Mission City Living is a free magazine for household delivery in select areas of Mission, BC. The magazine unites neighbors and local businesses.
Become our Expert Contributor!
Does your business need a little boost?
Do you feel that Mission doesn't truly know your company?
How about instilling all that knowledge in our magazine as our Expert Contributor? There can only be 1 business per industry. Once the spot is gone, it is gone for a long term.
#missioncitylivingmagazine #missionbc #missionadvertising #advertising #expertcontributor #smallbusinessownerlife #smallbusinesssupportingsmallbusiness
Why are we launching print + digital?
> Magazine readership rate - 89.4%
Network of 1200+ magazines in N. America
> Special content: Family features, neighborhood events, “Artist of the Month”, social night life, children/pets, real estate and more.
> Neighborhood-specific target marketing.
> Residents of Mission always on the cover!
> Homes don’t move! Our magazines are delivered for free. Readers participate in content.
> Up to 60,000 digital impressions: Facebook, Instagram and Google bundles available.
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