Livros do Santo Daime

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The Religion of Ayahuasca - the Teachings of the Church of Santo Daime _ Alex Polari de Alverga An insider's experience ...

The Religion of Ayahuasca - the Teachings of the Church of Santo Daime _ Alex Polari de Alverga

An insider's experience and personal transformation with ayahuasca and the religious philosophy surrounding it

- An intimate account of the genesis of the Santo Daime tradition

- Edited and introduced by Stephen Larsen, author of The Shaman's Doorway

In search of something to restore his spiritual connection to life after his release from captivity as a political prisoner in Brazil, Alex Polari de Alverga had a transformative encounter with Padrinho Sebastiao Mota de Mela, one of the two revered founders of Santo Daime. A potent synthesis of Christianity and indigenous Amazonian practices of entheogen use, mediumship, and healing, the Santo Daime church provided Alverga with an alternative to his disillusionment with modern society. His quest for spiritual initiation eventually led him deep into the heart of the rain forest to Mapiá, one of the spiritual centers of Santo Daime, where he became a teacher and leader of the Daime community.

The Religion of Ayahuasca is a story of a classic spiritual encounter comparable to the Tibetan Saint Milarepa's search for his teacher Marpa. It is also an intimate account of the genesis of an important religious tradition from its modest beginnings in Brazil to its growth throughout the world, offering an inside look at the spiritually centered village of Mapiá--a model for communities in the 21st century--and at the religious leader who helped create it. Providing insight into the spiritual path the Daime offers, Alverga's tale reveals the new depths of Being made available through the sacred use of ayahuasca.

Embarque em mais esse clássico da nossa literatura daimista, escrita por Alex Polari de Alverga. Link na bio.

Bença, padrinho!A história do expansor da religião do Santo Daime A história do autor Lucio Mortimer é diretamente ligad...

Bença, padrinho!
A história do expansor da religião do Santo Daime

A história do autor Lucio Mortimer é diretamente ligada com a história do Padrinho Sebastião. Título essencial para conhecer a história de São João na doutrina daimista. De escrita leve, o autor oferece um aspecto de “conto de causo”, deixando, assim, um ar da sua própria personalidade impressa na narrativa.

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Special OccasionsCosta Via (Autor) Formato:     At the point where I am With my Father and my Mother Each and every star...

Special Occasions
Costa Via (Autor)

At the point where I am With my Father and my Mother Each and every star that I give Is a graduation On this path that I go on A great devotionSanto Daime is a syncretic spiritual practice, which was founded in the Brazilian Amazonian state of Acre in the 1930s by Raimundo Irineu Serra, known as Mestre Irineu. Santo Daime incorporates elements of several religious or spiritual traditions including Folk Catholicism, Kardecist Spiritism, African animism and indigenous South American shamanism, including vegetalismo.

Serving (Despacho)Costa Via (Autor) Formato:    The Daime is the Daime I am affirming It is the Divine Eternal Father An...

Serving (Despacho)
Costa Via (Autor)

The Daime is the Daime I am affirming It is the Divine Eternal Father And the Sovereign Queen Santo Daime is a syncretic spiritual practice, which was founded in the Brazilian Amazonian state of Acre in the 1930s by Raimundo Irineu Serra, known as Mestre Irineu. Santo Daime incorporates elements of several religious or spiritual traditions including Folk Catholicism, Kardecist Spiritism, African animism and indigenous South American shamanism, including vegetalismo.

São Sebastião Costa Via (Autor) Formato:    According to apocryphal acts, attributed to saint ambrose of Milan, Sebastiã...

São Sebastião
Costa Via (Autor)

According to apocryphal acts, attributed to saint ambrose of Milan, Sebastião was a soldier who would have enlisted in the Roman army around 283 ad. with the sole intention of affirming the heart of Christians, weakened in the face of torture. He was dear to the emperors Diocletian and Maximian, who always wanted him close, ignoring the fact that he was a Christian and therefore appointed him captain of his personal guard, the praetorian guard. By 286, his lenient conduct towards the Christian prisoners led the emperor to judge him summarily as a traitor, having ordered his ex*****on through arrows (which became a constant symbol in his iconography). He was killed and shot in the river, but Sebastião had not died. Found and helped by Irene (Santa Irene), he presented himself again before Diocletian, who ordered him to be beaten to death. His body was thrown into the public sewer of Rome. Luciana (Santa Luciana, whose day is celebrated on 30 June) rescued her body, cleaned it, and buried it in the catacombs.

São Miguel Costa Via (Autor) Formato:    •Three rosaries (Our Father & Hail Mary)•Key of Harmony•The Oração of Padrinho ...

São Miguel
Costa Via (Autor)

•Three rosaries (Our Father & Hail Mary)
•Key of Harmony
•The Oração of Padrinho Sebastião Mota de Melo.

São Francisco Costa Via (Autor) Formato:    St. Francis of Assisi, Italian San Francesco d’Assisi, baptized Giovanni, re...

