Viva Productions

Viva Productions Viva Productions is a production services company creating internationally productions about Brazil

Viva Productions is a production services company creating internationally appealing productions about Brazil. . Based in Rio de Janeiro, Viva Productions works with broadcasters on a global scale, creating striking original content for a wide audience. Viva Productions e uma produtora de documentários criando produções de apelo internacional para temas referentes ao Brazil. Com base no Rio de J

aneiro, a Viva Productions trabalha com emissoras e canais de streaming numa escala global, criando conteúdo diferenciado para um público variado.

A huge thank you and appreciation to all our incredible Brazil crew that helped make such a successful launch possible! ...

A huge thank you and appreciation to all our incredible Brazil crew that helped make such a successful launch possible! 💚💛💙

Link in bio for The Guardian’s top review.


E que lançamento – 3,6 milhões de espectadores para o 1o Episódio!

Um enorme agradecimento e apreciação a toda a nossa incrível equipe do Brasil que ajudou a tornar possível um lançamento tão bem-sucedido! 💚💛💙

Link na bio para a análise do The Gardian.



It’s tonight! The UK launch of Celebrity Race Across the World, very proudly produced in Brazil by Viva Productions.
Watch at 9 pm on BBC1 and iPlayer
Don’t miss it!!


É hoje à noite! O lançamento no Reino Unido de Celebrity Race Across the World, produzido com muito orgulho no Brasil pela Viva Productions/
Assista ás 21h na BBC1 e iPlayer
Não perca!!

In this holiday season, the Viva Productions team expresses deep gratitude for another year of shared stories and memora...

In this holiday season, the Viva Productions team expresses deep gratitude for another year of shared stories and memorable moments!🎅🏻🎆 We wish all colleagues and partners a Christmas filled with inspiration and a New Year brimming with exciting new narratives! 🎞🪅 May 2024 come full of life, success, and may we strengthen our bonds even further!🤍


HBO’s Last Week Tonight, with John Oliver, is one of the most celebrated political talk shows in the US, and around the world. A combination of political satire, commentary and situation comedy, this year, Viva Productions got to be a part of the show!

New Zealand hosted the Bird of the Century Awards and this year, Last Week Tonight decided they were going to influence that vote. Across several major cities they created ad campaigns for the Puteketeke bird, rallying votes around the world.

In Rio, they hired a plane with a banner to fly across crowded Ipanema beaches with the campaign message. It worked, and the Puteketeke won Bird of the Century!!

It was a joy to be a part of their team, for such a much loved and respected show. Have a look at the behind the scenes of our shoot!


O programa Last Week Tonight da HBO, com John Oliver, é um dos talk shows políticos mais comentados nos EUA e em todo o mundo. Uma combinação de sátira política, comentário e comédia. E neste ano a Viva Productions fez parte do show!

A Nova Zelândia sediou o Prêmio Pássaro do Século e em 2023, o Last Week Tonight decidiu que iria influenciar essa votação. Em várias grandes cidades, criaram campanhas publicitárias para o pássaro Puteketeke, angariando votos em todo o mundo.

No Rio, alugaram um avião com uma faixa para sobrevoar as lotadas praias de Ipanema com a mensagem da campanha. Funcionou, e o Puteketeke ganhou o Pássaro do Século!

Foi uma alegria fazer parte da equipe deles, de um espetáculo tão querido e respeitado. Dê uma olhada nos bastidores!

We wanted to share our latest nomination with you, one that we are so very proud of: "Flordelis: A Family Crime" was rec...

We wanted to share our latest nomination with you, one that we are so very proud of:

"Flordelis: A Family Crime" was recently nominated in the "Best True Crime Series” category at the PRODU Awards. The series was produced in Brazil by Viva in partnership with Wall to Wall and Petterle Films, for HBO Max 🎬

The nomination is a testament to the incredibly dedicated work from the entire team. Long may the nominations continue!

With great excitement, we announce that the Breaking Beyond series episode, recorded by VIVA, is now available on Red Bu...

With great excitement, we announce that the Breaking Beyond series episode, recorded by VIVA, is now available on Red Bull. On this incredible journey, we delve into the universe of capoeira, "passinho" and jiu-jitsu, with emphasis on the participation of renowned celebrities from the world of breaking, such as Thaíde and Nelson Triunfo. During production, we thoroughly explored the world and skills of these two great b-boys and b-girls!

