She was hanging out in the garden section of the Brown Deer, WI Goodwill before New Year’s and I couldn’t leave her behind, she appears to be handmade and there’s an item in her bag that feels like some kind of stone
Update #1: I should have mentioned, I tried opening the bag as soon as I realized something was in it because “crystal” was the first thing I thought of but the bag (felted wool?) is cinched and fastened closed tightly, so whatever it is, it seems she’s keeping it a secret for now 😊 thank you all for finding her as wonderful as I did!
Update #2: I reached out to Kindred Spirits Book Shop in Stevens Point, WI who was able to credit the artist as Elizabeth Koenig; however, she stopped bringing dolls to the shop in 2016, and I was not successful in locating a profile for her online. I hope she understands how meaningful her work is to this day 💕
credit: Lauren Nicole