GREAT POEMS How beautiful it is to put into words the beauty of your imagination 🦁

FOLLOW ME IIFollow me to the place of untroubled ease,where peace and love leads ,where I'm beset not by distress or wor...


Follow me to the place of untroubled ease,
where peace and love leads ,
where I'm beset not by distress or worries,
free from turmoil and troubles,
the voice inside our heads somnolent.

follow me to the seventh heaven,
let's walk on cloud nine, feel the cool breeze on our face as it sways.
Let's glide the skies, blazing our trails,
soaring on eagles wings, an eccentric feeling.

Follow me to the streets, let's grace the destitute, feed the esurient, stand for the wishful.
Let's defend the vulnerable, bless the unfortunate,
let's spread love, be humanistic, this is our prime purpose as humans.

Follow me to the flora, nature is beautiful,
let's relish her grace, take pleasure in mother nature's miracle, listen to the birds chirpings;
the sound of the forest and animal calls.
nature is a howling wonder.

Follow me into the dark, where demons hide,
let's ignite our orb of deathless flame, set the room afire.
The light is here, darkness flee.
by fire, by flame, light will prevail.

Follow me, let's launch into the deep,
let's explore the depths of the ocean,
discovering untold mysteries, Atlantis under the sea.
beautiful is the world beneath the surface.

Follow me to the incineration ground,
set me ablaze, let the fires and flames burn my carcass.
send me away with the words of a love song,
let my ashes depart with the winds, like smoke into the air.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

I'm not shy, I'm an observer, a great thinker.I'm not stuck-up or diffident.I'm not antisocial, I respect my peace and t...

I'm not shy, I'm an observer, a great thinker.
I'm not stuck-up or diffident.
I'm not antisocial, I respect my peace and treasure solitude.

I'm not a fan of chitchat, or gossips, I prefer a few close friends who make use of their brain power.
I am reserved, until I'm taken for good.
I appreciate true connection. If we connect, you matter to me.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Pamela Vanina P-Lo, Segun Adeyemi, Chinenye Christopher, Wendi Mccormick

THE LITTLE THINGS IN LIFEToo often we don't realize the value of what we have until it's gone.Too often we don't appreci...


Too often we don't realize the value of what we have until it's gone.
Too often we don't appreciate a moment until it turns memory.
Too often we wait too late to say "I'm sorry, I was wrong".

Sometimes, we waste our time obsessing on things that don't matter, chasing after the wind
Sometimes, we hurt the ones we hold dear in our hearts, and allow stupid things to tear us apart.
Often times, we're too full of ourselves to say "I love you"

Too many times, we let irrelevant things to creep into our minds, slow down our sense of reasoning and before we realize, it's usually too late to see what made us blind.

So, be sure to say"I'm sorry" for it takes humility to apologize, even if you're right.
Be sure to say "I love you" let the people around you know how much you care.
Let the world around you know how much they mean to you, for life is really nothing without love and care.

Take your time to say the words, speak, let those words out, before your time on earth is through.
be loyal to everything and everyone, but never loose guard.
appreciate everyone and everything you've got,
and be grateful for every little things in life that makes life beautiful.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

DEAR YOUHush, my rose, don't you cry,I know you silently crave for love, but it seems almost as if your heart is a boule...


Hush, my rose, don't you cry,
I know you silently crave for love, but it seems almost as if your heart is a boulevard of broken dreams,
A haunted house of tragic love,
A sepulchre of unfelt feeling and a cemetery of unsaid I love yous.

See, girl, you don't need a surgeon to surge the feelings you hate to feel,
You don't need a person to give you a tight hug when you feel low.
All you need is you, coz you alone are perfect, you got all it takes, true power lies beneath the surface.

