StalkerVerse LARP

StalkerVerse LARP Welcome to the StalkerVerse, an immersive and thrilling experience brought to you by LoreNomads. Come and unveil the mysteries of the unknown! The Zone awaits…

Welcome to the Stalkerverse, an immersive and thrilling experience brought to you by the Bulgarian LARP game developers, LoreNomads. Stalkerverse is a groundbreaking LARP series inspired by the eerie world of stalkers and the unpredictable anomalies of the Zone. Despite its seemingly serious military structure, Stalkerverse strives to provide to the players an unforgettable experience filled with

constant dynamics, teamwork and competitiveness between individual factions and characters, testing leadership skills, strategic and tactical thinking, and last but not least - a number of absurd situations that you will inevitably witness. The goal of the organizers is to transport you to a world rich in mystery, full of hostile creatures and guardians of the Zone, namely terrifying mutants, as well as enemy factions fighting for supremacy over the Zone. In addition, if desired, players will have the opportunity to experience the challenge and adrenaline of relying solely on themselves and their qualities for survival and adaptation in post-apocalyptic conditions. Players will be given the opportunity to create their characters, according to their preferences to the different factions, each of which has a different play style, characteristics and ideologies, which you will be able to read in more detail in the game rules. What I can expect?
- A unique and gripping narrative
- An extremely atmospheric post-apocalyptic world filled with anomalies, mutated creatures, and the constant struggle for survival
- Intense character interactions, alliances and consequences of choices in a dynamic, player-driven storyline
- Iconic factions with cool background and complicated relationships
- Join alliances, trade valuable artifacts, or engage in fierce rivalries as you strive to survive in the harsh reality of the Zone
- Encounter unpredictable anomalies, mutated creatures, and environmental hazards that keep players on their toes
- Adapt and strategize as you explore the ever-changing landscapes, collecting artifacts and uncovering the mysteries of the Zone
- Immerse yourself in the Stalkerverse with realistic props and detailed environments crafted by LoreNomads & friends
- From abandoned military bases to eerie underground tunnels, every location is designed to enhance the atmosphere and challenge players
- Join our vibrant community of StalkerVerse enthusiasts, participate in events, share your experiences and have fun! If you, like us, are ready to test your limits and survive in a world full of horrors, mutants and other hostile creatures, jump on the truck!

Dear Stalkers, this is a brief retrospective post for “StalkerVerse: The Third Wheel”. Since 3/4 of the players were Bul...

Dear Stalkers,

this is a brief retrospective post for “StalkerVerse: The Third Wheel”.

Since 3/4 of the players were Bulgarians, the post will be in Bulgarian. Here is a link to the English version:


Скъпи Сталкъри,

Малко преди играта си обещахме, че ще си дадем месец почивка от събитието и от неуморната подготовка, срещите и творческите сесии.

Предварително се извиняваме, ако това изглежда като забавяне за вас, но ни беше необходимо време, за да проведем няколко срещи, на които направихме пълен организационен анализ на играта.

Искаме да започнем с най-важното: благодарим на всички наши стари и нови играчи за доверието и участието ви в тази игра!

Получихме много добри отзиви за играта, особено що се отнася до сюжета, мисиите, реквизита, общата атмосфера, новата зомби система, PDA зоната, костюмите, храната и т.н.

Радваме се, че голяма част от играчите на полето оцениха нашата работа и желанието ни да направим трудна, но все пак завладяваща игра. Целта на този пост обаче не е да се хвалим, нито да изтъкваме похвалите на играчите.

Искаме да бъдем абсолютно честни с вас относно факта, че получихме и някои не толкова добри отзиви. Постарахме се през изминалия месец да разговаряме с възможно най-много хора, за да получим обективна оценка за свършеното.

- РАЗБРАХМЕ, че теренът беше твърде голям за този брой играчи и едно превозно средство на полето не беше достатъчно. Вече имаме няколко нови решения за този проблем.

- ТЕМПЕРАТУРИТЕ в началото на ноември спаднаха по-рязко от очакваното и от онова, което беше прогнозирано. Въпреки всичко, решихме да поемем риска и да проведем играта с ясната идея, че нощните температури ще доведат до дискомфорт при някои играчи. Въпреки предупрежденията за студа, нощната игра не беше особено приятно изживяване за някои играчи, а в комбинация с големината на терена и разстоянието до off-game лагера наистина се оказаха пречка за свободното протичане на играта. Имаме решения за всичко това.

