Love, Inspiring and Motivational Qoutes

Love, Inspiring and Motivational Qoutes I am a mom, blogger, graphic designer and RMT❤️

📌 10 POWERFUL QUOTES ABOUT LEARNING1. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." – N...


1. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." – Nelson Mandela

2. “He who opens a school door, closes a prison.” – Victor Hugo

3. "The function of education is to teach one to THINK intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education." — Martin Luther King Jr.

4. "It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are." – E.E. Cummings

5. "The mind, once stretched by a new idea, never returns to its original dimensions." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

6. “The difference between school and life? In school, you’re taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.” -Tom Bodett

7. “Research shows that you begin learning in the womb and go right on learning until the moment you pass on. YOUR BRAIN has a capacity for learning that is VIRTUALLY LIMITLESS, which makes every human a POTENTIAL GENIUS.” — Michael J. Gelb

8. “He who learns but does not think, is lost! He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.” - Confucius :))

9. “Change is the end result of all true learning.” — Leo Buscaglia

10. "Don't let your LEARNING lead to knowledge. Let your learning lead to ACTION." - Jim Rohn

SEVEN TYPES OF PEOPLE TO Avoid! Worth to read 📖1. WHEELBARROW PEOPLE: This category of people are energy drainers and ti...

SEVEN TYPES OF PEOPLE TO Avoid! Worth to read 📖

1. WHEELBARROW PEOPLE: This category of people are energy drainers and time wasters. Such people would always want you to do everything for them. They don’t care about your own good but only theirs. They believe it’s your problem to solve their problems. One terrible thing about “wheelbarrow” is that, after you have laboured to load it up, you will still have to labour to push before it moves.

Note: Wheelbarrow people are consumers of energy, time and resources.

2. MOSQUITO PEOPLE: This set of people are only interested in sucking goodies out of your life and injected poison in replacement. They are benefits seekers but will never add values to others. Mosquito people have nothing good to offer but always want to derive goodness from others. Here is one terrible thing about “Mosquitos”, they only sing around you whenever they want to suck your blood and give you malaria.

Note: Mosquito people only sing your praises when they have something to benefit from you, while they backbite and backstab you thereafter.

3. SCAFFOLDING PEOPLE: This category of people are glory seekers and takers. Just because they have helped you at one time or another, they would want to be god over your life. They want to always control you and dictate the directions of your life. They won’t want you to be free and shine on your own but to always be under them.

One good thing about “Scaffolding” is that it’s useful but it’s usefulness is for short-term purpose. It is dangerous to be kept for permanent purpose.

Note: You must know when the relevances of scaffolding people have started constituting nuisance to your personal development and progress. And at such a time, all you must do is to discard them without delay, if not, your star will never shine.

4. CROCODILE PEOPLE: This category of people are nothing but pretenders. They don't have good reasons or godly intentions for getting closer to you. They only get close to know your secrets and will possibly use whatever personal information they know about you against you at any slightest provocation or disagreement. Crocodile people are not pretenders, they are liars, backstabbers, gossipers and twaddlers.

Note: Crocodile people would pretend to gain your empathy and make you vulnerable to their attack thereafter.

5. CHAMELEON PEOPLE: This set of people are envious and full of jealousy. They are always in unhealthy competition with you. They pretend as if they are going the same direction with you but only to silently monitor your life's progress with evil and negative intentions. They are envious of your success and as a result enter into competitive jealousy with you. Chameleon people are friends that will neither support you nor celebrate your progress, but would always amplify your downfall and mistakes.

Note: A jealous and envious friend can go any length to sabotage your efforts, frustrate your plans and destroy your dreams.

6. NAYSAYER PEOPLE: This set of people are dream killers. They won't appreciate your dreams and they will never support it. They will tell you 1001 reasons why your dream is impossible. They won't see your efforts but will always capitalise on your failed attempts. They will always see your cup half-empty and not half-full. When you are working on solutions, they would be busy creating more problems for you. They are passion killers and hope drainers.

Note: Naysayer People don't have dreams, so they will neither appreciate your dream nor support it.

