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The International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS) has “strongly condemned” the desecration of the Muslim holy book by I...

The International Union for Muslim Scholars (IUMS) has “strongly condemned” the desecration of the Muslim holy book by Israeli settlers who vandalized a mosque in the town of Urif in the occupied West Bank.

“This barbaric and disgraceful act” was a clear attack on the sacred values ​​of Islam and targeted the feelings of all Muslims around the world, said the Doha-based union.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry also condemned the incident and expressed concern regarding renewed tensions in the region in recent days.

“We condemn the attack perpetrated by a group of Jewish settlers on our holy book, the Quran, by entering a mosque in the town of Urif, located in the Palestinian territories under Israeli occupation,” it said.

Tensions have been running high across the occupied West Bank in recent months amid relentless and brutal Israeli raids into Palestinian towns.

Nearly 180 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli forces since the start of 2023, according to the Palestinian Health Ministry.

Estimates indicate 700,000 illegal Israeli settlers are living in 164 settlements and 116 outposts in the occupied West Bank.

Under international law, all Jewish settlements in the occupied territories are considered illegal.

Source: muslimnetwork

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United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called on Israel to immediately cease all settlement activities in...

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called on Israel to immediately cease all settlement activities in occupied Palestinian territory, describing Israel’s plans to advance the building of Israeli settlements as driving tensions and violence and being a major obstacle to lasting peace.

The UN chief’s comments come after five Palestinians were killed – including a 15-year-old boy – and more than 90 were wounded in the fiercest clashes in years, which erupted when Israeli forces raided the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank on Monday.

“The Secretary-General reiterates that settlements are a flagrant violation of international law. They are a major obstacle to realising a viable two-State solution and a just, lasting and comprehensive peace,” Deputy UN spokesperson Farhan Haq said.

“The expansion of these illegal settlements is a significant driver of tensions and violence and deepens humanitarian needs,” Haq said.

Professor Jeff Halper, the former head of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, spoke to Radio Islam International. He said Israel attempts to quench or crush the Palestinian resistance’s last elements.

“They want to expand the settlements from 400 thousand settlers to 1 million in the next few years, at the same time end Palestinian resistance,” says Prof Halper.

Palestinian groups have also expressed deep concerns that the entire West Bank could soon come under Israeli control.

Source: radioislam

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A group of Muslims gathered outside Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's office to protest the LGBTQ indoctrination ...

A group of Muslims gathered outside Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's office to protest the LGBTQ indoctrination and the replacement of Canadian flags with the rainbow 'Pride' flag on government buildings.

In a video posted on Twitter by Dacey Media, protesters chanted, "Leave our kids alone" and "The Flag has to go" while pointing to the Pride flag on the side of the building.

"We need the Canadian flag up there," one man says to the crowd pointing to a flag on the side of the building. "This is the Prime Minister of Canada, it should only be the Canadian flag."

Another man shouted, "Leave the Canadian flag alone!" The rest of the crowd began to chant, "No more silence!"

On June 16, Christians and Muslims came together in Calgary to protest the gender ideology being taught in schools. One man said, "We stand together, as a Canadian people as a Muslim and a Christian, to protect our children." Another man added, "From that" as he pointed to a group of LGBTQ activists across the street.

On June 9, Chris Elston, also known as Billboard Chris, joined an interfaith coalition in Ottawa to protest LGBTQ content promoted in schools.

"Everyone on our side of this has been too afraid to speak up, but those days are over," he told The Post Millennial's Beth Baisch. "People are learning about this, they're learning how to speak about this, and we're never gonna be quiet again."

People of the Muslim faith have also begun to speak out in the United States. Earlier this month, an all-Muslim city council in Hamtramck, Michigan, voted to ban Pride flags from being flown on public property as parents in Montgomery County, Maryland, protested their school board to be able to opt their children out of LGBTQ teachings.

In October, Muslim Parents in Dearborn, Michigan, fought their school boards to keep explicit books out of their children's libraries.

Source: thepostmillennial

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A neo-N**i known online as "Charlie Big Potatoes" was recently arrested for encouraging violence against Jewish and Musl...

A neo-N**i known online as "Charlie Big Potatoes" was recently arrested for encouraging violence against Jewish and Muslim people, reports by BBC and The Independent stated on Friday.

His real name is Kristofer Kearney, a Liverpool resident in his late thirties, reports say. He was also arrested for promoting white supremacy.

Kearney ran a channel called "Fascist Fitness," where he shared material that is considered to be extremely offensive in addition to fitness tips.