- ИЗВИНЯВАМЕ СЕ публично на приятелите си от фракцията ОМЕГА. За разлика от всяка друга фракция, при ОМЕГА имаше 4 НПЦ-та. Двама от тях бяха организатори, натоварени с други НПЦ задачи на терен, а двама бяха играчи, които трябваше да имат полу-НПЦ функции.

Онова, което липсваше при тези три фракции, беше наличието на официален GM, в резултат на което възникнаха множество комуникационни сривове и обърквания, които рефлектираха не само към хората от фракцията, но и към всички останали играчи, които чакаха пред КПП-тата.

Поемаме пълната и абсолютна отговорност повече да не допускаме такива недоразумения. Няма да позволим някои от нашите играчи отново да се чувстват като НПЦ-та, без такава роля да им е била дадена изрично от организатор.

ОМЕГА, още веднъж се извиняваме, че прекарахте почти цялото време на контролния пункт, въпреки че организаторите многократно казаха, че трябва да имате представител там само и единствено когато група с репутация се събере пред портите. Извиняваме се и на играчите, които чакаха твърде дълго пред контролния пункт.

- ПОЛУЧИХМЕ съвети от някои играчи за по-активен PVP елемент и напълно сме съгласни, че той трябва да присъства в играта. Ще се постараем да отворим повече възможности и причини за такива взаимодействия, но държим играта да бъде с минимален сценарий и по възможност да не е явно видим за играчите.

- ОСЪЗНАХМЕ постфактум, че много от вас събраха ресурсите си бързо, за да получат PDA устройствата си. Поздравления, изненадохте ни приятно! Не очаквахме такъв голям интерес и мобилизация към точно тази “нова зона” в играта и направихме само 30 устройства. За следващата игра ще удвоим броя им, за да не се налага да чакате някой да се върне, за да вземете вашето устройство.

- СИСТЕМАТА ЗА БИЛЕТИ за храна и напитки ще бъде обновена и опростена, вече работим по нея.

- РЕГИСТРАЦИЯТА, получаването на стартовите пакети, билетите и проверката на оръжията: оттук нататък всяко от тези действия ще се извършва на отделни маси от различни хора, за да избегнем забавяния на играта и струпвания на хора.

- ПОЛУЧИХМЕ критики за ограниченото количество амуниции в началото на играта и забраната за 24/7 автоматична стрелба. Извиняваме се на всички, но това ще остане така. Повтаряме отново – това е LARP игра, не еърсофт. Щом множество нови играчи с богат опит в еърсофт средите са успели да си набавят патрони, независимо дали чрез луутване, кражба или 1 в 1 с друг играч и въпреки всичко, са си прекарали супер, значи е възможно. Отново напомняме, че ако спазвате генералните правила и правилата за сигурност, всичко останало е позволено и вие имате пълната свобода да импровизирате и да носите in-game последствията си след това. Това е един от множеството плюсове на нашитр игри.

Още редица решения и предложения бяха гласувани от организаторския екип, но този пост рискува да стане твърде дълъг.

И тъй като вашето мнение е ценно за нас, сме подготвили кратка анкета:

Обещаваме да прегледаме обратната връзка на всеки от вас, независимо дали е положителна или отрицателна.

И последно, но не по важност – знаем, че очаквате снимки възможно най-скоро. Нашите фотографи обещаха това да стане след Нова година. Нека уважим личното им (и професионално) време.

Благодарим ви отново! Дълбок поклон от нас за вашата отдаденост и присъствие!

До следващия път!


Благодарим ви за участието в нашата игра Stalker LARP! Оценяваме вашето време за предоставяне на обратна връзка, за да ни помогнете да подобрим бъдещи събития. Моля, отго....

Hello everyone – here you’ll find the most important off-game information about the upcoming game, so please read carefu...

Hello everyone – here you’ll find the most important off-game information about the upcoming game, so please read carefully:

• Location:

The exact location of the airport is МиГ-21М, coming from the highway on the roundabout, take the left exit to the airport.