Let go of the pain, let go of the hurt, loose yourself, make peace with yourself.
No harm done, life is a teacher, learn from the mistakes, learn to admire all the beauty inside you, coz that's where it starts.
You don't need no one, all you need is you for that passionate spark, blaze your own trails,
Give yourself the love that you have in your heart, coz it can give you light when you're trapped in the dark.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

Pathetic blacks, we project our folly on the whitesenslavers, racists & inhumane beings, we call them devils for exploit...

Pathetic blacks, we project our folly on the whites
enslavers, racists & inhumane beings, we call them devils for exploiting our resources, we hate the British, saying they're the architect of our uneasy life.

Slave traders, denudate africa of her pride,
our kids on the streets at ages they can't even tie their own shoes.
we trade our sons for grain, our brothers for fortune,
we profit off of neighbors work, then destroy it just for monetary gains.

we africans are naive, our leaders are fools, fools in their folly
they messed with our heads, selling us out to enrich their fat-ass pockets,
moving african resources abroad for a taste of America
unintelligent blacks, how could we not see through their evil schemes?
how could we even see? the hardest thing to see is what's in front of you.

why do we curse the whites? this people are innocent, they did us no dirty.
we blacks are the real snake.
Black lives don't matter, coz if it really does we won't fall for the British bait.
we let them exploit our pride, invade our homes,
disunite us & turn us against ourselves by ourself.

We perceived them as gods, their eyes were blue,
our women were lost in their lust.
we forsake our CHI, worshipped them like god's,
our elders & leaders buried their wisdom and blindly followed the whitemen.
they spit their language into our tongues,
we discard our culture to learn the american pattern, trampled upon our forefathers shrines,
their prayers became our prayer.

where is the African dignity? where is the pride of Africa? where is Africa? where are the Africans?
I keep asking this question, but no one seem to have the right answers.
a great continent brought down to nothing, the powerhouse of resources, the world power is now a begging arm.
what a shame.

can you imagine how great Africa was before the British colony? No, the greatness of Africa has long been stripped.
the whitemen wore us a 3D glasses and let us watch illusions and we're watching that illusion.
we've lost our home, our faith, our pride, our life,
they convinced us to detest our CHI and worship the cross, depicting Christ as white, angels as white and devil a black.

we forgot the one true God, drank their holy water and anointing oil, like it's the blood of Jesus.
bitter cola is bitter, honey is sweet.
African culture is old fashion, technology is better. Shame!
We've lost our true image.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

LITTLE THINGS IIWelcome a stranger, extend a helping hand,save a life, rescue a drowning soul,feed the hungry, give wate...


Welcome a stranger, extend a helping hand,
save a life, rescue a drowning soul,
feed the hungry, give water to a thirsty soul
give a solitary person a tight hug, cloth the naked.

Grace the destitute, bless the less privileged,
share a snack with love, spare a tip for a mendicant.
enkindle a dwindled candle, patch an injured feet,
console a broken heart, help a man up.

Fight for the rights of others, defend the oppressed, help an olden woman carry her firewood, advice the young ones,
be an inspiration to the kids, teach them life lessons.

Checkup on a friend, storm a neighbors door,
reunite with your childhood friends,
send a text to your ex, surprise your man,
take your woman out, buy her things, make her happy, take your kids out for a walk, be there for them and show them how much you really care.

Respect your gatekeeper, tip your guard,
buy your maid gifts, give your nanny a day off,
smile at a server, say thank you for a rendered service.
Let the janitor know you care, be kind to your steward, treat them like your own children.

Pray for your enemies, bless don't curse,
make a sad person laugh, let your ex know you still care as a friend, never hold grudges.
be kind, be nice, be good.
these little acts of kindness is what makes life beautiful.
be the reason why someone smiles today.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, an...

The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths.
These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

When left and right are both shrouded in darkness, where does one find the light to guide them forward? Do you turn to t...

When left and right are both shrouded in darkness, where does one find the light to guide them forward? Do you turn to the right, where nothing is left, or do you turn to the left, where nothing is right? Or do you find the strength to blaze a new path, guided not by the absence of light, but by the light within your own heart?