We had notable guest appearances throughout the chapter:

Grupo NGKS:
Os Gemeos:
Nelson Triunfo:
DJ Alambeat:
Bart: bboybart_
Bjj LAB:
Tsunami All Stars:
Prof Papagaio:
Luana Gurther:
Marcelo Lampanche: .lampanche
Jair Pereira:

Check out!


Com grande entusiasmo, anunciamos que o episódio da série Breaking Beyond, gravado pela VIVA, já está disponível na Red Bull. Nesta incrível jornada, mergulhamos no universo da capoeira, do "passinho" e do jiu-jitsu, com destaque para a participação de renomadas celebridades do mundo do breaking, como Thaíde e Nelson Triunfo. Durante a produção, exploramos minuciosamente o mundo e as habilidades desses dois grandes b-boy e b-girl!

Today, August 7, we celebrate Brazilian Documentary Day, a date established by the “Associação Brasileira de Documentari...

Today, August 7, we celebrate Brazilian Documentary Day, a date established by the “Associação Brasileira de Documentaristas” to give visibility to the genre and honor Olney São Paulo, an important filmmaker and documentary filmmaker from Bahia. During the military dictatorship, Olney was persecuted and tortured due to the impact of his film "Manhã Cinzenta”.

We celebrate and recognize the fundamental role of documentaries as a source of knowledge and change, providing us with reflections on the realities and stories that make up the rich Brazilian culture! 🎞🇧🇷

The Critics Choice Association has released its full list of nominees for the fifth annual awards, which recognize excel...

The Critics Choice Association has released its full list of nominees for the fifth annual awards, which recognize excellence in non-fiction, unscripted and reality programming on broadcast, cable and streaming platforms.

In recent years, we were honored to work in partnership with Box to Box in the production of the acclaimed Netflix series, "Formula 1: Drive To Survive", here in Brazil. This series, which captivates millions of fans around the world with its adrenaline and excitement, was nominated for the prestigious Critics' Choice Real TV Award in the 'Best Unstructured Series' category!

Check it out!

On this 19th, we want to praise the creativity and art that comes from Brazilian screens, valuing our culture, our narra...

On this 19th, we want to praise the creativity and art that comes from Brazilian screens, valuing our culture, our narratives and contributing to the strengthening of an increasingly strong and representative film industry. Congratulations to Brazilian cinema and to all the professionals who are part of this very important industry!

Neste dia 19, queremos enaltecer a criatividade e a arte que emana das telas brasileiras, valorizando nossa cultura, nossas narrativas e contribuindo para o fortalecimento de uma indústria cinematográfica cada vez mais representativa.
Parabéns ao cinema brasileiro e a todos os profissionais que fazem parte dessa indústria tão importante!


Grande novidade chegando! A série "Breaking Beyond", produzida no Brasil pela talentosa equipe da VIVA Productions em parceria com a Villain Studios, estreará em breve na RedBull TV. Nesta série, iremos acompanhar a jornada inspiradora de seis breakers talentosos desafiando seus próprios limites no hip hop, com amplo destaque na cultura do break dance e em estilos de vida diferentes.

Em um dos episódios, Bgirl Kastet visita São Paulo e explora a vibrante cultura das danças locais, incluindo capoeira e "passinho", mostrando sua incrível habilidade de adaptação a novos estilos de dança!

Não perca a estreia desta produção!

We’ve got some news - The "Breaking Beyond" series, produced in Brazil by the talented team at VIVA Productions in partnership with Villain Studios, will debut soon on RedBull TV. In this series, we'll follow the inspiring journey of six talented breakers pushing their own boundaries in hip hop, with a focus on break dance culture and different lifestyles.

In one of the episodes, Bgirl Kastet visits São Paulo and explores the vibrant culture of local dance, including capoeira and "passinho", showing her amazing ability to adapt to new dance styles!

Don't miss the premiere of this production!

Throughout our 10 years, we have contributed to several projects that won awards and were recognized worldwide.Here's to...

Throughout our 10 years, we have contributed to several projects that won awards and were recognized worldwide.Here's to many more!


We are proud to announce the HBO MAX documentary series Flordelis: In the Name of the Mother will be launched soon!
In co-production with Wall to Wall in the UK, Viva has spent the past year working on this series.

The episodes have as their central theme the background and investigation to the murder of Pastor Anderson do Carmo, who was married to former deputy, pastor and singer Flordelis. The result of Flordelis’ recent trial will also be a part of the series.

Release is scheduled for December!