Here’s a link:

• Arrival on site:

The maps bellow mark the parking area, the hangars designated for sleeping, and the in-game Refugee Camp, which includes the bar, the mechanic, and the kitchen — your main social hub.

We’ve intentionally avoided adding other markers as moving around the terrain and bases before the game is strictly prohibited.

If you arrive early, please park in the designated area, set up your camp in one of the hangars, get dressed and ready, and head to the Refugee Camp. There you will find other players and our team and you will have some free time before the briefing.

• Expected weather:

The weather is expected to be relatively mild with some cloud coverage.
Daytime temperatures: 10-13°C
Nighttime temperatures may drop to between 5-8°C.
Early morning temperatures: around 0.
Even though this is favorable weather for outdoor activities, dressing in layers would help handle any fluctuations, especially in the evenings when it cools down quickly.

• Important hours:

19:00h. - Registration starts.
Location: Refugee Camp.
Starter packs will be distributed, along with food and drink tickets. Every player must pass a weapon check and sign up for environmental preservation and safety declarations.

21:00h. - General briefing.
Location: Refugee Camp.
Everyone present on the terrain should gather for the main instructions and rules briefing.

21:30h. - Some players, like Mutants and semi-NPCs, will receive separate briefings from the organizers.

22:00h. - Players will be divided into groups and factions and escorted to their designated starting locations.

22:15h. - START OF THE GAME.

• For Latecomers:

Please follow the parking and camping instructions above and then head to the bar in the Refugee Camp, fully geared and ready to start. A team member will instruct you and give you your starter pack. It is strictly forbidden to enter the game and start shooting before passing through a weapon check, register for the game and receive your starter pack. All of this will happen in the Refugee Camp.

• On-site amenities:

We’ll offer water, cold and hot drinks, energy drinks, beer, vodka, whiskey, snacks, and wafers in exchange for tickets, which can be purchased before the game begins.

Those of you who pre-registered for burgers will receive them in exchange for tickets, which will also be handed out before the game.

If you didn’t register for a burger in advance, you can still get one on-site but will need more tickets, as they’ll be in limited supply.

• Facilities:

There will be four field toilets on-site, stocked with water and toiletries.
Please note that this water is not drinkable but is suitable for handwashing.

🍔LAST DAY TO SIGN UP FOR FOOD.⏳Deadline: Tonight at 00:00. 🤙HAPPY SUNDAY!

⏳Deadline: Tonight at 00:00.

⚠️ Important announcement for everyone! ⚠️Dear players,To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone, we woul...

⚠️ Important announcement for everyone! ⚠️

Dear players,

To ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone, we would like to remind you that wearing politically charged insignia, patches, or symbols reflecting any real-world ideologies or political preferences is strictly prohibited.

This rule has been implemented due to a previous out-of-game issue that arose between players with differing political beliefs and perspectives on global conflicts.

In our games, according to the lore, there are no nations or states, so your characters have no need for symbols supporting or opposing any real-world regimes. You have plenty other options to decorate your costumes and gear up your armours and clothes. If you struggle with creative ideas - ask us, someone from the community or simply find or craft something that doesn’t involve political propaganda.

Please respect this rule to help us avoid any out-of-game tensions during the event.

Here is an example of all the symbols of our factions, you are free to download them from this link or you can get really creative and make your own:

Thank you for your understanding!

Dear Stalkers!In this post, we’re excited to introduce our friends from MK Airsoft - a leading retailer and importer of ...

Dear Stalkers!

In this post, we’re excited to introduce our friends from MK Airsoft - a leading retailer and importer of airsoft supplies and equipment sourced from all over the world, proudly serving Bulgaria and the wider EU market.

For the first time at our Stalker LARP game, you’ll have the chance to rent airsoft replicas directly from them, in advance.

Please note that the number of the replicas is limited to 15, so if you’re interested, make sure to like their page - MK Airsoft, and message them as soon as possible for more details. You can also contact them directly: +359 88 33 777 02.

For those of you who have reserved their replicas before the game, you’ll be able to meet their team during the briefing for quick instructions.

On-site and during the game, MK Airsoft will also be offering gas, gloves, rifles, and pistols for direct purchase at a very good price.

This is a fantastic opportunity not only for our Bulgarian players but also for our foreign friends looking to avoid the hassle of transporting equipment across borders.