Kearney also pleaded guilty earlier this year in March to two counts of disseminating terrorist publications. He was extradited from Spain last September to face charges after living in Alicante on the eastern side of the country.

He had reportedly shared a "Punish a Muslim Day" letter, which encouraged violence against Muslims by "removing a headscarf for 25 points & butcher a Muslim for 500 points.

Source: jpost

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CCTV footage shows masked hardline Israeli settlers breaking into a mosque in the occupied West Bank, stealing a copy of...

CCTV footage shows masked hardline Israeli settlers breaking into a mosque in the occupied West Bank, stealing a copy of the Holy Quran and shredding pages before hurling the Muslim holy book into the street.

Security camera film from the site shows an Israeli settler, accompanied by a dog, desecrating the Holy Quran in front of the mosque in Urif, a Palestinian town 13 kilometers (8 miles) south of Nablus, while other masked males watch.

According to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz, the same masked individuals later burnt a number of classrooms in a nearby school and attempted to set fire to residences and a mosque.

The incident allegedly occurred on Wednesday during disturbances by Israeli settlers in the West Bank community. According to Israeli media, no arrests were made as a result of the event.

Source: 21stcenturychronicle

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According to the Islamic Commission of Spain, there are 2.5 million Muslims in Spain, which is about 5.32 percent of the...

According to the Islamic Commission of Spain, there are 2.5 million Muslims in Spain, which is about 5.32 percent of the population of 47 million Spaniards. The number of converts, as per the commission, has increased to an estimated 10 times in the past three decades.

“Now in Granada there are 36,000 Muslims, with 3,800 being converts as a third generation,” Spanish Islamic Society Association and Granada Great Mosque Foundation President Umar del Pozo tells TRT World.

He says a similar trend is taking place across Andalusia in cities such as Jaen, Marbella and Girola.

In Granada, Pozo who was born into a Muslim-convert family, says there are Shahadahs performed most Fridays among Spaniards and other nationalities, such as the English population living in the region.

Typically he says people visit the city and stop off at the Mosque where their interest is sparked after discussing Islam with staff.

Afterwards he says many gain new insight about the religion which he suggests is counteracting Islam’s negative portrayal in the media, as many decide to accept the faith into their lives.

Pozo says among other factors the pandemic lockdown drove a “state of reflection” for people to seek answers to fundamental questions about their own lives and identity.

“When the lockdown was lifted, they came directly to the Mosque and they undertook Shahada,” says Pozo.


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After walking for 5400kms from Okara to Makkah, the long-fetched dream of a Pakistani man to perform hajj is now much cl...

After walking for 5400kms from Okara to Makkah, the long-fetched dream of a Pakistani man to perform hajj is now much closer to fruition.

Usman Arshad, a student of BS Mass Communication at the University of Okra, covered the long journey on foot in six months and thirteen days, Radio Pakistan reported.

Despite initially holding only an Umrah visa, Usman’s dream of performing Hajj was made possible after Pakistan Hajj Mission played a pivotal role to resolve the visa issue.

Eventually, he received his visa to perform hajj at the Pakistan Hajj Mission in Makkah.

The 25-year-old Usman shared details of his remarkable journey with just a modest rucksack, an umbrella, and a reliable pair of trekking shoes.

Guided by his unwavering determination, he traversed numerous nations until he ultimately reached Makkah.

The idea of walking to Makkah first sparked in his mind back in 2021 when he embarked on a 34-day journey, covering an astounding distance of 1,270 miles from Okara to the Khunjerab Pass, situated on the Chinese border.

There have been other similar adventures, especially with regard to performing hajj.

Earlier this month, Shihab Chottur, an Indian Muslim man from Kerala, reached Makkah after covering almost 8640 km on foot.

In June 2022, young Indonesian Muhammad Fauzan’s journey to Makkah took more than seven and a half months, riding his bike for nearly 5000 kilometers.

Source: aboutislam

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Muslim pilgrims streamed into the holy city of Mecca on Friday ahead of the start of Hajj next week, as the annual pilgr...

Muslim pilgrims streamed into the holy city of Mecca on Friday ahead of the start of Hajj next week, as the annual pilgrimage returns to its monumental scale after three years of heavy restrictions because of the coronavirus pandemic.

Saudi officials say close to 1.5 million foreign pilgrims have arrived in the country so far, the vast majority by air. More are expected, and hundreds of thousands of Saudis and others living in Saudi Arabia will also join them when the pilgrimage officially begins on Monday.

Saudi officials have said they expect the number of pilgrims to reach pre-pandemic levels. In 2019, more than 2.4 million Muslims made the pilgrimage.

