo conocía a los luchadores que todo mexicano que se respete tiene memorizados; el Santo y el Blue Demon.
Yo no sabía que existía un luchador llamado el Hijo de Pierroth, y mucho menos que su macara es increíble. Todo empezó cuando contraté un servicio de VPN para poder ver la serie de
Blue Demon que está disponible en Amazon Prime, pero solo de Mexico. Eso de poder cubrir mi rastro en línea y no se que me viene valiendo madres.
Mi familia y yo, nos echamos toda la primer temporada, y pues me quedé fascinado por todo lo que envuelve a la lucha libre. Y para poder hacerle al YouTube y todo eso, decidí mandar a hacer una máscara con un mascarero profesional. En cuanto esté terminada se las enseño. La máscara ☝️
Ahora, debido a esta fascinación con la lucha libre mexicana, conseguí un libro de fotos, pues para ver qué onda. El libro de llama “Lucha Loco”, las fotografías están hechas por Malcolm Venville, que no se quien es mi de donde salió, y también tiene una introducción escrita por Sandro Cohen, quien falleció recientemente. Es surreal encontrar un texto que te gusta y luego meterte al google para descubrir que el autor justo acaba de morir.
La frase viene de la introducción, que habla sobre los luchadores, y pues si los romántiza súper cabrón, pero pues es un buen texto que resume muy bien lo que son los luchadores y lo que significan para los mexicanos. Habla sobre la intersubjetividad de los luchadores, o sea, lo quienes son ellos para los demás. Como siempre, es difícil escoger una frase, cuando estas buscando algo que se vea “instagrameable”, cuando lo que te gusta es el texto, no una sola frase.
#mtlauthor #MontrealAuthor #montrealwriter #instawriter #escritormexicano #luchadores #luchalibre #máscaras #luchaloco #retratos #portrait #SandroCohen #Cult
Hello! Hola qué tal?!
*if you don’t speak Spanish hit the “translate” button below 👇
Hoy les traigo una frase de una historia corta, “Gorra al viento” escrita por Alejandro Estivill, esta historia corta la publicamos en Krizaliz debido a que el tema del mes fue la Inmigración y pues me pareció buena idea preguntarle a Alejandro si le gustaría participar en la convocatoria. No creía que fuera a decir que si.
El texto lo podrán encontrar en la página durante esta semana. Solo hace falta hacerle su portada correspondiente y voila!
La historia narra la experiencia de un jornalero mexicano que vive trabaja en Estados Unidos. Juega con la percepción del tiempo, alternando entre el pasado y el presente, hilando las emociones que como sus protagonistas, se cruzan de un lado a otro.
Es una historia de inmigración que retrata varias facetas del viaje del migrante. Desde acostumbrarse a ser un forastero en su nuevo hogar, hasta como uno puede llegar a sentirse ni de aquí ni de allá.
El texto original está en español pero para poder promover la literatura mexicana aquí en Montreal, todavía me hace falta traducirla al francés y al inglés. Pero mientras tanto, les recomiendo que la lean y nos cuenten que emociones les hace sentir esta historia.
#krizaliz #escritormexicano #montrealauthor #writersociety #writersclub #writersofig #writersonig #publisher #literaryfiction #callforsubmissions #migracion #migrante #immigration #bookishmtl #bookishcanadians #instawriter #writerlife #writercommunity #convocatoria #textospoeticos
Sooo, the first call for submissions came and went, and unceremoniously nobody really cared. I learned a lot about managing submissions for a “literary magazine” and it is a lot harder than I expected. Although it wasn’t all bad news.
I met a ver experienced writer who agreed to submit one of his short stories and for that I am deeply grateful. And he did promise to tell his literary circle about Krizaliz, so the future doesn’t look so bad.
Also, I guess one of the things I learned was to be consistent with the publishing schedule I already have and to actually commit to it. But, it is hard to manage a magazine when I spend all day already working in marketing as part of my day job. By the time im done with my serious-paying job, I am exhausted and the last thing I want to do is keep staring at a screen as I hustle my way into becoming a respectable literary publication.
I want to thank everybody who reached out to ask about the requirements. I type slower when I’m writing in French so sorry about that.
As for next month’s topic, I still don’t know what the theme will be, maybe I’ll find some inspiration at the library.
#Callforsubmissions #mtlauthor #MontrealAuthor #montrealwriter #publishers #writersociety #writersclub #writersofig #writersonig #publisher
I don’t always read the introductory texts of anthologies. I always skip to the good part. However I’m glad I didn’t skip this one! Dane Swan text is part of the anthology in the same way that the rest of the works in the book. It was hard to pick just one quote to make this post. While I was re-reading this, I found myself trying to highlight everything, just like in CS Lewis Preface to Paradise Lost, in which the students think every good line must be highlighted.
