Farmers of Europe

Farmers of Europe Farmers of Europe unites (young) farmers and shares their knowledge…

Yesterday, the Bavarian state ministry of economy, regional development and energy organised a hydrogen summit. Fendt pr...

Yesterday, the Bavarian state ministry of economy, regional development and energy organised a hydrogen summit. Fendt presented their prototype hydrogen tractor there for the first time.

Gisteren organiseerde het Beierse staatsministerie van Economische Zaken, Regionale Ontwikkeling en Energie een waterstoftop. Fendt presenteerde daar voor het eerst hun prototype van een waterstoftrekker.

The UN is adding the typical French baguette to the UN List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The baguette thus joins oth...

The UN is adding the typical French baguette to the UN List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. The baguette thus joins other cultural heritage such as beer culture in Belgium, transhumance (or alpage, where cattle are taken to higher mountain pastures) in Austria, Italy and France or the typical Mediterranean food culture. The recognition of baguettes is a boost not only for traditional bakers but also for French farmers.

The very first Women in Ag Awards International were presented earlier this month at EuroTier. The Awards are an initiat...

The very first Women in Ag Awards International were presented earlier this month at EuroTier. The Awards are an initiative that aims to celebrate the outstanding women in our industry. The idea was born from the collaboration of Women in Ag Magazine and EuroTier organizer DLG.

No less than 60 nominations were entered after the first edition of the Women in Ag Awards International was announced last Summer. Most entries came from Europe, but there were also nominations from the United States, from South America and Africa. Not only female farmers were nominated but also researchers and agronomists. From a shortlist retaining 15 profiles, the jury, composed of women from Europe, the US and Zambia, selected three laureates over the Autumn. Criteria such as innovative work approaches, overall presentation of the work and the impact on the local and global agricultural community were kept in mind during the process. The jurymembers attributed points to the different profiles on the shortlist, and the combined points resulted in a winner, a first runner up and a second runner up.

CEMA, the European association representing the manufacturers of agricultural machinery, is pleased to announce the appo...

CEMA, the European association representing the manufacturers of agricultural machinery, is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Jelte Wiersma as new Secretary General. A Dutch national, Mr. Wiersma joins CEMA following a 20 year career in journalism. Mr. Wiersma has been an EU Affairs Correspondent in Brussels since 2014. He is specialized in agriculture, international affairs and trade.

CEMA - European Agricultural Machinery

Women in Ag, the only international digital magazine solely dedicated to women in agriculture, has partnered with EuroTi...

Women in Ag, the only international digital magazine solely dedicated to women in agriculture, has partnered with EuroTier , the leading trade fair for professional livestock farming, to launch a new award: “Women in Ag Awards International”. Open to professional women working in agriculture, including farmers, industry, academia and organizations, the award recognises outstanding contribution to the profession.

To support the EU’s transition to sustainable food systems and the reduction of the use of chemical pesticides as part o...

To support the EU’s transition to sustainable food systems and the reduction of the use of chemical pesticides as part of the Farm to Fork Strategy, the Commission is adopting new rules to increase the availability and access to organic plant protection products for use in Member States’ fields. The new rules will apply from November 2022

Stella Kyriakides

The European Commission has announced the finalists of the first ever EU Organic Awards, launched on 18 February 2022. A...

The European Commission has announced the finalists of the first ever EU Organic Awards, launched on 18 February 2022. A jury composed of representatives from the organising instances as well as representatives from the European Parliament and Council of the EU will select winners for the eight categories out of a total of 24 entries from 11 Member States. The Award Ceremony will take place at the annual EU Organic Day on 23 September in Brussels.

EU Food & Farming

Our society is in full transition. We are collectively searching for answers to the cross-border challenges we face. Loo...