Source: michigansthumb

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Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi denied that discrimination against minorities existed under his government during a ...

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi denied that discrimination against minorities existed under his government during a press conference with U.S. President Joe Biden on Thursday, despite rights groups and State Department reports of abuses.

Biden said he discussed human rights and other democratic values with Modi during their talks in the White House.

Asked at the press conference what steps he was willing to take to "improve the rights of Muslims and other minorities in your country and to uphold free speech," Modi suggested they did not need to be improved.

"Our Constitution and our government, and we have proved democracy can deliver. When I say deliver - caste, creed, religion, gender, there is no space for any discrimination (in my government)," Modi told reporters.

In reports on human rights and religious freedom, the State Department raised concerns over treatment of Muslims, Hindu Dalits, Christians and other religious minorities in India while also listing a crackdown on journalists.

Rights advocates and dozens of lawmakers from Biden's Democratic Party urged him to raise the issue publicly with Modi, whose Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has held power since 2014.

Source: indianexpress

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“If President (Joe Biden) meets with Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi, the protection of Muslim minority in a majority Hin...

“If President (Joe Biden) meets with Prime Minister (Narendra) Modi, the protection of Muslim minority in a majority Hindu India is something worth mentioning,” said former American President Barack Obama on Thursday.

Obama was responding to a question by CNN’s Christiane Amanpour in an interview, on how Biden should engage with leaders such as Chinese President Xi Jinping and PM Modi, who is considered “autocratic… illiberal democrat”.

Source: indianexpress

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York says she will boycott Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech to Congress...

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York says she will boycott Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech to Congress on Thursday, citing his treatment of religious minorities and the press.

She joins fellow Democratic Reps. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, both Muslims, in skipping the speech. They argue that Mr. Modi has a pattern of targeting Muslims and cracking down on dissent by censoring journalists.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez alluded to Mr. Modi’s role in the 2002 Gujarat riots marked by anti-Muslim violence.

“In 2005, Narendra Modi was denied a U.S. visa because of his violations of religious freedom, including his complicity in an anti-Muslim riot that left over 1,000 dead,” she said. “India currently ranks 161 out of 180 in the World Press Freedom Index — in part due to Modi‘s raids on BBC India’s offices and his court challenges against a critical documentary.”

Mr. Modi is scheduled to address Capitol Hill lawmakers in his second address to Congress and his first state visit to the White House.

Source: washingtontimes

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An ex-Army soldier convicted of murder for the 2019 road rage shooting of a man who came to the United States from Afgha...

An ex-Army soldier convicted of murder for the 2019 road rage shooting of a man who came to the United States from Afghanistan as a refugee was sentenced Wednesday to 55 years in prison.

Dustin Passarelli was convicted of murder in May, nearly four years after the February 2019 killing of 32-year-old Mustafa Ayoubi. His death grabbed the attention of the FBI and helped lay the foundation for Indiana to pass its version of a bias crimes law.

Ayoubi's friends were waiting for him at a townhome on the city's north-west side and planned to go play pool on Feb. 16, 2019, the night of the shooting. When he arrived, witnesses say they saw Passarelli shouting inflammatory remarks.

He also allegedly shouted about Ayoubi, who arrived in the United States in 2001 as a refugee from Afghanistan, and his friends about being foreigners.

Source: indystar

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An Indian court has blocked the screening of an Al Jazeera documentary about the country’s Muslim minority, fuelling fea...

An Indian court has blocked the screening of an Al Jazeera documentary about the country’s Muslim minority, fuelling fears that the right to criticise the government is being eroded.

The Allahabad high court was acting on a public interest petition filed by Sudhir Kumar, an activist, who said he had learned from media reports that the documentary Who Lit the Fuse? portrayed India’s 172-million Muslims as living in fear of the Narendra Modi government. He also alleged that it showed state agencies acting against the interests of Muslims.

On this basis, Kumar argued, the documentary should not be broadcast as it would disrupt social harmony.

“Considering the evil consequences that are likely to occur on the broadcast of the film … we are of the view that the broadcast be deferred pending consideration of the cause in the present petition,” the court said in its ruling. The judges also said the government should ensure the documentary was not shown until it had acquired the “requisite certification”.

The ruling has dismayed free speech activists who have accused the government of systematically shrinking the space for dissent.

Source: theguardian

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Islamic Relief’s global charitable work has reached more people than ever before, says the organisation’s new annual rep...

Islamic Relief’s global charitable work has reached more people than ever before, says the organisation’s new annual report which is published today.