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

LITTLE THINGSThose little acts of kindness we exhibitand take no credit for, impacts positively on makes us ...


Those little acts of kindness we exhibit
and take no credit for, impacts positively on humanity.
it makes us feel more human, sinks deeply into our souls & increments our worth.

It either make or mar us, make us thirst for more life or drain our will to live.
be cautious of your words, words can breathe life and still conk it.
know this:

That helping hand you extend,
that charming smile you gave,
that little love you share,
that simple act of kindness you displayed,
made that broken soul reconsider su***de,
and gave them a reason to live.

that touching "I care for you, stay safe" you sent,
that " I love you " you said,
that lovely text you sent,
that uplifting message you wrote,
could be the reason someone is still alive.

Those inspirations you fail to share,
those knowledge you house & don't want to affect others with,
those ideas you keep away from the world,
those thoughts you don't think,
those words you held back,
those feelings you hide,
that "I love you" you never say,
and those good things you don't do,

they mean alot to someone,
someone out there is dying to hear you say, I love you.
someone is depressed because you refuse to smile at them.
someone is craving earnestly for your love,
someone somewhere is thirsty for your words.
these little things go a long way, they impact greatly on humanity.
never withhold or deny humanity of these little things.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

TO MY FRIENDSMy friend, I have an advice for you. Smile, it is the best makeup you can wearLaugh, laughter is a great me...


My friend, I have an advice for you.
Smile, it is the best makeup you can wear
Laugh, laughter is a great medicine.
Don't look down on your shoes, your feet looks gorgeous.

Be yourself, you're special, no one is like you.
dance like no one's watching, you've got moves the angels envy.
there's a fire in you that can burn the world,
even the sun is envious of you, coz you're made of light.

Go into the world, show them what you're made of, walk the earth, write your name in the sky for the world to see.
you are strong, stronger than you think,
don't give your power away, you can move mountains,
your can create hurricanes, there's nothing you cannot do.

My friend, please, take my little advice,
I care for you, I wish nothing, but the best for you.
I love you, stay safe.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

A LIFE WELL LIVEDAnd if I die today leaving a soul better than I found it,Then I will consider my life, a life well live...


And if I die today leaving a soul better than I found it,
Then I will consider my life, a life well lived.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

MIRRORBeen here for a while, staring at the mirror,wondering who this direful being is.The lies I wear has made the trut...


Been here for a while, staring at the mirror,
wondering who this direful being is.
The lies I wear has made the truth so ugly,
that I barely recognize the man in the mirror.
I can't help but be the canvass of ugly colours.

Staring at the mirror again, uncertain about the future,
I care not what people say about my looks,
I just wanna live a happy life, repeating the circle of self-pity, disdain, feign a smile and stare at the mirror as I watch myself fade to grey.

I'm sick, tired of the puppet master pulling strings & playing inside my head.
the society call me a weirdo, a spooky person,
and like a parasite, it's eating me up.
I've tried wearing a fake mask, but somethings you just can't hide.

Standing before the mirror, smile, pretending to be normal,
I kick back from the mirror, unwrap the bandage to embrace my bloodshot eyes.
the truth is, reality is something that we just can't fight.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

IF I DIE TODAYLife didn't throw me overboard,It gave me the keys to your heart instead.I look up to the sky, the sun is ...


Life didn't throw me overboard,
It gave me the keys to your heart instead.
I look up to the sky, the sun is out of sight,
I'm stock in the dark, but you're my flashlight and you getting me through the night.

You told me to wipe my tears, stop mourning, joy will come in the morning,
And my pain will fade to grey like I never felt them,
But if I die today,
Just know that, I love you.

Dunno if I'll ever see you again, but when it's all said and done,
We'll meet to part no more.
Lepidopteron may feast on my carcass, but my brain won't forget to replay every last memory of you, like a dream sequence.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

THE WAY I FEELI'm the man that people see as strong and bold,but they fail to see the troubles and heartaches I hold,the...