São Francisco
Costa Via (Autor)

St. Francis of Assisi, Italian San Francesco d’Assisi, baptized Giovanni, renamed Francesco, original name Francesco di Pietro di Bernardone, (born 1181/82, Assisi, duchy of Spoleto [Italy]—died October 3, 1226, Assisi; canonized July 16, 1228; feast day October 4), founder of the Franciscan orders of the Friars Minor (Ordo Fratrum Minorum), the women’s Order of St. Clare (the Poor Clares), and the lay Third Order. He was also a leader of the movement of evangelical poverty in the early 13th century. His evangelical zeal, consecration to poverty, charity, and personal charisma drew thousands of followers. Francis’s devotion to the human Jesus and his desire to follow Jesus’ example reflected and reinforced important developments in medieval spirituality. The Poverello (“Poor Little Man”) is one of the most venerated religious figures in Roman Catholic history, and he and St. Catherine of Siena are the patron saints of Italy. In 1979 Pope John Paul II recognized him as the patron saint of ecology.

Santa Maria Costa Via (Autor) Formato:    Vamos cantar e louvar a DeusPor esse mundo e por essa vidaPorque o brilho do a...

Santa Maria
Costa Via (Autor)

Vamos cantar e louvar a Deus
Por esse mundo e por essa vida
Porque o brilho do amor universal
Refleti em nós.
Vamos incensar com o perfume da fumaça,
O Trono de Deus que está em nosso ser.
Viva Santa Maria!!
Que brotou na terra para nos confortar
E nós ensinar a ser irmãos
Congregados no propósito da Harmonia e da Prosperidade.
Que todos saibam consagrar esta força
Ela será um atalho precioso
Na nossa jornada rumo ao divino.

Liturgia - OraçõesCosta Via (Autor) Formato:    Abertura dos Trabalhos - Pai Nosso - Ave Maria - Chave de Harmonia - Des...

Liturgia - Orações
Costa Via (Autor)

Abertura dos Trabalhos - Pai Nosso - Ave Maria - Chave de Harmonia - Despacho do Santo Daime - Oração do Padrinho Sebastião - Consagração do Aposento - Hinos de Despacho - Encerramento dos trabalhos - Cruzeirinho do Mestre - Pai Nosso - Ave Maria - Salve Rainha - Próximos Trabalhos - Sinal da Cruz.

IemanjáCosta Via (Autor) Formato:    The deity worshipped in the Candomblé religion and brought to Brazil by abducted sl...

Costa Via (Autor)

The deity worshipped in the Candomblé religion and brought to Brazil by abducted slaves, especially the Yoruba people. She watches over sailors and fishermen and controls their catches.

She is calm and nurturing. On New Year’s Eve in Rio de Janeiro, her devotees ask for her blessings with gifts of white flowers at her shores. She dances mimicking the waves of her oceans. Her colors are translucent white and blue or green and ceremonial greeting is “Odê Iyé.”

Cura - Padrinho SebastiãoCosta Via (Autor) Formato:    Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed is our Lord Using the occas...

Cura - Padrinho Sebastião
Costa Via (Autor)

Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed is our Lord Using the occasion My Master is superior KingSanto Daime is a syncretic spiritual practice, which was founded in the Brazilian Amazonian state of Acre in the 1930s by Raimundo Irineu Serra, known as Mestre Irineu. Santo Daime incorporates elements of several religious or spiritual traditions including Folk Catholicism, Kardecist Spiritism, African animism and indigenous South American shamanism, including vegetalismo.

Concentration Costa Via (Autor) Formato:    Firmness, firmness in love Firmness, firmness where I am I am firm with my J...

Costa Via (Autor)

Firmness, firmness in love Firmness, firmness where I am I am firm with my Jesus I am firm in this light Where I amSanto Daime is a syncretic spiritual practice, which was founded in the Brazilian Amazonian state of Acre in the 1930s by Raimundo Irineu Serra, known as Mestre Irineu. Santo Daime incorporates elements of several religious or spiritual traditions including Folk Catholicism, Kardecist Spiritism, African animism and indigenous South American shamanism, including vegetalismo.

Rosário, Santa Missa, Os pontos das Almas Costa Via (Autor) Formato:    Sign Of The Cross Apostle’s Creed Our Father3 Ha...

Rosário, Santa Missa, Os pontos das Almas
Costa Via (Autor)

Sign Of The Cross Apostle’s Creed Our Father3 Hail Mary’s Glory Be For the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Decades:1 Our Father10 Hail Mary’s Glory Be O My Jesus.

Rei Curador - Padrinho Saturnino Brito do NascimentoCosta Via (Autor) Formato:    Saturnino Brito do Nascimento is the e...

Rei Curador - Padrinho Saturnino Brito do Nascimento
Costa Via (Autor)

Saturnino Brito do Nascimento is the eldest son of Mestre Conselheiro Luiz Mendes and Madrinha Rizelda. He was born into the doctrine of the Santo Daime and was the lead “Puxador” of Alto Santo at the age of 17.
He is the “Zelador” (care taker) of the hinario of Joao Pereira "Seis de Janeiro”.

