Philosophy In Film - Episode 83 - Fight Club: Dr. Beauclair touches on the theme of 'The loss of identity/agency' in the movie Fight Club.
Philosophy In Film Episode 83 - Fight Club. Philosopher's Corner Introduces Associative Advertising.
Philosophy In Film - Episode 082 - Donnie Darko. Co-Host Craig NIckel comes to the hard realization that less is more.
Episode 53: The Matrix
Featured Beer: Dark Gate Porter from Legend 7 Brewing
In this episode, the philosophy and film team tells you exactly what the Matrix is, so you don't have to experience it for yourself! In it, Alain chooses the red pill, Chris expertly escorts us through Plato's Cave, and Nickel explains why humans are a virus. Plus, identity, snow white, and shenanigans!
Have a great July 4th from your friends at Philosophy in Film. #cousineddie #season3teaser #friendoftheshow #randyquaiddiedforourfreedom #billpullmanforpresident @randy.quaid.evi.quaid
Sorry, it took a little longer than usual to post the link to our last episode. But rest assured the PhilinFilm team is not on hiatus. We are set to record our next episode this Tuesday where we make our much anticipated first entry in the MCU! That's right, after many, many, many requests, we will finally make a deep dive into Avengers: Infinity War!
Stay tuned!