I'm the man that people see as strong and bold,
but they fail to see the troubles and heartaches I hold,
the pain and hurts, the responsibilities that's too heavy a burden to bear.
I smile just to get by, listening with care
as they entrust in me, their burdens to bear.
I'm happy to be the shoulder they lean,
but sometimes, I feel like a broken soul.

they say I don't smile, laugh, I'm emotionless,
in my corner, happy alone, headphones on, volume up, listening to music, away from the worlds bu****it.
people come to me with tears in their eyes,
pain in their hearts, and fear in their minds,
but they never ask if I'm fine.
if only they know that everyone has a demon to wrestle.

when I'm alone, I drench my pillow
feeling lost and lonely, like a weeping willow.
I mask my pain, lock it up inside, smile and act like I'm okay.
But it's hard to be an angel when you're surrounded by demons.
coz, everyone's demon roam and follow us everywhere we go.

sometimes, I wish someone could understand
that I too, have feelings buried deep in the sand,
some demons I need to put to sleep, some insecurities I haven't dealt with yet.
I may seem strong, and act all tough,
but seriously, I need my space to let the feelings that I keep locked away find expression,
to embrace the pain and let it take it's toll,
but we often neglect the turmoil inside the waves.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

See guy, the devil won't be attacking you if there wasn't something valuable in you.Thieves don't break into empty House...

See guy, the devil won't be attacking you if there wasn't something valuable in you.
Thieves don't break into empty Houses.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

A MOTHER LIKE NO OTHEROf all the gifts that life has to offer, a loving mother is the greatest of them all.She's a walki...


Of all the gifts that life has to offer, a loving mother is the greatest of them all.
She's a walking miracle, the only one I can call.
She's a mother everyone wish they had, a mother like no other.

She's lovely, and kind, her smile is the best makeup any woman can wear.
She's strong, spirited, prayerful and most of all, God fearing.
She taught me, to commit and devote my life to the Almighty .

To the world, she's a mother, but to me, she's the world.
Dear momma, you taught me that fear is not an option, you taught me, to always trust in the lord.
Because of you, mum, I am who I am today.
All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to you.

You've been through ups and downs, pits and valleys, because of me,
Early mornings, late nights, hectic day and feverish night,
You put up with all this struggles and troubles to give me a better life.
You've seen it all, battalions of heartaches, hurts and pain, yet you never gave up.
How would I ever repay you?

No matter how old I get, I'll always need you, mum.
You always know the yes in my no, and the no in my Yes.
No one on this fleeting earth can ever love me like you do.
For you're a mother like no other.
I'll always honor you, mum, like the wiseman said in, Proverbs 31:31.

None compares to you, I mean, no seven star hotel in the world that can equate the comfort level of your lap.
For you're a blessing that can only be replaced by none.
So, mum, for all you've done, for your pain and hurt's,
For putting me first,
Mum, for giving me breath,
I wanna say, thank you,
Actually, my thanks is tank full.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

PHOENIXI can tell that you don't ever wanna trust again,coz everytime you trust, it just left you hurt.And I can tell th...


I can tell that you don't ever wanna trust again,
coz everytime you trust, it just left you hurt.
And I can tell that you don't ever wanna befriend again, coz when they speak all you do is second guess your worth.
You choking on your tears, you can't breathe,
coz all the diss, discourtesy is coming at you, like a stampede,
and you feel like you could put on a front and call it quits,
but don't go changing who you are to fit anyone's needs.

It's unfair, yeah, I know it isn't right,
but you were meant to shine brightly, don't you dim your light, live your life, do what's right.
Because you're perfect how you are, don't change a thing.
You're an endowed queen, you've got a king,
so, don't trip on anything, one-day you'll find a friend who'll be your amor, and destroy everything that'll try to harm you, and not a spear that'll turn to pierce you.
Just be honest with yourself, pick your pen and write your story,
and make sure every chapter is a good-read.