Don’t miss out this opportunity!

Dear all, here is our transport form.We kindly ask the drivers to sign it up, as well as those of you who are searching ...

Dear all, here is our transport form.

We kindly ask the drivers to sign it up, as well as those of you who are searching for a ride.

Since we are playing on an airport, the road is good and flat, and you don't need to have a SUV to get there.

Uzundzhovo is approximately 227 km. from Sofia and 97 km. from Plovdiv.

Hello Stalkers!Some of you might have missed this post, so please, read it again carefully. It contains an important inf...

Hello Stalkers!

Some of you might have missed this post, so please, read it again carefully. It contains an important info about food, beverages, how you can order them, where to find them, what else you’ll find in the building and what you should and should not do.

And most importantly - here is a reminder to sign up and pre-order your finest burgers from the Dark Bar by following that link:

Of course, it is up to you to decide if you want to bring your own food or take advantage of those delicious burgers, but we strongly advice you to choose the second option.

1st: Because you won’t lose time before the game to go and buy expensive food from the supermarket.

2nd: There will be less chance for you to miss the briefing.

3rd: It will save you time and efforts to go to the off-game camp each time, prepare your food and come back in-game.

Find more information by reading the whole post and the description in the comments and don’t forget to fill the pre-ordering form!Of

This post doesn't need any further details. It is just a reminder that today is the last chance for you to sign up and p...

This post doesn't need any further details.

It is just a reminder that today is the last chance for you to sign up and pay your ticket for the game. 👀

See you on the other side,
brave Stalkers! 💣🤘

The Zone doesn't sleep. Neither should you. For those of you who haven’t attended our previous games, this Sunday at 20:...

The Zone doesn't sleep. Neither should you.

For those of you who haven’t attended our previous games, this Sunday at 20:00h., part of the organizing team will be hosting an online meeting. It’s highly recommended to join and ask as many questions as possible, in order to avoid any delays during the briefing.

Our Discord channel is your gateway to connecting with fellow stalkers, getting answers to all your burning questions, and meeting other amazing members of our community.

Plus, you'll gain access to your faction’s private server, where you can start strategizing and organizing with your team for the upcoming game.

Don't miss out on the action and join our Discord community now:

See you soon!

 You are all familiar with this hashtag and it needs no translation because it's a fact - time flies and the countdown h...

You are all familiar with this hashtag and it needs no translation because it's a fact - time flies and the countdown has begun.

Last three days to register AND pay your ticket for the game.

We remind you that you are considered registered only if you have paid for your place at the event.

Payment in cash or by any other means will be impossible after these three days.

If you haven’t filled the registration form, please follow that link:

You can find the payment details here:

We look forward to seeing you,
brave Stalkers!

If you thought you'd get by without a trailer this time, you've been living in a lie!Enjoy!See you on the other side, br...

If you thought you'd get by without a trailer this time, you've been living in a lie!


See you on the other side, brave stalkers!

Expedition "A New Beginning" successfully crossed over to the other side of the mountain, reuniting with the survivors of “October Blast” who were already wa...

Are you ready for a challenge? Are you strong enough to take on the most difficult role in the StalkerVerse?Are you read...

Are you ready for a challenge?
Are you strong enough to take on the most difficult role in the StalkerVerse?
Are you ready to become our Stalkers' worst nightmare?

Now's the time!

We give you the opportunity to live your horror fantasy and become the greatest Evil out there.

If you're up for the challenge and you're ready to experience a different side of the game, sign up for the role of the Mutant now, because the slots are limited and new roles are taken every day!

Perks of becoming a Mutant:

- Free entry to our game
- Free burgers from The Dark Bar
- 20 lv. vouchers for beverages
- We provide the costumes (unless you have a very good one)
- You are not constantly playing a Mutant, there is a time schedule for you, so you can have plenty of time to take off the costume, grab a beer and enjoy the rest.

What we need from you?

- To have a good role-play gaming experience
- To contact the organizers for further instructions
and last but not least:
- To have fun!

See you on the other side,
brave Mutants!

Dear Stalkers, each and every one of you who wants to order a beverage, snack or canned food will receive tickets during...

Dear Stalkers,

each and every one of you who wants to order a beverage, snack or canned food will receive tickets during the briefing.

