Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard!
Kinley Kinley,
Chencho Chencho,
Ash Ish Subba,
Karma Chaychay Youden,
Tshe Ring,
Thinley T Tenzin
The message of the symbolic waste tower from the creators and founder of YangZo Arts and Waste.
“Food waste is not a victimless crime. It’s time for us all to take responsibility for the food we chuck in the bin.” – Tristram Stuart.
U'gyen Le'thro
Date: 20/12/2023
Place: Tashiyangtse landfill.
Research, Exploration, and innovation on sustainable waste management.
U'gyen Le'thro
Dear friends and well wishers,
As for the update, we started our official waste management initiative from the beginning of this year but our social initiatives such as advocacy on waste segregations and waste management were due for a very long time. And now as per our plan we are hoping to start to work together with our schools, institutes and stakeholders in advocating our future (students) and community for a sustainable waste management.
Therefore, we would like to thank all our mentors, well wishers and supporters for believing in us and keeping faith in us till date. The last few months were really hard for us but now things for a sustainable waste management will be different and beautiful 😍