7. GARBAGE PUSHER PEOPLE: This category of people are the worst of them all. They don't have anything good to offer. Their lives are full of debris, dirtiness and trashes. They are carriers of bad and negative news. They are carriers and disseminators discouraging and demoralizing information. Anytime they surface, it means they have something negative to talk about. They a peddlers of unfortunate events and negative development.

Note: Garbage Pusher People are always the first set of people to twit, post and broadcast ungodly, unfortunate, unprofitable and heartbreaking information.

You know them on your list as I also have them on my list too.


It is your sole responsibility to examine your life to really understand what categories of people you are surrounded with. Your life can only move in right directions the moment you associate with positive people and disconnect from negative people. Am I communicating?

If you talk too much

If you talk too much

YOUR MOUTH IS THE PROBLEM!!! You wants to travel abroad, all village people and friends aware. Your boss wants to promote you, the whole world aware.

Your mouth is the reason you can’t climb up ladder of success smoothly. Never expose your next move. A fish with a closed mouth never gets catch.



1. The honeymoon stage.

In the honeymoon stage everything happens effortlessly. You don't force anything. It's just beautiful. You can easily think you have won or think you've found your ideal soul mate. Everything is picky and pretty.

You just want to spend more time together. You even start to fantasize about the future together. It's just beautiful because you have found each other.

2. The testing stage.

The second stage is the testing stage. Some call it the reality stage. Love is no longer new, the s*x is no longer desirable or appetising. The feelings have faded.
The acting is over, the reality kicks in. It's either you tolerate, accept or it's over. You start finding faults in your partner. This doesn't mean you no longer love them but you now see them from a reality perspective. You start fighting and doubting if you are really in love.

3. The Give in or give up stage.

This is the most difficult stage of the relationship. It's called the building stage. A lot of fights happen. You start getting angry at little things and become more insecure because you no longer see eye to eye in a lot of things.
It is the higher stage of the relationship where breakup is highly possible. The stage where intimacy is dry and love is cold.*
If you are both not mature enough the relationship will end here. One will start to cheat for the taste of new love.

4. The winning stage.

In this stage you both accept that you are two different individuals and imperfect. You both have different qualities and flows but still choose each other, and want to stick together no matter what.
You choose the relationship over your feelings and emotions at times.
Many divorces happen because a lot of people marry on their honeymoon stage.
They marry strangers and when the reality kicks they think he or she has changed.



1 Laziness kills Marriage

2 Suspicion kills Marriage

3 Lack of trust kills marriage

4 Lack of mutual respect kills marriage

5 Unforgiveness, Bitterness, Hatred, Malice and anger kill marriage

6 Unnecessary Arguments kills marriage

7 Keeping Secrets from your Spouse kills marriage

8 Every form of Infidelity kills marriage (financial, emotional, psychological, material, etc)

9 Poor Communication kills marriage

10 Lies easily kills marriage, be sincere to your spouse in every aspect.

11 Relating more with your parents/family members than your spouse kills marriage

12 Lack of, inadequate or unenjoyable s*x kills marriage.

13 Nagging kills marriage

14 Too much talk and careless talk kills marriage

15 Spending less or little time with your spouse kills marriage

16 Being too independent minded kills marriage

17 LOVE for party, money, impulse buying and spending/partying, financial indiscipline kill marriage

18 Exposing the inadequacies of your spouse to your parents or Siblings kills marriage

19 Not being steadfast/fervent in the spirit, not praying together kills not only marriage but your life

20 Spurning correction and reprimand kills marriage.

21 Always wearing a sad face and being Moody kills marriage.

22 FEMINISM ADVOCACY kills marriage.

23 MALE CHAUVINISM kills marriage

24 Uncontrolled or hot Temperament, Anger kills marriage.

25 Not understanding your role and position , not taking responsibilty in marriage as instituted by God kills marriage.

26 Not being sensitive to the spiritual, emotional, financial and physical needs of your spouse kills marriage

27 When anything threatens the position/security of a wife, her reaction(s) will be detrimental to her marriage.

28 Lack of the Knowledge of & Obedience to the word of God kills marriage.



Don't shout at her, she is not your child. You can correct, yes, but why shouting?