I really liked the bit about recognizing diverse forms of writing. But I ended up choosing this part instead.
I really recommended you guys read “Changing the face of Canadian Literature” edited by Dane Swan. Sadly, I bought the only copy they had at Montreal’s Indigo store in downtown. So, you’ll have to buy your copy elsewhere…
#literarylife #literaryfiction #englishbooks #canadianbookworm #canadianbooklover #bookishcanadians #literaturelover #montrealreads #englishliterature #bookpublisher #writersociety #canadianwriters #andrealexis #blackauthor #torontobooks
So… I wrote Kristalina when I was still in Concordia University! And that was like 2 and a half years ago…
I was trying to imitate the old-victorian literature vibes that I was reading at the time. Especially “Fantomina or Love in a maze” and of course, “Paradise Lost” (which is not #VictorianLiterature but if you read it out loud IS AMAZING)
I’m not saying that I achieved that, I mean, the one person who I was hoping would give me their opinion still has shared with me what they think about the story. (I named the main character after said person; someone who for me is a friend and a teacher, at the same time)
I really believed I could become the next literary giant with a single short story but alas, I was wrong! I was not being reasonable…
Instead, I published the story and since I didn’t know anything about marketing or whatever, I just left it there to die. But NOW, I have a job in marketing and I’ve learnt a lot. And I mean it. A LOT. I think I can get someone to read this story using my digital marketing sorcery.
In case YOU were wondering; the story is about a student witch who lives in #Montreal, she’s trying to find more time to study, and she founds a book that freezes time and allows her to read all she want!
The only problem is that the book doesn’t say how to unfreeze time.
And that’s the #story. Does it sound interesting to you?
ALSO i was thinking of recording the story and make it into some kind of audio book or something like that, for people who life #ScienceFiction but don’t want to read a short story…
I almost forgot!
You can find the full story in the Krizaliz website and get your copy of the ebook.
#mtlauthor #bookishmtl #difficultreads #sciencefictionbooks #yafiction #literaturelover #writersonig #selfpublishing #booksarelife #femalecharacter
These are the last days of the call for submissions for the month of March… in case anyone is interested.
All you need to participate is an original “literary” text that hasn’t been published anywhere else and to be an #author in #Montreal.
The theme of this month is “#immigration” so if your work deals with that topic then feel free to send me your text. Who knows, you might be chosen !
You can submit #poetry, #nonfiction, #shortstories, #haikus, #interviews, and anything else that you can think off that meets the aforementioned requirements…
We #immigrants: Traemos con nosotros nuestras #historias, #tradiciones y sabidurías, y hacemos nuestro mejor esfuerzo para aprender las historias, tradiciones y sabidurías de Montreal.
So there you have it… participate in this month’s call for submissions! Or not, I’m not the boss of you. I’m just a guy with an internet connection.
#canadianbookworm #montrealwriter #literarylife #publishers #bookishcanadians #literaryfiction #instawriter #bookish #callforsubmissions
🐕🦺 It’s weird that a book about dogs is so good at exploring what it is like being human. When a writer uses aliens, or in this case, fifteen dogs; we are not asking ourselves, “Why do dogs do this?”. Instead we are asking ourselves, “Why don’t humans do that?”
🥰 Can you imagine having to explain to someone who has never heard the word “love”, what it means to love someone? Specially when that someone you are talking to doesn’t have a term for LOVE?
📀 Carl Sagan tried and failed. He thought that by diluting everything to “universal” truths, like math, physics and all that, Aliens or whoever happened to find that golden space disc, would be able to decipher its contents and say; “Of course! It is so obvious!”
💬 But the thing is… it is not obvious. Sagan’s message is flawed because the golden disc that contains a very white washed version of humanity, lacks humanity.
👨🏾💻André Alexis novel revolves around language, when the dogs are given the gift of language by the greek gods, Majnoun and Prince (Dog bless his soul), embrace the new language of the dogs to transform their reality. Suddenly, things that were inconsequential have to be named, like loyalty, or love, and for Majnoun these words and complex emotions are almost impossible to understand at first.
🚫 How would you describe LOVE to someone who doesn’t share your language, and doesn’t even have an equivalent term in their language. What is love? What does it mean to be loved? These are questions that you must keep in mind when you are reading “Fifteen Dogs” by André Alexis. Or, in your daily life!
🥲 These questions lingered with me as I read Majnoun’s End and tried to convince myself that I wasn’t crying.
#literarylife #literaryfiction #englishbooks #canadianbookworm #canadianbooklover #bookishcanadians #literaturelover #montrealreads #englishliterature #bookpublisher #writersociety #canadianwriters #andrealexis #blackau