Before my husband lost his job,I used to bring 70% of expenses so it wasn't too hard when he lost it.I have a live in maid that does everything from laundry to market runs to cooking and nanny but she quit recently cause her sister gave birth. Since she quit things has been hard. I get back from Work around 8:30_9 because of traffic and cause I drive from berger in ogun state to ikeja. My husband sits at home and does nothing, it's tiring and frustrating. He doesn't even feed the kids, I begged him to start cooking at least and he called family meeting on my head. My kids sleep in hunger.
When I get back, I have to start thinking of what they'll eat when they have a father at home. This is really breaking my heart and when I called his mother to complain, she lectured me for over 4 hours about gender roles. I sleep around 2am
everyday and wake up by 4 hoping to beat traffic. I'm thinking of dropping my kids with my mum and then start focusing on myself because my kids school called me that we're always delaying d bus everytime. They still missed school 3 times last week cause their father couldn't prepare them and d bus left them, I really don't know if he expects me to Wake 3 years old twins around 3am that I'm preparing for work and prepare them for school when I already woke them around 12am to eat cause their father couldn't fix them dinner or I should teleport from work to prepare them for school and teleport back.
All of these are valid reasons for divorce But before then, how can I cope. Cause dis man is complaining because I want to keep my kids with my parents for the main time. I haven't had time to get another maid and mine will spend 4 months at least with her sister.
How do I handle this before d divorce pls, cause I'm loosing my mind already.