Os Chamados - Mestre Conselheiro Luiz MendesCosta Via (Autor) Formato:    Luiz Mendes do Nascimento was born on January ...

Os Chamados - Mestre Conselheiro Luiz Mendes
Costa Via (Autor)

Luiz Mendes do Nascimento was born on January 4th, 1940, in the state of Acre, in Brazil. His father was a native of Uruburetama, Ceara, and his mother was of pure Acre descent. His wife, Madrinha Rizelda, is the daughter of Mrs Ana de Souza and of Mr Elias Brito, one of the very first disciples of Master Irineu.

Oração de Jesus - Padrinho Paulo RobertoCosta Via (Autor) Formato:    Raízes Históricas da Oração de Jesus A Oração do c...

Oração de Jesus - Padrinho Paulo Roberto
Costa Via (Autor)

Raízes Históricas da Oração de Jesus A Oração do coração ou a Oração de Jesus, é encontrada nos Evangelhos: «Jesus, Filho de Davi, tem piedade de mim!», gritava com insistência o publicano cego que estava à beira do caminho de Jericó. O mesmo clamavam os dez leprosos, nas terras de Samaria: «Jesus, Mestre, tem piedade de nós!» Todos foram curados, graças à sua fé e a profundidade do seu clamor.

Oração - Padrinho SebastiãoCosta Via (Autor) Formato:    Padrinho Sebastião always held, every day, the Oração of the si...

Oração - Padrinho Sebastião
Costa Via (Autor)

Padrinho Sebastião always held, every day, the Oração of the six o’clock in the afternoon everywhere he lived since the time of the Colônia Cinco Mil, joining with the fact that the concentrations on the 15th and 30th always started at the same hour, naturally the Oração began to blend in with the original liturgy of the concentration left by Irineu Serra. Therefore, in concentration day at Cefluris, they would drink Daime before the Oração and at its end follow with the concentration in fact.

O Pequenininho - Padrinho Saturnino Brito do NascimentoCosta Via (Autor) Formato:    Saturnino Brito do Nascimento is th...

O Pequenininho - Padrinho Saturnino Brito do Nascimento
Costa Via (Autor)

Saturnino Brito do Nascimento is the eldest son of Mestre Conselheiro Luiz Mendes and Madrinha Rizelda. He was born into the doctrine of the Santo Daime and was the lead “Puxador” of Alto Santo at the age of 17. He is the “Zelador” (care taker) of the hinario of João Pereira "Seis de Janeiro”.

O Livrinho do Apocalipse - Padrinho ValdeteCosta Via (Autor) Formato:    Filho mais velho do Padrinho Sebastião, sempre ...

O Livrinho do Apocalipse - Padrinho Valdete
Costa Via (Autor)

Filho mais velho do Padrinho Sebastião, sempre foi, juntamente com o Padrinho Alfredo, um dos principais responsáveis pelo trabalho espiritual e ritual com a bebida sacramental Santo Daime. Ocupa hoje o posto de Vice-presidente do Conselho Superior Doutrinário, como membro vitalício e de Comandante e Inspetor do Ritual em todos os centros e igrejas. Escolhido pelo Padrinho Sebastião para ser o Comandante da Igreja, a ele cabe a direção dos rituais, a coordenação dos fiscais e o cumprimento das normas disciplinares.

O Justiceiro - Padrinho SebastiãoCosta Via (Autor) Formato:    Sebastião Mota de Melo, been born in the rubber plantatio...

O Justiceiro - Padrinho Sebastião
Costa Via (Autor)

Sebastião Mota de Melo, been born in the rubber plantation Monte Lígia, in 1920, demonstrated propensity to make astral journeys (out of body experiences) and to have visions of enchanted beings of the forest since the early years. He started his healer’s career in the remote area of the Vale do Juruá, and he developed himself as a medium in the Spiritualist Doctrine through his godfather, Oswaldo, who was a Kardec adept.

O Justiceirinho - Padrinho Zé MotaCosta Via (Autor) Formato:    Brother of Padrinho Valdete.The Santo Daime is a syncret...

O Justiceirinho - Padrinho Zé Mota
Costa Via (Autor)

Brother of Padrinho Valdete.
The Santo Daime is a syncretic christian religion that was founded in the Amazon by Mestre Raimundo Irineu Serra. The Santo Daime incorporates native American, Brazilian and espiritismo elements.

O Deserto da Floresta - Jordão SouzaCosta Via (Autor) Formato:    Jordão de Melo e Souza is a board member of the “Indig...

O Deserto da Floresta - Jordão Souza
Costa Via (Autor)

Jordão de Melo e Souza is a board member of the “Indigenous Celebration” NGO that is developing projects aimed at supporting the Yawanawa people. Jordão is the grandson of Padrinho Sebastião Mota de Melo, a known religious leader in the Santo Daime tradition. In 1985 his father Paulo Roberto Silva e Souza organized and led the scientific commission that convinced the Brazilian government to legalize ayahuasca for religious uses. This exposed him from early childhood to Amazonian shamanism and spirituality.



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