Preamble to the Declaration of Formation of The United Democratic Party
By the Grace of God and for the Good of our beloved Commonwealth of The Bahamas, we the signatories hereto united in common zeal and with common purpose to protect and defend our democracy, our people and our way of life and to empower and equip our people in the realization of their God given potential and in the advancement
of our indivisible Commonwealth, recognizing that our journey of nation building has been perilous and that the few have advanced at the expense of the many and acknowledging and embracing that ours must be a political party that is committed to transparent, responsive and accountable governance, that governance does not mean rulership, that those who govern must do so at the will and for the good of the people and that governance for the good of the few at the expense of the many is tyranny, hereby recommit and rededicate ourselves to the great cause of restoring and fulfilling the vision of a free and democratic sovereign nation founded on Spiritual Values and the Rule of Law and in which no Man, Woman or Child shall ever be Slave or Bondsman to anyone or their Labour exploited or their Lives frustrated by deprivation and Declare the Creation under God of The United Democratic Party.