Martin Grahovski

Martin Grahovski Nostalgia fueled storyteller ⛽️ 📖
Avoiding responsibilities on YouTube 📹
Canon Bulgaria Partner 🎥 3 Minute daily reasons to travel to Bulgaria.

Interviews about the project:

Slavi's Show // Шоуто на Славиктомври-2017-г-мартин-граховски/

NOVA Television // Нова Телевизия


Има моменти в които не мога да намеря правилните думи и да обясня колко е важен един проект за мен.

В този случай, се надявам, че просто си личи.

От години си мечтая за възможността да представя София през моите очи. В този случай, най-хубавото е, че не е само през моите, а през тези на съмишленика ми в този проект (Petar Tuhchiev) и всички хора и институции които го направиха това възможно.

Това за нас е София.
Надяваме се и вие малко да се влюбите в нашия град - за 12 минути или за цял живот.

Благодарности към Mastercard, SoSofia, Imp-Act Agency и безбройно много мили хора.

On incredibly warm days like today in Sofia, I can't help but think back to the intensely cold conditions I experienced ...

On incredibly warm days like today in Sofia, I can't help but think back to the intensely cold conditions I experienced in Svalbard half a year ago.

Even taking your hands out of your gloves for five minutes resulted in numbness that spread across your body before you knew it.

Kyrgyzstan By Air 🇰🇬Normally I’m not a huge fan of drone shots. At least, not the traditional type of shots that simply ...

Kyrgyzstan By Air 🇰🇬

Normally I’m not a huge fan of drone shots. At least, not the traditional type of shots that simply show a landscape from above and that leave little to the imagination. However, with Kyrgyzstan, the numerous layers that domino into the background of any viewpoint often call for, if not require, a higher perspective.

Kyrgyzstan is beautiful both from the ground and high up in the air. However, if these are the shots that inspire you to visit the country, then so be it. Visit Kyrgyzstan!

Hanoi // 🇻🇳It's been just over 10 days that I've been back in Bulgaria, and yet mentally I'm still crossing the waves of...

Hanoi // 🇻🇳

It's been just over 10 days that I've been back in Bulgaria, and yet mentally I'm still crossing the waves of traffic that cascade and part, getting lost amidst the market tapestry that hangs above you like autumn leaves, and waiting with utmost anticipation for what the next day will bring.

I miss Hanoi. It has quickly become a strong contender for my favourite city.

I hope you can see why.

🇻🇳It's now been just over 10 days that I've been in this incredibly beautiful country. Words will not suffice. I've been...


It's now been just over 10 days that I've been in this incredibly beautiful country. Words will not suffice. I've been planning to come back here now for just over six years and despite the fact that I've thought over and over again about how intensely this place will impact me (and expected it to), I've been in shock over just how emotionally I've been touched by just about everything here.

What you see below your are photos from what is quickly becoming my second favourite city in Asia - Hanoi. This city is a beautiful hot pot of colour that sweeps through everything (including the brushes of the street cleaners), a whirlwind of noise that circulates and pulses through the morning and night of a place that never seems to sleep, and a home for some of the most beautiful and friendly people I've met in my life.

The story of Vietnam starts here, but it continues in the northern Ha Giang province where I spent the last 5 days on motorcycle lost amidst traditional H'mong villages and my own incapability to comprehend how much diverse scale and beauty can be found in such a small corner.

More about that soon.

In the meantime, I'm sharing daily stories on my Instagram, so check out everything I've seen in the two folders I've created there:

Big big thanks to Doriyan Todorov who, apart from taking the photos above, is a dear friend and the best street photographer that I know.

Very soon I'm going to be uploading impressions from Vietnam, where I've been for the last 10 days and will stay until t...

Very soon I'm going to be uploading impressions from Vietnam, where I've been for the last 10 days and will stay until the end of the month.

However, before I do, I want to make sure that I've properly shared a few more screenshots from my travel across Norway last July.

For anyone who still hasn't seen the full video, you can find it here:

🇳🇴I'm currently sitting at Istanbul Airport ready to embark upon another trip, but I'm also looking back into the past a...


I'm currently sitting at Istanbul Airport ready to embark upon another trip, but I'm also looking back into the past as tonight I'm officially launching my film about my travel across Norway last July.

It took a while, but it's finally here.

Special thanks to Panic Frame & Travel as per usual and Dimitar Karanikolov for letting me use his photos, and Dynaphos Photo & Video for helping me create a kit that made sense for this trip.