Estamos orgulhosos em anunciar que, em breve, estará no ar a série documental Flordelis: Em nome da Mãe, da HBO MAX.
A equipe da Viva Productions realizou as filmagens durante mais de um ano em parceria com a Wall to Wall.

Os episódios têm como tema central o assassinato do pastor Anderson do Carmo, marido da pastora e ex-deputada Flordelis, incluindo o resultado do julgamento realizado recentemente.

O lançamento está previsto para dezembro!


Cop 26: In Your Hands, with Fresh Start Media and Sky TV, recently won the Prix Jeunesse for 2022, one of the most important awards for children's programming internationally.

The programme, for which we produced the Brazil part, has just been nominated for a Rose D’Or Award, in the Children and Youth category.
This is one more of several nominations and awards, for an important programme offering a voice to youth environmental activists around the world, which was shown at Cop 26 at the IMAX theater, as well as on Sky TV.

May there be many more to come!


Cop 26: In Your Hands, com Fresh Start Media e Sky TV, ganhou recentemente o Prix Jeunesse 2022, um dos prêmios internacionais mais importantes da programação infantil.

O programa, para o qual produzimos as filmagens no Brasil, acaba de ser indicado ao Rose D’Or Award, na categoria Children and Youth.
Esta é mais uma das várias indicações e prêmios para um importante programa que dá voz aos jovens ativistas ambientais de todo o mundo. O programa foi exibido na Cop 26 no cinema IMAX, bem como na Sky TV.

Que venham muitos mais!


This is a production very close to our hearts. FYI Investigates: Children Caught in the Crossfire, from Fresh Start Media for Sky TV, which we had the privilege to work on in 2020.

Presenter Braydon Bent, 11 at the time, looked at how children living in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas deal with danger, and bullets, on a daily basis. He met with Victoria, a young teenager who lives in Mare favela, as well as with mothers who had lost their children to crossfire. It was a difficult and emotional film to make, and Braydon handled it exceptionally well.

Braydon has just been nominated for a Bafta Award for Best Presenter!

The programme has already had several prestigious nominations including the Rose D’or for Children and Youth, and has won many more including A Broadcast Digital Award in 2021 for Best Digital Children’s Content.

We are very proud to have helped take this difficult topic to an international audience, and grateful to Fresh Start Media for the opportunity!

We truly hope Braydon wins this award!


Esta é uma produção que nos aquece o coração. FYI Investigates: Children Caught in the Crossfire, da Fresh Start Media para a Sky TV, no qual tivemos o privilégio de trabalhar em 2020.

O apresentador mirim Braydon Bent, na época com 11 anos, analisou como as crianças que vivem nas favelas do Rio de Janeiro lidam com o perigo e as balas diariamente. Ele se encontrou com Victoria, uma jovem adolescente que mora na favela da Maré, bem como com mães que perderam seus filhos no fogo cruzado. Foi um filme difícil e emocionante de fazer, e Braydon lidou com isso excepcionalmente bem.

Braydon acaba de ser indicado ao Prêmio Bafta de Melhor Apresentador!

Estamos na torcida por Braydon!


Introducing Viva Productions' most recent launch!

Perfectly Legal, from Rumpus Media and featuring Sue Perkins, has launched on Netflix on October 13th.

Sue Perkins, a much loved British comedian and presenter of The Great British Bake Off, travels across South America taking part in some of the continent's most bizarre and sometimes even dangerous traditions. With the premise to ward off the feeling of complacency brought on by middle age, Sue joins local comedians for adventures in several countries including Mexico, Colombia and Brazil.

Viva was across the production of the shoot in Brazil which took place in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo in March of this year.. We also participated in the filming in Ecuador.

In the Brazil episodes, 2 and 3 in the series, we follow Sue Perkins as she sings at a baile funk and goes hang gliding among other adventures.

With the participation of MC Carol.

We hope you enjoy it as much as we did!
Watch it on Netflix!


Apresentamos o mais recente lançamento da Viva Productions!

Perfectly Legal ( tradução oficial: Sue Perkins: Tudo Dentro da Lei), da Rumpus Media com Sue Perkins, foi lançado na Netflix em 13 de outubro.

Na série, Sue Perkins, uma comediante britânica muito amada e apresentadora do The Great British Bake Off, viaja pela América do Sul participando de algumas das tradições mais bizarras e às vezes até perigosas do continente.
Com a premissa de afastar a sensação de brandura trazida pela meia idade, Sue se junta a comediantes locais para aventuras em vários países, incluindo México, Colômbia e Brasil.