Correction should be done in love. If done in any other way, it turns to criticism and condemnation.

Stop criticizing her, rather correct in love. Most will say it's constructive criticism. But truly, It means disapproval by pointing out errors and mistakes.
Correction is the act of offering better options to mistakes
Correction and criticism are never the same

What manner of food is this?
Is this popcorn or fried rice?
how I wish I marry a more sensible wife with better home training, who can cook better.
sweetheart this rice it too salty and dry unlike the one you did yesterday. I think salt should be reduce any other time because of our health.
Husband A criticized while Husband B corrected his wife in love

It will be wrong to correct when it's not well done, when you don't praise when it's well done. Form the habit of praising and appreciating your wife for good deeds.

Avoid correcting your wife in the presence of your children. Incessant correction of your wife before your children will make them disrespect her.

Avoid correcting your wife in the public, it does not show you as a gentleman, and will affect her self-esteem.

Stop correcting your wife in anger, shouting, ranting, beating and making trouble. Real men don't do that.

In your thought of correcting her, you might have been comparing her with other women.
"Don't you see what your friend is doing?" Can't you learn from our neighbors wife?" "and so?"

Avoid referring to issues discussed and settled. Stick to the present issue, discuss like adults and move on.

"And you call yourself a woman?, Virtuous women don't behave like this, you better change before I change you!." This is very wrong, don't do it

You don't behave like someone with sense, do you think at all? And you said you went to school, I doubt it."
This is very wrong you also are not talking like someone that pass through a college.

Most husbands do want to correct in the heat of anger, at the height of misunderstanding, when temper has already hit the roof. That is not the best time to correct, it will yield little or no result.

The best way to correct is to lead by example, step into the kitchen to give a helping hand, don't just sit in the front of the television correcting what goes on in the kitchen.
Wives are doing a great job, appreciate yours and support her to be better wife and mother.



Your grandfather proposed to me with a piece of candy. We had nothing, he knelt down and told me: I have nothing now, just a piece of candy, but if you want we can build everything together.

And you? I opened the candy, divided it in two and we ate it. From that moment we divided and shared everything. We fell, we got up and we build.

All together. We have experienced difficult moments, tiredness, but we have always been there for each other. Until the last breath.

Other times, Grandma.

Time does not change the way of loving.

What has changed is that you no longer have beautiful examples to follow.

Now they are afraid of everything. They do not marry for fear of not being able to build. As soon as they fight, they leave because then they think they are going to find a better one. They always look for perfection, as if it existed.

They miss the perception of reality. Of happiness in the little things.

They do this big demo, thousand-dollar rings, over-the-top video for marriage proposals, and then they miss the moment. That intimate thing that you keep in two, only in two for a lifetime.

This is what they lack. The courage to live life and love for what they are and not for how they imagine it.

With a candy, love and courage, you have for a life together.

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1. Build a home earlier. Be it rural home or urban home. Building a house at 50 is not an achievement. Don't get used to government houses. This comfort is so dangerous. Let all your family have good time in your house.

2. Go home. Don't stick at work all the year. You are not the pillar of your department. If you drop dead today, you will be replaced immediately and operations will continue. Make your family a priority.

3. Don't chase promotions. Master your skills and be excellent at what you do. If they want to promote you, that's fine if they don't, stay positive to your personal.

4. Avoid office or work gossip. Avoid things that tarnish your name or reputation. Don't join the bandwagon that backbites your bosses and colleagues. Stay away from negative gatherings that have only people as their agenda.

5. Don't ever compete with your bosses. You will burn your fingers. Don't compete with your colleagues, you will fry your brain.

6. Ensure you have a side business. Your salary will not sustain your needs in the long run.

7. Save some money. Let it be deducted automatically from your payslip.

8. Borrow a loan to invest in a business or to change a situation not to buy luxury. Buy luxury from your profit.

9. Keep your life,marriage and family private. Let them stay away from your work. This is very important.

10. Be loyal to yourself and believe in your work. Hanging around your boss will alienate you from your colleagues and your boss may finally dump you when he leaves.