Watch it here:

🍫Very often my nostalgia gets the better of me and I end up thinking back to the absurd amount of time that has passed b...


Very often my nostalgia gets the better of me and I end up thinking back to the absurd amount of time that has passed by since the various travels that I've had over the last few years.

One that often sticks out more than others is my trip to Mexico alongside Гайо Шоколад - Gaillot Chocolate in search of new cacao beans and sorts back in February 2019.

Looking at it now, almost four years later, it's easy to be critical of the way that I filmed certain segments and the inexperienced look to some of the footage but, in my eyes, the story behind how this happened and what came of it is forever going to be the most valuable aspect of the trip in my eyes.

That's why, a bit over a year ago, I decided to upload a video looking back at this trip and what I learnt about filmmaking and myself in the process.

Check it out here:

👺I’m endlessly grateful to the people who opened up their homes, minds, and sacred traditions to me over the last years,...


I’m endlessly grateful to the people who opened up their homes, minds, and sacred traditions to me over the last years, but maybe I'm most grateful to those people found in a small village nestled in Western Bulgaria by the name of “Dolna Sekirna”.

Dolna Sekirna was a name that fluttered into my mind during Bulgaria's national Surva Festival (a masked Bulgarian tradition meant to ward off evil spirits and bring about the New Year in the proper way) in Pernik where, towards the end of the entire performance, one particular village’s costumes caught my eye and I decided to make my way over and see whether they would let me know where they came from. Amidst the clanging of bells, yelling, and loud music in the background, I wrote in my notepad what I thought I had heard from one of the villagers.

A few weeks later, when I first entered this village, my only thought was whether I would be able to convince anyone to let me in to their personal lives and tell the story of something I knew very little about. It was a foggy February morning and I was quickly swallowed up by the thought that maybe this wasn't the right decision to go and film there. I found myself walking around the centre of the village and hoping that someone from somewhere would poke out their head so that I could ask them where I could find the mayor.

Little did I know that I would leave three months later with friends in the most unexpected of places. From the incredible mayor himself who organised everything and was ready at a moments notice to help me film, to the grandmothers of the village that quickly became my own, Dolna Sekirna quickly cemented itself as one of the most special places I had ever been.

I'm currently working on a video for YouTube looking back at the entire experience of filming this project.

You'll be able to find it at:

In the meantime, check out more photos and screenshots from the film on my Instagram:

(Сурвакарската група на с. Долна Секирна)

🎶⛰If someone were to ask me what is Bulgaria in my eyes, the answer would undoubtedly be the National School of Folklore...


If someone were to ask me what is Bulgaria in my eyes, the answer would undoubtedly be the National School of Folklore Arts in Shiroka Luka.

Every winter I end up lost in my thoughts of my first time stepping into this school. I was feverish and shaking and I remember thinking that I would go in quickly to just take a few videos to use in my travel series. Little did I expect that I would witness an entire concert that very evening. A concert organised solely for me.

There's a beauty found within this school that is impossible to explain.

After 3 Minute Bulgaria, I quickly started working on documentary films within the country focused on exploring traditions and the people that uphold those traditions. NUFI was the second film in that series that I made, but the first one that helped me truly understanding what it meant to have "roots" somewhere.

It'll never capture the full beauty of this location, but I want to share with you a video I uploaded a few months ago in which I look back on the process of filming this project and the end result.

Watch it here:

Over the last few days here in Longyearbyen (the Northernmost town in the world), I've been thinking about the striking ...

Over the last few days here in Longyearbyen (the Northernmost town in the world), I've been thinking about the striking difference between the Norway I got to see in July this year and the barren, frigid, dark endlessness we've become accustomed to so close to the North Pole.

While I'm still working on creating a longer video about my trip across Norway, a few weeks ago, I uploaded my impressions of that first travel.

Thanks to Panic Frame & Travel for making it happen.
Thanks to Dynaphos Photo & Video for helping me create a filmmaking kit suitable for everything from running around waterfalls to hiking some of the wildest terrain I've ever seen.

Norway is a country that somehow feels like it needs to be broken into an "impressions" video before getting to the core of everything that was seen, felt, a...

Svalbard and Longyearbyen first crept into my mind five years ago when I inevitably fell into a rabbit hole of videos, p...

Svalbard and Longyearbyen first crept into my mind five years ago when I inevitably fell into a rabbit hole of videos, photos, and texts of what it's like to live in the northernmost town in the world.

