🤯STOP listening to 99% of us marketing companies and agencies telling you we have some magic formula to make you a fortune online in 30 days. We don’t! This might help… the sole reason I started this company was because I got screwed and scammed so many times by marketing companies claiming to know exactly how to build my brands online. They lied!
🐺So, continue to sheep or become a Wolf. I Went back to school, finished my marketing degree, hustled, and spent literally 4 hours a day learning online then spent the last five years succeeding and failing while building two successful online service businesses.
🏆Enough about my story, I know you don’t give a s**t, here is exactly what you need to do to gain that level of revenue and following through booked consults and or sold products online as soon as possible.
1️⃣Learn or hire: You have two choices here, you can spend thousands of hours creating thousands of pieces of content and investing thousands of dollars in coaching companies to teach you to become an online marketing guru like me. You will not out perform us men and women who already know this stuff and learned from many mistakes. So, if you’re not willing to spend that much time and money to learn, you have to hire a top digital agency to build your brand for you. again, I spent nearly $70,000 hiring the wrong ones before building my own.
2️⃣Now we manage media for many clients, the most common misconception… All of them have this idea we will do it all and they don’t have to hustle. This is incorrect. The president, CEOs and or owners/managers of the companies you are promoting must get on camera, must invest time in taking photos plus videos of yourselves every damn day. If you want to pop on social media, you need to have three pieces of content released on all five major platforms every darn day. Do you know how much work that is for us? A lot. We have to edit and master all that stuff. All you have to do is take the raw footage and we make it gold. But if you’re not willing to get on camera and learn or get past uncomfort, develop skills/humour and embrace controversy as well as trending topics, you won’t stand out on social media. If you can’t learn and work, do not invest in companies like mine, because we can only lead horses to water. All of our posts/reels that have done over 1 million views were surrounding controversial and trending topics, not selling products or services. The best at this know that indirect or inadvertent marketing is the key to success.
3️⃣ The most important step to growing significant revenue through social media, track, measure, monitor, and be patient. Even at our level, if we post 100 reels and posts, 10% of them are successful. Of that 10%, we then put some money on the ads and see how they do. One percent will go viral and make money. If you’re not willing to be patient for that process and learn from our mistakes and adopt our strategy as we go, you’re not cut out for branding your business through social media. The problem is, it’s the fastest growing marketing network in the world, and the only place you should be advertising. Your competitors are and some of them are doing a good job. Now, success requires hard work, compromise, patience, and hustle. if you’re up for all three, I’d like to have a conversation with you. We are probably less than your spending on all of your advertising and marketing budget combined and will reach 100x the customer.
Book a free consult with our president and CEO directly.
Sean Hogan ISSA, CanFit Pro, FMS, NP
President & CEO
Hogan & Co Media Inc
Hogan Health & Fitness Inc.
Interior Supplements Co
🏋️♀️Over 1,400 humans coached online
🦄Experts at social media revenue streams
🤦♀️Masters of online marketing
💰Guru’s of Direct Message Sales