Our first in the series on PKCC Dojo launches tomorrow - on Karate Kicking! Check it out at the usual 8:30pm eastern and refresh how to kick.
Please give us any feedback on the production for future episodes. If you want to show us how to kick better, please stop by Legacy Martial Arts and Fitness in Kitchener and we can discuss your feedback in person.
#PKCC #karate #kicking
This week we launch a new series - PKCC Dojo, where we bring you into the dojo with featured short instructionals and training sessions with past PKCC guests.
This week, we take you into Legacy Martial Arts and Fitness with Kyoshi Randy Dauphin to look at the finer points of karate kicking.
This is our first in the series, so give us some pointers on what we can improve! If you have pointers on the kicking itself, bring it to the LMAF dojo in person and and bring your fighting gear, we'd love to hear it.
#karate #kicking #PKCC
Hanshi Gary Legacy teaching at the advanced class Tuesday night #karate #classical #mma
Our host Shaun Benson sends his greetings from Calgary on the set of Billy the Kid!
#pkcc #martialarts #acting
Watch Master Adam Grogin perform his finishing break featured in World Martial Arts Live! #PKCC #martialarts #taekwondo
Check out this basic self defense clip from Professor Ely Camejo from Capital Conquest 2022
#PKCC #martialarts #bjj #selfdefense
Wise words from the closing of our last Host Chat of 2023 - Episode 122. Watch this if you need some inspiration to get your ass back in the dojo!
#PKCC #martialarts #2023wrapup
Sensei Suino with a funny story on trying to be as insulting as possible... and failing!
#pkcc #funny #martialarts
Sensei Randy Dauphin tells us about why we should be excited for the milestone 100th event of Punch Kick Choke Chat, coming up on May 11th, from his dojo at Legacy Martial Arts and Fitness.
Don't miss the 100th episode!
#martialarts #PKCC #karate
Sensei Nicklaus Suino talking about the upcoming Epsiode 100 of #PKCC on May 11! Don't miss it!
#martialarts #judo
Hanshi Legacy dropping knowledge about experimenting with your martial arts, and what you need to do in your martial arts career.
A funny story from Renshi Scott Taylor about the guy you don't f**k with!