The international aid agency helped 17.3 million people in 40 countries last year – a huge increase on the 11.8 million people reached in 2021.

The organisation also increased its income by 28% from the previous year, raising a record GB£234 million (US$299m) in 2022 – mostly thanks to the tremendous generosity of the general public all over the world, despite the rising cost of living crisis facing many families.

The organisation’s record reach includes supporting more than 3.5 million people suffering from conflict in Yemen, over 1.2 million people struggling with the economic collapse in Afghanistan, and millions of people affected by increasingly frequent and severe climate disasters. In flood-hit Pakistan, where people had their homes and livelihoods washed away, Islamic Relief supported 1.2 million people with food, water, shelter and long-term help to rebuild. In the Horn of Africa – which is suffering its worst drought in decades and tens of thousands of people have died from hunger – Islamic Relief supported around 2.3 million people

Source: reliefweb

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Muslim Pro, the world's leading Muslim lifestyle app, has surpassed 150 million downloads globally, setting the stage fo...

Muslim Pro, the world's leading Muslim lifestyle app, has surpassed 150 million downloads globally, setting the stage for big plans in the next 12 months.

The app, which started in 2009, serves to facilitate millions of Muslims practice Islam everyday.

Since then, the app has been translated into 22 different languages with more than 60 translations of the Quran available.

It gained further growth in Malaysia when the streaming service, Qalbox, was introduced into the app back in December 2022.

Bitsmedia co-chief executive officer Fara Abdullah said a total of 12 million downloads come from Malaysia alone.

This achievement signifies Malaysia as a pivotal growth driver for Muslim Pro and Qalbox which is appealing to the tech-savvy and young Muslim population in the country, she added.

Bitsmedia is the parent company of Muslim Pro and Qalbox.

Source: nst

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Minneapolis recently became the first major U.S. city to allow the “adhan,” or Muslim call to prayer, to be broadcast fr...

Minneapolis recently became the first major U.S. city to allow the “adhan,” or Muslim call to prayer, to be broadcast from mosques five times a day.

In April 2023, the Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved a change to the city’s sound ordinance, effectively eliminating time constraints that previously prevented the pre-dawn and evening prayer calls from being broadcast.

For the citizens of Minneapolis and for many Muslims across the United States, this represents a historic moment. Jaylani Hussein, executive director of the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, described this as a victory for religious freedom and for the U.S. Constitution. The resolution demonstrates that Muslims are not only “welcome here, but they’re also here – that they are part of the fabric of the diversity of this city and our state,” he said in a statement.

Source: theconversation

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The Israeli occupation police last night broke into Islam’s third holiest site, Al-Aqsa Mosque, in Jerusalem’s Old City,...

The Israeli occupation police last night broke into Islam’s third holiest site, Al-Aqsa Mosque, in Jerusalem’s Old City, and forced everyone there, including the official Waqf employees and the all-night worshippers, to leave the compound, according to witnesses.

They said the police closed all gates to the walled holy compound and prevented people from entering it without giving any explanation for their actions.

The women all-night worshippers decided to hold their vigil at the steps of Damascus Gate, the main gate to Jerusalem’s Old City, in protest of the police action before the police also forced them to leave the area.

The police act is believed related to keeping the Muslim holy compound empty of Palestinian worshippers when the fanatic Jews start their morning provocative storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The gates to Al-Aqsa Mosque were later reopened but only older people were allowed in.

This morning, dozens of Jewish extremists and settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque and walked around its courtyards, some holding Jewish rituals in violation of the status quo, which states that only Muslims can hold prayer in the walled compound.

Muslims usually hold all night and day prayers at Al-Aqsa Mosque during the first 10 days of the Muslim Thu al-Hijja month, which reaches a high point on the 10th of the month with the pilgrimage in Makkah.

Source: wafa

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Muslims Americans gave an estimated $1.8 billion in zakat last year, according to a new survey by the Muslim Philanthrop...

Muslims Americans gave an estimated $1.8 billion in zakat last year, according to a new survey by the Muslim Philanthropy Initiative at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at IUPUI.

The study said that the average American Muslim donated $2,070 of zakat funds to charity in 2021.

The report also found that American Muslims are more likely to consider zakat as philanthropy or charity, rather than a tax.

They give zakat through international and domestic non-profit organisations, and also through informal methods - directly to individuals and relatives abroad.

“The Muslim holy month of Ramadan is an important time in the Muslim charitable calendar," said Shariq Siddiqui, assistant professor of philanthropic studies and director of the Muslim Philanthropy Initiative at the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy.