A Viva esteve em toda a produção das filmagens no Brasil que aconteceram no Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo em março deste ano. Também participamos ativamente das filmagens no Equador.

Nos episódios 2 e 3 da série, que se passam no Brasil, acompanhamos Sue Perkins cantando em um baile funk e voando de asa delta, entre outras aventuras.

Esperamos que gostem tanto quanto nós!
Assista na Netflix!


We are very proud about having been a part of the production for the documentary series "Enslaved: The Lost History of the Transatlantic Slave Trade", presented by Samuel L.Jackson and Afua Hirsch and released on BBC2, CBC, RTE and Epix in 2020.
Just recently the series won the Canadian Screen Award for Best History Documentary Program or Series.

In the series, Samuel L. Jackson goes in search of his own African heritage using DNA testing as well as expert deep sea divers looking for the relics of the ships that took over 12 million people from their homeland into a life of slavery.

On October 4th 2022, the second episonde of Enslaved was shown at the UN headquarters in New York, an initiative by the UN Outreach programme on the Translatlantic Slave Trade and Slavery.

Enslaved is available to watch on BBCiplayer and Amazon Prime.


Estamos muito orgulhosos de ter feito parte da produção da série documental "Enslaved: The Lost History of the Transatlantic Slave Trade", apresentada por Samuel L.Jackson e Afua Hirsch e lançada na BBC2, CBC, RTE e Epix em 2020.
Recentemente a série ganhou o Canadian Screen Award para Melhor Programa ou Série Documental de História.

Na série, Samuel L. Jackson vai em busca de sua própria herança africana usando te**es de DNA, bem como mergulhadores experientes em alto mar procurando as relíquias dos navios que levaram mais de 12 milhões de pessoas de sua terra natal para uma vida de escravidão.

Em 4 de outubro de 2022, o segundo episódio de Enslaved foi exibido na sede da ONU em Nova York, uma iniciativa do programa UN Outreach sobre o Comércio Translatântico de Escravos e Escravidão.

Enslaved está disponível para assistir no BBCiplayer e Amazon Prime.

Our partnership with the BBC and The Garden for Simon Reeve’s South America started just before the pandemic hit and, as...

Our partnership with the BBC and The Garden for Simon Reeve’s South America started just before the pandemic hit and, as a result, the series was over two years in the making. Viva Productions worked on two episodes, filming in Rio de Janeiro, Manaus, Sao Paulo, the Amazon and the Pantanal region.

The episodes are being broadcast every Sunday at 9pm on BBC2, as well as on BBC Iplayer (available only in the UK).


Nossa parceria com a BBC e o The Garden para a produção da série Simon Reeve’s South America começou pouco antes da pandemia e, como resultado, durou mais de dois anos. A Viva Productions trabalhou em dois episódios, filmando no Rio de Janeiro, Manaus, São Paulo, Amazônia e Pantanal.

Os episódios estão sendo transmitidos todos os domingos às 21h na BBC2, e no BBC Iplayer (disponível apenas no Reino Unido).

Episode 02 of Simon Reeve’s South America tells the story of Providencia Agroecologia, a project based in Morro da Provi...

Episode 02 of Simon Reeve’s South America tells the story of Providencia Agroecologia, a project based in Morro da Providencia in Rio de Janeiro teaching local community about planting in order to re-forest the environment, as well as providing a chance to cultivate food independently.

Run entirely by women, directed and self-funded by the formidable Alessandra Roque, the project has become an important voice in the community.

Whoever sees the episode and would like to donate to the project, please do so through this link – it will be much appreciated!

O episódio 02 de Simon Reeve’s South America conta a história da Providência Agroecológica, um projeto sediado no Morro da Providência, no Rio de Janeiro, que ensina a comunidade local sobre o plantio para reflorestamento do meio ambiente.
Além disso, proporciona a chance de cultivar alimentos de forma independente.

Dirigido inteiramente por mulheres, e autofinanciado pela brilhante Alessandra Roque, o projeto se tornou uma voz importante na comunidade.

Quem quiser doar para o projeto, é só acessar o link.


One of Viva Productions’ greatest adventures is finally on the air!

Simon Reeve’s South America, produced by the BBC and in Brazil, together with Viva Productions, broadcast its second episode last night.