Tell me, who is it you are?
You say a traumatized kid, a big ole heart that's filled with diss and scars,
and you wanna conk out, coz you tired of the pain.
I'll tell you exactly who it is you are,
I know you're a shining star, a blessing and you gonna rise from the fires and the flames.
see, I know who you won't be, not a Gen Z girl,
at least, not with all that grace and confidence.
you're meant for more just realize your worth,
let no one put you down, like you're incompetent.

Let no one define you, you got more power than you think, don't give your power away.
it's not determined by a man or even by the church,
it's ascertained in yourself, just look inside and search.
They may try to burn you down with a couple matches,
but you're like a phoenix rising from the ashes.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

THE PRAYERDear Almighty, as I begin this new day, please give me the courage & strength to chest any challenge that life...


Dear Almighty, as I begin this new day, please give me the courage & strength to chest any challenge that life may throw my way.
Help me stand strong, positive, gaze up, focused on the task ahead.

Guide my decision making, that I may choose the right path and not do things that'll practically affect me.

Fill my heart with gratitude for all the gifts, blessings in my life, help me be a source of kindness, compassion, an instrument of peace to the world around me.

Thank you, Almighty for your grace, mercy & love
And for your constant presence, amen 🙏

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁


(Spoken word)🦁

OMALICHAOmalicha, a beautiful name for a beautiful face,Your name is as beautiful as Eden,And your smile a bait for the ...


Omalicha, a beautiful name for a beautiful face,
Your name is as beautiful as Eden,
And your smile a bait for the saint,
Your philharmonic voice is a sweet note to the ear.

Your laughter is like a painkiller, an antidote for spasm.
Your heart, a well refined gold, pure and true,
Meek and modest, an emblem of divinity.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁


This one goes out to all my comrades who are at the brink, don't throw in the towel, hang on a little longer, blessings dey on the way ✅

A poem written & spoken by GrEaTnEsS 🦁

BLESSINGS DEY ON THE WAYBro, I know say life hard,I know say the way things dey go dey make you sad,I know say the thing...


Bro, I know say life hard,
I know say the way things dey go dey make you sad,
I know say the things wey your eyes don see dey make you cry,
maybe you feel say you no dey do the most, but you dey try.

No lose hope, no kill yourself, there's God up above the sky,
He cares for you and won't let you die.
make you trust God, He got plans for you, plans to protect, provide, and to lift you high.

No cry, no fear, no worry, garri wey water pass go still rise.
God dey, everything go better, las las you go chop rice.
Be patient, your very soon go turn finally,
the best things always take time, nothing good come easily.

Miracle no dey tire Jesus, ein go turn your dark sky blue,
for you, everywhere go stew,
everywhere go marama for you and your ni**az too.

Just dey pray, no dey play, dey hustle, money go fall on you, blessings dey on the way.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

PAINFUL TRANSITIONI penned a few lines and rushed to take a shower, I was running late for my gym class.On a norms, I wo...


I penned a few lines and rushed to take a shower, I was running late for my gym class.
On a norms, I would usually rise before the cockcrows everyday to write one or two verses before hitting the gym.

While on my Nike air force, jogging to the gym house that fateful september morning, I felt a bit woozy.
I pulled over, coz I knew I wasn't gonna make it.
So, I took a bus back home.
Mum on seeing me, knew something was wrong.
Her son has never been home this early, plus he's not looking very strong.
As a tall muscular giant that I was, mum signaled me over to come for checkup.

She examined me and confirmed my temperature was abnormal, from the way I heated, she said it must be a fever.
She then gave me a sweet massage with cold water and towel, which by the way, was mum's first aid before leaving to get some medical care.

She left and I fell into a deep peaceful sleep, such that I've never had in my entire life.
Afor muru eze! I called out, on waking up stronger and better than ever.
Mum always have a remedy to every issue, it's either her presence or her elevating words.