"It is likely that much of these $1.8 billion are donated or pledged during the month of Ramadan. It is critical that non-profit organizations and charities find meaningful ways to engage with Muslim-American donors around Ramadan."

Source: IslamChannel

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Concerns have been raised over an alleged coordinated effort in Telangana to deny Muslims access to government initiativ...

Concerns have been raised over an alleged coordinated effort in Telangana to deny Muslims access to government initiatives. There have been concerns about whether the state government is adopting a policy that isolates Muslims from society in line with the BJP. The state government’s recent announcement of the Rs 1 lakh financial aid scheme for the backward classes (BC) has caused controversy because it excludes the BC(E) community, which has an impact on Muslim representation.

The government’s cabinet subcommittee decided to give professionals and artisans who fall under the BC category Rs 1 lakh as assistance in order to grow their enterprises during a meeting of the cabinet that was held on May 27. For this programme, the application procedure has already started. Despite the absence of clarity in the government orders, the BC(E) community has been excluded from this key government project.

Although the government has claimed that all BC category members, including professionals and craftsmen, can take advantage of this programme, only BC-A, BC-B, and BC-D applicants are currently being accepted on the official website. Muslim communities are included under BC(E) because of their occupations.

The government’s exclusionary approach has raised concerns about the intentional hindrance of development opportunities for Muslims. While a Dalit Bandhu scheme was launched for Dalits, a similar Muslim Bandhu scheme was promised but has not been initiated.

Source: thehindustangazette

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A few months after finding the light of Islam, popular award winning Nigerian actress Mercy Aigbe has embarked on the li...

A few months after finding the light of Islam, popular award winning Nigerian actress Mercy Aigbe has embarked on the lifetime journey of hajj to Makkah with her husband.

The actress, who recently announced her reversion to Islam, took to Instagram to share the news of their departure.

Mercy, now named Meenah, shared the photos of her and her husband in the airport, captioning the post, "Hajj 2023...... Alhamdulilah."

The Nollywood star revealed her renversion to Islam during a Ramadan lecture which she hosted with her husband Kazeem Adeoti.

Hajj is an important event in the Islamic calendar as millions of Muslims gather every year in Saudi Arabia city of Makkah to perform the life-time journey.

Source: aboutislam

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Four far-right suspects accused of planning attacks on mosques and Jewish targets went on trial on Monday in Paris, with...

Four far-right suspects accused of planning attacks on mosques and Jewish targets went on trial on Monday in Paris, with a judge surprising the court by ordering the hearings be made public.

One of the accused was a teenager when police arrested the suspects in 2018 and 2019, making a closed-door trial for all four men likely under French law.

But presiding judge Christophe Petiteau said given the seriousness of the allegations, “the court considers it important to lift the restricted publicity”.

France has uncovered several violent plots by far-right extremists in recent years, including one in 2018 suspected of preparing an attempt on President Emmanuel Macron’s life.

Prosecutors say the four men, now aged between 22 and 28, joined a private internet chat group called “Operation WaffenKraft”, where talks “very quickly turned to the preparation of terrorist projects”.

The chat group discussed targets, including mosques as well as the headquarters of the Jewish council (CRIF) and the office of the anti-Jewish discrimination league (LICRA).

The group’s alleged leader was Alexandre Gilet, at the time a volunteer deputy police officer in the southeastern department of Isere.

Source: france24

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Development economists’ debate if institutions or infrastructure are more important for a nation’s development. Edna Ada...

Development economists’ debate if institutions or infrastructure are more important for a nation’s development. Edna Adan Ismail, the retired Somali politician, has done both.

It is thus not surprising this year that Ismail received the Templeton Prize that comes with an award of $1.3 million. It is believed to be the largest monetary prize ever won by an African woman.

“Driven by a passionate belief in women’s innate dignity and divine-given potential, she has enacted a transformation of female health in her native land,” said Heather Templeton Dill, president of the John Templeton Foundation, in a press release. “Drawing on the doctrines of the Muslim faith, she has employed her positions of authority to argue passionately that, despite what some have believed, female circumcision is against the teachings of Islam, and deeply harmful to women.”

Ismail sold her car and poured her life savings into turning a former landfill into one of the better hospitals in rural Somalia that has a fraction of the mortality rates elsewhere in the country.

Her Templeton Prize is the latest chapter for one of the most remarkable women on the planet. Ismail is a former nurse, diplomat and foreign minister of Somaliland who retired to launch the Edna Adan Hospital in Hargeisa to provide competent medical care for those living in the region.

Source: religionunplugged

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