Chroniques à Bobcat du Dimanche #41
‘’That’s where the party’s at’’
Down at the crossroads of needs and wants,
Of dreams and passing fancies,
I’m not sure which is which anymore.
Flooded with information, some great but most useless.
Engulfed with facts and fiction it’s so easy to lose track of what is our true north. Caught in a crossfire of shoulds, the fog of indecision murks up every step.
Fidgeting from place to place, I realize, I haven’t truly lived for a while now.
I could cook up all sorts of justifications and serve em to you.
But I’ll spare you the boredom.
In truth, I’ve been lacking the courage. In turn, my clarity has vanished. In the face of responsibilities, it’s so easy nowadays to look the other way. For, the other way is filled with cheap thrills and circus tricks.
I’ve been hypnotized by none other than my own choices.
And so I find myself, in the frosty winter months looking at the road ahead. Many paths lay in front.
All of them require me to drop the load and keep walking.
I’ve lacked the courage so far but today is a new day.
We can always choose otherwise, reconsider what meaning we ascribe to things and empower ourselves by growing out of the shell into the grandiose symphony of a life well lived.
That’s what being human is all about after all.
That’s where the party’s at.
Are you with me?