Now, all these years later, and thanks to my friends over at Panic Frame & Travel, I'm finally able to set foot on this dreamlike landscape.

What you see in these photos is NOT what we see. Here it's 24/7 darkness. Not even a minute of light at any point in the day. Somehow though, that makes it all the more impressive - because of all the unknown. This is a beauty so outside of what I'm familiar with and I'm certain it'll be months before I truly understand what I've seen (and not seen) here under the harsh moonlight.

Follow all my stories from Svalbard including the northernmost hotel, animals, people, and adventures on 🥽

When it comes to slowly sharing things I've filmed on this page, perhaps there's no better place to start than the short...

When it comes to slowly sharing things I've filmed on this page, perhaps there's no better place to start than the shorter, yet equally exciting trip around Bulgaria I undertook just over a year and a half ago 🚘

A 50-year-old car, four days, and an adventure across much of Bulgaria 🎥

Watch it here:

„Не е важно къде отиваш, а важно е да имаш къде да се върнеш.“Безумно е, че изминаха почти пет години, откакто се прибра...

„Не е важно къде отиваш, а важно е да имаш къде да се върнеш.“

Безумно е, че изминаха почти пет години, откакто се прибрах в България, за да заснема плануваното ми за два месеца пътуване из страната. Желаех да видя и науча всичко, което бях пропуснал, израствайки и прекарвайки детството ми в чужбина. А тези два месеца бързо се превърнаха в пет години.

В моите очи „3 минути България“ винаги ще остане началото на нещо много по-голямо. Началото на това да опозная хората, културата и традициите на държава, от която бях живял далеч за дълго. Възможността да се потопя в празника Сурва в малко българско село или пък красотата на Националното училище за фолклорни изкуства в Широка лъка ми помогнаха да осъзная колко надълбоко се простират корените ни.

През последните няколко години България стана мой дом. Дори когато обикалях изумителни места като Мексико, Исландия, Киргизстан, Намибия и Норвегия, винаги очаквах с нетърпение да се върна точно тук, в България.

Тези мои пътувания и впечатления извън България споделях на личнате си страници в социалните мрежи, но винаги съм планирал да превърна тази страница в нещо ново. Имам желанието това да е платформа, на която мога да продължа да разказвам историите на България, но и да показвам места по света, които често посещавам.

Затова, след дълги размисли, реших, че от ноември страницата „3 Minute Bulgaria” ще носи името “Martin Grahovski / Documentary Filmmaker”.

Ще разбера напълно, ако някои от вас не искат да бъдат част от това ново приключение. Благодаря ви за подкрепата през последните няколко години. А на всички останали ще кажа, че предстоят поредици от филми от България и света, нови събития и събирания и още изненади.

Също така, очаквайте цяло видео, в което ще разкажа повече за тази промяна, в средата на ноември.

До скоро,



“It’s not where you’re going that’s important, it’s having somewhere to come back to.”

It’s insane to think that almost five years have passed since I came back to Bulgaria in order to film what was supposed to be a two month trip across this country so that I could get to know everything I missed out on while growing up abroad. Two months has now quickly transitioned into five years.

3 Minute Bulgaria will always remain the start of something much bigger in my eyes. The start of getting to know the people, the culture, and the traditions of a country I spent most of my life living far away from. Being able to dive into the way Surva is celebrated in a small Bulgarian village or the beauty of Bulgaria’s National School of Folklore Arts in Shiroka Luka, was something that helped me realise how deep our roots go.

Even more so, over the last few years, Bulgaria has become my home. Even while travelling across awe inspiring places like Mexico, Iceland, Kyrgyzstan, Namibia, Norway, and others over the last few years, I realised that I was always excited to come back.

It’s exactly these travels that I’ve been sharing on my personal pages and other social media platforms, but I’ve always thought that I’d like to convert this page to become something new. A place where I can continue to tell the stories of Bulgaria, but also showcase places around the world that I’m travelling to on a frequent basis.

As such, after much much thought, I’ve decided that starting in November, 3 Minute Bulgaria is officially going to change to my new page “Martin Grahovski / Documentary Filmmaker”.

For anyone that doesn’t want to be a part of this new journey, I completely understand, and I thank you for your support over the last few years. For everyone else, there is much, MUCH more to come including more films from Bulgaria, films from around the world, new events and gatherings, and much more.

Also, expect a full video explaining this change in the middle of November.

See you soon.





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