11. Retire early. The best way to plan for your exit was when you received the employment letter. The other best time is today. By 40 to 50 be out.

12. Join work welfare and be an active member always. It will help you a lot when any eventuality occurs.

13.Take leave days utilize them by developing yr future home or projects..usually what you do during yr leave days is a reflection of how you'll live after retirement..If it means you spend it all holding a remote control watching series on Zee world, expect nothing different after retirement.

14. Start a project whilst still serving or working. Let your project run whilst at work and if it doesn't do well, start another one till it's running viably. When your project is viably running then retire to manage your business. Most people or pensioners fail in life because they retire to start a project instead of retiring to run a project.

15. Pension money is not for starting a project or buy a stand or build a house but it's money for your upkeep or to maintain yourself in good health. Pension money is not for paying school fees or marrying a young wife but to look after yourself.

16. Always remember, when you retire never be a case study for living a miserable life after retirement but be a role model for colleagues to think of retiring too.

17. Don't retire just because you are finished or you are now a burden to the company and just wait for your day to die. Retire young or whilst energetic to enjoy waking up for a cup of coffee, enjoy the sun, receive money from your business, visit nice place that you missed and spend good time with family. Those who retire late, spend about 95% of their time at work than with their family and that's why they see it difficult to spend time with their family when they retire but end looking for another job till they die. If they don't get another job, they die early.

18. Retire at your house than at government accommodation so that when you retire you can easily fit into the society that raised you. It's not easy to adjust to live in a location after spending more years at company house or at government house.

19. Never let your employment benefits make you forget about your retirement. Employment benefits are just meant to make you relax, get finished whilst time is moving. Remember when you retire no one will call you boss if you don't have a viable business.

20. Don't hate to retire because one day you will retire either voluntarily or involuntarily.

Relax and unwind from stresses. Make a lasting memories today. Let your hair down and do something fun and exciting. Don...

Relax and unwind from stresses. Make a lasting memories today. Let your hair down and do something fun and exciting. Don’t allow this beautiful day to go to waste. GOD BLESS US ALL❤️


Drone footage during the coldest days on the planet.🥶🥶🥶🥶
゚viral ゚ ゚viralシ


Big shout out to those who’ve recently engaged with me!

👉🏽Rozina Hamdard, Maria Carmen Fernandez Taboco, Urvic Hospital Jugarap, Brittany Banchi, Julie Ann Goldsmith, Rhian Stewart, Jamila Askme, Angelita Alto

God Bless you all and have a great day. 🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️



👉🏽💯✔️ The best way to get back on someone who betrayed and left you.


A group of professors were called and sat on a plane.
When the doors closed and the plane is about to take off, all the professors were informed that this plane is made by their students. Then all the professors rush toward the plane doors, trying to escape and survive on their own with exception of One professor remain seated with so much confidence and calmness.
Someone's asked him why you're not escaping the plane.
Professor answer him with confidence, they are our students.
Next Question: are you sure that you taught them well?
Professor replied quietly: I'm Sure it won't fly.


This is Jim Thorpe. Look closely at the photo, you can see that he's wearing different socks and shoes. This wasn't a fa...

This is Jim Thorpe. Look closely at the photo, you can see that he's wearing different socks and shoes. This wasn't a fashion statement. It was the 1912 Olympics, and Jim, a Native American from Oklahoma represented the U.S. in track and field.
On the morning of his competitions, his shoes were stolen. Luckily, Jim ended up finding two shoes in a garbage can. That's the pair that he's wearing in the photo. But one of the shoes was too big, so he had to wear an extra sock. Wearing these shoes, Jim won two gold medals that day. This is a perfect reminder that you don't have to resign to the excuses that have held you back.
So what if life hasn't been fair? What are you going to do about it today? Whatever you woke up with this morning; stolen shoes, ill health, failed relationships, failed business, don't let it stop you from running your race. You can experience more in life if you'll get over the excuses and get on with living. You can have reasons or you can have results...but you can't have both.
My friends, may we all strive to keep running in this life no matter what the problem with our shoes (life) may be.
Now be happy and go for gold as you "Live Life With No Regrets".


Edmonton, AB



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