Our society is in full transition. We are collectively searching for answers to the cross-border challenges we face. Look at climate change with increasingly prolonged heat waves, severe droughts and catastrophic floods. Or the lightning-fast evolution of smart technology that -willingly or unwillingly- invades our living rooms. This year we will reach the milestone of 8 billion people worldwide. The population is increasing on all continents, except in Europe where population ageing is the most advanced.

Tom Vandenkendelaere


ej, a co to znaczy presować? czym się różni brona od pługa? pszenica od żyta? Montbeliarde od Simentala? co to są resztki pożniwne? Zrównoważony może być człowiek, ale rolnictwo? Ta fuzarioza kłosów to nazwa dyskoteki, tak?

na część pytań sama niedawno szukałam odpowiedzi, inne są dla mnie banalne. Ale wiemy raczej mało. Żyjemy z tego, co na polu, na wsi a jest to, jak ona wygląda.- to już często magia. Ilu z Was, nas gdyby zamknęli sklepy na dłużej niż tydzień byłoby w stanie ogarnąć sobie pożywienie? Wiedzieć, jak wygląda produkcja żywności chociaż na tę micro skalę dla siebie i bliskich? I nie mówię tego z wyrzutem, nieeee. Sama mam tylko miętę na balkonie. Mówię to z najszczerszą zachętą - dowiedzmy się więcej:
1) w jakich warunkach produkowana jest żywność,
2) jakie wyzwania trzeba pokonywać miesiącami, aby dowieźć ciepły chlebek na stół,
3) jak wygląda polska wieś (w każdym regionie inaczej),
4) z czym dla nas mierzą się rolnicy i rolniczki (w tym roku znów giga susza :( )
Nie tylko po to, by doceniać. Chociaż też. Po to, aby mieć świadomość i wiedzę, jak to żarło się pozyskuje i w razie W móc nawet na własny użytek ogarnąć cokolwiek.
Wiem. Powtarzam to długo, ale dziś o tym, jak cenny jest dla nas swobodny dostęp do żywności mówimy więcej, bo czasy są kosmicznie niepewne. A jak to mówią, przezorny zawsze zabezpieczony, człowiek zadowolony, ROLNIK DOCENIONY :D

a, i pozdro od Madzixa, który właśnie rozpoczął swój urodzinowy tydzień :x

The European Commission grants a temporary derogation for growing crops on set-aside land. The derogation is only valid ...

The European Commission grants a temporary derogation for growing crops on set-aside land. The derogation is only valid for 2022. This is what European Commissioner for Agriculture Janusz Wojciechowski said in a tweet. In total, almost 4 million hectares are concerned.

 Posted in Europe, News European Commission allows cultivation of fallow land  Antoon  23 March 2022  Leave a Comment on European Commission allows cultivation of fallow land The European Commission grants a temporary derogation for growing crops on set-aside land. The derogation is only valid f...

The Flemish Minister of Agriculture Hilde Crevits and the Dutch Minister of Agriculture Henk Staghouwer argued at the Eu...

The Flemish Minister of Agriculture Hilde Crevits and the Dutch Minister of Agriculture Henk Staghouwer argued at the European Council of Agriculture Ministers last Monday in favour of allowing “green fertiliser” as a substitute for fertiliser. This could offer a solution for the high fertilizer prices.

 Posted in News ‘Green fertiliser’ finds support in EU  Antoon  22 March 2022  Leave a Comment on ‘Green fertiliser’ finds support in EU The Flemish Minister of Agriculture Hilde Crevits and the Dutch Minister of Agriculture Henk Staghouwer argued at the European Council of Agriculture M...

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has a direct impact on food security in Europe, the Middle East and further afield. Since t...

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has a direct impact on food security in Europe, the Middle East and further afield. Since the invasion on 24 February, grain prices worldwide have risen sharply, and with the sowing season approaching, it looks as if the fertile ground in Ukraine will not be sown. In Europe, meanwhile, several voices are calling for a review of the Green Deal, with food security in mind.