In 5 episodes Simon Reeves travels across South America to meet the most diverse communities, in Brazil alone, from indigenous in the Amazon region to jaguar conservationists in the Pantanal.

Have a look at the trailer!

Watch it every Sunday at 9pm on BBC2, or directly via BBC iPlayer. (Available in the UK)

Estamos muito felizes em anunciar que está no ar o segundo episódio de "Simon Reeve's South America", um seriado produzido pela BBC. Todas as filmagens do Brasil foram feitas pela Viva Productions!

Em 5 episódios, Simon Reeve viaja pela América do Sul para conhecer as mais diversas comunidades. No Brasil, ele teve a oportunidade de estar com indígenas na região amazônica até conservacionistas de onça-pintada no Pantanal.

Assista ao trailer!

Exibição: todo domingo às 21h na BBC2, ou diretamente pelo BBC iPlayer. (Disponível apenas no Reino Unido)

Following the launch of "The Boys from Brazil: Rise of the Bolsonaros”, the series has been getting some press.Slide to ...

Following the launch of "The Boys from Brazil: Rise of the Bolsonaros”, the series has been getting some press.

Slide to the side to see the main ones!

About the doc
Over three episodes the series looks at the rise of Jair Bolsonaro to President of Brazil, looking at his ascension to power as well as his controversial methods as president.

Após o lançamento de "The Boys from Brazil: Rise of the Bolsonaros”, a série vem ganhando destaque na imprensa.

Arraste para o lado e confira os principais comentários até agora!

Sobre o documentário
Ao longo de três episódios, a série analisa a ascensão de Jair Bolsonaro a presidente do Brasil e seus métodos controversos como presidente.

Leia os reviews:

Today in Brazil it’s Amazon Day!With its vast area of 6.7 million square kilometers, five million of which are covered b...

Today in Brazil it’s Amazon Day!

With its vast area of 6.7 million square kilometers, five million of which are covered by forest, the Amazon today is one of Brazil’s - and the world’s - most precious natural treasures.

As well as being an irreplaceable home for the Indigenous, local communities and wildlife, the Amazon plays a crucial role in our planet’s health and survival.
Protecting the Amazon is about more than conserving a forest, it’s about saving our one shared home.

Viva Productions has filmed in some of the most remote areas in the Amazon, often within endangered indigenous communities. We’re proud to be helping, in our small way, to bring much needed awareness to this part of the world.


Hoje é o Dia da Amazônia!

Com uma área de 6,7 milhões de quilômetros quadrados, dos quais cinco milhões são cobertos por florestas, a Amazônia é hoje um dos patrimônios naturais mais preciosos do Brasil - e do mundo.

Além de ser um lar insubstituível para povos indígenas, comunidades locais e vida selvagem, a Amazônia desempenha um papel crucial na saúde do nosso planeta e na nossa sobrevivência e das próximas gerações.

Proteger a Amazônia é mais do que conservar a floresta, é salvar nossa casa, a nossa terra mãe!

A Viva Productions já teve a oportunidade de filmar em diversas áreas remotas da Amazônia, muitas vezes dentro de comunidades indígenas ameaçadas.
Nós temos muito orgulho em poder trazer, à nossa maneira, atenção e conhecimentos tão necessários sobre a Amazônia.

Across a full month of filming, BBC Studios together with Viva Productions in Brazil, recently produced “The Boys from B...

Across a full month of filming, BBC Studios together with Viva Productions in Brazil, recently produced “The Boys from Brazil: Rise of the Bolsonaros”. It was a tough shoot during pandemic times, in Sao Paulo, Brasilia and Rio de Janeiro, with a fully Brazilian crew from Viva Productions.
Slide to the side to check some behind the scenes photos!

Over three episodes the series looks at the rise of Jair Bolsonaro to President of Brazil, looking at his ascension to power as well as his controversial methods as president. With unique access to members of his inner circle, the series sheds light on a difficult moment in Brazil’s history. “The Boys from Brazil: Rise of the Bolsonaros” has already launched on PBS and will launch on BBC on the 5th of September.

We are anxiously awaiting the launch!

Durante um mês inteiro de filmagens, a BBC Studios, juntamente com a Viva Productions no Brasil, produziu recentemente “The Boys from Brazil: Rise of the Bolsonaros”.
Foi uma filmagem difícil em tempos de pandemia, em que a equipe da Viva Produções precisou percorrer São Paulo, Brasília e Rio de Janeiro para captação de todo o material.
Arraste pro lado e confira algumas fotos dos bastidores!