Nneoma, I called out again so I would share with her, how very okay and strong I am after her usual first aid.
She couldn't hear me call, coz the noise from outside was clogging my voice.
It was so loud, and I wonder, why?.

From the dissonance coming from outside, I could recognize the voice of my mother, father, siblings, friends and that of other numerous familiar voices.
They were all weeping sorely and I wonder what could have transpired such hot afternoon grief.

Off the couch, I went to see for myself what was happening, and from what I saw, it happened that someone was painfully transited.
And when I took a closer look, that painfully transited someone, was me.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

THE OMINIPOTENT in awe, I stood in his presence unabashed, though a sinner, but he loves me with devotion.His glory satu...


in awe, I stood in his presence unabashed,
though a sinner, but he loves me with devotion.
His glory saturates the air, like sweet perfume
words won't suffice if I could speak of His magnanimous gloriole.

In unison, the host of heaven assemble,
breaking into praise to the Grand Rarefied, the Almighty.
Omnipotent, God the architect of the universe.
Hosanna! hosanna! hosanna!
louder and louder their voice rang like the sound of a thousand sirens.

Mighty is the awesome artist, creator of the worlds finest art.
in perilous times we seek His Grace as the world and the things we face turn fake in the face of the devil's mirages.
indeed, God is good, nothing compared to.

seated above, like a watchtower
never sleeps, never slumber,
watching over His own so we don't bend, fold or cower.
protecting and providing, His love is endless.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁


Shout out to my newest followers! Excited to have you onboard! Robert Franza, บุญธรรม ศรีพรรณวา, Rik Hobbins, Paul Karedes, Dakiling Rinret Precious

LIFE HAPPENEDFrom the sin that estranged us,To a God that accepted us, From the fears that braved us,To the pains that s...


From the sin that estranged us,
To a God that accepted us,
From the fears that braved us,
To the pains that strengthen us,
From the sadness that stole our smile,
To the tears that brought us hope.

From the sorrows that broke us,
To the joy of a better tommorow,
From the hate that thought us love,
To the memories of our past,
From the thoughts we think,
To the words we wished never left our lips.

From the ones we work to keep, but never actually stayed,
To the one's that left,
From the one's who cheered,
To the one's that jeered,
From failures to lesson,
From pillar to post,
From zero to hero,
Man, no hard feelings, life happened.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

DOMINUS OMINIUMYou existed through eternity, the architect of time, the alpha and Omega, good and forgiving, living in y...


You existed through eternity, the architect of time, the alpha and Omega, good and forgiving, living in your love that stretches from everlasting to everlasting.

You created the cosmo without loosing count of the hairs on my head.
You the all consuming fire, father to the fatherless, you give strength to the weary, increase the power of the weak, and bring the dead back to life.

My mother calls you "Chi na-enweghị ọgwụgwụ" the God that has no end, "Nke mbụ na nke ikpeazụ" the first and last.
She calls you "Onye hụrụ m n'anya" the one who loves me,
And she says you've been her ever present help, the one she could call, comforter and provider.

God, you've been my anchor from day one, you knew me before I was conceived in my mother's womb, called me your own and gave me a name "Chiemerie."

I call you "Dominus Ómnium" God overall, Dieu, maker of the universe, "Tout-Puissant" Almighty, "Mon Seigneur" my Lord, "Ma vie est entre tes mains" my times is in thy hands.

My mother taught me to trust you, you're good, you not meant to be understood.
So, I place my life in your hands,
Use me for your glory, amen.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁

Isn't weird how so many versions of you exist in people's mind?Some know you as the shy person that doesn't talk,Some se...

Isn't weird how so many versions of you exist in people's mind?
Some know you as the shy person that doesn't talk,
Some see you as the annoying person that won't shut up,
Some see you grumpy, cold and mean,
Others find you loving, caring and kind.

© GrEaTnEsS 🦁



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