 Posted in Europe, News War in Ukraine – What about the Green Deal?  Antoon  8 March 2022  Leave a Comment on War in Ukraine – What about the Green Deal? Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has a direct impact on food security in Europe, the Middle East and further afield. Since the invasion on 2...


Happy Mărțișor to our fellow Romanian farmers!

[EN]The European Parliament adopted its own initiative report on the Farm to Fork strategy earlier this week. This strat...

[EN]The European Parliament adopted its own initiative report on the Farm to Fork strategy earlier this week. This strategy forms the basis of the green transition within the agricultural and food production sector and aims to make the EU’s food systems fair, healthy and environmentally friendly.

[FR] Le Parlement européen a adopté son rapport d’initiative sur la stratégie « De la Ferme à la Fourchette » en début de semaine. Cette stratégie constitue la base de la transition verte dans le secteur de la production agricole et alimentaire et vise à rendre les systèmes alimentaires de l’UE équitables, sains et respectueux de l’environnement.

[NL]Het Europees Parlement nam eerder deze week een eigen initiatiefverslag over de Farm to Fork-strategie aan. Deze strategie vormt de basis van de groene transitie binnen de landbouw- en voedselproducerende sector en heeft als doel de voedselsystemen van de EU eerlijk, gezond en milieuvriendelijk te maken.

[EN] The European market for grassland equipment, which includes the product categories loaderwagons, mowers, rakes and ...

[EN] The European market for grassland equipment, which includes the product categories loaderwagons, mowers, rakes and tedders, showed a significant increase in sales units in the season July 2020-June 2021.

[NL] De Europese markt voor graslandmachines, die de productcategorieën opraapwagens, maaiers, harken en schudders omvat, vertoonde in het seizoen juli 2020-juni 2021 een aanzienlijke stijging in verkoop aantallen.

[FR] Le marché européen des matériels de fenaison, qui comprend les catégories de produits autochargeuses, faucheuses, andaineurs et faneurs, a enregistré une hausse significative des unités de vente au cours de la saison juillet 2020-juin 2021.

CEMA - European Agricultural Machinery

[FR]  Le Domaine de Favas est un vignoble bio où l’on travaille dans le respect de la biodiversité. A sa tête, Samuel et...

[FR] Le Domaine de Favas est un vignoble bio où l’on travaille dans le respect de la biodiversité. A sa tête, Samuel et Geoffrey Masse, qui ont repris l’exploitation de leurs grands-parents et l’ont transformée en un projet moderne et durable. Rencontre avec Samuel Masse, viticulteur et ancien Président du CEJA.

[NL] Het Domaine de Favas is een biologische wijngaard waar gewerkt wordt met respect voor de biodiversiteit. Aan het hoofd ervan staan Samuel en Geoffrey Masse, die de boerderij van hun grootouders hebben overgenomen en omgevormd tot een modern en duurzaam project. Farmers of Europe ontmoette Samuel Masse, wijnbouwer en oud-voorzitter van CEJA.

[EN] The Domaine de Favas is an organic vineyard with a focus on biodiversity. At its head are Samuel and Geoffrey Masse, who took over the farm from their grandparents and transformed it into a modern and sustainable project. Farmers of Europe talked to Samuel Masse, winemaker and former CEJA President.

Domaine de Favas - CEJA Young Farmers

The UK abattoir sector is facing a severe shortage of workers, which has led to a large backlog of pigs being slaughtere...

The UK abattoir sector is facing a severe shortage of workers, which has led to a large backlog of pigs being slaughtered and processed. The National Pig Association fears a welfare disaster within weeks if farmers cannot get their pigs to slaughter. More than 120,000 pigs will have to be slaughtered.

 Posted in News UK abattoir sector in dire straits, 120,000 pigs to be slaughtered  Antoon  5 October 2021  Leave a Comment on UK abattoir sector in dire straits, 120,000 pigs to be slaughtered The UK abattoir sector is facing a severe shortage of workers, which has led to a large backlog of pig...


Sint Gillis


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