My people my people good morning as you know La voz is free to help people in need it is not to make profit in my platform ,like other platforms that i will blast later ,for now please we are trying to help rhis young man in locateing a Gulftcart that was irresponsiple and may be was in toxicated at the time with a hit and run please share ...Last week, Friday the 13th, I went to cut my hair at San Pedrito area, at the moment I was cutting my hair, I left my car parked at the right hand side of the street (highway) with the Hazzard light on. After I finished I decided to drive my car back home.
I noticed my car battery was dead, so I couldn't drive my car back home, so I had to leave it there for the night,
I went to pick up the car, it was an early Saturday morning the 14th.
Then when I got there, I noticed that my car was hit, all the driver's side doors.
I got the help of my barber's surveillance camera, and I got to keep this recording of the person who was driving an orange or red golf cart, I just can't identify the golf cart because of the light that flashes the camera.
I was wondering if you can assist me in asking the public for their help in seeking through their surveillance cameras, the person who drove into my car and practically did a hit and run to my car.
My car has insurance and license up to date.
If anyone wishes to help me with their camera footage, in identifying this person so I can press charges I would definitely recompensate anyone who can help me identify this person. This hit and run happened around 3:33 am on a Saturday morning. This driver drove up North, going to town leaving the San Pedrito area by the car wash by the curve close to Maya airline.
I have the surveillance video of the accident.
My phone number is 625-9487
My car is a 2010, Chevy Aveo.
I parked right next to an almond tree, I managed to park as much from the road, I managed to park my two right hand wheels off the road, yet this person still hit my car, havi
Ive been saying it my people one day someone will get hurt
So as i was on my way to drop off kids today thursday sep 12,2024 at 7:30 there was alot of traffic especialy caused by trucks again ,see for your selfs is this not what mayor had said he would stop with his ordances on school hours . We need to voice our concerns please share for the saftey of our people and children is at risk . And traffic officers are just most of them just rideing around when they should be on ground directing traffic , i support this messsage share if you care
La voz dont hide its face and speak the truth dont know if its a good thing for the pup and udp for mr Danni to run since there will be no hope . But its bad for our towwn and country if he was to win thats all i have to say .
So police finaly doing tthere jobs ,and stopimg these buissnes gulfcarth owners that are cutti g the taxi man from parking anywhere they feel like is time since mayor dont have the Bs to do so . A for police officers need to stop them from soliciting
LA VOZ es tu voz , my voice is your voice, back again what is going on with these streets way over due people live on the island and need to transport .
What is been done about these Gulfcarths ,that are to much for our islands are the streets for the people or for the gulftcarth rentals ?
Evidence I did my report .
No more been silent , I tryed to lay back a little but people really push my buttons . And I hate to see how our poor are been abused no more LA VOZ
So this is what pup wants to do I see 1 term and they out bunch of thiefs La Voz is back . This mayor and minister are the worst in history . I know is not the workers fault . So a taxi charges 10 and has to pay ten to cross mm ?? While minister loves to raise bridge price and his bread and sits and laugh at us then we pay for his incompetent ass decisions . Im back I try to lay back but they like to hear the truth PUP and UDP bunch of thiefs asking as we have same old rats as leaders Belize will never change . And there for I say none should have full power