Ao longo de três episódios, a série analisa a ascensão de Jair Bolsonaro a presidente do Brasil, analisando sua escalada ao poder, bem como seus métodos controversos como presidente.
Com acesso exclusivo a integrantes de seu círculo íntimo, a série traz à tona um momento difícil da história do Brasil. “The Boys from Brazil: Rise of the Bolsonaros” já foi lançado na PBS e será lançado na BBC no dia 5 de setembro.

Aguardamos ansiosamente o lançamento!

Here’s a bit more about us!We focus on documentary production for streaming and international channels. As a production ...

Here’s a bit more about us!

We focus on documentary production for streaming and international channels. As a production services company, we take care of content research as well as all shoot logistics on the ground in Brazil.

Want to know more? Keep following our social media!


Aqui está um pouco mais sobre a gente!

Focamos na produção de documentários para canais de streaming e emissoras internacionais, Como production services, cuidamos de pesquisa de conteúdo e toda logística das filmagens em todo Brasil.

Quer saber mais? Continue acompanhando nossas redes sociais

A new phase for our company is underway! With the  renewal of the Viva Productions brand we hope to reach all those  inv...

A new phase for our company is underway!

With the renewal of the Viva Productions brand we hope to reach all those involved with the world of documentary and series productions, as well as those that are just excited about our industry!

Follow us on our social media and stay informed about our latest productions.


Uma nova fase começa agora!

Com a renovação da marca Viva Productions esperamos alcançar todas as pessoas que se envolvem com o mundo das produções de documentários e séries, e também os entusiastas deste segmento!

Acompanhe nossas redes sociais e fique por dentro das nossas produções mais recentes.

Linkedin: Viva Productions

Facebook: /vivaproductionss



We are so   of the screening of the short film we recently made with   at  featuring Brazilian Youth Indigenous Acrivist...

We are so of the screening of the short film we recently made with at featuring Brazilian Youth Indigenous Acrivist Darliellen Tubinamba!! Catch up on

We filmed with young indigenous activist Dariellen Tupinamba together with DOP .official in Pará state - Braxil for this...

We filmed with young indigenous activist Dariellen Tupinamba together with DOP .official in Pará state - Braxil for this incredible series, to be shown to world leaders at . See it today on

Pandemic 2020 is premiering in the US today on PBS Channel's Frontline as The Virus That Shook the World. Folks in the U...

Pandemic 2020 is premiering in the US today on PBS Channel's Frontline as The Virus That Shook the World. Folks in the US please take a look!

The epic story of how people around the world lived through the first year of the coronavirus pandemic, from lockdowns to funerals to protests. Filming across the globe and using extensive personal video and local footage, FRONTLINE documented how people and countries responded to COVID-19 across cultures, races, faiths and privilege.
(Link bio)
Pandemic 2020 está estreando nos EUA hoje no Frontline do canal PBS como o vírus que abalou o mundo. Pessoal nos EUA, por favor, dê uma olhada!

A história épica de como as pessoas em todo o mundo viveram durante o primeiro ano da pandemia do coronavírus, desde bloqueios a funerais e protestos. Filmando em todo o mundo e usando vídeos pessoais e locais, FRONTLINE documentou como as pessoas e os países responderam ao COVID-19 em todas as culturas, raças, crenças e privilégios.


It was an immense challenge to produce the Brazil thread of Pandemic 2020 during a very real global pandemic! KEO FILMS ...

It was an immense challenge to produce the Brazil thread of Pandemic 2020 during a very real global pandemic! KEO FILMS LIMITED and Viva Filmes rose to that challenge and if we say so ourselves, the results have been inspiring.
Takuma was interviewed and self-filmed in Alto Xingu, Mato Grosso state, showing us how his indigenous community fought the Covid 19 virus.
Here is a few making of images of the interview day with Takuma. It was an honour!
(Available to watch on BBCiPlayer)
Foi um imenso desafio produzir o trecho do Brasil do doc Pandemic 2020 durante uma pandemia global muito real! A Keo Filmes e a Viva Filmes aceitaram esse desafio e os resultados têm sido inspiradores.
Takuma foi entrevistado e auto-filmado no Alto Xingu, no estado de Mato Grosso, mostrando como sua comunidade indígena lutou contra o vírus Covid 19.
Aqui estão algumas imagens do making of do dia da entrevista com Takuma. Foi uma honra!


Rio De Janeiro, RJ


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