Before the start of the game you can come and get these tickets in exchange of cash, so please, bring some. 1 ticket will be equal to 1 lv. Card payment won't be available.

And now the big news!

For the first time in StalkerVerse, we will welcome our great friends from The Dark Bar, who will keep you well fed and hydrated during the game.

They are going to be located in a big in-game building and we promise to decorate it properly for you to have the best stalker experience!

The bar will be divided in two parts - one canteen for beverages, canned food & snacks and one canteen in the next room for food.

The Dark Bar is going to offer their special and mega-giga-ultra delicious burgers for both carnivores and vegetarians, made with the finest ingredients of best quality.

Here is the pre-order link if you wish to reserve your burgers:

Oh, and please, keep in mind that the whole building is considered to be your common in-game social place, apart from the two bars, you will also find the mechanic, you will have a chill area with tables and benches, a barrel with fire outside etc., so please, mind that shooting in the building and the nearby area is strictly forbidden.

For more information, read the photo descriptions.

Hello, dear all!Since we have more new players than usual, which is great by the way, we felt obliged to honour and welc...

Hello, dear all!

Since we have more new players than usual, which is great by the way, we felt obliged to honour and welcome them with this simple "How to StalkerVerse LARP" guide.

The guide is rather mandatory for each and every new player but if any of you who participated in our previous games is curious about what we've created - feel free to check it out.

The guide includes important topics on:

- What is LARP?

- What is StalkerVerse LARP?

- Why Stalker LARP is not Airsoft?

- What are the goals of the game?

- How to be an adequate LARP player?

- Lore, recaps & factions information

- Useful links

- What to consider when creating a character?

and various other mechanics that each player should follow in order for the experience to be maximum immersive and safe for all participants.

And last, but not least - this guide has nothing to do with the general rules that all you folks must read. The general rules are two posts bellow, please check them as well.

See you on the other side, brave Stalkers!

We are thrilled to unveil the after movie from the second chapter of Stalkerverse, a post-apocalyptic LARP experience br...

We are thrilled to unveil the after movie from the second chapter of Stalkerverse, a post-apocalyptic LARP experience brought to life by our team - Lore Nomads!

This year's edition took players even deeper into the dangerous and haunting world of Stalkerverse, filled with adrenaline-pumping encounters, immersive narratives, and gripping character arcs.

Survivors battled their way through irradiated zones, faced mysterious anomalies, and confronted their deepest fears in an unforgettable journey through the Zone.

Get ready, Stalkers.
The Zone is calling, and Stalkerverse Part III: The Third Wheel is already in the works...

Will you survive the next chapter? 👀

We are thrilled to unveil the after movie from the second chapter of Stalkerverse, a post-apocalyptic LARP experience brought to life by the Bulgarian rolepl...

Hello everyone, here is a link of the rules of ''StalkerVerse: Тhe Third Wheel''.Some of you who participated in our pre...

Hello everyone, here is a link of the rules of ''StalkerVerse: Тhe Third Wheel''.

Some of you who participated in our previous games, will notice that there are changes, rules are simplified, but please read them anyway, because there are significant differences.

If something is still unclear to you, keep in mind that there will be a briefing to all players an hour before the start of the game and some information, purposefully, isn't mentioned in this file to avoid spoilers. Nevertheless, we encourage you to contact our team, because we will soon launch a Q&A list.

In the next days we will publish:

- a guide to all new players

- food assignment form, our in-game menu and information of how you can take food and beverages

- recap trailer from our previous game, so that people who didn't participate can be up-to-date

- our new trailer for the upcoming game

- and a transport list.

So make sure to read everything we publish, stay tuned and...
See you on the other side, brave Stalkers!

Hello, friends! Here is our interview during Station Street Festival. Pardon us for any factual mistakes, but the excite...

Hello, friends!

Here is our interview during Station Street Festival. Pardon us for any factual mistakes, but the excitement was far too strong. Unfortunately, it is in Bulgarian and at the moment we cannot do much about it, but we will try to provide some subtitles any time soon!

We love you all and … See you on the other side! 💚

Explore "StalkerVerse" through the experiences of participants in this video. Learn about the challenges, teamwork, and strategy in the post-apocalyptic RPG!





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